It is nice to have a new dance emote but why couldn't my Orion KDF main get the dance? She got the costumes with no problem but it said I could not use the dance and gave me a datachip. Thank goodness it is an account wide unlock because I got it with a Fed alt. An Orion female can always use a new dance.:D
Yes I threw some mean shapes on that dancefloor this afternoon lol!
I was actually trying to think of an adequate way to show a friend of mine how he looked lagging and glitching in FCI today and that emote made him chuckle
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Is this a Fed only move? I got the data pad, but it will not let me learn it.
Apparently you will have to get the dance using a Fed alt. My Orion KDF main can use the dance after a Fed alt got it for her. There also seems to be some issues with the costumes on the KDF side. I hope Cryptic will look into the problems.
Apparently you will have to get the dance using a Fed alt. My Orion KDF main can use the dance after a Fed alt got it for her. There also seems to be some issues with the costumes on the KDF side. I hope Cryptic will look into the problems.
Orions have Drozana. (I will check that station later, but I will wear sunglasses IRL lol. I need my eyesight for later use you know.)
Is this a Fed only move? I got the data pad, but it will not let me learn it.
KDF characters are unable to unlock the dance. They will have it unlocked if you have a FED character unlock it for the account. The unlock can be acquired from either Drozana from Greelan the ferengi, or in Club 47 in ESD from the GPL vendor.
The costume can be unlocked by KDF characters at Drozana from the same ferengi, if they do not have a Fed character available to do the unlock.
Orions have Drozana. (I will check that station later, but I will wear sunglasses IRL lol. I need my eyesight for later use you know.)
yeah.. it's ok but the moves are a little weird for a female toon to do.
the tailor is not intuitive. I modified the formalwear slot and when I chose clubwear the formalwear stayed. I had to go into the individual lines to get the clubwear to come up.
now, the clubwear it'self.. not crazy about a track suit, even with the skirt. and boots and gloves? really? how many women do you see dancing in boots? heels would have been SO much more appropriate.
out of curiosity, the devs that do uniform design.. are any of them women???
yeah.. it's ok but the moves are a little weird for a female toon to do.
the tailor is not intuitive. I modified the formalwear slot and when I chose clubwear the formalwear stayed. I had to go into the individual lines to get the clubwear to come up.
now, the clubwear it'self.. not crazy about a track suit, even with the skirt. and boots and gloves? really? how many women do you see dancing in boots? heels would have been SO much more appropriate.
out of curiosity, the devs that do uniform design.. are any of them women???
We don't have any female costume artists on STO.
However, the Club Wear was actually mostly designed by Zeronious Rex, on of our producers, in her off time. And she is female.
I was actually trying to think of an adequate way to show a friend of mine how he looked lagging and glitching in FCI today and that emote made him chuckle
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Apparently you will have to get the dance using a Fed alt. My Orion KDF main can use the dance after a Fed alt got it for her. There also seems to be some issues with the costumes on the KDF side. I hope Cryptic will look into the problems.
Orions have Drozana. (I will check that station later, but I will wear sunglasses IRL lol. I need my eyesight for later use you know.)
KDF characters are unable to unlock the dance. They will have it unlocked if you have a FED character unlock it for the account. The unlock can be acquired from either Drozana from Greelan the ferengi, or in Club 47 in ESD from the GPL vendor.
The costume can be unlocked by KDF characters at Drozana from the same ferengi, if they do not have a Fed character available to do the unlock.
yeah.. it's ok but the moves are a little weird for a female toon to do.
the tailor is not intuitive. I modified the formalwear slot and when I chose clubwear the formalwear stayed. I had to go into the individual lines to get the clubwear to come up.
now, the clubwear it'self.. not crazy about a track suit, even with the skirt. and boots and gloves? really? how many women do you see dancing in boots? heels would have been SO much more appropriate.
out of curiosity, the devs that do uniform design.. are any of them women???
We don't have any female costume artists on STO.
However, the Club Wear was actually mostly designed by Zeronious Rex, on of our producers, in her off time. And she is female.