In recent Foundry updates we've gotten water volumes, EV-suit-required volumes, and floater volumes, all of which will be useful to authors in any number of ways.
But what other types of volumes would you like to see added to the Foundry? I can think of quite a few that would be useful for missions. Here is the list I've compiled, broken down by type.
Visual effect volumes- Visual distortion volume: In Borg ground missions, whenever your toon is assimilated and under Borg control, there is a distortion effect on your surroundings. A volume for this distortion effect would be useful for situations where your toon is under some alien influence or hallucination.
- Black & white volume: When your toon is low on HP, the display changes from full-color to B/W as a warning mechanism. A standing B/W effect would be useful for flashback scenes, hallucinations, out-of-body experiences and such - not to mention Captain Proton-inspired missions.

- Triolic wave volume: To recreate the UV-style effect usually seen surrounding Devidians, particularly in the "Spectres" mission series.
Gameplay effect volumes- Out-of-contact volume: For situations where the player's away team is supposed to be out of contact with his/her ship. Disables certain player/BOff abilities, such as Orbital Strikes or Security Reinforcements, that logically depend on the player being able to contact his/her ship in order to summon them.
- Melee volume: All player/BOff energy weapons and related abilities are disabled within this volume, as are other energy-based powers. Probably more useful for KDF missions than Fed.
- Captain-only volume: Similar to Paradise City on Nimbus III - your toon can enter but your BOffs cannot, either remaining outside or temporarily despawning whenever you enter.
- High-gravity volume: Pretty self-explanatory - the opposite of the low-grav volumes we already have. Toons and BOffs cannot jump or run within these volumes, only slowly shuffle, sort of like the spacewalk sequence of "Boldly They Rode".
- Hoverboard-enabled water volume: Again, pretty self-explanatory.
- Swimsuit-enabled volume: Ditto.
Hazard volumes- Demon-class variant of EV suit volume: Similar to the EV suit volumes we now have, except that these would also cause an unsuited toon or BOff to burst into flames, as seen on Nukara Prime when you try to leave the base camp without a suit.
- Rebreather volume: Causes the player to cough uncontrollably every once in awhile if not wearing either an EV suit or a rebreather, such as aboard an Elachi ship.
- Lava volume: Hazardous to the touch, with or without an EV suit.
Black & White - N/A - The Black and White effect is done through a skyfile transition. We could make a Black and White backdrop, but I don't think it would work on a volume.
Triolic Wave - Possible - (Same as Visual Distortion Volume)
Out of Contact - ??? - I have no idea if this is doable. This would be on the systems side, and isn't something we have built currently (to my knowledge)
Melee - ??? - Same as above, no idea, not something we have prebuilt.
Captain Only - Possible - It is a volume on Nimbus, so in theory it could be made available for the Foundry.
High-Gravity - Possible - Low Grav is a power, I don't think we have a High Grav power built, but it should be doable. (Don't remember how Boldy They Rode worked. . . )
Hoverboard - Problematic - The hoverboards are super specialized. Or rather, the areas they can go are. Hoverboards don't actually run on water, they run on the terrain under the water. So in order for them to display at the right height (water height) the terrain below the water has to be at a very specific depth, and all has to be flat.
Swimsuit - ??? - I think this is a map variable, and not something that can be put on a volume.
Demon-Class - Possible - Fairly sure it's volume based on Nukara, should be possible.
Rebreather Volume - Possible - Same as Demon-Class
Lava - ??? - Is this something you've seen somewhere already?
We have something similar in the form of a map-wide heatwave effect. Makes the screen wavy. (Also for some reason turns the skyfile a light brown.)
I don't think I've ever seen this in game anywhere.
The Colosseum on Nopada from, well "Colosseum." The player is deprived of all but melee attacks until later in the map.
The only thing I can think of is the spacewalk from Boldly they Rode. While also a space environment, you were reduced to a slow clomp along the hull.
We already have this on the classic Risa map.
I'm guessing it's a localized volume that catches you on fire, similar to when you step into a fire on a normal cryptic map. Our fire is harmless.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
I believe the Fek'ihri Gre'thor missions include damaging fire/lava on the floor.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
If the captain only is a volume, can we please get that? I believe it ranked pretty high on that one poll.
One more addition to this list, if possible.
The Floater Volume from "A Step Between Stars" that places a floater directly on the player would be TREMENDOUSLY useful. If we had that in the foundry, we wouldn't need to worry about whether or not the player had a floater - we could equip them with one if the story required it.
I wish I could remember where, But I swear I've encountered this in the game somewhere, It prevented my beaming in my Security Escort, with the box being "greyed out"
But since I can't site when/where this was, I may simply be remembering it wrong
The question there is how it would affect BOs and NPCs.
I have noticed that the standard floater volume currently in the Foundry causes weird pathing on BOs, pets, and contacts. I've noticed them jumping when set idle in place, for no apparent reason.
No, I'm pretty sure that's just a skyfile (backdrop).
The Texture Overlay is the Flashlight when you run on a low end card.
You're remembering it correctly, though I can't remember where it was either.
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what i also like to see on volumes are:
sound volumes: for instance, music volumes like we see in game at club 47, drozana, nimbus, or maybe some background soundeffects.
weather volumes: i know, we already have weather effects like rain or snow, but they don't have a accurate border. i think about things like creating an interior map with windows, and outside the windows it's raining or snowing.
this reminds me also that a "thunderstorm" weather effect would be nice.
great link volumes: similar to the water volumes we already have, could be nice for storys about the dominion.
finally, about the black/white "volume": if this can't be done with a volume, maybe in another way? a bit like we already see at the nopada - night backdrop, which looks much less colorful. or the effect we see when we are at very low hp?
and as it was mentioned before here, about placing floaters directly usable on foundry maps, think it also would be nice to have flashlights in foundry missions available.
A foundry by commandermic