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Deciding on a sci ship T6

birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
edited November 2014 in Federation Discussion
Its the choice between Dauntless or Scryer:

I like that the Dauntless has better tact options but the Scryer has access to more options for intel abilities.

Thoughts on which is better for what?
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  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I bought the T6 Pathfinder... throw it into the Mix. Personally I'm getting the Scryer & Dauntless next for the 5th Mastery trait then the Guardian for its own trait.

    Then back to my tac Vesta Class. Cuz I love the design, BOFF layout, console setup, and its crew count.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    coffeemike wrote: »
    I bought the T6 Pathfinder... throw it into the Mix. Personally I'm getting the Scryer & Dauntless next for the 5th Mastery trait then the Guardian for its own trait.

    Then back to my tac Vesta Class. Cuz I love the design, BOFF layout, console setup, and its crew count.

    well I've narrowed it down to those two, can't exactly afford all of them but want to get one but not sure which is better for what.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    What's your current ship and captain profession
  • desertjetsdesertjets Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    TBH I dismiss the Dauntless purely on its looks (which is funny since the Scryer isn't exactly a looker either).

    The strength I can see on paper with the Dauntless is the ability to have a decent number of tac abilities with the LTc and LT boff slots, plus the ability to still carry a full load of sci abilities and the LT sci/intel hybrid seat lets you get into the intel abilities without much sacrificing core sci abilities much. The starship trait doesn't seem bad either.

    But as a Scryer driver I firmly believe it had gobs of potential that isn't readily apparent from its stats and it is all coming from the intel officer abilities. Plus of the three T6 fed sci ships I feel that it has the most useful ship trait and the most useful universal console.

    I wouldn't completely discount the T6 Intrepid either. But you need to want to get into the traditional science roles to get the most out of that ship. It is by far one of the best looking fed ships in the game ATM (especially if you ignore some of the uglier variants that were TRIBBLE together for the game).
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hence why I just level them for their traits and just go back to my tac Vesta... I'll look at their fleet versions later on when they go live.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    OP, between the 2 ships you listed:

    If you like all the TAC BOFF abilities on the Dauntless, you're better off playing on an Escort. If you drool at the idea of going HYT3, BFAW3, APO1, or whatever, then you're better off playing on an Escort.

    The Dauntless gives up far too much Science and Engineering for the TAC BOFF seating it has, yet it still likes to call itself a Science Vessel. LtCdr TAC capable Science Vessels balance this well enough, but the Dauntless goes overboard and gives up far too much of everything else. Yet it only has 6 whopping weapon slots.

    The Scryer at least knows what it is about and everything about it caters to that. Not to mention the recent inclusion of a Secondary Deflector Slot as well as Sensor Analysis. The Scryer is the only Science Vessel in the entire game with Sensor Analysis and Gather Intel toggle abilities, all in one ship. You can have both toggled on 1 target or on 2 targets between the 2. On one target, that is a lot of debuffs going on when the stacks rack up and the Gather Intel expose effects are used. Not even the new Pathfinder has this perk, nor the Dauntless. All while having a strong Science BOFF arrangement. As a full fledged Intel vessel, it lets you go far into Intel abilities if you want. The only negative aspect of the Scryer is in the "looks" deparment. But in terms of Science Vessel capability, nothing else comes close.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    OP, between the 2 ships you listed:

    If you like all the TAC BOFF abilities on the Dauntless, you're better off playing on an Escort. If you drool at the idea of going HYT3, BFAW3, APO1, or whatever, then you're better off playing on an Escort.

    The Dauntless gives up far too much Science and Engineering for the TAC BOFF seating it has, yet it still likes to call itself a Science Vessel. LtCdr TAC capable Science Vessels balance this well enough, but the Dauntless goes overboard and gives up far too much of everything else. Yet it only has 6 whopping weapon slots.

    The Scryer at least knows what it is about and everything about it caters to that. Not to mention the recent inclusion of a Secondary Deflector Slot as well as Sensor Analysis. The Scryer is the only Science Vessel in the entire game with Sensor Analysis and Gather Intel toggle abilities, all in one ship. You can have both toggled on 1 target or on 2 targets between the 2. On one target, that is a lot of debuffs going on when the stacks rack up and the Gather Intel expose effects are used. Not even the new Pathfinder has this perk, nor the Dauntless. All while having a strong Science BOFF arrangement. As a full fledged Intel vessel, it lets you go far into Intel abilities if you want. The only negative aspect of the Scryer is in the "looks" deparment. But in terms of Science Vessel capability, nothing else comes close.

    That's what i kinda figured about the scryer, thanks. I alsp agree about the dauntless, its like a sci ship wanting to be an escort and not sure where to place itself, aside from the ship trait the scryer seems to be a better sci ship.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think the Scryer is decent. I'm levleing it up right now, and I feel it's an okay ship.

