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Advanced STF's



  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    PUG something besides ISA and CCA like mirror advanced, viscous cycle, borg disconnect, azure then report back how easy it is.

    I've been doing some thinking today and realize I have to give up. Success rate on all Pugs besides crystalline and ISA for me is well below 5%. Just can't keep beating head into wall. I've done thousands missions but I have to take my leave of them now unless and until the optionals are removed.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Removing the optionals from Advanced won't do a bit of good when people are failing the required objectives. (I know what you meant, just saw your handle and I had to be pedantic.)

    VCE was always a hit and miss pug pre DR -- VCA goes just as well...when you don't get a broken objective. Entirely Cryptic's fault when that happens.

    BDA and ANRA require a bit of strategy besides kill everything, so that puts them into unpuggable territory by default. See ground STFs for a similar example.

    Haven't tried MIA but I've seen MIN go horribly wrong, so no surprises there.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    As I say - with these extreme failure conditions in many many of the queues they aren't pugable, regardless of chosen terminology. And since I only pug I must take leave of them or retire from them.

    fail to rescue 15 borg, for example, should result in lost marks not "You fail, loser."
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    VCE was always a hit and miss pug pre DR -- VCA goes just as well...when you don't get a broken objective. Entirely Cryptic's fault when that happens.

    Agreed, VC is fine, it's just the broken objectives that are the problem and need to be fixed. Pre-DR pugs had problems and the only reason it got done is because one or two people actually know what to do (like not aggro every single NPC when they're trying to beam commandos). As for the planet killer it attacks NPCs first, any npc (like nimbus pirates and heavy plasma torps).
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orondis wrote: »
    Agreed, VC is fine, it's just the broken objectives that are the problem and need to be fixed. Pre-DR pugs had problems and the only reason it got done is because one or two people actually know what to do (like not aggro every single NPC when they're trying to beam commandos). As for the planet killer it attacks NPCs first, any npc (like nimbus pirates and heavy plasma torps).

    I'm not sure I ever had a problem with the old viscous. Maybe a few difficult runs, but always completed. I haven't tried it lately as I've heard it's broken.

    Just did a public elite azure - smooth as silk. Night and day and every cliche apart from the pug I did an hour ago. I would gripe at being forced to be social but it wasn't actually that social. This was my first non-pug run ever.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • orthanc6orthanc6 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Azure Nebula Advanced needs a longer timer, flat out. It takes too long to kill the enemies and disable the tractors, if you don't have 3 small warbirds to free at the start (which is raw luck) we're screwed in pugs. This is definately the mission where it really is just the DPS, but we can't be getting the DPS we need if no one can get the higher tier materials from advanced STF's now can we?

    I'd agree that the optionals should go back to being optionals, but at the very least give Azure a longer timer. Optionals being required is a jerk move, but the Azure timer is just broken for pugs.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2014
    in advanced....... mission optional failed should go across the screen so everyone can see why the mission failed

    Its the only way a pug can learn WHY the mission failed..type communication in a pug is next to impossible

    The game Devs should do this to Teach the pugs how to play the content

    The mission should not fail but rewards reduced......which also should be displayed across the screen
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • borg0vermindborg0vermind Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So...has the hull been reduced in Space STFs or is it still millions for every ship ?

    Fact is still noone plays them. I wonder why.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orthanc6 wrote: »
    Azure Nebula Advanced needs a longer timer, flat out. It takes too long to kill the enemies and disable the tractors, if you don't have 3 small warbirds to free at the start (which is raw luck) we're screwed in pugs. This is definately the mission where it really is just the DPS, but we can't be getting the DPS we need if no one can get the higher tier materials from advanced STF's now can we?

    I'd agree that the optionals should go back to being optionals, but at the very least give Azure a longer timer. Optionals being required is a jerk move, but the Azure timer is just broken for pugs.

    Or you can have one player distract the Tholians and one rescue the trapped ship. You don't even need to kill a single Tholian in ANR (but ideally you do have one high damage player who can, while the others pair off). This has always been the case, and I actually wonder if it was how the mission was originally conceived to be played because it works so effectively.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Or you can have one player distract the Tholians and one rescue the trapped ship. You don't even need to kill a single Tholian in ANR (but ideally you do have one high damage player who can, while the others pair off). This has always been the case, and I actually wonder if it was how the mission was originally conceived to be played because it works so effectively.
    I think it is, otherwise they wouldn't have coded the Tholians to warp out when you rescue a ship.

