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Pathfinder/Intrepid, and me (and maybe some of you....)

carterjohns1209carterjohns1209 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
Hi everyone,

I've been actively, daily playing STO since the middle of season 5. One of the BEST parts of the game has been the fact that I'm able to play whatever SORT of character from the Star Trek Multiverse that I want to. This is anything from correct uniforms and insignia to a certain species, to a ship whose interior looks just like I remember it from a favorite VOY Episode. My point? Today the limited time Pathfinder (ship and interiors) bundle disappeared. This is sad because I can't buy either of the new Voyager interiors. Why is this? Friends tell me it's because I bought parts of the new massive, 5k plus zen bundle of totality for the Intrepid, before the bundle came out. Therefore I can't see it to purchase. I'd be so happy to buy either interior, and I'm certainly planning on purchasing the Pathfinder, because I really want to fly it. My hope is that parts of the bundle will again be released as a la carte items. I don't think players should be prevented from adding to the options that help them play the game in a way that makes them happy. Surely, I can't be the only player that feels this way? Thoughts?

Post edited by carterjohns1209 on


  • carterjohns1209carterjohns1209 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    I didn't buy any of the T6 Pathfinder items that were (I say were because the option to buy the 4k zen bundle simply vanished) in the pack. What I was hoping to do was buy something that has the new VOY interiors. I can't buy the Big Pack at 5600 (or somesuch) zen because I bought the Cpt. Level Intrepid, VA intrepid, and the previous, loosely done, non VOY bridge pack. I received a "we regret the inconvenience" message when I asked if there was anything I could do to get the pack again. I tried a force verify, and a reset via patch of all the files in question. I can't think of anything to try, even. Unless the Gods of PWE smile on me, my only option is to buy the pathfinder, and hope the bridges come out as separate. I waited so long to be able to have the full game experience. I find this disappointing, to say the least.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The Pathfinder + Interiors bundle was limited time only. I believe it was only for the ship's launch weekend. The only way to get the interiors now is to buy the mega bundle. Sadly, if you buy one of the variants it locks you out from buying the mega bundle. Which means you can never, ever get the Intrepid interiors.

    It's a terrible decision on Cryptic's part. I can't even imagine why they would create this cool new product and then permanently lock some of their customers out from ever buying it.

    Players: "Those Intrepid interiors are awesome! Let me throw money at you for them Cryptic!"

    Cryptic: "Nah."

    Mine Trap Supporter
  • carterjohns1209carterjohns1209 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    That is not the news I wanted to hear. I spent a lot of money here in spite of buyer beware ideas that said I was better off not doing so. Hundreds of dollars as a silver, more for gold, and most recently, the entire fee for lifetime. I really don't see why I should be disallowed from spending more money on ships and interiors, because I spent money previously. I'm not convinced that anyone but players even reads these threads. In the unicorns and rainbows hope that I'm wrong....

    PWE, make the Intrepid interior options individual purchases, or please consider bringing back the Pathfinder + interiors bundle at some future point. You'll get money, and make myself and possibly others really happy.
  • mke84mke84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm in the same boat at you. I've waited for this since I started playing in Dec 2010. It was perhaps the number 1 ship/interior that I wanted and I waited patiently. I also took a break from the game and came back precisely 1 day after the 4000 zen pathfinder + voyager interior left the C-Store.

    Let me tell you how far I've went to get the ship and interiors.

    Can you please delete the T5 Intrepid and Bellerphon from my account as if I've never purchased it so I can go buy the Voyager pack? "Nope we're not able to do that."

    I have enough zen for the Intrepid bundle, can you deduct the 5500 zen from my account and add the T6 Intrepid and interiors to my account? "Nope. We're not allowed to do that."

    This makes absolutely no sense and it's a big slap in the face for long time players who've already spent money on the game. It's like being punished for making past purchases.

    It also makes no sense.

    Hardcore ST fans would likely be the first to play this game years ago, they also more than likely BOUGHT a intrepid variant over the years. They are the exact hardcore fans who would love a voyager interior and now unable to get one.

    New players to the game, are likely casual players who would be LESS interested/not at all interested in an interior, just the ship so they can go blow up things. Yet they are given the option to spend more zen, which most probably won't.

    Great logic here. Great customer service. Great way to treat long time players who spent money in the past, by punishing them.

    So until this changes (yeah right) , I simply won't be purchasing the 3000 T6 intrepid from the c-store. They've lost out on the purchase.
  • batsnacks89batsnacks89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm in the exact same boat. Was waiting patiently for years just for this. Bought the T5 Intrepid. Then family comes in for the Thanksgiving holiday, I'm off for a bit visiting. Come back to the game and it's released but can't buy it because I missed the Pathfinder + Interiors.

    I myself opened a ticket and got generic copy/paste responses that weren't exactly relevant to anything in the ticket.

