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New Difficulty risks losing both F2P and paying members?

theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Since this last patch, Oct. 23rd, the new difficulty has down right enraged quite a few true STO veterans. I spent all last night, as well as another veteran friend of mine, talking and listening in zone chats throughout the game. As far as we are all concerned, making a game more challenging is a wonderful idea, however, hit points and shield values are NOT the way to go. I went to my old test bed, the infamous Japori. (Thanks to all those who exploited the game, way to go.) What I found was this. Here I am, in a T6 cruiser, decked out with MK14 gear, and I had a dog fight with a frieghter that lasted more than 25 mins. My question is this, what did these pirates get ahold of to make even their weakest ships super tanks? I mean, seriously, this entire fleet of pirates can take over the entire galaxy, and no PLAYER could stop them, before they wiped out all critical structures and points. Making a game more challenging should be giving the enemies the same abilities all ships have access to of all factions. Grav Wells, Shield heals, sensor jammers, and so on. Turning all the enimies to GOD ships is nothing more than making a grind game.

With the release of Delta Rising, (Which, by the way, i bought the delta pack, to support a great game) we have been introduced to a new rank, new and higher lvl, (Capping at a technical 120) and the introduction of TU5 and T6 star ships, which open a wonderful ship mastery system. However, along with this pack, we are introduced to a new idea of "making the game more challenging". Awsome, I thought, till you get in game. Turns out, all these upgrades, from gear to ships, means practically nothing at all. No sense of advancement, no sense of superiority after weeks of hard work fine tuneing your ship, (MK14 anything, Epic included). Only to turn around and find you are a lvl 1 character flying a Miranda Class ship with a bunch more gear and weapons. Even a simple shuttle or fighter has close to the same hit points my CRUISERS have. Seriously? What did they build them out of, Gundanium? I am waiting for Wing Zero to come out of left field and hyper blast the entire fleet. One flaw i saw in pre Delta for ages was the fact the enemies lacked the abilites all factions have access to, and that was slightly bothering. I was hoping that would have changed. How many NPCs use grav wells? How many drop plasma, or jam sensors? How many NPC Romulans USE thier plasma abilities? (NONE) There are many player ships of all classes that can do some high range sci abilities, Tactical, and so on, so why not the NPC's?

PVE's have taken a serious hit in this, most are forced to play the normal dif, just to get a few rep points. Which brings me quickly to the standard good ol Fleet Alert PVE. Once a great training ground for fleets who love to bring in new players to STO. My fleet LOVES new players. I enjoy showing them the ropes, and getting them hooked on one of the greatest MMO's in my oppinion. Even non trekkies have gotten hooked. However, since DR, I have succesfully completed the match 2 times out of 50+ attempts. This is set on normal difficulty, and yet feels like super elite. Either give the players a time bonus for each time they wipe out a wave, or lower the baddies to "LOGICAL, REALISTIC" hitpoint and shield values.

Dieing is NOT the issue here. We, all those who have been talking about the new difficulty, have gone quite a few rounds with your typical inbread trolls, claiming we are dieing to many times. Death was not the issue. On average, these are players whom have been on since launch, or have lvl 50 to lvl 60 toons. Meaning, they have quite a bit of experiance on how to stay alive. in fact, I have died LESS since this new patch, than I did in the old STO before Delta. The issue is, as I have said a few times now, the NPC's are insanely unbalanced and ALL TANKS. Every single bad guy is a tank, no matter what ship they fly. Tell you what, DEVs, how about hooking US players up with ships like the NPC's. See how that flies. You know, a shuttle with over 200K hit points, and Shields that put the shows Borgs to shame. I mean if you are going to blow a game up, go all the way.

Had I known this is what I paid for, I would have switched to Champions Online, and gone gold there. Many of these players are threatening to quit untill either you guys get a hint, and bring us back the game we loved, or to pop in to do Role Playing sessions, since that is the only thing this new version is good for. i love how tough the new borg are, feels more like a real TNG conflict. But probes, borg probes, the lowest of borg ships, can take a 10 min beating from 2 ships? Now we are getting silly.

Now, i know, new patch, new ideas, new everything. This means a lot of fine tuning. I completely get that. I have no issue on waiting the issues and bug fixes out, and I know, you guys are very busy, and honestly have done a GREAT if not AMAZING job in the past. Hats off to you. But this is our only issue. We want to feel like we have made it to fleet admirals, and our ships have some serious bite, since these are our homes away from home. Make the baddies use more skills, sure, raise thier HP and SP a bit higher (from the OLD values), or add more npcs to each conflict, SOMETHING, but the way you left this game So FAR, feels like NO advancing has happened at all.