    Or at least they used to, I haven't done Azure recently.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited November 2014
  • borg0vermindborg0vermind Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you cant do the damage, use tactics.
    You do not have to kill all ships near the tractor beamed ones so you can free them.
    It's enough to aggro them away, while a second team mate frees them.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you cant do the damage, use tactics.
    You do not have to kill all ships near the tractor beamed ones so you can free them.
    It's enough to aggro them away, while a second team mate frees them.

    [sarcasm on]Tactics? :eek: You want us think? You want us find solution other then spam spacebar? It's outrageous. NERF it, NERF it right now.[sarcasm off]

    And now seriously this is how most mission should work, if you can't push rock from your way then use your brain and find some way around rock.
  • tac0117tac0117 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In support of op: they either need to make these new required objectives which make you instantly fail either more balanced or just removed entirely and be "truly" the old elite. The hour cooldown for failing is a pain and doesn't help either. IMHO if they are going to keep these required failalble objectives, they need to be fair and doable by the average player(those using vendor and mission rewards and have t4 ships), which means increasing the time length on timers or for example on INfected conduit making the nanite spheres slower/debuffing their health/only allowing them to heal the generator or transformer if they are within 2km of it. Or you could increase the distance the nanite spheres have to travel to get to the transformer in the first place. In general make these objectives fair to those who play them, yes people may complain that it's really easy, cause they are the ones running 30kdps boats who should really be in elite. Adv is supposed to be for those who can do normal. Yet I don't see how people moving from normal to adv can bridge that gap with the gear available (which isn't rep stuff because the only way you can get that is by succeeding in adv or elite to get the bnps etc). I did try adv conduit in a FAC with beam arrays, with others that like me had farmed the bnps before dr had came out. The team was using t5f/t5u ships which were pretty decent. Each of us died about 1-2 times at the start but eventually we did make it through. We went left and took out the cube guarding the gens and then started on the gens themselves. I moved to then intercept the nanite spheres and after a while I took out their facing shields with DER,FAW,APO and APA. Then firing off a singularity which trapped them. Then some of my team mates seeing what I was doing, peeled off the gens to fire their torp barrages and dispersal pattern beta minefields and the space in front of me was filled with hvy plasma torps, mines and quantum spreads. They all hit the downed shield side of the nanite spheres, yet none of them even flinched. They relentlessly charged us despite the entire team trying to burn them before they healed the transformer, I saw the 2 sci's pull off tonnes of crowd control, but to no avail. 2/3 of the nanite spheres healed the trans. Game over. Instant fail. The team performed at its very best and without communication. We all knew are roles and what to do and we could have done no better. Yet even that wasn't enough. It was the best teamwork I had ever seen in a pug pve in my time (in which I have seen some great teamwork in pugs for a while now). I asked around and all the equipment my team mates had was mkxii-Xiv very rare quality or above. Some of which was omega rep gear and fleet elite gear. For nanite spheres to survive is inconceivable with all team mates firing at them. I don't understand how we failed.
  • usaaliusaali Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I remember playing the "elite" PvE queues without any problems prior to delta rising. However, since the release of delta rising, the "advanced" PvE queues are much, much harder. It is practically impossible to complete these queues in a normal amount of time. For example, I would've been able to complete Undine Assault elite prior within 30-45 minutes at the most. I just finished playing Undine Assault advanced which my team had been playing for 3 hours. Despite this, all we got was 10 marks. We did not get the larger number of marks or the isomorphic injection. The advanced queues need to be scaled back to how they were before.

  • echogearechogear Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Or we could go for the novel idea of multi-tasking. These aren't single characters these are Ships.with hundreds of people on them. While in a fire fight. Take Advanced Azure Nebula for example. While in a fire fight. have our science officer do his siencey thing and take those tractor beams off line while the ship is getting pummeled by the tholians. Just have him take longer while the ship is under fire while complaing about.

