from wikipedia:
"Cryptic Studios is an American video game developer specializing in massively multiplayer online role-playing games."
video game developer:
"A video game developer is a software developer that specializes in video game development the process and related disciplines of creating video games.[1][2] A game developer can range from one person who undertakes all tasks to a large business with employee responsibilities split between individual disciplines, such as programming, design, art, testing, etc. "
this part is important.
" Most game developer companies have video game
publisher financial and usually marketing support"
Cryptic studios is not fully responsible for all the crappy stuff which are in this game now:
Most of them are artists (3d modellers, 3d texturers, levels designer) or programmers, and i guess that for the creation of the new contents, they have specifications to follow.
ok they have created the contents that we have now, but they don't decide directly how money must be earn or they must adapt the content to the financial necessity.
if the
publisher financial and usually marketing support" need money for other projects, for their shareholders dividends, how are they supposed to act?
if the publisher want that the game brings in more money effectively and quickly; they must follow the guideline.
I'm not happy like a lot of players, but we shouldn't loose our discernment. But i agree for the bugs. before a new release, old bugs should be fixed
oh! btw i'm not a fanboy, i'm too old for that now
btw sorry for my english, it is not my maternal language
I surely hope that all of DR was something that PWE told them to do, because then it would be a very poor business on PWE's part, and Cryptic has a chance of being picked up by another publisher.
Since we can't assume anything, the default position of most forumites is to rage at the developers who coded the thing. Some of the rage is justified however, such as the numerous bugs that came out on release.
If I were to rate the performance of the various dpts.:
Art: 9/10 (Nitpicky over some model errors)
Acting: 8/10 (Some VOs sounded a bit amateurish, but the pros and for the most part, the other voice actors did well, and it added to the story.)
Programming: 7/10 (Some pretty buggy stuff came out and the Mac client failed, but overall it was about as buggy as LOR and the servers were fairly stable.)
Design: 2/10 (This is where they completely failed.)
Testing: 0/10 (This is normal for Cryptic. No testing whatsoever.)
To be honest, DR wasn't even close to LOR in terms of enjoyment. When LOR came out, I spent 4 months kitting out 3 romulan toons and playing the storyline. I was happy to pay them money for everything about LOR even though the servers were laggy and unstable. The content was made in benevolence for the playerbase. They even listened to the players in LOR after nerfing the STFs, and they said "Yeah, it was wrong to take rewards from fun content from you guys!" and un-nerfed it within a week.
In DR, they released an interesting story, but with depressingly terribly designed content that is an HP snoozefest, and nerfed ALL the rewards ingame, and even had the gall to take rewards from players who "got EXP too fast". (Seriously how are the players supposed to know what an exploit is??)
I bought the Eclipse, and now I regret giving them that money. They (Either the devs or PWE) needs to learn that STO is an "entertainment industry". In any service industry, the customer is right.
Imagine what would happen in a restaurant if the Chef told a customer to "shut up or GTFO" if they didn't like a particular dish and asked for a modification to it. Yeah, that wouldn't happen or the restaurant would fail.
I hope Cryptic/PWE realizes the above scenario, and that raging customers are ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP YOU with feedback.
After DR, that princess started looking a bit like "The Grudge" to me. :P
in this case cryptic staff are given their marching orders like any other employee in any other business, they do it and and make sure its passed through the quality assurance department to pass and if it fails the employees correct the mistakes, anyways after that point its passed along to wherever else next and those employees are paid for their efforts.
its the same in any other business with their employees, for a shelf stacking you pick up boxes of unopened goods on their pallets for that isle and then shove em on a trolley from the warehouse, take em to an isle, open each box and pack the goods on and as much as possible to each place where these items belong on the shelves then return and do it again until you run out of stock for that isle and move along to another isle, you dont get paid for standing around for a month doing nothing. quantity and quality otherwise you will get the manager nagging you to death being quality assurance and motivation not to lose that job.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Once R+D hit, ugly grew a new face. DR, it had a twin, what will it look like next?
I *****ing Loved LoR compared to 9.5+
We are sorry that your Mother cannot speak English. :P
Like Buffy?
Cryptic didn't make a single game that can be called "good" in their existence. They games are average, at best, some praising the occasional blow of fresh air coming from their products, but they can't say that they ever did create a masterpiece.
Yet, they still exist. Yes, in a much changed form since the beginning, but still.
Which makes me wonder, why devs don't care. Because recent issues clearly show they don't. It's obviously clear that devs themselves don't play their own game, which to a degree is understandable, and I assume it's PR department's duty to figure out what are players up to.
But we have a lack of communication here. Do seriously people need rage and scream for anything to get noticed? Because that's the only way it seems to work. People need to ***** long and hard enough for anything to get noticed.
We have bugs in this game that weren't fixed since launch, always coming back. Most of the current Holodeck issues were reported on Tribble, and yet they remain.
Laziness or incompetence? Why? Why is it so hard to fix things? Why did the joke "It's not a bug, it's a feature" become a thing?
It's getting to a point in which you can't spend a day before running into a bug. And it's getting annoying.
Plus, you have all these poorly handled matters like the recent spec point rollbacks for people. People punished for grinding in an MMO because of devs incompetence?
Are you serious crytpic? Are you even ******n trying? Because if not, you might as well quit and spare STO's slow death, shut the servers and say bye bye.
People are already leaving, even if just temporarily, even if they are just threatening to leave, at some point, they will. Especially because there are games that are not only better than STO, but also much better managed.
Kadir beneath Mo Moteh. Kiteo, his eyes closed. Chenza at court, the court of silence. Darmok on the ocean.
Shaka, when the walls fell.