Since we still play "Star Trek Online" I think it would be foolish to leave out the "Hero Ships" from Tier 6 endgame. The three "Hero Ships" on Starfleet side are of course the Galaxy, Intrepid and Defiant classes. It doesn't matter if you personally don't like them or like other designs best - those ships carried a TNG show and as such are amongst the most popular designs in the IP. While the Connie is without a doubt more popular and the Sovereign also appeared on screen, let's concentrate on these three for obvious reasons.
Under these circumstances, what are your ideas for T6 designs of those ships?
I think they should stay true to their original STO configuration, but add some twists T6 come with, like a fifth mastery point, ship traits and intel boffs. I would base them on the refit line-up, coming with slightly advanced/modified visuals of the Venture, Bellerophon and Sao Paolo classes and dub them "Advanced Exploration Cruiser", "Advanced Tactical Escort", and "Advanced Long Range Science Vessel".
For starters, I think the ships should keep their basic Boff layouts +1 boff ability (T6 bonus) gaining a second LtC/Intel boff station dedicated to the refit's secondary specialization, as in
Advanced Explorer / Tactical Escort / LR Science
Cmdr Eng / Tac / Sci
LtC Eng / Tac / Sci
LtC Sci / Eng / Eng (Intel)
Lt Tac / Sci / Tac
Ens Eng / Tac / Sci
Consoles: 4/2/4 / 4/4/2 / 4/2/4 (Eng/Tac/Sci)
Fleet version get an universal ensign and +1 in the weakest console department
Base Hull Level 50: 47k / 35,5k / 33k
Shield Mod: 1.15 / 0.95 / 1.5
Turn: 6.5 / 17.5 / 12.5
Crew: 1000 / 50 / 200
3000 Zen (500 Zen discount for every owned previous incarnation, equaling 1500 Zen is the Refit, Retrofit and Fleet Retrofit are owned)
This is just a quick sketch, I am far from being an expert on game stats. I just think this way the iconic ships are back in the game, are true to their original STO concept (something Cryptic is VERY keen on keeping) and will neither nullify everything else nor be the worst of the bunch.
What are your ideas?
EDIT: I have not yet thought about gimmick consoles or fifth mastery traits, I just wanted to begin by bringing something to the table
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Nice idea for the possibility of upgrading the Galaxy class starships, granted I personally would love to see them get a decent hull upgrade as well.
Personally though, I would love to see a T-5 version of the Constitution class cruisers, maybe the one from the Star Trek 2009 movie. I know they are old and pretty much outdated by the time the game starts, but I still love 'em none the less.
I like this idea very much.
I would also like to include the Sovereign class as well to this list please.
A T6 Defiant would also be nice, though it would probably end up inferior to the Phantom due to the Phantom having a built-in Cloak option. The only way to push a T6 Defiant would be if Cryptic were to at least give it a Battle Cloak console (since they're unlikely to let any older ship class excluding the Odyssey and Vestas outshine their newest ships by having better built-in capabilities). If they do include such a console, it would probably be restricted to the Defiant class only. It would be nice if it was compatible with the Aquarius and Galaxy-X classes as well, or at least, just the Aquarius class (since Cryptic doesn't care about KDF anyway), but like a theoretical T6 Galaxy, I don't think we'll see one for a long while due to the Phantom pretty much taking its job, with a Fleet version on the way as well.
A T6 Intrepid class could be possible, given how the Voyager is being featured so prominently for awhile now, and can serve as an easy moneymaker (moreso if they throw in the new Voyager bridge into it), but I doubt the Galaxy will see a new T6 iteration for a long while; due to the Guardian being the successor to it and the Ambassador, with a Fleet version already planned.
It doesn't help either that Odyssey (esp. the Operation variant) has generally superseded the regular Galaxy in every possible way (and also nearly supersedes the Fleet Galaxy as well). The only thing it can still do that the Guardian can't is Saucer separation, but in one of the Dev Q&As, they did say they'd consider adding Saucer-separation capability to the Guardian to complete it being the overall successor to the Galaxy and Ambassador, with the possibility of a Phaser Lance-like weapon to also allow it to succeed the Galaxy-X Dreadnought as well.
Something new would be needed to even try and sell a T6 Galaxy, which has overall been forgotten and underused, and would still likely be forgotten and unused if they release T6 Fleet Odysseys. It also can't be something that would outshine Cryptic's current favorites, which makes it even tougher to justify a T6 Galaxy.
I don't bring these up to discourage anyone, but to challenge them to come up with something that would still be reasonable for the playerbase as well as Cryptic (which means it can't overshadow the "flagship" designs of this season, but can come close). Voyager is currently a star for this season, so a T6 + New Bridge and some new console or built-in ability is an easy sell. A T6 Defiant with a Battle Cloak Console can be an easy sell as well without overshadowing the Phantom's own considerable (and built-in) capabilities; moreso if the console can be used with the Aquarius and Galaxy-X (at the expense of any remaining KDF relevance). But the real challenge is to come up with a valid possible reason for a T6 Galaxy that isn't a Dreadnought, is unique enough without overshadowing the Guardian, and is interesting enough to make it a viable alternative to a theoretical T6 Fleet Odyssey series (which as stated, is the current overall Federation flagship series due to one of the line being the current Enterprise and most strongly deserving of a T6 by that alone; whereas the Galaxy line no longer hosts the Enterprise name).