    But noooo cryptic thinks he can't do his job while the ship is being shot to pieces around you. Imean haven't they watched an episode of trek how many times has a ship been shot at while completing an objective!?!
  • pdaworldpdaworld Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    All this changes nothing. It's a dps fest. Science and engineering damaging abilities need to be buff, and subsequent debuffing abilities need to be buff to where you don't have to completely focus your build on one particular ability to be worth a damn but you can't do any dps.
  • rygelx16rygelx16 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    pdaworld wrote: »
    All this changes nothing. It's a dps fest. Science and engineering damaging abilities need to be buff, and subsequent debuffing abilities need to be buff to where you don't have to completely focus your build on one particular ability to be worth a damn but you can't do any dps.

    I agree that class balance needs to happen. But the "dps race" objectives need to go away as well. Here's the thing, if a really good group blasts through in 2 mins and weak group takes 10 mins then the good group can progress 5x faster as they can run more queues and get more rewards. The weak group still gets to progress but at a slower pace, and that's typically what you want. The better you get either through gear or skill the faster you progress.

    The problem is right now the weak group fails and gets nothing, giving them no progress. They don't have incentive for better progression because they have 0 progression rather than slow progression. They don't even get the opportunity to try to get better, it's simply "you fail, GTFO and wait an hour" oh and you get nothing for your time. That's not going to motivate anyone, it will just frustrate them and drive them away.
  • rakija879rakija879 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Last night I failed KGA twice. :( First time we missed the optional by not more then 3-5 sec, and the second time there was some borg stuck in the wall "the forcefield door wont open ", and before we found it we had so little time left that riot broke out about who is a noob and how is an elitist. Everything could have been avoided if we had just more time, or less elite borg to knock us on our TRIBBLE.
    Devs please nerf!!! :)
  • lessley00lessley00 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Don't like the "New! Improved!" STFs the way they are? Do what I am doing. Do not play them at all. There is other content in the game which awards Dilithium in the amounts people used to get from running the STFs. We leave those public queues as empty as they are right now for long enough, pwe/cryptic will do something about the mistakes they have made. Such as keeping the name "Optional" for something which is now a requirement. Wonder which genius thought this was a good idea? Probably the same guy who thought people were exploiting when they were playing the game as allowed to.

    The primary problem I have with the 'New! Improved!" STFs isn't with the difficulty settings. It is with the rewards. They are half of what they should be. Another brilliant game design concept from the fine folks at pwe/cryptic. I'll just bet the people over at Blizzard are quaking in their boots now that they can hear those footsteps coming up behind them. yay, pwe/cryptic. way to show 'em, team.

    Make the rewards worth the effort based upon what past rewards for these missions were worth. Since you guys at pwe/cryptic are always publicly chanting the mantra about the New Advanced being similar to the Old Elite, that means somewhere slightly above 960 Dilithium. Since the other thing you guys keep telling us is it supposed to be more challenging, then the New Elite ought to be around about 1500 Dil. yeah, right. went for the trifecta there did you, Devs?

    And since we're speaking about the alleged challenge part of the "New! Improved!" STFs, congratulations are in order. I now have to faceroll my space bar twice as often per target as I used to and I get to faceroll my space bar twice as often per STF overall. woo. frakkin'. hoo. Somehow I don't think this is what the player base had in mind. A Turkey Shoot with twice as many turkeys who are individually twice as big is still just a Turkey Shoot. you Devs are the very definition of 'cutting edge' aren't you? I'll just bet your email box is chock full of job offers from EA. From the way DR has been mishandled, you are soo their kinda folks.

    Not gonna play the STFs, on any setting, until this whole sorry mess gets repaired and pwe/cryptic does right by their customers. ALL of them. I thought hard about how it might be time for me to convert myself from F2P to a whale when I first heard about DR coming out. Been here long time and have spent a lot of discretionary income. Now, I'm not so sure you really need the money. Look at the foolish things you've done with the money you've already gotten.

