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Any radiation damage builds yet?

miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
I been playing around the notion of radiation damage and making builds around it, though I am unsure if it can even be done. I have checked the wiki but I am not sure at this point still.
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  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well the Delta alliance weapon set gives a nice little bonus to radiation damage and the neutronic gives a good amount of radiation damage. Id say its possible but I don't think anyone has done it yet.
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  • alpharaider47#7707 alpharaider47 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've been working on one for a bit, but I haven't been able to squeeze as much damage out of it as I'd like. It's certainly possible though. I was running a T5U Fleet Regent with the rep beam, neutronic torp, KCB, and 5 thoron beams. I believe radiation damage is counted as an exotic damage type, so if you can boost this you may be able to get a bit out of it. I don't have the resources to fully spec into it right now, so mine is a work in progress.

    The placate is pretty fun however, especially against players. It seems to proc fairly frequently, and the torpedo is pretty much a guarantee, so that's really where most of your damage is going to come from. You might try it on a science ship too, the buffs to exotic damage should help. I'm running a hybrid drain/radiation build on my T6 Intrepid and it works very well so far. Again, needs a lot of work, but it's getting there.

    I can post some of my stats/boffs/doffs, if anyone is interested. I'm probably just not getting the most out of mine so far :P
    STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I believe radiation damage is counted as an exotic damage type

    I thought Exotic Damage is no damage type. As far as I understand it, Exotic damage is all damage triggered without firing a weapon.

    Like Warp Plasma. Still Plasma Damage type, but also exotic damage.
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  • alpharaider47#7707 alpharaider47 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    I thought Exotic Damage is no damage type. As far as I understand it, Exotic damage is all damage triggered without firing a weapon.

    Like Warp Plasma. Still Plasma Damage type, but also exotic damage.

    What I meant is that I believe that things that buff exotic damage also buff radiation; I was under the impression that radiation fell under the umbrella of exotic damage. This, however, could be wrong, which would impact how one goes about maxing it.
    STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Radiation dmg builds have been possible since last season with the release of 8472 Rep. The Bio-Molecular weapons give far, far stronger radiation dmg than Thoron Infused weapons of Delta Rep. Just hop onto your 8472 rep store and see the vast difference in radiation dmg potential. Only the Delta Rep's very strong Neutronic Torpedo has competitive radiation dmg.

    Counter Command Ordnance Set
    - Multi Energy Relay (TAC Console Slot) gives radiation damage boost
    - 2 piece bonus is a great Phaser / Disruptor Bonus while giving Bio-Molecular weapons a +2% chance to land their incubation radiation dmg proc

    Delta Alliance Ordnance
    - Neutronic Torpedoes it should be noted emit a small blast radius.
    - 2 piece bonus gives radiation dmg boost

    It was perfectly possible before with 8472 Rep alone to have a very heavy Radiation build basing it around Bio-Molecular Phasers / Disruptors and the hard hitting Bio-Molecular Photon. Delta Rep adds options for more radiation play.

    I also want to add another huge + regarding 8472 rep's incubation proc is that there is no "lockout" period for any of its effects, unlike Thoron infused weapons and their placates. 15 seconds is a long lockout period. 8472's radiation damage get better against Undine ships.
    What I meant is that I believe that things that buff exotic damage also buff radiation; I was under the impression that radiation fell under the umbrella of exotic damage. This, however, could be wrong, which would impact how one goes about maxing it.

    A dev post about Exotic dmg.
  • graysockgraysock Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    No, radiation damage is counted as radiation damage.

    There are only a few parts that give damage increase and thats the undine energy relay and the 2 part set delta ordnance bonus and it is still pretty weak boost.
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The hargh'peng torpedo also does a good chunk of radiation DoT as its secondary effect, could be useful to pump up the damage numbers.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The hargh'peng torpedo also does a good chunk of radiation DoT as its secondary effect, could be useful to pump up the damage numbers.

    What sucks is Hargh'peng's radiation dmg does not get increased in any way.
  • miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've been working on one for a bit, but I haven't been able to squeeze as much damage out of it as I'd like. It's certainly possible though. I was running a T5U Fleet Regent with the rep beam, neutronic torp, KCB, and 5 thoron beams. I believe radiation damage is counted as an exotic damage type, so if you can boost this you may be able to get a bit out of it. I don't have the resources to fully spec into it right now, so mine is a work in progress.

    The placate is pretty fun however, especially against players. It seems to proc fairly frequently, and the torpedo is pretty much a guarantee, so that's really where most of your damage is going to come from. You might try it on a science ship too, the buffs to exotic damage should help. I'm running a hybrid drain/radiation build on my T6 Intrepid and it works very well so far. Again, needs a lot of work, but it's getting there.