    I couldn't wait to get out of the Dauntless, though. Something about that ship really doesn't work for me, performance and aesthetic-wise.

    ...that said, I'll echo how stat-wise, the T6 Intrepid seems to share being top-dog with the Scryer presently... with the advantage going to the Intrepid as a Sci ship.

    However, if I had a choice, I'd pick a T6 Luna... which sadly doesn't exist. Yet.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For pure looks i'd go with the Pathfinder, it's the best looking ship in the game at the moment IMO and has plenty of customization options to make it look pretty unique.

    For all out heavy science the Pathfinder is also top dog but you need to invest in it to get it working really well.

    The Dauntless is trying to be too many things at once, it wants to be like the Vesta but lacks the ability to slot cannons or the hanger, so looses quite a bit of flexibility in that area. Plus it tries to be an escort as well but really can't compete when things like a Phantom or Tempest come along to the same fight.

    The Scryer is IMO the better choice (despite being pig ugly) as it has full science capabilities and also the benefit of intel abilities to boot. The sensor analysis plus gather intel ability make it very powerful. Add in the cloak and the fact it can slot any weapon type and you've got a much more flexible ship.
    If you can handle the hideous aesthetics then this is the better choice.

    The only other thing i'd say is that fleet version of all of these ships will be along at some point in the next half year maybe. And that means extra consoles and HPs. Looking at the current set-ups of these ships it may be that some of then change a fair bit (Pathfinder with 3rd tac console?) so that could open up some more build choices.
    If you can get a ship that works as a T6 really well then once it goes T6-Fleet you're on a winner as the extra console will be a big boost rather than something you've been desperately needing for it to work.

    (Personally i'm really hoping we get a Fleet T6 Vesta! :D)
  • jamesdaxjamesdax Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Wanting a T6 D'kyr myself.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    For pure looks i'd go with the Pathfinder, it's the best looking ship in the game at the moment IMO and has plenty of customization options to make it look pretty unique.

    For all out heavy science the Pathfinder is also top dog but you need to invest in it to get it working really well.

    The Dauntless is trying to be too many things at once, it wants to be like the Vesta but lacks the ability to slot cannons or the hanger, so looses quite a bit of flexibility in that area. Plus it tries to be an escort as well but really can't compete when things like a Phantom or Tempest come along to the same fight.

    The Scryer is IMO the better choice (despite being pig ugly) as it has full science capabilities and also the benefit of intel abilities to boot. The sensor analysis plus gather intel ability make it very powerful. Add in the cloak and the fact it can slot any weapon type and you've got a much more flexible ship.
    If you can handle the hideous aesthetics then this is the better choice.

    The only other thing i'd say is that fleet version of all of these ships will be along at some point in the next half year maybe. And that means extra consoles and HPs. Looking at the current set-ups of these ships it may be that some of then change a fair bit (Pathfinder with 3rd tac console?) so that could open up some more build choices.
    If you can get a ship that works as a T6 really well then once it goes T6-Fleet you're on a winner as the extra console will be a big boost rather than something you've been desperately needing for it to work.

    (Personally i'm really hoping we get a Fleet T6 Vesta! :D)

    As far as Fleet T6 versions of the Intrepid & Scryer and what the console upgrade will be, it should be easy to guess.

    Fleet Scryer: Should get +1 ENG Console. Reason is it has a LtCdr ENG station.

    Fleet Intrepid: Easy. It's going to get +1 TAC Console. The precedent was set with the T5 Fleet Intrepid that had a 3/3/4 layout. Regular T6 Intrepid has 2/3/5, so it's Fleet upgrade will get the +1 TAC Console back.

    Fleet Dauntless: Very TAC heavy BOFF setup and it already has 5 SCI Consoles. It should get an extra TAC Console to take it to 4.
  • vosorosvosoros Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll vote for the T6 long range science vessel...

    Whilst I'm not a fan of the pathfinder model with a weird box and cone strapped to the belly of an otherwise beautiful design, you can apply other model designs or mix and match as pleases you. The boon of this ship is the heavy concentration of science abilities you can bring to bare alongside a surprisingly high amount of damage and resilience.

    I also like the roleplaying aspects of this ship...it's designed to go it alone as much as work well in a group. And it can do that in-game too.

  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The Pathfinder Class is pure sci ship... the Fleet version should be more interesting depending on what 11th console placement Cryptic chooses. If its tac, then this ship becomes a sci-scort with specific builds. Either way, that Lt. Universal slot in the Pathfinder is quite handy.

    Then again I'm those who are willing to buy at T6 Vesta Class ;)
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