This post has been opened to bring in all those I have talked to, and I will be directing them to this post to also share their feelings on this issue.

*ATTENTION TROLLS* and you know who you are. You normally have eyes too close, caveman like brows, and a serious underbite, let me tell you this. We do not care to hear you talk about cry babies, how you are the greatest at everything, or how you fictionally claim to have no problems at all. I will not respond to you, and I tell you up front, I don't care what you're oppinion is. It will not effect anyone from here down in the slightest, so save the cave man grunts and puffs for the next guy. We are all sold out here.
Post edited by theotherpicard on


  • strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Casual player, F2P...occasionally farm dilithium for zen when I want something (character slots, Guardian cruiser, ec cap lifted).

    I play for fun; hp sponges are not fun. Soooo, I avoid the pve queues now, when before I'd do them several times a day across 5 characters.

    I also play for the story. Exp grinding to get to the next part of the story, is not fun. That is not how things were in the past, and should not be how things are now. <<shrugs>>

    There are many aspects of the game that I still enjoy, thus, I still play it.

    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My issue isn't actually the overly long and dull fights because of HP and Shields....

    Its the fact my cooldowns no longer keep pace. I don't have 2 minutes or a minute to wait. Usually when I die its because Ive just reached a point that I have nothing left to pop and the enemy is still at 60%.

    Another issue is that as Romulan I have a lot of Defense options. I can have Quantum Absorbtion and a butt load of other stuff going and still go from 100% to boom in a sec or two.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I now play for the grind. My account crafter was castrated so I need to re-grind him. My dilith reserves across all my toons has about run out- need to refill the chests. Then I need to grind some more for the higher tier gear thats now a requirement to play the STF's I used to enjoy.

    ...But wait- there's more !
    New skills grinding
    New 'traits' that need to be ground from T6 ships that'll get parked when the grind is over
    New zen needed for those ships.
    More dilith to pay for the material that I ground to be applied to my upgrade attempts

    I forget why I play, I just know I MUST, just to 'tread water'.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OMG, I have not even considered the Romulans. I have two of them so far, about to make a reman, but yeah, WOW, I feel youre pain, colonelchenchuan. you are a braver man than I to take on this new idea of difficult with a rom. I loved my roms, but will not touch them till this issue is resolved. Death will be an issue with them.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My issue isn't actually the overly long and dull fights because of HP and Shields....

    Its the fact my cooldowns no longer keep pace. I don't have 2 minutes or a minute to wait. Usually when I die its because Ive just reached a point that I have nothing left to pop and the enemy is still at 60%.

    Another issue is that as Romulan I have a lot of Defense options. I can have Quantum Absorbtion and a butt load of other stuff going and still go from 100% to boom in a sec or two.

    Mine is. It's ridiculous, and it doesn't get me anywhere near as far as it used to.

    Uhhh... I can understand the cooldown half of the matter (though this is because I don't have two of anything on my current ships), but... you get KILLED over that? What the heck are you doing?

    Again, what are you doing that's getting you killed? Quantum Absorption or Warp Shadows should give you plenty of time to cloak for another run. Speaking of which, it is usually a good idea to use the Impulse Capacitance Cell, Barrier Field Generator or Photonic Displacer from the various ship giveaways prior to cloaking. The first gets you way out of weapon range (kinda beats the point of cloaking for a purely defensive purpose, but whatever), the second blocks any weapons fire coming from a certain direction, and the last usually buys you more than enough time to turn your cloaking device on.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I had a fight against a single Voth Bulwark the other night. It was part of an Elite mission and therefore solo.

    It took around 2hrs to beat. Not because I didn't do enough DPS, not because I couldn't survive, but because it had 1.25M HP, two invulnerable shields, it's Grav Well, and an insta-kill DBB Beam Overload. After dieing about 6 times I managed to work out a way to win. It's not really hard, you just stay behind it in a faster turning ship, which the Aehlal is easily faster, plus with 72.5K HP it's a pretty good tank if you forget the NPC health. Thing is I used the Rom support fleet 3 times in a row across a finally 50 minute continuous, no death, fight to kill it. It wasn't fun, it wasn't really that challenging other than trying to keep awake long enough that you didn't accidentally get into the Grav Well then get Beam Overloaded...

