Ticket ID #2,683,169.
Issue: The chimera warp pylons and nacelles are supposed to change for sector space travel.
Currently, they are not doing so. They transform for the warp out and warp in animation, but in sector space the pylons and nacelles are in the default position.
Issue affects both Normal and Fleet versions of this ship.
Youtube vid of issue:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp6MDZPj1BYReproduction Steps:
1. Fly a Chimera Heavy Destroyer.
2. Warp out to sector space.
3. Observe that warp pylons and nacelles are not transformed for warp travel.
Other info: Yes, I know this issue's been around for a while. But I did a quick search, and didn't see any bug reports on it in the last month, nor did I see it listed in the sticky: Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues.
So here it is with video showing that the ship transforms entering and exiting sector space, but is not transformed in sector space.
With the upcoming release of Delta Rising, I would really like to use her and have all the bells and whistles working. She really looks great in the missing configuration and it would be a shame if she didn't look her best in the Delta quadrant.
You guys are probably very busy putting the finishing touches on the new ships being introduced, but if you need a break, perhaps you can take a look at it and see what you can do.
Any traction on this issue would be appreciated, as it really has gone on for far too long.
Thanks in advance.
(stealth bump)...
Follow me on Twitter: @ZEFilms_STO
All you vets out there, let them hear from you.
Remember this ship gets the free upgrade for Delta Rising, and you want to travel through the sector in style with your warp pylons in their proper orientation. Every Delta quadrant species in gonna laugh.....:eek:
In all seriousness :cool: I hope your wrong about the needed repairs.
I have recently installed the complete Dyson reputation set on her and am finding the Delta quadrant a lot easier. It's either that or having all her mastery levels filled...
With the fleet skin underlay and the shield visuals enabled she sure looks spiffy.
They should care about lifetime members and their precious money, which pay their soup!! :cool:
Agree with you there Birzark. The Talaxian is nice, but my animation would be much more appreciated.
Though I am getting used to the way she looks in sector space, the intro animation is like being in a strip club if you know what I mean....
Ya, what he said!
(just in time thread bump)
I can say that its present on the Daeinos and the bug was introduced back when the dyson ships were released. Some of those have buggy nacelles as well, with them not being properly covered in tactical mode.
Agreed that a fix for this is probably owed - in some waysthese are the most expensive ships in the game! (at least, you could argue).
Hilariously, my Talaxian does not touch his comm badge when beaming up to the ship, so that's another LTS animation that's on the fritz! I may open a thread for it when I have time, but much rather the ship animation fixed than the ground one.
As I'm sure someone's going to say "hire more people" I'll note that the second member of the animation team was added fairly recently IIRC. Most of STO's existence it's had only one animations person.
As I've said before, Cryptic is a small company and STO has a correspondingly small team. We have to devote most of our time towards new stuff to keep income flowing. Everything else gets addressed as time allows. If something's not been fixed that we're aware of, it's most like due to us just not having had the time to do so.
We do the best we can, but we're only human.
Thanks for the response on this.
I do want to add, though, that it isn't just the warp animation for the Chimera, the attack mode doesn't fully expand and transform either, leaving parts stuck part-way through transformation. This is noticeable when the giant beam emitters inside the ship aren't opened up when using that mode.
Wasn't sure if that was known either.
Firstly, thanks for replying Frost, I may have missed that it was on the teams' "to do list" in some previous post, and I'm sure many including myself are glad that it is there.
I think you may have been having a bad day, as you went on quite a bit about lack of human resources, and seemed overly defensive.
Anyways.... we are glad to know that it is there, and look forward to someone finding the time to fix it up for us all.
Any word on where this fix is in your busy schedules?
Or can we take this as you are planning to eventually release new tier 6 veteran ship(s) with both intel and command seats....