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Reasons to Play Again?

proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
Several months ago (I think roughly a year?), I decided to stop playing STO... The reason was due to an ongoing stack of disappointment in the format of the game being majorly battle-grind/economy/measure-our-manhoods oriented... and the more I noticed this, the less like Star Trek the whole game felt like anymore.

Since then, I know the game has had some updates, though I know the updates didn't really change this fact.

However, recently, I've been craving to get back into a good involved space game of some type and STO keeps coming back to my mind. What I did enjoy about it was the level of customization with my character and my ships, as well as the fact that I do have many choices of different ways to play the game. I love the graphics and I love the potential that the games existing features have. I just don't want feel like all that potential is being cut out due to the game constantly directing me to the same cheap grind experience every time I want to do something.

Around the time I was deciding to quit the game, people were mentioning the Foundry, which I've played a few missions in. The foundry is another thing I really did love about the game... but sadly, it seemed a little bit as if the Foundry was just some trivial side-archive of user-created missions that are just there "if you wanted to do it", against the backdrop of the grindfest that seems to make up the majority of the game.

Anyway, I really am thinking of coming back to play, but I want to have a good enough reason to come back. I think any reason I come up with is going to have to omit as much of the cheap grindfest as possible, because a good reason for my preference would revolve around exploration, diplomacy, and just anything to make me feel more involved and more like I'm actually somebody and not just a stupid pawn. The Foundry is what still sounds the most promising.

How has the Foundry been doing over the last year? Has it evolved any? Could one be able to dedicate their time to the Foundry and get a wholesome round of experience from it?

I would like to try and change my philosophy of approach to the game away from the whole rat race ("everybody, hurry up and get that money, get the biggest and baddest hardware, get that superior crew, join that fleet and rank up!!!"), as well as away from feeling like simply a dime-a-dozen presence... (you know how when you got your first ship in the game, you probably felt "wow... even as a starter ship, this is beautiful!.... before eventually, you saw 50 other players in sector space or at ESD with the exact same one)... I want a way to approach the game with a different attitude, a different pace, and a different purpose... maybe one that the Foundry can justify?

What are your thoughts?

With expectations such as mine, is it honestly worth it to come back to this game?
Post edited by proteusblack on


  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It is a FTP game. Download it, play it for a few days, if you do not like it delete it. I could understand the hesitation, and need for reassurance, if they required you to pay a monthly Sub fee to come back to the game but it is free game. The only thing you are out is download time.

    Beyond that STO is an MMO, not a SPG. You are going to see other people in the game. They are going to have ships similar to yours - if not exactly the same. Individuality is not the key-point of an MMO.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Err... I did kinda sink a little money into my character actually (not a lot, but I did put some into zen for certain outfits and upgrades)... so another reason that STO came to mind is that I didn't want the money I put out there floating idle and not being put to intended use.

    Ya... PWE got me. I only blame myself, but I'm wanting to do right by it...

    Considering that, granted the game isn't subscription based, the whole F2P idea slightly gets crushed once you've let yourself become suckered into their tempting purchasable content.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    My point was that you do not need to sink any more money into the game just to see if you like it at this point in time. It is not like WoW where you need to pay them $15.00 to come back and see if you like the changes in the game. The only expense you have in retrying the game is the amount of time needed to download the update.

    You might hate it or you might love it, but really only you can decide that for yourself. You do not need a bunch of strangers deciding what is best for you.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's no end-game, just play through a story that they layout, followed by gear grinding for no reason
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's no end-game, just play through a story that they layout, followed by gear grinding for no reason

    Isn't that what all endgame is?
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    My point was that you do not need to sink any more money into the game just to see if you like it at this point in time. It is not like WoW where you need to pay them $15.00 to come back and see if you like the changes in the game. The only expense you have in retrying the game is the amount of time needed to download the update.

    You might hate it or you might love it, but really only you can decide that for yourself. You do not need a bunch of strangers deciding what is best for you.

