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need help with build

collossustitancollossustitan Member Posts: 25 Arc User
Post edited by collossustitan on


  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    with no beam weapons why have beam overload 2?

    I would try to get some of the other rep consoles like the Romulan one to help with crit chance or the counter command one which adds accuracy and turn rate.

    Also the counter command deflector is great for DPS.

    Adapted Maco set is good if you want the extra torpedo damage but with them on your aft slots I'm not sure how effective the dps will be from that.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    You have polaron weapons but no set bonus (JH space set, use the deflector and engine -- upgrad them and the bonus is higher at XII).

    You have 3 aft torps... Any reason? Do you do fly-by runs with cannons and then bomb them on the way out? Is this effective? I am curious.

    your officers need work. As noted you have a beam power and no beams. ALso you have a flyby ship with tractor beam (???).

    I would toss tractor beam for a shield heal, then toss your engineering shield heal for another power to weapons so you can have it up more often. Change extend shields to power to weapons and change power to shields into eng-team1.

    Change one of your torp spreads (which only affects 1 of your 3 torps... I think?) into a second rapid fire or scatter, depending on whether you aoe more or single target strafe more.

    IMHO you would do more drive-by damage if you had instead a dispersal pattern beta with a nasty set of mines and that vaaudwar torp. and lose bio-neutral for a turret maybe? Then you could toss out the torp spreads entirely and hit with MORE total projectiles (the mine spread).
  • collossustitancollossustitan Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Do actually bomb them on the way out,

    Normal tactics for me
    1. Blast them with rapid fire 3
    2. Spin around and activate tractor beam to drain shield (have a doff which allows me to do that):D
    3. launch a spread of neutronic torps they really hit hard

    4. I've tried utilizing the vaadwaur torp instead of the bio neural warhead, against ships like the mirror typhoons, they utilize torp spread and easily knock them out, so I normally use the warhead, it does have shields and incredibly high kinetic damage, almost 2 isokentic cannons worth
    5. Same problem with the mines, easily blown up with torp spread, I had been thinking about me maybe a thoron infused quantum torp?

    I only let my scatter volley for when I need to hit more en one ship, but normally Im just a single target person
    I'm thinking about replacing that beam overload with rapid fire 1, I am getting my CC deflector, just gotta get that armor out the way first
    Problem with replacing the bioneural pack with the rom console is that I lose the ability to utilize isokentic cannon
    I might get the jemhadar engine and deflector while I make my way to getting the CC Deflector
    I have 2 torp spread becuase the cool down is 15 seconds, which is the exact Same cool down for the neutronic torp
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