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DHC Scimitar Build?

whiteshoreswhiteshores Member Posts: 46 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Romulan Discussion
Hi all,

I finally gave in and bought the Zen to get a Scimitar, as well as the Valdore for its console. However, I haven't spent yet because I'm nervouis about the purchase.

Every build I see is for beams, and I'm one of those pesky players who likes things to match canon somewhat. For me, that means DHCs on my Scimitar, at least to fore!

Does anyone have a build suggestion for this which does *not* require heavy reputation? My Romulan is not my main, but my interest in him has increased, so I'm sure that will change. However, for the moment, we have to deal with less ideal gear. On the bright side, there's a marks bonus going on right now, and I could also sell the excess Zen for dilithium toward fleet weapons (eventually - 0 fleet credits).

Some noteworthy stuff I do or will have, maybe helpful in build advice, maybe not desirable at all (I know I've seen a lot of builds emphasize ditching torpedoes) ...

Valdore Console
Plasmonic Leech
Singularity Stabilizer
Tachyokinetic Converter
Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Mk XIV [CrtD][CrtH]
Overcharged Singularity Core Mk XII [EPS][Res][SCap][Trans]

Anything you can provide wouild be much appreciated! I hesitate to buy until I know my cannon-laden Scimitar monster can really be made without high reputation all over. :)
Post edited by whiteshores on


  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    A Scim can wipe the floor with ASTF opponents on the equipment it left Remus on, whatever you do it it will just make it OP.

    PS - Shinzon's Scim actually used single disruptor cannons and Photon Torps.
  • krakenhazenkrakenhazen Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I used this as a base and then tweaked from there:


    It has served me well.
  • whiteshoreswhiteshores Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thank you for the advice so far!

    Anyone else with builds? I'm willing to go to single cannons, too, if I must. :P That nice torpedo could be thrown into the mix if you think it'd be superior to five cannons to fore, as well.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    Overall the gun/beam argument comes down to one element - your own abilities as a pilot.

    The reason for the prevalence of beam build is simple: it's easier to min/max your dps for PvE.

    I tried a dual cannon build, then a single cannon build. While they were both effective and fun, the beam-spam versions were much more effective.
  • whiteshoreswhiteshores Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I understand that beams may be more effective, but I'm not necessarily looking to min-max. For me, the Scimitar is a cannon ship. Just has to be. Even the thought of it using beams is a strange sight in my mind (plus I already fly a JHDC beamboat as my Fed main's ship).

    So, I'm just trying to find an effective build using cannons, acknowledging my resources being limited in terms of reputation and such.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    It's totally do-able ;) was just pointing out why some people do it.

    When you're grinding, you're grinding. It's all about ease.
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm in the same boat as the OP. I'm a bit of a canon freak myself. I've been running DBB with the Romulan space set. DHCs don't work too well for me on this ship. I must be missing something.
  • whiteshoreswhiteshores Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I now have over 100k fleet credits and a whole bunch of dilithium. This means that I can at least purchase some fleet gear to outfit my Scimitar.

    Suggestions, please, keeping in mind my goal to be a cannon (and maybe one torpedo) shooter? :)
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    warpedcore wrote: »
    DHCs don't work too well for me on this ship. I must be missing something.

    The base turnrate is a bit too low to use DHCs against anything non-static, and the ship 'drifts' in the corners thanks to it's low inertia rating.

    To get around all that, Undine engines are tied for fastest turning engines in the game and give +5 inertia, bolt those on with a pair of Fleet RCS [ResAll] and the new Tier 2 Delta Reputation Trait and it'll be a lot easier to handle. Pilot Spec being active (+10% turn) plus things like Maneuvering Thrusters II and the reverse spec help a bit too. Then it's a matter of tactics, making 'passes' like you're a World War II fighter plane does not work well with a ship this big, coming to a complete stop (make sure you have Subterfuge on your BOffs to reduce the negative Defense penalty this usually inflicts) and aiming the entire ship works for slower stuff, reducing to half throttle (tighter turning radius) or even flipping it into reverse to keep faster stuff in your forward arc works better.
  • mm06360mm06360 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Have the LTC uni slot be for a Sci with a GW1. Anything to get as many enemies into one nice area for a CSV3. Also trying to debuff their speed may help with keeping them in the arc.
  • yamato4745yamato4745 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have a cannon scimitar. If you use two of the consoles that come with the 3 pack you will get a bonus turn rate which helps. I also have an fleet armored rcs console on mine. Also the trait from the delta rep that gives bonus turn rate. as far as weapons, i have 4 DHC up front with the romulan exper. beam array. I have a turret, cutting beam, and rom torpedo in back for the set romulan bonuses. I also have a reman bridge officer that gives the infiltrator trait to get bonus damage for cloaking. Cloaking in and out for the bonus and doing high dps fly bys works good for me. just my 2 cents
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I have a Scimi as well, and I alternate between beams and cannons (depending on how lazy I'm feeling). I used to run single cannons until I decided to hell with it, and started to run DHCs. I can get my Scimi up to ~18 turn rate, which is more than enough for DHCs, and the rest is just a mass of CSV and CRF bolts followed by warp core breaches. You know how it is ;)