    I don't intend on sinking anymore into it. I'm just wanting to make the most of the money that I did sink before I quit playing. (I guess that wasn't apparent in my previous posts, sorry).

    I really don't think that getting other people's opinions on how they are enjoying the game as far as the factors I mentioned above is the same as them deciding what is best for me... lol

    Thank you for the time you spent replying to try to help, but I don't think what you replied with really provided any. Thanks anyway.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't intend on sinking anymore into it. I'm just wanting to make the most of the money that I did sink before I quit playing. (I guess that wasn't apparent in my previous posts, sorry).

    I really don't think that getting other people's opinions on how they are enjoying the game as far as the factors I mentioned above is the same as them deciding what is best for me... lol

    Thank you for the time you spent replying to try to help, but I don't think what you replied with really provided any. Thanks anyway.
    Sorry. I assumed telling you that you had free will and the ability to try things on your own, and to make up your own mind, would be a good thing - especially when it costs you nothing.

    Good luck deciding over whatever the pack tells you they think you should do.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Several months ago (I think roughly a year?), I decided to stop playing STO... The reason was due to an ongoing stack of disappointment in the format of the game being majorly battle-grind/economy/measure-our-mandhoods oriented...

    With expectations such as mine, is it honestly worth it to come back to this game?

    If you disliked the Grind back then, I wouldn't recommend it ... it's basically all that's left now ... with DR you even have to grind to play the 8 new Story Missions (only thing that might be worth it) ... the other "content" is just "Grind Patrols" & "Pay Dilithium for better gear" [Story Mission - Grind Patrol x10 - Story Mission - Grind Patrol x20 and so on]

    ... stopped playing myself with Season 9.5 ... came back for DR to stop playing 6 days later ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Wait till Thursday patch then give it a shot...

    The most you can lose is a couple/few hours of free entertainment.

    Don't look at the game as a chore, you'll never enjoy it that way.

    Stay away from the parts of the game that annoy you and just have FUN.

    It's only a competition if you plan on doing PvP.

    The rest of the game while somewhat tedious at the moment, is still fun if you don't take it too serious.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    daveyny wrote: »
    Wait till Thursday patch then give it a shot...

    The most you can lose is a couple/few hours of free entertainment.

    Don't look at the game as a chore, you'll never enjoy it that way.

    Stay away from the parts of the game that annoy you and just have FUN.

    It's only a competition if you plan on doing PvP.

    The rest of the game while somewhat tedious at the moment, is still fun if you don't take it too serious.


    Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on the game's patches for a couple of months now. Some updates have been interesting, but some of them seem confusing. I'm mostly hoping to see some evolution in the Foundry system, and maybe a chance for it to become a little more prominent in the game. Isn't there a group of people somewhere that are working on a dedicated project for the Foundry to give it its own sector to replace the exploration clusters that were removed?
  • wudwaenwudwaen Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I quite specifically want the game I and my friends came here to play. The current game, with DR, is not it. The game has become grind central and pay to win, and when taking functional abilities like crafting away from players the only thing given in return is an accolade for being someone who used to be able to craft.

    I want:
    1. my ability to craft up through Mk XI gear back.
    2. the Advanced STFs to be the same as the old Elite STFs: Same challenge, same reward.
    3. to be able to play through using all character options without sinking $300.00 or more into the game just on ships.
    4. appropriate ships for all occupations in all factions. (Still not one real Romulan science ship. The only Klingon science ship is the Vorannus)
    5. the ability to raise all ships to Tier 6 - even the NX class.
    Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. ~ Cecil Beaton
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have wondered in the past what the game would have been like if character ranks worked differently than they do, so that just anybody wouldn't be able to casually become a VA. While I played the game, I admit it was fun experiencing that "oh sweet!, im Vice Admiral now!!" moment... but soon after, it turned into "oh wow... almost everybody I see is VA..." which felt like it devalued the ranks a lot, into trivial status labels of "who's more of a newb" and "who's less of a newb" and not much more.

