Hi all,
Just looking for a general opinion on which modern cruisers are good for tactical captains. I prefer larger ships, and as a Fed, there's something a little more iconic feeling about Federation ships. However, I'd be quite open to any lockbox ship suggestions, too. I'm flying a Benthan presently, and I wasn't so much feeling the Guardian, so those are our only guidelines.

I've been kinda giving thought to trying a Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser or a Tactical Odyssey.
Thanks for your opinions!
The new-kid T6s are top of course (particularly once the fleet versions come out). The Eclipse is faster and has cloak, the Guardian is more classically Federation and has better science-support abilities.
T5 you get the Excelsior for speed and truly-retro styling (plus its cheaper and only needs a T3 starbase to go Fleet), Avenger for 5 fore weapons, or the Regent for the wide-angle torpedo and classic Sovereign look.
Lastly you get the Galaxy-X and the Odyssey Tactical. Both can work really well and put out significant offense, but are slower and run into some seating issues. The Galaxy-X gets the hangar and potential for Saucer Separation, and does have 3 tac boff stations available, but has only 2 cruiser commands and can't mount APO. The Odyssey has all commands and comes fleet grade right out of the box, but either it copies the Gal-X boff setup and runs into the same problems, or else uses the LtCmdr as tac and starts coming up sort in Engineering instead (which can be fixed by 100 million EC in doffs, but thats certainly not cheap). On the plus side though, because of the heavier engineering, the Gal-X and Odyssey are tanky as hell.
Honestly from what you say about your tastes in 'iconicness,' you might actually want to just pick based on what ship you want to spend your play time looking at, then build from there. All are good ships if flown correctly.
If I were to be honest with you, based upon looks alone, I'd go with the Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser. I just think it's a big, wicked looking thing. However, I've read that it's more science oriented in truth, so I've been unsure about investing in it.
Second pick would probably be the Tac Odyssey.
The Benthan is actually a very tough ship, from my experiences so far, as is the Narcine I have (though it lacks even the advanced frigates, much less the elite). I just don't like the style, and for some players, I guess there's something to be said for what you're looking at when you fly.
I don't see how people can say that about the Guardian.
It is loaded with the following BOFF slots:
Fixed LtCdr TAC
Fixed LtCdr SCI
Fixed Cmdr ENG
Fixed Lt ENG
Universal Ensign
Very balanced cruiser console layout. Capable of doing anything you can ask a cruiser to do. Don't be fooled by the 6.5 turn rate either. I can get this thing humming along, turning rather nicely, even taking advantage of Hyper-Impulse Engines with her.
In short, the Guardian can do anything you can ask of her. Including performing good, proper attacks.
1. Tal Shiar Adapted Cruiser
2. Tactical Odyssey
Where do these stand for you as a Tac flying a cruiser?
Mine Trap Supporter
If you think it'd work well as a Tac cruiser, then we've got a winner. Thanks for your advice.
I can't give you an opinion on the Tal Shiar - I don't have it. The Tac Odyssey - especially with the T5U upgrade - is a very powerful ship very well balanced for a tac captain. 4 eng consoles, 3 sci, 4 tac. A ltcom uni will let you slot a pretty powerful tac officer. She has a very beefy hull and there are some very interesting builds for her.
I would honestly say a T5U Tac Ody with saucer sep is one of if not the best tac cruisers in the game atm.