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explanation of abbreviations in common use

johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
Since a lot of discussions about ship builds only use abbreviations for skills powers and such I thought it maybe a good idea to make a thread to collect and explain them all. While I'm sure there are other threads out there about this, I couldnt find one now so here we go.

Since no real discussion is needed, pls limit your answers to this thread to stuff I forgot. Also feel free to explain abbreviations used in chat or your fleet or whatever or in general another language other than english (although other forums exist for that too i suppose) as long as you state where this abbreviation applies (in englisch as well).

First lets start with some mission names:

Basically all of those can be easily deciphered if you know the general format used: which is

<Mission name short> <location> <difficulty>

So [Infected: The Conduit] [Space] [advanced] will be shorted to ISA for Infected Space Advanced.
As there is no other mission with only an I right now, its enough. Similarly, Infected: Manus Normal would be "IGN" for Infected Ground Normal.

So we get:

ISA Infected Space Advanced
IGA Infected Ground Advanced
HSA Hive Space Advanced
HGE Hive Ground Elite

... and so forth. As such I limit myself to name only one random difficulty.

KGA Kithomer Ground Advanced
KSN Kithomer Space Normal
CSN Cure Space Normal
CGA Cure Ground Advanced

Big Dig was sometimes shortened to BD but as it hasnt been played alot outside queues anyways and since now we have Borg Disconnected BDE morstly referes to

BDE Borg: Disconnected (Space not necessary as there is no Ground Mission for that) Elite

As far as I have seen it, Battle of Korfez is mostly just shortend to Korfez" although something like

BKE for Battle of korfez Elite

is propably more appropriate.

ANRA Azure Nebula Rescue Advanced
MIN Mirrior Invasion Normal
KSF Klingon Scout Force
SB24 Starbase 24
BE The breach Elite
SSA Storming the Spire Advanced
UAA Undine Assault Advanced
VCE Vicious Cycle Elite
AA Athmosphere Assault
CCA Crystaline Catastrophe Advanced
VEE Vault Ensnared Elite
SFD Starbase Fleet defense
NWSA No Win Scenario Advanced
FA FLeet Alert

Ground similarly:
NTTE Nukara Transdimansional Tactics Elite
NSDA Nukara Seld Destructive Tendencies Advanced (rarely played, rarely used)
CI Colony Invasion
UIE Undine Infiltration Elite
BHE Bug Hunt Elite
DRE Defend Rhio Elite (sometime DRSE) Defend Rhio Station Elite
SBI Starbase Incursion (rarely if ever used)
MTA Mine Trap advanced (also vr)

At least those are the ones I know and how I see them used most of the time.

Now to ship powers/skills:

With a little bit of thought most of them are also quite easy (as is everything once you know how :))

In most cases they are used with a nuumber behind for the skill lvl like:

APB <number> APB3 Attack Pattern Beta 3

TT Tactical Team
APB Attack pattern beta
APD Attach pattern delta
APO Attack pattern Omega
APA Attack pattern Alpha
TS Torpedo Spread
BO BEam Overload
FAW Beam Fire at Will
CRF Cannon Rapid Fire
CSV Cannon Scatter Volley
THY or HY Torpedo High Yield

EPTX is Emergency Power to X like EPTW ... weapons, EPTS ... Shields, EPTE ... Engines, EPTA ... Aux
A2B or A2Bat Auxiliary power to battery
A2Sif Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field
A2D or A2Damp Auxiliary Power to Dampeners
EWP Eject Warp Plasma
DEM Directed Energy Modulation
ET Engineering Team
ES or Extend Extends Shields
RSP Reverse Shield Polarity
AB or simply Aceton for Aceton Beam

HE Hazard Emitters
JS jam Sensors
MES mask Energy Signiture
PH Polarize Hull
ST Science Team
TSS Transfer Shield Strength
CPB Charged partical Burst
ES or Siphon Energy Siphon
FBP Feedback Pulse
PO Photonic Officer
TBR Tractor Beam repulsor
TR Tykens Rift
GW Grav Well
VM Viral Matrix

I Actuall dont know if TB is used and if whether its for Tractor Beam or Tachyon Beam.. maybe someone can add this, as most skills are rarely used anyways it doesnt matter that much. Same goes for photonic shock wave and such.

Other more casual stuff would be thinks like
LLAP Live Long and Prosper
OP for over powered or Original Poster, depending on the context
wfp wait for pets :)
BOFF bridge Officer
DOFF Duty Officer
Marion Marion Frances Dulmur
Zemok Zemok Jenro
He doff referes to the Doff that gives HE an AOE component
AOE Area of effect
PbAoE Player based (centered) Area of Effect
TBR Doff referes to the Doff that makes TBR pull instead of push
KCB Kinetic cutting beam

Guess there is a lot of stuff I may have missed, pls feel free to add them. But this should cover the most commonly used ones when talking about builds.

Hf boyz n girlz

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  • defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    twss -that wicked solid ship

    yeah, that's the ticket...
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
  • captainransomcaptainransom Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It's nice to see this post. Reminds me of how the forums used to be a couple of years back. Actually trying to help out the new players. :)


    "It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with its bulkheads intact, manned by a crew that's not starving."

  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    PUG - Pick Up Group
    DPS - Damage Per Second

    I used them so often when someone doesn't know it actually surprises me even though it shouldn't.

    IF i think of any others ill add them.
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