    A lot of things in the game that one would think would be very difficult and require a lot of time to get, seem more like they are just handed to you. The structure of the economy in the game has so many "rare" or "special" things floating around like they are pennies that they're not actually rare or special. I think the game suffers from a bad case of spoiled demand "I want to have THIS stuff sooner and easier! I don't want to work for it!", cornering the devs into giving it to them and trivializing the game's process... I don't think most players play for the sake of the experience of playing as much as they might be simply playing the part of the mouse desperately striving for the cheese reward. This mentality is everywhere I seem to look in the game. I guess its because it's such a typical brainless mentality in the real world's societies too. The more focus a system puts on "rewards", the more it takes focus away from the enjoyment of getting there. The saying "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey" becomes trivial, or foreign, or a cliche to use as a joke. I guess if all the game is, is a rat race for cheese and people like that, good for them I guess. ... Sorry, I'm just thinking aloud and talking. I'm sure there are plenty of good counter points to be had. Maybe one day this game can evolve to balance the focus a bit more, or a new game like this might come out that is more focused on the "Trek" itself rather than "reward me! reward me! reward me pleeeease!!"
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    STO is a FTP MMO.

    Eventually you are going to be grinding in this game if you want something beyond the basic gear and ships the game provides you. You can simply play through the main story missions and once done you can quit. However, starting at level 51 your enemies starts to become a bit harder and builds up until you are level 60. Level 60 is the new max level, however, there are not enough main story missions to carry through to that level. I assume you will probably get to around level 55 once all the main story missions are completed. I have seen posts where people stated they only play the main story missions and nothing else. Once done they delete their toon and start all over again. The Federation, KDF and Romulan factions all have missions that are unique to them which are mostly at the beginning and middle of the story line. Some shared missions are mixed in during that time. However, once you start the Cardassian Struggle story arc all missions are the same and progresses in the same order.

    Grinding is only necessary if you want to go beyond the basics. Perhaps a new costume, more inventory slots, get reputation gear, maybe even a new ship. If so then you need to grind for dilithium ore which can then be refined to dilithium crystals that can be exchanged for Zen. The reputation system (available at level 50) also requires you to grind for specific marks; it's a grind 'cuz you need a lot of 'em and there are only a few missions that reward a specific mark type so you are going to play those missions over and over again. This is a MMO and the impatience of grinding is a way for PWE to make some money when players do not want to spend the time grinding and instead us Zen to purchase dilithium crystals. Reputation marks however cannot not be purchased. You must grind for them.

    In the end STO is a free game. You loose nothing but time to give it another try. If you don't like it, then just uninstall and move on. Hopefully the real money that you have spent on the game provided you with some entertainment value.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have wondered in the past what the game would have been like if character ranks worked differently than they do, so that just anybody wouldn't be able to casually become a VA. While I played the game, I admit it was fun experiencing that "oh sweet!, im Vice Admiral now!!" moment... but soon after, it turned into "oh wow... almost everybody I see is VA..." which felt like it devalued the ranks a lot, into trivial status labels of "who's more of a newb" and "who's less of a newb" and not much more.
    Well, again, this is the difference between an MMO and a SPG. You cannot have 1 player getting to VA and then tell the other 200,000 they cannot get there simply because you are already there.

    If you are going to play MMOs you need to accept that there are certain gaming tropes that must be adhered to - while they make no sense from a canon perspective they are required to keep all the gamers happy. The story is singular as much as it possibly can be while still allowing you to play with others. That is as good as it can get in an MMO. And most MMOs are about "reward me." The reward is why most gamers play the game - and most gamers are not Trekkies.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    Isn't that what all endgame is?

    Nope. Other games let you build diplomacy with factions, trade rare commodities with them, fight for them, hunt them, do all that with other players if you want as well. STO is just grind, nothing to do after it.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    Isn't that what all endgame is?

    In STO? Yes.. in the good and succesfull games no.

