Hi Trekkies!
This build is for pve; I'd do something different for pvp.
link isnt saving boff abiltiies
It jacks power up in the standard ways of eptw3 and plasmonic, but also adds over ride safeties.
Surgical strikes works on all energy weapons - so we can mix cannons and beams no problem. Edit: (I dont recommend this anymore, DBB are more efficient with SS due to travel time)
Can carry at 40k. Hit 53k top end with a 50k group.
My highest crit with the lance last night was 283k. (Now its 450k)
also, are you talking about the Bioneural Infusion and Bioneral Gel? (using both?)
I'll post the exact build including my skills and traits when I get home. My skills currently have points in torps and sci powers so it's not completely optimized for this ship but it pushes diminishing returns in nearly everything so I use it as a one size fits all build that misses very little once you look at the actual number (for instance 3 pts in energy wep specialization vs 9)
I don't have everything upgraded yet but most are m13 and all my consoles are m14. I'll post what I have and what I'm shooting for.
I will run both bioneural once fleet phantom hits. Right now it doesn't fit and my non tac/int powers aren't quite at global. I run the circuitry, tachyo, and assimilated in engi slot, and lance/plasmonic in sci slots. I've tried dropping different consoles to drop in the gel but it was a loss to do so.
I also tried the build out with proton barrage, using 3 PC Dyson and 3 PC proton set, as well as isometric charge with particle mastery and part gens at 6/9 - the proton barrage wasn't worth the loss of survivability and the Iometric charge, while the last hits hit hard and it had a massive crit rate, took too much away from sustained. The lance is seriously the easiest burst dmg console/set I've found to gear for since if you gear phasers you're already set.
It's tooltip damage sitting at ESD is 23k, piercing version (if target has expose vuln) 33 k. Tooltip number btw, saw a crit last night vs debuffed target (APB from teammate, my own apo/eptw3/plasmonic/override safety/Borg proc/ionic turb/expose defenses/surgical strikes/a2b- it may have been missing one or two) for 283k, was like 146k in parenthesis as the "hit".
I've never got another nuke to hit this hard.
Edit: can really increase its alpha by using weapon battery during buffage. I prefer deuterium for survival. This ship isn't a total vape since it doesn't have battle cloak- it's built to dogfight after vaping- it's got some serious offense but also excellent defense.
Epts1+fleet shields+ NFG = capped shield resists vs big 3 and 63% to others. With my accolades and the eclipse starship trait my hull resists are 25-34 depending in buffs running - never drops below. No need for a2d with doff or neutronium with that kind of innate resist. For healing it has shield battery, sci team, engi team, HE, 100+ shield power, and Borg 2pc hull heal proc as well as decent regen with techie/living hull/biotech patch. It rocks a base of 86% defense before crippling strikes.
It can tank normals. It cannot quite tank advanced but with amazing piloting can survive while dealing serious damage - oh and phaser procs count for something I guess.
What do you do for AoE fining? Seems like you are focusing on single target DPS. I would go with this...
stick with all DHC's fore, and do the following
Tt1, APB1, APO1
Int team1, CSV 1, CSV 2; surgical strikes[/B]
Epts1, a2b1, eptw3
Sciteam1, HE2
Engi team 1
or go with all DBB's fore and do this...
Tt1, APB1, APO1
Int team1, BFAW 2, BFAW 3 or BO3; surgical strikes[/B]
Epts1, a2b1, eptw3
Sciteam1, HE2
Engi team 1
also this might be interesting and pretty funny if Heavy Phaser Lance is affected by Beam Overload...
stick with all DHC's fore, and do the following
Tt1, APB1, APO1
Int team1, CSV 1, BO3; surgical strikes[/B]
Epts1, a2b1, eptw3
Sciteam1, HE2
Engi team 1
use intel gathering, wait for the proc, expose defenes, pop a2b, 1APB1, EptW3, BO3, then use the Heavy Phaser Lance for a HUGE facemelting attack
Beta III -50 damage resistance
Fire on my mark III -42 res
And intel vurnability -33 res
+ sensor analyse from some one
Then alpha+50% damage
Tac fleet +38%
+ flank
And bam 74 to 92k crit hits from normal beams no overload or something just auto attacks i think il stick for longer with this ship ]:>
my stats are 24% crit chance and 120% crit sev im using fleet ap beams mk 13 right now i dont know if there was any other buff or debuf i was at full hp and shields maybe some bug but right now its op as hell.
I don't need aoe to spread APB, I achieve the same function with ionic turbulence but it also has CC.
This had no need of aoe because any trash where aoe would be useful is basically vaporized by SS cannon/beam fire. I tried the build with FAW and CSV and didn't like it.