    I did like that it used abilities, but lets be honest here, the enemies just need the same gear the players have, with a selection of traits that match their style. If you are going to have a team go up against an enemy a few heavy Carriers or Dreadnoughts with lots of guns would suit better than the current BS of hull sponges.

    Hell I'll make you an offer. I'll balance and help provide better direction for your game, if you pay me to do so.

    BTW that offer is serious.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    I had a fight against a single Voth Bulwark the other night. It was part of an Elite mission and therefore solo.

    It took around 2hrs to beat. Not because I didn't do enough DPS, not because I couldn't survive, but because it had 1.25M HP, two invulnerable shields, it's Grav Well, and an insta-kill DBB Beam Overload. After dieing about 6 times I managed to work out a way to win. It's not really hard, you just stay behind it in a faster turning ship, which the Aehlal is easily faster, plus with 72.5K HP it's a pretty good tank if you forget the NPC health. Thing is I used the Rom support fleet 3 times in a row across a finally 50 minute continuous, no death, fight to kill it. It wasn't fun, it wasn't really that challenging other than trying to keep awake long enough that you didn't accidentally get into the Grav Well then get Beam Overloaded...

    I did like that it used abilities, but lets be honest here, the enemies just need the same gear the players have, with a selection of traits that match their style. If you are going to have a team go up against an enemy a few heavy Carriers or Dreadnoughts with lots of guns would suit better than the current BS of hull sponges.

    Hell I'll make you an offer. I'll balance and help provide better direction for your game, if you pay me to do so.

    BTW that offer is serious.
    Awsome post. Thank you very much. Yes, a 1 hour fight is down right TRIBBLE, and not challenging, its an endurance challenge. That's it. i agree, the baddies are more fun when they can DO things like grav wells or even INTEL skills, but this super tank idea is just stupid. Who wants to play 2 hours just to get past the first space battle of a story, only to do another 2 hours when you get back from the ground mission. The average player would be done. ONE story completed, and all that time spent, the reward was a seriously BAD joke.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Casual player, F2P...occasionally farm dilithium for zen when I want something (character slots, Guardian cruiser, ec cap lifted).

    I play for fun; hp sponges are not fun. Soooo, I avoid the pve queues now, when before I'd do them several times a day across 5 characters.

    I also play for the story. Exp grinding to get to the next part of the story, is not fun. That is not how things were in the past, and should not be how things are now. <<shrugs>>

    There are many aspects of the game that I still enjoy, thus, I still play it.
    As you can see this account was started in 2013, that is when I bought the life time sub. Since launch, when it went F2P, I was a F2P all that time. I loved it. I loved how even free players had access to pretty much everything gold did, just had to work for it. Plus, F2P makes great friends for the gold players. I have no like or dislikes for either player. When I say Veteran, I mean players that have been on for more than 2 years.

    Thanks for the post. Hope to see you in game.
  • desade1desade1 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I assume they lowered the difficulty for Borg Disconnect regular. I have not had a failed pug on that in several days.
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I play at night after the kids go to bed. I played STO for a couple of hours and had fun and felt like I was getting somewhere. I am a lifetime subscriber.

    And then DR came along.......

    I have hoped on at night, do one patrol mission fight for 2 hours, and not get the mission done. So I try to stick it out and lose a little sleep to get farther along and eventually I beat it, or fall asleep.

    I have noticed that if I take my fed intel escort ship with my Fed Tact Captain and fly in and out at my targets I can whittle them down. But that works only as long as I don't pull them too far from thier start point. There is some magical distance they reach in which they turn arouns and fly straight back. And INSTA-HEAL to 100% from anypoint (lowest I have seen is 26%) and now I have to start all over again. THey don't go back if they are being damaged. But I can't go toe to toe with them in my escort. It's not a tank. SO I dive in and out of range to try and whittle the suckers down. My single Typhon Class that I can summon when I am nearly dead helps to keep them from running back and reset. But he doesn't have the staying power I have in the fight. Hi dies faster than I do. Unless I do everything I can to buff my pet. But if the Typhon gets the buffs then I die because I have no cooldowns left to rescue me. And this frustrates me.

    I used to run a couple missions a night on couple of characters. Now I am working hard just to complete one mission on character. The balancing they have created is not balanced as advertised. I wouldn't even dream of taking a Tier 5 ship with all Mk 12 purple gear into one of these fights. It would take hours to win.