    Now, if you think that STO is a good example of a MMO, I guess you never played another one, so my advice is that you do.. MMOs are quite fun to play and enjoy.

    Division Hispana
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Right. STO is, what I read in an article the other day, a "themepark MMO", which basically means every mission or system in the game is more like a "ride" that you get on, and you are taken along at its pace, without having any control of the outcome or how the outcome is to come about. At first, you get that illusion of "being in an open world where you play a part", but really, its just "get on this ride and see the sights and play along the only way you're supposed to". It is what comes about in just about all MMO games these days because they all use the same kind of engine with the same horribly limited formulas at the base of everything. Cover that familiar format (that you've already experienced in the last 10 MMO's you've watched or played), with some extra tack-on side features, to make it seem a bit more diverse, and you've got a "new MMO game".

    In my OP, I mentioned that I did like how you could play your character in a variety of ways, and that is true, but really, its more like "you get to choose what themepark rides you want to get on, in somewhat whatever order you would like to get on them, while you dress yourself up in different face paints as you like". lol
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you like nerfed exp, nerfed dil, un-official star trek ships, rebuying gear you already own for millions of dil and doing 6 months of daily time-gates for crafting, then STO is your game.

    Also, the new leveling "specialization" is 400 story mission replays to max - per character of course

    It would seem the current regime is out to test what it would require to make people stop playing
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    wudwaen wrote: »
    I quite specifically want the game I and my friends came here to play. The current game, with DR, is not it. The game has become grind central and pay to win, and when taking functional abilities like crafting away from players the only thing given in return is an accolade for being someone who used to be able to craft.

    I want:
    1. my ability to craft up through Mk XI gear back.
    2. the Advanced STFs to be the same as the old Elite STFs: Same challenge, same reward.
    3. to be able to play through using all character options without sinking $300.00 or more into the game just on ships.
    4. appropriate ships for all occupations in all factions. (Still not one real Romulan science ship. The only Klingon science ship is the Vorannus)
    5. the ability to raise all ships to Tier 6 - even the NX class.

    1. You can craft Mk XI gear at crafting level zero if you so desire, however, without a massive investment into DOffs and accelerators, you won't be getting a purple out of the deal. Fair? Not necessarily. However, it has been said that the new system (individual schools, etc.) vs the one-rating-fits-all older system is so incompatible and unable to convert appropriately/fairly (do you get Mk XI purple crafting at day 0 but the trait after grinding the 15 levels? Pick a school? Bypass a month and a half of grind with an evening's work, cause that's what it took to max out the old crafting system?) that we're stuck with what we got. It only takes a month and a half or so of daily logins and that 6k / 20 hour mission to get a school up to 15 again...

    2. I believe they are working on it while accounting for the eventual new Mk XIV stuff & traits that will be active even though we're level-reduced to 50...

    3. Ha'nom. Science ship on a par with the Nebula, with Rommie Cloak & cannons. Though yeah, RR and KDF need more science options that aren't Dyson & Lockbox...

    4. Hear hear. Connie as well. A large chunk of this game is the IP, and the ability to draw from lots and lots of the IP.
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In STO? Yes.. in the good and succesfull games no.

    Now, if you think that STO is a good example of a MMO, I guess you never played another one, so my advice is that you do.. MMOs are quite fun to play and enjoy.

    Yeah normally when a question like that is asked, they've played bad MMOs.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Several months ago (I think roughly a year?), I decided to stop playing STO... The reason was due to an ongoing stack of disappointment in the format of the game being majorly battle-grind/economy/measure-our-manhoods oriented... and the more I noticed this, the less like Star Trek the whole game felt like anymore.

    With expectations such as mine, is it honestly worth it to come back to this game?

    If this is why you quit, I can assure you, it has gotten much much worse.

    TRIBBLE to the fact that gear progression is tidily locked behind qued events that you need gear progression to compete in, the fact that you cant change maps these days without having tho reslot your entire tray, doffs, traits, and weapons, and the unpoliced rmt spam bots, the complete and total imbalance of pvp...

    you know what. I could go on forever.

