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Lvl 58 Grind

odisseusrhodisseusrh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2014 in The Academy
ok I just hit 58 a while back and only 1 new episode unlocks same will be true for 59 but my question is: "Are we to pve grind out the last to levels? I mean the repeat missions (Kobali Prime) give a poultry 900[ish] skill pts and you need 40-50k just to go from 58 to 59. or is there another Kobali Prime like location for higher lvl ppl?
Post edited by odisseusrh on


  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Yes, you are meant to grind out your levels. Most people seem to be grinding patrol missions for now. The Kobali Prime exp is terrible, so don't waste your time there.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • odisseusrhodisseusrh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    yuck sucks I hate the vaadwaur in space almost as much as I hate them on the ground
  • razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    odisseusrh wrote: »
    yuck sucks I hate the vaadwaur in space almost as much as I hate them on the ground

    Yeah, it would have been better if we at least had some side missions in the game to do so we can level that way. Repeating the exact same content like this for just xp is sad. If they gave some good rewards for it, like some of the PVEs, and STFs, it wouldn't be so bad.
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I just had to go through the same torture. Recommendable are Argala on normal or if you want to have a bit more fun the Undine Space Battlezone.

    Whilst you grind don't heighten your expectations towards the last episode. It's ok but it's not one of the best ones. Dragons Deceit is by far the best episode of DR.
  • razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    vocmcp wrote: »
    I just had to go through the same torture. Recommendable are Argala on normal or if you want to have a bit more fun the Undine Space Battlezone.

    Whilst you grind don't heighten your expectations towards the last episode. It's ok but it's not one of the best ones. Dragons Deceit is by far the best episode of DR.

    Thanks for the heads up.
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have not tried it yet, but what about Starbase Defense STF for xp?
  • xlesha911xlesha911 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Argala, 1 hour solo lazy runs on normal.
  • comtedeloach2comtedeloach2 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just a little bit of doff work and you can have those levels done in no time. It's easy,
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    When I was level 58 you do have a real mission you can do. After that do Borg Disconnection, Bug Hunt and now Mirror U or run around the adventure zone Thin Line and second part of that mission . I see others camped out in that area. I guess they play it all day long you could and move up to the next level 59 to 60 takes some time though.

    Time will only tell!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Or you could just play the game and the levels will come over time. There's nothing in those last episode missions worth grinding for.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    warpangel wrote: »
    Or you could just play the game and the levels will come over time. There's nothing in those last episode missions worth grinding for.

    This is very true.

    I've been running mirror universe event, doffing, rerunning some favorite missions and foundry featured episodes. Earning boatloads of dil and ec, while leveling pretty steadily. Trying to girnd is boring, and not significantly faster.
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    warpangel wrote: »
    Or you could just play the game and the levels will come over time. There's nothing in those last episode missions worth grinding for.

    Its the only way to play now. No point in rushing it.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just a little bit of doff work and you can have those levels done in no time. It's easy,

    DOFFing is less rewarding than you think it is. The XPs/Specialization Pts you get from DOFFing has been nerfed by 40%.

    Next time, take a look at what the DOFF mission says it will pay out during the "Plan" portion, then take note of how much you get when you complete it.

    For example, there's some Espionage and Trade missions in Delta Quadrant that should reward roughly 1.2k xps. When you complete it with regular success, it's about 700. And this is for a 12 hour DOFF mission. There are more longer duration DOFF missions for less XPs as listed during "Plan" portion.

    Some instances also reward TRIBBLE poor XPs. I've seen Bug Hunt touted around here. Bug Hunt Advanced is terrible in XPs. Most things you get 1-2 XPs in. Completing Bug Hunt doesn't reward skillpoints (needed for Pre-60 leveling) or specialization points (what your XPs are now for Lv60), only from killing stuff, which is minimal at best. You get Delta or Fleet Marks. You get Expertise for leveling up your BOFFs and their skillboxes. But you don't get rewarded a lump of extra skillpoints / specialization points.
  • odisseusrhodisseusrh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have not tried it yet, but what about Starbase Defense STF for xp?

    for lvls 50 to about 53 yea grind that don't touch episode (working on like 6 characters atm) seems to push the better content to the end more and give less of a grind bs
  • odisseusrhodisseusrh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    warpangel wrote: »
    Or you could just play the game and the levels will come over time. There's nothing in those last episode missions worth grinding for.

    largest chunk of exp at 4k for completion but over all for the story arc talk about about bad balancing on Cryptics part.....so you do 90% of the episode in space so what do you do you spec you 8 or 9 talent pts into that and what do they do as the end part of the last mission.....a ground arena battle.....yea gaint f u to the players that put 6 or more pts into space abilities and not ground
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I pretty much ignored DQ until making 54, the lower xp gains were simpler just running my normal pre expansion stuff.. doffing, bit of foundry, some of the instances on Romulus, revisited some older favourite story arcs. That led to a pretty smooth pass through DQ (still kept up my doffing though)
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  • maliusnightmaliusnight Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't really understand why XP rewards are so terribly small, ground and space need to be the same or we are simply going to see the ground and space imbalance amplified. The Ground battle zone should be a great place to level, and I don't understand why they aren't pushing those values to make it easier.

    I mean we need 60 levels worth of XP even after we make to 60 to max out intel spec, and the two sub specs. Grinding is all well and good, but if its expected that players will get all their toons up to 60, we going to need some more options.
  • odisseusrhodisseusrh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    its sad that I can run old content (Nimbus System) and get it done faster and get more exp than re-running newer [DR Content]
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