So I've researched a lot and fine tuned a lot and still can't seem to break 10k DPS. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated so help please. Linked below is my current build!
Bah I'm having trouble copying the link but the build is up at the stoacademy skill planner under
Stipe4 for a federation engineer with the Eclipse cruiser.
Any help would be awesome!
Ok that might work
2)Drop the torps both in the front and back replace with beam array's
3) Replace with deflector with counter command deflector from undine rep. Replace engines with romulan engines from rom rep. Replace warpcore with fleet amp warpcore. Replace shields with elite fleet resb shields.
4)Drop 1 neutronium and replace with a universal like zero point energy conduit from rom rep.
Replace exploiter tac consoles with Locater ones all +pla.
5)Change boff layout to
Cmmd eng: is fine as it is you could replace dem with rsp3 if you want a rsp.
Lt sci:Hazard emiiters 1/Science team 2
Ens eng: is fine
6)Doffs should be 3 vr tech's plus whatever else you want.
All that with mk 12 vr beams should get you to at least 15k.
Um, are you okay with sacrificing your torpedo, or do you really want it?
This is MUGETSU 30k+++ DPS single target
This is MUGETSU in action:
I can sacrifice it .. I'm just so indoctrinated to ships having torpedoes but I know they aren't the
This is a cheap one that will do ya in a pinch for some great damage.
Make sure to have a racist all human crew to go with it.
Aside from the blood pouring from my ears great video!
I love the stacking of buffs followed by da boom!
Lol Surgical Strikes.
Nice ship.
How does it work in a pug advanced where thing shoot back.
I don't know why you have the Projected Singularity console on that build. It might be fun at times, but largely useless. I'd put the Nukara Particle Converter instead of the zero point console unless you have any lobi consoles with crit boosts. Like the Tachyokinetic Converter. You probably want Acc/ CritD mods on your weapons. You could also switch out the tactical exploiter consoles for locator ones as your not a romulan with awesome crit stats, but that is preference.
For your skills you should probably have maxed starship maneuvers and targeting systems. Along with at least some points in flow capacitors. I'd take out points from electro plasma systems and get a plasma integrated warpcore.
That's all I can think off off the top of my head. I imagine you have the technician doffs to go with aux2batt.
I just quickly tweaked your build a bit here
You can change whatever you want to your preference, run 2 surgical strikes with omega like sarcasm or whatever you want. Your an engineer so you don't have alpha to really make surgical strikes shine though. You'll be tankier though. So you can more easily kit your boffs out with more damage helping abilities.
P.S. Romulan Boffs, if you can afford them, get them. It's like 80k fleet credits or something to get one with superior operative trait.
P.P.S. You might want to take a look at Emergency Power to Engines, don't underestimate mobility.
If you already are in the 20 something or 30% crit hit rates, popping Surgical Strikes pretty much doubles your crit chances and for game purposes, is almost a guaranteed crit. Tremendous for single target smashing.
Pop in Override Subsystem Protocols when you are going to spike your dmg output, you'll love the results.
For the Qib / Eclipse Cmdr ENG Hybrid station, a very quick, hasty setup:
Override Subsystem Protocols 1 & 2, Surgical Strikes 1 & 2.
If you also have EPTW3 going with an Attack Pattern (or APA+BOFF Attack Pattern) or Sensor Scan, then you can yield some nice results.
You don't PUG most advanced / elite space queues. Too many idiots.
I would imagine it survives just fine considering the number of heals/cleanses/leech contained within. I've survived them with less.
To those that posted build ideas, they really helped and im going to implement most of them.
Only issue is Im not wanting to drop my torpedos. I have the dyson gravametric torp, with the console and proton weapon that go with its set. Other then that im running all beam arrays.
This is pretty much what I fly, though my weapons are still mainly CrtDx2 CrtH/Acc. I don't have the doffs to fly a zemok build (or rather, I've been buying them one by one for my new romulan) so I'm still making due with an Aux2batt setup. It's easier to get up and running than a zemok build, and a whole lot cheaper. I also tend to prefer it myself, as it has a lot more defense - especially when coupled with a borg 2 set and fleet resB shields.
With this I seem to hit around 35k in ISA, switching to Surgical Strikes occasionally if I feel the current situation warrants additional single target damage over AoE.
It won't reach the same levels of damage as the setup Jena posted earlier (at least not in ISA), but it will be a little easier to get set up (especially considering you could make due with rare technicians, and the exocomp is free tomorrow) and it will probably give you more defense in your average pug run than a non aux2batt setup.
Excellent suggestions.
If you listen to this, you'll see a marked improvement in DPS. If you take the suggestion to replace the Exploiters with Locators (Highly recommended) then I would use Romaln Beams with CritDx2 to try and get the most out of the Crits.
It's not a very expensive build, you can get the 3 Very Rare DoFF's from the Betran Cluster colonization mission, don't waste money buying them.
Good luck!
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Actually, if the OP switched to surgical strikes, the exploiters would edge out the locators.