    I used to be able to run elite crystal catastrophe in my Tier 5 Patrol Escort and pick one of the top three spots regularly. Now that Same gear on a T5-U CHimera or T6 Intel ship can barely get me through Normal Crystal Catastrophe.

    They need to rethink this "balance" of thiers and redesign the normal battles for the intended target, which should be T5 Ships in Tier 12 gear. Advanced can be the T6 ships in T12 Gear and Eliete can be the T6 ships in T14 gear.

    And stop with making everything costing Dil. DIl should not be in Crafting. Or Upgrading.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • billdunbilldun Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    However, along with this pack, we are introduced to a new idea of "making the game more challenging".

    I don't think that was the intention at all. They could have left normal, advanced, and elite the way they were, and created a new Epic/Legendary difficulty for players who wanted it. Nobody would have complained about that. More choices are never bad.

    I believe the insane shields, hulls, and damage resistance are a way to "encourage" players to upgrade their gear, nothing more.
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    billdun wrote: »
    I don't think that was the intention at all. They could have left normal, advanced, and elite the way they were, and created a new Epic/Legendary difficulty for players who wanted it. Nobody would have complained about that. More choices are never bad.

    I believe the insane shields, hulls, and damage resistance are a way to "encourage" players to upgrade their gear, nothing more.

    I don't this change is going to 'encourage' anything but frustration and eventually leaving the game to find something more fun to do.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    billdun wrote: »
    I don't think that was the intention at all. They could have left normal, advanced, and elite the way they were, and created a new Epic/Legendary difficulty for players who wanted it. Nobody would have complained about that. More choices are never bad.

    I believe the insane shields, hulls, and damage resistance are a way to "encourage" players to upgrade their gear, nothing more.
    Yeah, I agree with you 98% in adding a new difficulty selection, however THAT didn't happen. The part I disagree with you on is the upgradeing thing. I am upgraded, and it does not mean a thing. MK14 fleet weapons, dyson mk14 gear, and the works. Does very little to no change at all. I think the challenge was just a slap stick, and call it a diffuculty change. Even still, if it was a sorry ploy to make more money by selling xp boosts, gear upgrade junk, and so on, it was a very bad attempt. Again, upgrading right now is pretty useless. Great for PVP, if you are into that junk, but taking on NPC's is a joke. Like I said, its like being lvl 1 all over agian, but this time, you don't get better.

    Thank you so much for the reply though, and hope to see you in game.
  • zachariyazachariya Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It looks like HP and Shields need more tweaking and that I will still be staying far away from space combat. Thank god I got 60 before they nerfed xp gains.

    If they mess up bug hunt advanced and colony invasion I will have absolutely nothing left to do.
    Shoot through the Galaxy, Final Master Spark!
  • billdunbilldun Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah, I agree with you 98% in adding a new difficulty selection, however THAT didn't happen. The part I disagree with you on is the upgradeing thing. I am upgraded, and it does not mean a thing. MK14 fleet weapons, dyson mk14 gear, and the works. Does very little to no change at all. I think the challenge was just a slap stick, and call it a diffuculty change. Even still, if it was a sorry ploy to make more money by selling xp boosts, gear upgrade junk, and so on, it was a very bad attempt. Again, upgrading right now is pretty useless. Great for PVP, if you are into that junk, but taking on NPC's is a joke. Like I said, its like being lvl 1 all over agian, but this time, you don't get better.

    Thank you so much for the reply though, and hope to see you in game.

    They don't test anything, so its natural they'd go overboard with the difficulty. Its easier to lower it later, than it would be to increase it if the initial difficulty wasn't having the desired effect($$$).
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just wanted to add, we gave them this feedback on tribble. Here's a link to an 85 post thread titled : NPC health scaling how to ruin an expansion

    The sad thing is that for some players they had to increase the HP of elite enemies. That means the long slow fights are the symptom not the problem. The core problem is the gap between the best and average damage dealing. It is too high.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sisteric wrote: »
    I play at night after the kids go to bed. I played STO for a couple of hours and had fun and felt like I was getting somewhere. I am a lifetime subscriber.

    And then DR came along.......

    I have hoped on at night, do one patrol mission fight for 2 hours, and not get the mission done. So I try to stick it out and lose a little sleep to get farther along and eventually I beat it, or fall asleep.