    Explain: Instead of doing the stfs, how would we get marks? Defera is buggy and gives out low rewards (the hards give you 10 marks). Kobali Prime is fun but gives you low rewards. The dyson and Undine battlezones are fine. Nukara Prime is okay. And New Romulus gets you about 100 marks a day for picking flowers for lazy Romulans. And the normal ques are too boring and gives you low rewards, and noobs are annoying as hell for a promaster like you and me. I'm trying to finish omega reputation then get my other reps to tier 5 and be done with it
    Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn
    Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv

    Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2014
    These Dimwits who don't pug and dont understand how poor type communication is in a stf simply amaze me with there own stupidity

    When your in a group/Elite channel who knows the stf or in a fleet group with voice communication the advanced missions are easy

    In a pug group forget it...the hull and shields were fine on the NPCs the Fail mission add on are BAD for a pug group because it only takes 1 to mess it up for the group and basically you cannot communicate to that pug that's doing it wrong

    The rewards for a space advanced are just bad too..Even if the fail was removed you still don't get a decent reward to complete the mission

    No Loot no ec
    No decent experience
    poor dilithium payout

    Cryptic you took the most fun content in the game and trashed it
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    These Dimwits who don't pug and dont understand how poor type communication is in a stf simply amaze me with there own stupidity

    When your in a group/Elite channel who knows the stf or in a fleet group with voice communication the advanced missions are easy

    In a pug group forget it...

    And thats why pugs are at least partly challenging, but most of all: Fun.

    But yeah, higher rewards would be appropriate. At least if you join over a queue (Some MMORPGs have a system rewarding it, if you join per public queue. Some reward a private one).
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    These Dimwits who don't pug and dont understand how poor type communication is in a stf simply amaze me with there own stupidity

    When your in a group/Elite channel who knows the stf or in a fleet group with voice communication the advanced missions are easy

    In a pug group forget it...the hull and shields were fine on the NPCs the Fail mission add on are BAD for a pug group because it only takes 1 to mess it up for the group and basically you cannot communicate to that pug that's doing it wrong

    The rewards for a space advanced are just bad too..Even if the fail was removed you still don't get a decent reward to complete the mission

    No Loot no ec
    No decent experience
    poor dilithium payout

    Cryptic you took the most fun content in the game and trashed it

    "I play with too stupid players to know what to do or how to communicate so nerf mission that I can do it solo".
    Sorry man but NO! If you can't communicate with one group then go and find other with which you wan't have such problem. You think that fleets have it easier, no them too have people who doesn't know what to do but we teach them. Don't blame game for your and other players faults.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Cryptic you took the most fun content in the game and trashed it

    I know right... And the thing is that they lied saying advanced will be just like the onld elites... yeah right:rolleyes:
    dkratasco wrote: »
    "I play with too stupid players to know what to do or how to communicate so nerf mission that I can do it solo".
    Sorry man but NO! If you can't communicate with one group then go and find other with which you wan't have such problem. You think that fleets have it easier, no them too have people who doesn't know what to do but we teach them. Don't blame game for your and other players faults.

    What other groups?:confused: The fleets are empty... The friend-lists are empty... Even the damm queues are empty...
    And its players fault that NPCs got added tons of HP and the instances got masochistic timers??:confused: This is the most non-sense thing I ever heard.

    Sry but the game is fubar and with promotions after promotions is not the way to fix it. There arent many players to buy stuff anyway, since most are gone or dont want to spend anymore until they have fun again in the game...
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    mosul33 wrote: »
    What other groups?:confused: The fleets are empty... The friend-lists are empty... Even the damm queues are empty...
    And its players fault that NPCs got added tons of HP and the instances got masochistic timers??:confused: This is the most non-sense thing I ever heard.

    Sry but the game is fubar and with promotions after promotions is not the way to fix it. There arent many players to buy stuff anyway, since most are gone or dont want to spend anymore until they have fun again in the game...

    So if queses are empty than from where come all that complain for pugs?

    Tons of HP was nerfed few patches ago, now most NPC had less HP then before DR. Cure Space Advance is much easier then old Elite, but you as a player and as a team must know what to do. Cubes pops before properly targeted. And I don't talk about some 50k runs, I talk about team with average DPS ~10k.