    Granted I have a T5U scimi, and I run 2x Fleet Neutroniums [Turn] and 1x Fleet RCS [ResAll]. Not as good as those crazy mk XIII RCS that have [ResAll] and give +20 hull resists each, but it does make my hull resists sit around 30% and gives me my 18 turn rate. And I run pure DHCs with turrets and the KCB on the rear. Easily hits 15k DPS when I'm being lazy, and if I'm actually trying can get to around 20k (nothing compared to my 25k beam build, but that's cuz beams are beams are beams are pew pew lazors of disco madness).

    If you want to get a decent DHC scimi, run this build. Decent dakka with decent survivability. Enjoy!
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm running 1 DBB/4xDHC fore, KCB/Heavy Disruptor Turret/Disruptor Turret aft. It seems to work just fine for me. I've never gone full-out 5x DHC. It seems that could work w/that Marion Doff, but I don't have the funds to test it.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    There is just one thing i like to point out for a dhc scim build and thats the 2pc bonus from the scim consoles. It lets you keep the turnrate buff from when cloaked after decloaking for the duration of the anbush time. You should becreman using infiltrator trait and slot a boff with sup inf too. That gived you about 22sec of very good turnrate. If you have the delta pack there are two really good boffs right there.

    Thats at least what i did. makes this big assed baby almost agile:)
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I run 2 DHC, 2 DBB, and a torp in the fore. Gives me a little bit of everything. Plus turrets in the aft does the trick.

    Fleet RCS at any mark is a lifesaver for this ship. That said, you can use the inertia to space-drift and keep your fore quadrant faced at the enemy with a bit of practice, so I haven't found cannons to be too difficult to keep in arc.

    For any of you who have played good 'ol Freelancer, the full-cruise and engine kill while turning to keep forward on the enemy very much works with the Scimitar.
  • calintane753calintane753 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This works well for me, even if its a Falchion and not a Scimitar.

    Bye / Qapl
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This works well for me, even if its a Falchion and not a Scimitar.

    Bye / Qapl
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • alphaomega000qalphaomega000q Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    2 peice scimi consoles for pvp with fleeties fits my playstyle
    and working on the delta core as it should get amp mod
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    What is the scimitar one glaring perk, that sets it apart from every other ship?

    8 weapons? Nope. The ability to be a FAW monster? nope.

    The ability to cloack with your shields on is.

    As romulan, your cloack has short cooldowns and you get ambush bonuses, as a reman you keep that bonus for 15 (or more...)seconds (but in turn, you look like a shriveled potato leppers person)!
    And in any case :your critical hit rate will be HIGH due do being romulan. (make sure your crew is stacked with operative traits.)

    How to make the best of this?

    1.) DHC of course are good because they do frontloaded damage, now you should look for the guns with CRITD (for pve). They are ultra cheap usually because CRITD is a ignored stat that noone pays money for. For added win, pick anti proton cannons (the vanilla ones!) Greens will do (remember you can often upgrade them cheaper via tech than via buying them for ec).

    AP DualHeavyCannons will deal maximized critical damage for cheap.

    2.) if you have a fleet, get yourself some spire console that add critical damage.

    3.) Rep traits: space critical hit and crit severity.

    4.) Pattern Beta3, scatter volley2 or switch around as you like. Boffs should have basic tanking and cleaning (HE Sci team, engi team power to shields 2).

    The Basic idea of this is hit and fade:

    Decloack, unload your volley until tac buffs run out, then recloack, perhaps reposition and do it again over and over to get the ambush bonus.

    5.) Power to weapons is workable, a build using grav well 1 is also possible. you have some freedom in your boff selection on this ship. just make sure you keep the purpose in mind: hit em like a truck, then break off and do it again.
    "attack runs" are viable on this ship because you can always cloak away under fire.

    Torp spread and gravi torps or high yield and the bio photon are both good torpedoes, though for this build i would recommend the bio torp with high yield. it makes a really big boom.

    You should go 5 DHC front, 2 turrets and 1 of these torps (for when you pass the target group, you can send em a present before hitting cloack) 4 DHC torp and 2 turrets 1 torp also works.
  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    1.) DHC of course are good because they do frontloaded damage, now you should look for the guns with CRITD (for pve). They are ultra cheap usually because CRITD is a ignored stat that noone pays money for. For added win, pick anti proton cannons (the vanilla ones!) Greens will do (remember you can often upgrade them cheaper via tech than via buying them for ec).

    What game are you playing? CtrD is the most expensive weapon mod/repeat mod in the game right now. Everybody seems to want it.
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