    It sucks. Of all my friends that play, I'm the only one interested in the Intrepid/Interiors and I'm the only one who can't buy it :( - oddly enough that means no one in my group bought it either.
  • carterjohns1209carterjohns1209 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It makes me sad, that all you folks have had identical experiences to me. Being sorry for my inconvenience, or telling me, I essentially can't have what I want, does NOT, resolve my issue. But on the other side, at least I'm not the only one. Somebody is going to read this and maybe spare themselves making the same mistake I did. PLEASE NOTE: I like the game content and being able to play with like minded individuals. I am not happy with the corporate, one solution and then done customer service. It doesn't address any of my concerns except to say "I know you have a problem. I can't help, terribly sorry." That's contrary to everything I know about CS, having worked tech support. and retail sales for years. Offer me a solution, a resolution or, suggest I speak to someone that can help. PLEASE, PWE. We love the game. Make the CS match at the very least the level of work and time you put into the art, say. There's no limit to how much money I'd spend, or ask my friends and relatives to spend, if I thought they wouldn't be disgusted, by the lack of interest, even in your Lifetime players. I know you've heard this before, Hope springs eternal. Help us, and help yourselves by giving the support we know you're capable of.
  • carterjohns1209carterjohns1209 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I wanted to edit this having mistakenly submitted it twice. What I mean is, a database of solutions that tells the client some general things, isn't what I'd hope for. While I don't know, I'd assume that GM's have a tool like this and that's how they annotate things. I'd hope for a real solution or resolution not copy/paste cookie cutter responses. I've done that sort of thing, in various live calls with actual PEOPLE. Seldom if ever are those folks convinced I'm even alive. We're real and important, and we are the same as game masters, devs, and community staff. Please treat us as individuals and NOT statistics, or problems. While I hate pages of ranting and try to keep things positive, I felt the real NEED to say this.
  • mke84mke84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Just thought I'd also add, that this not only makes players like us unhappy, but I feel a LOT less inclined to ever make a purchase for this game.

    Not only that but even if I do want to make further purchases for this game, I now feel wary to do so. "Will this new ship I am buying come out with an interior in the future that I would want? Is it worth risking buying this instead of waiting for a bundle pack?"

    How ridiculous it that? You say you are a business trying to make money?

    Also I don't know how much fairer I could have been. I was willing to lose past purchases just to buy the Intrepid pack at full price. But that isn't acceptable to PWE.

    Seriously, big mistake on your part PWE.
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It is crazy i want this ship and interior, but i am not paying for just the ship, so they get a no sale from me, PWE are a strange bunch.
  • theonlyhamster#0636 theonlyhamster Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This maybe irrelivant but can anyone help? I posted like 3 hours ago and no ones helped :(
  • batsnacks89batsnacks89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I think I'm going to hold on to the hope that the Pathfinder + Interiors pack will come out again at some point, so I'm not going to get the ship on its own and get locked out of the pack if it comes back around. Then again, it may never come back...It's quite the conundrum.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Pretty much this whole thread is what was going on for me the launch weekend, so i got the pathfinder T6 and interior bundle to not loose out on the interior and feel bad for those that missed that opportunity.
  • dunnonutindunnonutin Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I dont think it was mentioned but you can still get the interiors if you go to the ship customisation npc's and you can get each one there. Not a bundle but the option is still if you really want it. I think they run 20-25K zen each.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dunnonutin wrote: »
    I dont think it was mentioned but you can still get the interiors if you go to the ship customisation npc's and you can get each one there. Not a bundle but the option is still if you really want it. I think they run 20-25K zen each.


    Let's hope no Dev reads this, or it will be in top of the next patchnotes.. :mad:
  • mke84mke84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dunnonutin wrote: »
    I dont think it was mentioned but you can still get the interiors if you go to the ship customisation npc's and you can get each one there. Not a bundle but the option is still if you really want it. I think they run 20-25K zen each.

    Let's hope no Dev reads this, or it will be in top of the next patchnotes.. :mad:

    Where exactly? Do you have the buy the pathfinder T6 for 3000 zen first? Cause I don't see it.
  • dunnonutindunnonutin Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mke84 wrote: »
    Where exactly? Do you have the buy the pathfinder T6 for 3000 zen first? Cause I don't see it.

    Nah, just go to customize bridge layout. Should be right at the top, least it is on mine.
  • mke84mke84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dunnonutin wrote: »
    Nah, just go to customize bridge layout. Should be right at the top, least it is on mine.

    Are you sure you are not referring to the really old "intrepid" bridge packs released way back when the game started? I have bought all the FED bridge packs over the years. So under my bridge customization screen I see bridges yes, but they are all unlocked, and none are the new voyager interiors.
  • playstation37playstation37 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    there is only 1 thing you can do guys copy paste this link and put it on Facebook twitter instagram anything soon thousands will now the truth about perfect world how they treat there paying customers like they used to say in the old days if they don't wanne listen they have to feel xd
  • thegcbaconthegcbacon Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    there is only 1 thing you can do guys copy paste this link and put it on Facebook twitter instagram anything soon thousands will now the truth about perfect world how they treat there paying customers like they used to say in the old days if they don't wanne listen they have to feel xd

    rotf. You got exactly what you paid for. You missed the special offer, stop acting like a child & wait for the next time it's available. It's not like not having a bridge makes your ship less playable. Only entitled people like yourself will see any wrong doing by PW.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    there is only 1 thing you can do guys copy paste this link and put it on Facebook twitter instagram anything soon thousands will now the truth about perfect world how they treat there paying customers like they used to say in the old days if they don't wanne listen they have to feel xd

    2 posts hmm fe fi fo fum I smell the posting of a troll who got banned and made a troll account
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