Cmdr Eng
LtCmdr Eng
Lt Sci/Intel
Lt Tac
Lt Uni
Defiant T6
Cmdr Tac
LtCmdr Tac
Lt Sci/Intel
Lt Eng
Lt Uni
Intrepid T6
Cmdr Sci
LtCmdr Sci
Lt Tac/Intel
Lt Eng
Lt Uni
I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
5/3 weapons setup
CMDR Tactical
LT Tactical
LtCDR Engineering
LtCDR Science
5 tactical consoles
3 engineering consoles
2 science consoles
Fleet: Add 1 ENG console
Fleet: LtCDR Science becomes universal.
The timeline argument is completely invalid in STO. There is no logical evolution between ships, the Excelsior still outperforms many of the newest designs, for example. STO does not know time or space and has no consistensy whatsoever. That being said the reason for the hero ships to be renamed, to me, is that those ships "are" Star Trek. While there are other designs and fan-favourites, these ships need to be in the game at STOs most recent content, anything else would be stupid. Because if Cryptic really stops implementing canon designs they killed their game. At least I personally don't want to play with their "inspired by" original designs, I don't see the point. And that has nothing to do with hindering the evolution of Star Trek or anything - if STO was set in the 25th century and they would be consistent about it and show me a logical evolution of starships and substantial rules I wouldn't have a problem. But they don't, they went the theme park route because they wanted the moneygrab and now they better deliver
That being said, if the Defiant was to get an overhaul the other two should as well. There is no logical reason to not overhaul the Galaxy but give that treatment to the other two, again, in my opinion.
One of those seats should be an Intel hybrid, since that's what T6 ships should offer. But I don't see the Defiant have an LtC science, there is no reason other than catering to a pragmatic metagame solution. The Defiant/Sao Paolo should go the tac/eng route since there is nothing hinting at a "science" potential in any way. Besides, a LtC Sci but only two Sci consoles seems a bit of a waste in my opinion.
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Miranda t6
5/5 beam weapons only
Cmdr Tactical
Cmdr Engineering
Lt cmdr Sci
Lt cmdr tactical
lt engineering
lt science
ens universal
5 tactical
5 engineering
3 science
Fleet: 1+ science
Fleet: plus 15+ shield power
30+ weapons power
Beam weapons are arcless, so full 360, console required.
a second console can overload beams by random at a 75% chance on full 100% critcal and 100% severity with no chance to miss.
can not fit cannons of any type, not even turrets.
can not fit torpedoes of any type.
18 turn rate
Fleet: 20 turn rate
1.2 Shield modifier
Fleet: 1.5 shield modifier
if you can get that and make the miranda very deadly, i would be snorting up and sneezing out my drink and laughing at the same time because it finally happened.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The Defiant - just take the Phantom Stats. The Phantom is awesome and very Defiantish.
Give it a new Quad Cannon perhaps, and as Starship Mastery Trait, give it something like "Tough Little Ship" which grants it bonus hit points and damage resistance when it is taking hull damage.
Surely we already have a T6 defiant in the Phantom.
No, that's the Phantom. Not a Defiant. That's the whole point.
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Which I'm clearly missing then.
Assume for a moment we had a T6 Defiant (Can't think why, it's old hat now) - what stats would you give it?
My point is it would be extremely close, if not identical to a defiant. The Phantom is the new Defiant in everything but name.
First off, I don't see how "obvious" it is to focus on TNG-era to the exclusion of the remainder of the franchise.
Secondly, TMP, TNG, DS9, and Voy are "competitive" with T5U11 upgrades available to all. As such, these hero ships are already "represented" in the current endgame. (Going by Cryptic advertising, not popular belief here, but us cherry pickers can be choosers :P )
Therefore, any further talk of "Iconic / Hero" ships should "fix the issues" of the current T5 conflagrations, ie, address all the Trek "eras" - ENT, ToS, TMP, TNG, DS9, Voy.
Whether said address is complete exclusion, or complete inclusion, is up to the Devs. I vaguely remember hearing the "historical undercurrent" of the fact that none of the "iconic" ships were supposed to be T5 worthy, then someone "money grabbed" and the fight for T5 NXs and Connies has been ongoing ever since. Sadly, going back to the "complete exclusion" model would obviously put the entire fanbase on "equal footing", though I'm more a fan of "complete inclusion" - which requires some major chatting with CBS, as the popular rumor carries...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
....however I'd would like for this game to boldly go where no one has gone before. When TNG stopped trying to copy TOS is when it started to become good. I feel that this game needs to also move away from TNG era ships and usher in new hero ships. We're too busy looking back...we need to start looking forward to that next Galaxy (Guardian), the next Constitution, Next Defiant, Next Intrepid.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.