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I request a shorter Cool-Down for failed pve

tinkerbelchtinkerbelch Member Posts: 138 Arc User
Attempting harder PVE should feel rewarding. If a team fails the mission, it is still a 1 hour cooldown. I request a 5 minute cooldown for failed PVE or whatever is appropriate.

Some might argue this will encourage more lower skilled players to join advanced/elite pick up groups, because failing would not really be punished. However, I argue it would give more opportunity for people to learn from the more skilled players.

Rather than having to make a pre-formed team, pugs would feel like an option for advanced and elite pve, as attempts could be made more often.

Please comment.
Post edited by tinkerbelch on


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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    5-minute cooldown would allow trolls to ruin ~12 STFs per hour as opposed to just one.
    Because, yes, there are people who play the game with that sole purpose.

    As for legitimally failing an Advanced mission with a pug, this is their nature. Run with one, you are expected to tag with inexperienced players. The system cannot tell real gameplay experience and hence cannot stop such people from joining the queues. They need to practice on Normal enough before trying harder difficulties -- this is a clear message from the current design of things, but it is still their own choice following that, and advice from other players.
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    crappyturbocrappyturbo Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If they want people to learn on normal then normal should reward some of the items that are available on the harder difficulty levels like the processors or VR mats. I for one will never play an STF on anything harder than normal, mainly because I do not want to get yelled at for not having a cookie cutter build that is dps only.

    As to the rewards, give normal a chance to receive the items that are restricted to advanced and elite and give those two difficulty levels a guaranteed drop of those items, more for elite than advanced. IMHO this might get unskilled players off of those levels until they can, hopefully, learn to do the STF in question.
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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    As to the rewards, give normal a chance to receive the items that are restricted to advanced and elite and give those two difficulty levels a guaranteed drop of those items, more for elite than advanced. IMHO this might get unskilled players off of those levels until they can, hopefully, learn to do the STF in question.

    I slightly disagree that Normal should drop the items in question, but you are right on needing a DPS build in order to succeed in the new STFs. That said, if such items were to drop in Normal, here's what I'd do: have Normal drop one item, Advanced maybe 5, and Elite 10. Then increase the requirement on these items on gear that requires them. Currently they require 5 or so, I'd increase that to maybe 20 or 30.

    This will make Normal doers get these items at a slower pace, but it will no longer be impossible for them to get there. It will just be longer. As it should be. Less difficulty, less reward.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
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    adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If they want people to learn on normal then normal should reward some of the items that are available on the harder difficulty levels like the processors or VR mats. I for one will never play an STF on anything harder than normal, mainly because I do not want to get yelled at for not having a cookie cutter build that is dps only.

    As to the rewards, give normal a chance to receive the items that are restricted to advanced and elite and give those two difficulty levels a guaranteed drop of those items, more for elite than advanced. IMHO this might get unskilled players off of those levels until they can, hopefully, learn to do the STF in question.

    you don't really need a cookie cutter dps bild to succeed

    The changes to advanced that cause the most faliures 've found is that people need to think before they act in order to achieve the secondary objectives

    E.g you can't let a probe slip through anymore ,that's not a dps issue, that's a situational awareness issue

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    leethorogoodleethorogood Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    How about instead of BNPs/VCIs/IMIs/APCs dropping in normal queues, they add a project to the appropriate reps to allow you to convert 100 x marks to 1 x BNP/VCI/IMI/APC? Food for thought. :cool:
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