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Which Breen ship to get?

dukeskyloaferdukeskyloafer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
I hope you guys don't mind if I put this here instead of in the shipyards. I'm not looking for build advice, just advice on which ship to get from people who have Breen ships already.

I play very infrequently, and as such it's taken me 3 years to get 1000 autographed portraits of Q. Now I have to decide which ship to get. I'm a Fed science captain. I usually fly science ships, but also sometimes fly cruisers or escorts. I enjoy a good carrier from time to time. My play style is generally to broadside with beams and use science powers like GW. I don't PVP, and I'm not concerned with having the best DPS, just respectable DPS.

I think the Plesh Brek is not the ship for me. I'm currently trying to decide between the Chel Grett and the Sarr Theln.

The CG seems like the best choice because it is fast and maneuverable, I can put beams or cannons on it depending on how I feel, and it can do some science things.

However, the ST is very tempting because it's already T6 and can launch frigates.

Does anyone have any advice that could help me decide?
Post edited by dukeskyloafer on


  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    absolutely get the carrier. Its science themed. However it cannot launch the frigates unless you can get (or have) both ships.... if possible, make an alt and do the race twice a day to get them, and get on that NOW while there are still enough days to do it.

    Also try to log in daily to earn the ships. It takes like 5 min to do the race, if you can find a way to manage it, and nothing else, once a day?

    The t6 carrier will give you
    - a starship trait
    - intel seats
    - a solid "sci" ship / carrier with solid pets
    - a t6 ship (slight upgrade from t5 in stats, across the board).
  • withnail68withnail68 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The CG is more battle cruiser than escort and is not really manoverable enough for cannon.

    My advice would be to go for the ST. Its T6, so you will get the trait, which being a carrier trait will help all your ships with pets.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    withnail68 wrote: »
    The CG is more battle cruiser than escort and is not really manoverable enough for cannon.

    My advice would be to go for the ST. Its T6, so you will get the trait, which being a carrier trait will help all your ships with pets.

    you can do DHC decently with it, given the 1000 ways you can get turn rate in DR. Pilot trait, DR rep trait, captain box trait, fleet eng console or crafted eng console, pilot tree passives, ... to name a few ... turn rate is so widely available you can do PVE with DHC on a carrier if you want to build for it. Its not optimal, but it can be fun, I have a DHC JH carrier that does pretty well. Built for it, a carrier can have the same turn rate as a "nothing installed" escort or better, in the 15-20 range.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Both. If you have 2 characters, grind the 8x10 glossies on each. One get the Chel Gret, one for the Sar Theln. Then use the alt-char discount and get it for 40 glossies on the other char.

    That said, the CG is a really solid and worthy ship. I ran it with DBBs, all BAs, torps and DHCs (beat NWS with it that way). It's flexible. It's capable. It's got a free T5U upgrade that expands its stats a bit.

    If you are only going for one, the CG has my vote. Plesh Brek was "interesting" but flawed as a raider. It has no cloak. You can't have a raider class without a cloak. Every char I have has the CG, though.
  • dukeskyloaferdukeskyloafer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks guys. This gives me a lot to think about. I'm not as sour on the ST as I was before. I'll see how many more portraits I can grind out before the end.

    If I could get two ships, would you recommend the Chel and the Sarr, or get the Sarr and the Plesh for the frigate pets?
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you go for the carrier, make sure to pick up the raider as well. You can't use the frigate pets unless you own the raider too.

    Edit: Whoops. Just saw that was already mentioned. Lack of coffee etc. Just take it as back up statement. :P
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • worgausworgaus Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I can't really compare the Chel to the carrier, because I don't have the carrier, but I've had the Chel for 3 years, and it is an excellent ship, especially for a freebie, even before the 5U was an option. It's also a Tac/Sci hybrid, with more emphasis on the Tac side. If a flexible, maneuverable cruiser that flies like an up-gunned destroyer appeals to you, this ship is a solid choice.

    That said, and I know you said you don't spend a lot of time on the game, but if you made an alt and got it to level 10, you could double the amount of ships you could get by the end of the holiday, and get both the carrier and the Chel. Or the carrier and the Plesh so you could get the frigate pet. Just a thought.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    What you should try to focus on is a carrier with frigate pets.
    That gets you 2/3 of the ships.
    If you want a dps "cruiser" ... earn some EC and buy a t6 benthan. It is better in every way (except price tag). It is also fairly cheap for a box ship, currently.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    without a shadow of doubt the carrier, for a start its T6 so better then the others that are only T5 with a free T5u upgrade, and secondly its a carrier and far more powerful then the other 2 ships, plus when you eventually get it to T5 ship mastery you will get a ship trait that you will not get with the other two ships.

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    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

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