    Sto has went from suck to blow in one single expansion
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I come back to one of my original questions...

    How is the Foundry doing?

    If somebody didn't want to be so much a part of the rat race of much of the rest of the game, could they stick to the Foundry missions and still get a decent enough experience from the game?
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »

    Sto has went from suck to blow in one single expansion

    ...annnnd like every other whiner, you still spend almost everyday on it don't you?

    Tell me, are you like being tied up in chains and whipped as well?

    Before you (or anyone else) 'claims' that they no longer play STO, just remember, you will sound even weirder by hanging around a game forum of a game you refuse to play. It would be like trying to hang around an ex-girlfriend and advertising all of her bad points at the same time to everyone she comes across. Creepy and weird.

    Reasons to play? Simple:

    If you like the Star Trek Universe, then this game pretty much has it monopolised.

    If you like MMO's this has one of the richest sources of content out of any MMO.

    Character creation and development means you can create something unique to you.

    Massive diverse playerbase who you can intergrate with be it for roleplay or casual matchmaking in PvP/PvE gameplay.

    Its F2P, and by this I do mean FREE TO PLAY and not FREE TO WIN AGAINST ALL OTHERS.

    Finally, the most important reason - YOUR CHOICE. If you like it, then play, if you don't, then don't.

    I love the sci fi universe, like Star Trek and Star Wars, but I played SWTOR for all of 15 mins before uninstalling becasue I hated the game mechanics. I wanted to get right in and swing a lightsabre everywhere. That's not so, so I didn't take to the game. People on this forum who whine and moan, still put 1-3 hours a day into this game so they are clearly masochistic or mental.
  • xaramanxaraman Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    ...annnnd like every other whiner, you still spend almost everyday on it don't you?
    People on this forum who whine and moan, still put 1-3 hours a day into this game so they are clearly masochistic or mental.
    Or they just love the game and are voicing their annoyance at some ridiculous behaviour by the devs lately.

    Welcome to the STO Public Forum; where people may voice their opinions. If you don't like what they say, you're free to voice yours, but don't insult anyone in the process please.

  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    ironmako wrote: »
    Before you (or anyone else) 'claims' that they no longer play STO, just remember, you will sound even weirder by hanging around a game forum of a game you refuse to play. It would be like trying to hang around an ex-girlfriend and advertising all of her bad points at the same time to everyone she comes across. Creepy and weird.

    Some people stick around to check the forums, and be informed if things get "better" or "back to normal", nothing weird about it, that's the main reason these forums exist ...

    and it seems to work at least to some degree :

    If you wanna compare a video game to your ex-girlfriend, go ahead ... but it seems kind of weird, doing so and calling others "mental" in the next sentence ... luckily I can get all the reviews & information I want about a video game, without risking a restraining order ... better call the cops next time anyone buys a video game magazine ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • feadulinfeadulin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am not sure if my answer will help but I can say I came back after three years. I use the foundry and search for non combat missions and do them . Many of them are very good and I do feel like I am in a episode with a coherent story. I use the doff system as I am cleaning my house to level up and run a pve que here and there.

    I am not looking for the best gear or anything like that, and I find the game fun. I have not found the game to feel grindy to me but that can be due to the fact that I play everything on normal and am only level 42.

    I am a lifetime member and have a bunch of saved up Zen so thusfar I have not purchased any zen.

    The foundry missions have definitely made the game feel more like Star Trek to me. There are some pretty talented Foundry authors out there. I am able to level on foundry missions and then go do the sto story missions on and off. It has taken me 1 week to get this new character to level 42 and that is only playing very casually each day . I am aware that the grind will start at level 50 but there are plenty of foundry missions to keep me entertained.
  • proteusblackproteusblack Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I come back to one of my original questions...

    How is the Foundry doing?

    If somebody didn't want to be so much a part of the rat race of much of the rest of the game, could they stick to the Foundry missions and still get a decent enough experience from the game?