I appreciate the suggestions and I like the way you think but there is no way I'm dropping int abilities for lackluster cannon abilities or beam abilities that share a cd with SS. BO does not work on the lance. In fact "beam" tactical consoles don't either - it's not a beam; it's an energy weapon attack and is only affected by tactical consoles that buff phaser damage.
The alpha you suggested is a good; mine is:
Eptw3+Apo+TT+A2B+SS -come out of stealth and open fire. If weaker hard target and solo let expose vuln stack and after 15 seconds apo ends, hit APB, epose vuln, int team, hit ionic turbulence, override subsystem safeties, pop weapon battery, SS again; then lance.
If a super hard target and in a group, same opening from stealth but start with the lance to apply vuln right away (-20% shield resists at start of fight is huge against really hard targets like voth carriers) and then standard after that.
link isnt saving boff abiltiies
nice to see that all i really have to look for on the weapon mods is CrtDx3. if I cant find those for a good price, I'll go with CrtDx2/CrtH
if so where do you get Pirate Boffs?
Pirate1 is a Nauscican engineer cross faction BOFF rewarded for reaching t4 diplomacy.
The other is the new hierarchy BOFF you get - he is badass. I got mine as int/sci.
My tactical BOFF is sup rom op.
Int/tac is just a plain jane human for like 200 dil.
Engineers are human and Nauscican.
Sci/int is heiratchy.
Also both my cannons have the rapid affix, sto academy didn't have it as an option.
Engine+ deflector is Borg.
Managed to hit a 450k crit with the lance vs a recluse in CCA.
Been seeing a lot of phantom threads so I'm hoping this helps.
My overall Dps has hit 33k. My single target sustained for 10 seconds can hit 80k.
I still have upgrade room as well, with weapons only mk14 VR and UR. All my consoles/engine/shield are 14 but not epic. I only have SS2 but should get ss3 today. And the. The fleet version of this will come out too.
When I finish all upgrades and get fleet version, as well as my spec points I'm expecting to break overall Dps of 40k. Which I don't care who tells you otherwise, is an impressive feat for a non FAW single target ship, that isn't even optimized for isa (that would be a rom engine, undue deflector, no EptS or teams) but rather to be able to play any content and excel. It's my own lil baby.
Enter the phantom.
I have to ask the noob question, because folks have been pounding it into my head that you don't mix beams with canons.
Can you tell me why it works on this build, mixing the two?
And another things folks have been feeding me for awhile is how Phaser is the weakest damage type. Apparently that isn't true either, if it works in this build?
Thank you for any insight!
Mixing beams and cannons is bad because the boff weapon enhancement abilities such as beam fire at will or cannon rapid fire only work on one or the other, this build uses surgical strikes which effects both so it's not a problem.
All of that makes a lot of sense now!
DHCs give much higher DPS at close ranges and you literally rip anything apart in a short time. Also less power drain, plus you can get all your gun firing at the same time.
DBBs have a wider arc and less range drop-off so that helps in some situations, but they drain more power and do less damage overall. Also you'll not be able to take advantage of 360 degree weapons as much, apart from omni-directional beams and the KCB.
I found DBBs better suited to blasting everything in range with FAW whereas DHCs are much more suited to single target attacks.
However with the intel abilities like Surgical strikes and OSS I've found you can put out more than enough damage with either build. Really it's down to what type of weapons you prefer.
I'm curious how you got to 40k or whatever without being blown up. That would clearly require constant close range fire on the big boys. I buffed up my defensive side even and still it wasn't even close.
Travel time. In high end runs if I'm not on a targets 6 and super close I find they are debris before my first volley hits. Hard to get a good parse with a high end team using cannons even when sticking to hard targets. DBB will typically parse higher due to arc and ranged damage falloff.
Regarding survival:
Dicrok, epts1, all 4 teams, hazard emitters 2, BFI, subspace modulator, rom t5 stealth, deuterium surplus, pilot7 and int22. Piloting plays a huge factor. Spamming int team keeps threat down too. Nukara engine, delta core+ deflector all give shield subsystem power. With 15 in shields I idle at 68. Before plasmonic, before epts1, before oss3, before dicrok etc etc - I'm capping shields much of the time at 130.
Yes if I'm on a team where I am taking all of the aggro because I'm doing literally twice the Dps of all 4 of my teammates combined, I may have to retreat for a moment. Hasn't been a problem considering when it happens it means I'm seriously already doing far more than my fair share which most of the time I have no problem with. It's also incredibly rare that i retreat.
Link to the reddit build has links to some parses:
I am looking at getting a new escort and I guess the Phantom is the logical/only choice at t6 and I assume/hope better than the current t5s. And need to redo my skills as a result.