Every one hundreds days it says we are to get a new reward as per the vet rewards page. Where is the next one I've not seen one since the ships which was awhile ago.
Due to the changes that Cryptic made to the LTS a couple of years ago that makes all Veteran Rewards available to them, any veteran rewards past 1000 days is just another LTS perk that very few regular subscribers would get. Therefore, all future veteran rewards would be added to the current veteran rewards like they did with combat ev suits or a complete revamp like a Loyalty store is needed.
A Loyalty store would use Loyalty tokens. These can be obtained by subscribing which gives 3 tokens per month and 1 token for every 500 Zen transferred to STO. Simple costume items could cost 1 token while ships could cost 50 tokens.
I'm not a Cardassian Arbiter or anything but isn't this a breech of contract since they stated that when we bought this item for RL money we would get X new item every 100 days. Meaning when they sold this item (sub or life time) they made a contract with the buyer. Does anyone know when the last reward was given because I think they are now several behind and need to make up for them or return a fair part of my investment as it was a major part of their sales pitch for this product.
A Loyalty store would use Loyalty tokens. These can be obtained by subscribing which gives 3 tokens per month and 1 token for every 500 Zen transferred to STO. Simple costume items could cost 1 token while ships could cost 50 tokens.
Just my 2 cents