    I wonder, how often do people (or how many players) play STO without getting caught up in the numbers (their stats, their level, their money, the power of their ships, worrying about getting that MK XII piece, upping their reputation points, etc), and just play for the sake of the experience of the game world itself... Is this actually a thing on this game?

    I keep coming back to the "rat race" metaphor, and it just seems to me, that the cheese in the race is always the focus, instead of the maze itself... and thus, there are so many mice who come, first being interested in the maze itself before they smell the cheese, and start running for it... and then when they get close to it, they are unsatisfied with it because it wasn't as great of cheese as they were expecting it to be. Doesn't this setup kind of destroy the value of the experience of the game? Focusing on the cheese? When there is so much grinding in the game, it seems like the grinding is perpetuating the focus and longing for the cheese, otherwise, it wouldn't really have to be grinding would it?

    Is it possible to play this game without so much focus and worry on the numbers and still get a proper experience from it?

    feadulin wrote: »
    I am not sure if my answer will help but I can say I came back after three years. I use the foundry and search for non combat missions and do them . Many of them are very good and I do feel like I am in a episode with a coherent story. I use the doff system as I am cleaning my house to level up and run a pve que here and there.

    I am not looking for the best gear or anything like that, and I find the game fun. I have not found the game to feel grindy to me but that can be due to the fact that I play everything on normal and am only level 42.

    I am a lifetime member and have a bunch of saved up Zen so thusfar I have not purchased any zen.

    The foundry missions have definitely made the game feel more like Star Trek to me. There are some pretty talented Foundry authors out there. I am able to level on foundry missions and then go do the sto story missions on and off. It has taken me 1 week to get this new character to level 42 and that is only playing very casually each day . I am aware that the grind will start at level 50 but there are plenty of foundry missions to keep me entertained.

    This seemed like an relevant response to this post. It sounds hopeful. Thanks. :)
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Nope. Other games let you build diplomacy with factions, trade rare commodities with them, fight for them, hunt them, do all that with other players if you want as well. STO is just grind, nothing to do after it.

    Which is what you do with Reputations in STO. We build diplomacy with factions (Reputation XP projects), trade rare commodities with them (Borg Neural Processors, Voth Cybernetic Implants, etc.), fight for them (battlezones and other missions), and do that with other players (public queues). There are few MMOs that don't have grind certain content to get certain gear.
  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Short answer....with the new expansion the game is now everything that drove you away from it multiplied by 20 or more. WAY more grind and all of it grind per character.

    Save yourself the aggravation until they deal with those issues....my advice anyway.
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Some people stick around to check the forums, and be informed if things get "better" or "back to normal", nothing weird about it, that's the main reason these forums exist ...

    and it seems to work at least to some degree :

    If you wanna compare a video game to your ex-girlfriend, go ahead ... but it seems kind of weird, doing so and calling others "mental" in the next sentence ... luckily I can get all the reviews & information I want about a video game, without risking a restraining order ... better call the cops next time anyone buys a video game magazine ...

    Checking to see how the game is going is one thing, lurking around the forums posting nothing but negativity is something else.

    Oh, and FYI troll, I wasn't comparing it to MY ex, as you actually quoted it, I can clearly tell you were trying to get an effect, but instead you made yourself look stupid as I clearly wrote 'your' ex (figuratively speaking), not 'my' ex.

    The game is just as good as it ever was, apart from having new content, a slightly annoying increase in patrol missions tied into the new storyline (i'll admit), more equipment and more ways to improve your character.

    To the OP: the Majority of players are complaining for the same reason that they really don't want to voice. That reason is that many were at "endgame" level with their ships/stats/DPS etc, since DR, they are no longer at "endgame" level and have to once again sing for their supper. The mature players see this as a challenge, the rest see this as an annoyance.

    My Advice is this; ignore everybody (including myself), log in and spend a bit of time in the game yourself, it's the only real way you will evaluate whether you want to get back into it or not.
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