    All you have to do is adapt to new tactics. Instead pure DPS your tactic should be based on how, when and what skill use get advantage over enemy.
  • gunnyhwygunnyhwy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Bottom line here is the majority of people DO NOT like the new Advanced STF's. You wait on some forever for it to start only to have a group that may or may not know what the heck they are doing. Then if you don't get the op you get a penalty for leaving the STF for an hour so you can't join any others. There was nothing wrong with the old STF's. You don't get the op you still got something. Now you don't get the op you don't get TRIBBLE.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gunnyhwy wrote: »
    Bottom line here is the majority of people DO NOT like the new Advanced STF's.
    Bottom line here on forum is that majority of people want everything for free. So is this mean that they should get it?
    gunnyhwy wrote: »
    You wait on some forever for it to start [...]
    Never waited longer then 5 minutes for STF queue.
    gunnyhwy wrote: »
    [...] only to have a group that may or may not know what the heck they are doing.
    And this is exactly what it look like at any MMO when you go PUG.
    gunnyhwy wrote: »
    Then if you don't get the op you get a penalty for leaving the STF for an hour so you can't join any others. There was nothing wrong with the old STF's. You don't get the op you still got something. Now you don't get the op you don't get TRIBBLE.
    From the beginning it was said that optionals from Normal come objectives in Advance. Problem is only visual that they are still labeled as Optional, and that should be fixed as soon as possible.
  • tac0117tac0117 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    Bottom line here on forum is that majority of people want everything for free. So is this mean that they should get it?

    off topic as hell. getting back to the problem:

    1. people who praise the new difficulty are mostly vets dishing out 30kdps and is what cryptic calls " the average player" which is utter BS (tbh its the "master race"). 2. forums are intended for general feedback to improve the game, since alot of people are posting negative remarks reguarding the current situation of pves on forums, it means alot of people are trying to show Cryptic that it is a problem, and one that is legitimate. the entire point of customer feedback is to improve the game for everyone, old and new. tbh i see alot of vets come down from elite to mess with the new guys posting about how adv is not at all welcoming. us players who want to improve the game for everyone by providing this feedback is being hassled by the few who simply think the game is for the elite players.

    ADV is supposed to be for those who can do normals and want a bit of a challenge and better rewards, not the instant OPOBJ fails that happen so damn often. remember: the majority of these players do not have T5 ships or MKXIII equipment or rep/fleet gear. they generally have crappy vendor rewards from regular campaign missions or something similar which are not even remotely suitable for ADV. you try doing these pves with pugs using crappy unupgraded equipment from regular ec vendors. dont try cheating what i said by going to exchange and buying MKXIV stuff and strapping it on. only use ships that can be claimed by the freebie rank promotion tickets, use common-rare doffs and boffs (if you have the jemhadar/breen from main campaign thats fine). try doing adv or heck if your ballsy enough try elite. then come back. thats the situation of most players trying to do adv. this is what we are trying to tell the devs that we arent all "master race"
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    T4 Sci ship, with random mods green/blue mk XI items still can do 7-8k dps. Sorry but 80% of ship firepower isn't from equipment grade, but from how you put them together and what skills and when you use.

    I'm in the Fleet which is open for what you call average players and we try to teach them. Believe me most problems came from players not game.

    (Me) - I see you fly at phaser type weapons.
    (Average player) - Yes, I like them.
    (M) - but you use disruptor dmg type console, you know that it doesn't work?
    (A) - What do you mean it doesn't work, it gives me bonus to my dmg.
    (M) - No, it gives bonus to disruptor type weapons, and you don't have any of those.
    (A) - Ow...

    That is one of many typical mistakes which "bad" players make, taking wrong type of console to their skills and weapons set.

    As for Mk XIII gear, if you or anyone else believe that having those make 3-4k dps "builds" magically fly to 13-14k dps, then don't forget to leave some cookies and milk for Santa as he came through your chimney.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    Sry no.

    People fail Advanced because they don't know teamwork nor what to do. Not because they're undergeared.

    This is the problem in a nut shell. It also applies to grounds. I don't know maybe some of us were lucky and found fleets and friends in game that helped work these things out. There are fleets out there that do nothing to help prepare their members for stf's.

    On the other hand most people are willing to pass the knowledge on, if only people would ask for help.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

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