    I can post some of my stats/boffs/doffs, if anyone is interested. I'm probably just not getting the most out of mine so far :P

    Yeah, I was thinking of going with the delta weapon set on my fleet varanus, it just seems like the thoron-infused polaron proc seems fairly weak. Too many small things and I am not sure how the placate works. It says if I fire on the person the placate would immediately wear off... well if I am in the middle of firing on the enemy and the placate procs, i'd still be in the middle of firing muh lazerz so wouldn't the placate just immediately wear off? It also doesn't say how long the placate lasts.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It was perfectly possible before with 8472 Rep alone to have a very heavy Radiation build basing it around Bio-Molecular Phasers / Disruptors and the hard hitting Bio-Molecular Photon. Delta Rep adds options for more radiation play.

    And I've applied that to a T5-U Fleet Patrol Escort Retrofit (focusing on AOE with Torp Volly 3 on the neutronic torpedo coupled with the Nadeon bombs for a little extra phaser-based oomph). I highly recommend it.
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  • dauntless89dauntless89 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Counter Command Ordnance Set
    - Multi Energy Relay (TAC Console Slot) gives radiation damage boost
    - 2 piece bonus is a great Phaser / Disruptor Bonus while giving Bio-Molecular weapons a +2% chance to land their incubation radiation dmg proc

    Delta Alliance Ordnance
    - Neutronic Torpedoes it should be noted emit a small blast radius.
    - 2 piece bonus gives radiation dmg boost

    I am using radiation on my sci toon. What this guy have said are the two so far known options required in order to buff the radiation damaget. There is no need to bother with thoron weapons for their dot of 37x5 radiation is joke. Better use anything else with embassy consoles to give it 230 plasma dot x number of consoles. (5embasy - 1000 plasma dot on non plasma weapon and etc)
    Both torpedos neutron and bio-mol, are good for such build. Their radiation crits sometimes and is good addition.

    Also the Deteriorating deflector is providing a huge ammout of damage to most sci abilities and its radiation can be improved by the above bonuses. I've pointed that in other threads but with these bonuses my abilities gain ~1100 radiation damage x10 (50% of which is penetration to shields).

    So far, radiation builds focusing only on radiation are underpowered but a pure science ship using 2nd deflector to enhance its abilities is giving really good results. Even a mere Tachyon Beam 1 can do 10k damage on top of draining shield and etc. Quite Useful.
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    I thought Exotic Damage is no damage type. As far as I understand it, Exotic damage is all damage triggered without firing a weapon.

    Exotic damage is "kinetic" type but can be improved by Particle Generators instead of torpedy consoles. In order to counter exotic damage, you need a lot of kinetic resistance. Exotic damage is 100% shield penetration.

    Radiation damage is "energy" type but cant be improved by energy consoles. Particle generators affect it slightly but it seems most of its damage comes from Auxuliry Power (at 130-135 etc). Radiation damage is not penetrating shields (there may be some exceptions like deteriorating 2nd deflector buff, where it is stated that the dot is ignoring 50% of the shields). To counter radiation you need all damage resistance but for shield - only nukara one have such defense.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    here's a thread I made in the fed shipyard for the t5u fleet nova:

  • miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am using radiation on my sci toon. What this guy have said are the two so far known options required in order to buff the radiation damaget. There is no need to bother with thoron weapons for their dot of 37x5 radiation is joke. Better use anything else with embassy consoles to give it 230 plasma dot x number of consoles. (5embasy - 1000 plasma dot on non plasma weapon and etc)
    Both torpedos neutron and bio-mol, are good for such build. Their radiation crits sometimes and is good addition.

    Also the Deteriorating deflector is providing a huge ammout of damage to most sci abilities and its radiation can be improved by the above bonuses. I've pointed that in other threads but with these bonuses my abilities gain ~1100 radiation damage x10 (50% of which is penetration to shields).

    So far, radiation builds focusing only on radiation are underpowered but a pure science ship using 2nd deflector to enhance its abilities is giving really good results. Even a mere Tachyon Beam 1 can do 10k damage on top of draining shield and etc. Quite Useful.

    deteriorating deflector? and that is?

    pure science ship using 2nd deflector?

  • dauntless89dauntless89 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Any radiation damage builds yet?

    Good sir, your thread was involving a question which I came and answered. Please hold your anger and don't accuse me of not releasing KDF or ROM ships...because obviously that is beyond my capabilities.

    From what I understand the radiation damage is the future secondary damage type for science captains. Tactical/Engineers can chose from any energy weapon type but science always had "exotic damage" as a main damage type upgraded by "particle generators".
    If things are moving that way, with the arrival of not 1 but 2 sets/pieces to improve radiation on top of a 2nd science deflector giving...radiation damage then as Science player since a lot of time I can conclude radiation will be science new way to deal damage and possibly new consoles improving that (placed on science slots) will be released.

    I cant help you with anything else.
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