As the title explains, I am not sure whether the mission Infected: Manus (advanced) or Infected Ground advanced is bugged or not.
In the last room, I couldn't upload the virus the first time I ran the mission after the launch of DR. We completed the optional, had access to the last room, but when we tried to upload the virus, it wouldn't upload and after a few seconds the shields would get in place again.
I ran the mission again with a team from one of the elite channels. Same story: we completed the optional, but we couldn't upload the virus. All players were in the room. We tried uploading it once, twice, with all players being in the same corner while uploading it, we tried starting at the upper right corner, we even tried using the consoles between the corners at the back end and the left side of the room. Nothing worked.
I've already filed a bug report in-game, posted in two release note threads and there have been two threads in the bug report section that only got one reply but that are now out of sight on page 10 or something. Yet, it's still not in the 'known issues' part of the latest release notes.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is the mission simply broken? Anyone have any clue?