I'm looking for some advice on my T5-U Vo'Quv. I love it but i'm wondering if to improve it I have to start getting dilithium so I can upgrade the equipment as it already is or change it.
Here's a link to my build:
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=ikshochbatlh_0- What I should note about it as i DO have the T5-U so I have an extra tac console slot. I've put another locator on there for now.
- Now I don't know if I should go through the Undine rep and get the turret to replace the rear disruptor, replace a tac locator with the multi energy tac console and replace say one of the science consoles with the Hydodynamic console. Is the Undine counter ordinance set worth it?
- If it is a yes to that then my next question is do I then go the whole hog and replace my elite fleet weapons with Bio-Molecular disruptors? I'm not sure if it's worth changing to that for the benefits they give.
- Finally i'm happy with the Assimilated deflector and engines but with so many new reps and gear out now I don't know i'f i'm missing out on something better for my build?
I like using disruptor weapons feels more Klingon like to me so I'm not really in the market to change to anything like Romulan plasma plus it would be a lot more effort on my behalf getting new tac locators.
As usual I appreciate your help with this.
Only one EPTx skill? Working in a second (maybe EPTW to better control your beam drain?) would let you set up a pair of Damage Control Engineers and keep both up all the time. Something like EPTW1/EPTS2/A2SIF2, the always-on EPTS hardness plus your other engineering and shield-heal stuff, you'd be so durable you'd probably never notice the lack of RSP.
Also, no Plasmonic Leech? I know its cliche, but it makes keeping all your energy levels over 75 that much easier (for your AMP core), reduce drain, better mobility, etc etc. If you have 800 zen come the next ship sale, it'd be worth the cost.
What doffs are you running anyways?
Yes, Undine set is worthwhile, basically your net gain is about the same as adding another Spire console. Turret vs. Tac console is a hard choice given your beam build. Since you already have a Spire console, I'd probably go for the Turret myself.
Heck no. Elite Fleet Disruptors are the best weapons in game against anything with shields. The Bio-Molecular Disruptors are kinda meh in my opinion, you'd likely get better performance out of the same rarity of standard Disruptors for the extra mod than Bio-Molecular Disruptors.
I'd suggest something similar.
I don't think you are using deflector officers and deflector abilities to proc lowering the CD on grav well.
So, as far DOFFs go, try using....
2 Purple conn officers that redcue tac team recharge/ cooldown
2-3 purple/ VR Damage control engineers that reduce EPTx cooldowns
Mix in subsystem targeting when BFAW3 is on cooldown
If you don't have the damage control engineers, you can use EPTS1, and EPTS2 and then use 2-3 energy weapon officers that reduce recharge on beam special attacks to run BFAW3 more often
OR you could add some deflector officers and use some deflector abilities like energy siphon and tyken's rift to that Grav Well to have fun with. 2-3 Deflector Officers to reduce cooldown on GW and Tykens might let you add some damage with high particle generators skill too.
I hope that gives you some ideas
Hey there,
Quick question for you, if you're using EPTW & EPTS, what do you do for power settings to make sure your Science powers have enough aux? I'm thinking about upgrading to a T5U Flo'Quv, and I use EPTA instead of EPTW. With that 3rd tac console, EPTW looks even tastier than it ever did.
Thanks for your time.
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)