    I have noticed that if I take my fed intel escort ship with my Fed Tact Captain and fly in and out at my targets I can whittle them down. But that works only as long as I don't pull them too far from thier start point. There is some magical distance they reach in which they turn arouns and fly straight back. And INSTA-HEAL to 100% from anypoint (lowest I have seen is 26%) and now I have to start all over again. THey don't go back if they are being damaged. But I can't go toe to toe with them in my escort. It's not a tank. SO I dive in and out of range to try and whittle the suckers down. My single Typhon Class that I can summon when I am nearly dead helps to keep them from running back and reset. But he doesn't have the staying power I have in the fight. Hi dies faster than I do. Unless I do everything I can to buff my pet. But if the Typhon gets the buffs then I die because I have no cooldowns left to rescue me. And this frustrates me.

    I used to run a couple missions a night on couple of characters. Now I am working hard just to complete one mission on character. The balancing they have created is not balanced as advertised. I wouldn't even dream of taking a Tier 5 ship with all Mk 12 purple gear into one of these fights. It would take hours to win.

    I used to be able to run elite crystal catastrophe in my Tier 5 Patrol Escort and pick one of the top three spots regularly. Now that Same gear on a T5-U CHimera or T6 Intel ship can barely get me through Normal Crystal Catastrophe.

    They need to rethink this "balance" of thiers and redesign the normal battles for the intended target, which should be T5 Ships in Tier 12 gear. Advanced can be the T6 ships in T12 Gear and Eliete can be the T6 ships in T14 gear.

    And stop with making everything costing Dil. DIl should not be in Crafting. Or Upgrading.
    Yes, that is a great idea too, but like I said, how many NPC roms have you taken on that used the plasma skills the players have? how many times have the NPCs caught you in a singularity jump? NONE at all, unless you got a glitch. Making the game more challenging should be what you stated about NPC gear, AND giving them the skills and abilities we all have. Make it feel somewhat like you taking on aother player, and not a under programmed drone.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thank you so much. I wish i had been on tribble for that testing, I would have kept my money. lol, gone gold on Champoins and played there till STO DEVs smartened up a bit.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And not everybody asked for tougher enemies.

    I was just fine with the old difficulty.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just wanted to add, we gave them this feedback on tribble. Here's a link to an 85 post thread titled : NPC health scaling how to ruin an expansion

    The sad thing is that for some players they had to increase the HP of elite enemies. That means the long slow fights are the symptom not the problem. The core problem is the gap between the best and average damage dealing. It is too high.
    I read a few posts, and yeah, you guys NAILED it right on the head. And nice nuking of the trolls in there that thought this was a good idea. You know, seriously, I doubt any of these "the old game was too easy" were playing it right, and now they are saying the game is good? I say Bull***t. I bet not one of them has nuked a baddy in the time they claim. The gear even on epic does not compensate the DPS one would have to deal in order to kill these new super tanks. So standard trolls they are. no idea what they are talking about. But yeah, wow, you guys nailed it there, and it still made it to launch? What a load of ****, Cryptic. Seriously, what are you guys smoking over there?
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    And not everybody asked for tougher enemies.

    I was just fine with the old difficulty.
    OMG, i completely agree. Here I preorded the Delta Pack, and was day dreaming of taking my shiny new T6 into Kitomer Vortex, and do some damage, but then the day came, and I was crushed, pissed off, insulted and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I used to defend these guys for some time, but this was either lazy difficulty change, or just down right stupidity. There is NO upgrading at all, and no ranking up caps, because all in all, you gained nothing at all. You are nowhere. In fact, worse than that, might as well say youre lvl 1 again, but with a ton of junk that looks pretty.

    LOL, thanks and hope to see you in game.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I read a few posts, and yeah, you guys NAILED it right on the head. And nice nuking of the trolls in there that thought this was a good idea. You know, seriously, I doubt any of these "the old game was too easy" were playing it right, and now they are saying the game is good? I say Bull***t. I bet not one of them has nuked a baddy in the time they claim. The gear even on epic does not compensate the DPS one would have to deal in order to kill these new super tanks. So standard trolls they are. no idea what they are talking about. But yeah, wow, you guys nailed it there, and it still made it to launch? What a load of ****, Cryptic. Seriously, what are you guys smoking over there?

    Oh I guarantee you can nuke guys very fast. The trick is ignoring shields. The easiest way on a budget is with a science ship particle generator build and tactical captain. If I can ignore half the damage needed to kill them (shields + hull reduced to just hull) that's the equivalent of doubling my DPs.

    Notice a recent patch reduced shields and increased HP of many enemies on elite and advanced difficulty.
  • paramvirmodiparamvirmodi Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I play the normal PVE's now, their difficulty is bearable. Same as the Advanced prior to DR.
    Have invested enough for mark 12 to mark 14 gear, has made some difference. But not enough!!!!
    Advanced and Elites are toooooooo difficult even at Player lvl 60 no affect...
  • darin010darin010 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I am in a faily large fleet and in this fleet we have alot of Veterans I mean the military kind not game kind. Most of them can't get on very much given their jobs. Some I only see and talk to once or twice every 6 months. But we would go out and run a few of the old STFs and hang out and goof off. Pretty much let them blow off steam and forget about whats going on here or their for a few hours. I think its messed up that when alot of these guys log back in they will be so out classed for lack of being able to play every day that I am pretty sure they will move onto something else. As a fleet we support them and help them out as much as we can but with the NPC's being pretty much Star Trek Gods now apparently how are they supost to move on with the game. The vastly stronger NPC's has no doubt dead locked our fleets military players. Which I don't think thats fair to them or any one really.

    We have already had 2 people with life time subs leave the game from our fleet because the grind ain't worth the time any more. I my self am getting to the point that logging on to play 1 story line patrol (which is freaking stupid to put so many in and call it story) is pretty much all the time I have to spend playing. Its getting to the point that people have to weigh the amount of time vs what they can do and get out of this game now. I have seen alot of people pretty much say I can't do any thing now days my times woth more then fighting a NPC that takes an hour to kill for 5 rep marks. Any Dev on any other game would have at lest buffed the rewards with making the NPC a super tank. But the Nerf bat at Cryptic is that of a Q any change that lets a player have it just a wee bit easy and snap all gone.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I play the normal PVE's now, their difficulty is bearable. Same as the Advanced prior to DR.
    Have invested enough for mark 12 to mark 14 gear, has made some difference. But not enough!!!!
    Advanced and Elites are toooooooo difficult even at Player lvl 60 no affect...
    Yeah, that is what i am stuck with, normal.....easy.......noob mode. It's too easy, and not worth the time in rewards, in my oppinion. I used to always play on elite in the past, but now, i cannot even deal with advanced in the fact it takes too long, insanely too long to kill a little ship. It makes me feel robbed. Seriously, I will need a psychologist after this. LMAO. I dunno, I think they should put up a bilboard in thier main office that says, "If it's not broke, don't fix it." The HP/SH increase is an aweful attempt to "make things more challenging".

    Thank you and hope to see you in game.
  • theotherpicardtheotherpicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darin010 wrote: »
    I am in a faily large fleet and in this fleet we have alot of Veterans I mean the military kind not game kind. Most of them can't get on very much given their jobs. Some I only see and talk to once or twice every 6 months. But we would go out and run a few of the old STFs and hang out and goof off. Pretty much let them blow off steam and forget about whats going on here or their for a few hours. I think its messed up that when alot of these guys log back in they will be so out classed for lack of being able to play every day that I am pretty sure they will move onto something else. As a fleet we support them and help them out as much as we can but with the NPC's being pretty much Star Trek Gods now apparently how are they supost to move on with the game. The vastly stronger NPC's has no doubt dead locked our fleets military players. Which I don't think thats fair to them or any one really.

    We have already had 2 people with life time subs leave the game from our fleet because the grind ain't worth the time any more. I my self am getting to the point that logging on to play 1 story line patrol (which is freaking stupid to put so many in and call it story) is pretty much all the time I have to spend playing. Its getting to the point that people have to weigh the amount of time vs what they can do and get out of this game now. I have seen alot of people pretty much say I can't do any thing now days my times woth more then fighting a NPC that takes an hour to kill for 5 rep marks. Any Dev on any other game would have at lest buffed the rewards with making the NPC a super tank. But the Nerf bat at Cryptic is that of a Q any change that lets a player have it just a wee bit easy and snap all gone.
    Yeah, i am a real time vet, of two branches of service. lol, ask me and i'll tell you later. But I do feel for you and your buddies. That is a very cruel thing to do to them. And yes, this also applies to pasts posts here about people with real lives that cannot put hours into a game, and are pissed that it takes hours to do one space fight. People have kids, jobs, and so on, and the POINT of a game is to have fun, take a break, and live another life for a bit, but right now......it's just a stress pool.

    I hope they change this. Bless you and your vet friends. Hope to see you guys in game, for sure.
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