So I upgraded my Scimi to T5-U, fired up the episodes and started MINDSCAPE.
I really enjoyed it, very imaginative, until I got to fluidic space...and I got slammed halfway across the galaxy, could hardly touch that third ship...watching my hull drop helplessly.
Is there any trick to this? Or am I just going to have to skip it?
So I upgraded my Scimi to T5-U, fired up the episodes and started MINDSCAPE.
I really enjoyed it, very imaginative, until I got to fluidic space...and I got slammed halfway across the galaxy, could hardly touch that third ship...watching my hull drop helplessly.
Is there any trick to this? Or am I just going to have to skip it?
I fly a Scim as well... look down to my previous post on this very issue. Some decent feedback there.
I was honestly surprised when someone in my fleet had a similar experience and all I had was a T5U Vesta and got through it fine. I mean, it kept me on my toes but I never died. But I think maybe having played a lot of Viscous Cycle (old Elite) helped me as far as knowing what to expect...
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Cleared it easily in a Risian Luxury Cruiser that I hadn't even upgraded to T5U yet. You don't have to take out all the bioships; you mostly need to drop the shields on the dreadnaught, and kill (IIRC) two of the bioships. Despite what you're told earlier in the game, you can then beam aboard the dreadnaught even if you're currently under fire.
No issues here, and ran it twice already. I plan to go at least 3 more times for the phaser arrays. Those will be very useful for my ship. And this is on the T5 Ambassador. Not a "Fleet" either.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Cleared it easily in a Risian Luxury Cruiser that I hadn't even upgraded to T5U yet. You don't have to take out all the bioships; you mostly need to drop the shields on the dreadnaught, and kill (IIRC) two of the bioships. Despite what you're told earlier in the game, you can then beam aboard the dreadnaught even if you're currently under fire.
Yeah, this. I had very little trouble with breaching Cooper's ship. I focused solely on the big ship and left Tuvok to play with the two smaller ones. didn't take long at all to get in.
By the way, I went back in a second time, had no problem with the guard ships, found the command ship, disabled it, and continued.
It must have been some glitch the first time in...
Seems to be 'hit-and-miss' with the difficulty of that mission. We've had a handful of folks in our fleet get stuck there with respawns coming too fast (two occasions double spawning), multiple fluidic floaties, etc...and, most of us who have gone through it, so far...have seen none of that. Quick short fight; pop abilities, open it up, drop an alpha strike on the bioship inside; beam aboard....and done; most of the time.
If it was the part with Cooper's biodreadnought I didn't have a problem there either. If anything on Elite it was really easy, kill two Dromias and damage enough to break in. The most amusing part was doing the section before in a Faeht which was allowed to scan the fluidic rifts without decloaking
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
No problems with the Scryer. I just focused on Cooper's ship and left the others to Tuvok. My hull did not even drop below 70%. Maybe it's the new Intel abilities.
I don't think it's a T6 T5U Vesta handled it fine.
In all seriousness, if you had a failed run, I recommend warming up for your next attempt in Viscous Cycle Normal to get a good feel for the mechanics. Having a good amount of experience pugging in there was a definite help to me in the fluidic space environment.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
no problems on space part of mindscape or the rest of it, but the encounter with psi overlord cooper on the bridge in the 8472 form was a bit overwhelming, with the initial burst damage. frankly a small adjustment is needed there and thats with normal skill and m12 dyson armor and mk14 dyson rifle.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
have voyage take lead, attack coopers ship and then when you can beam aboard. the ships constantly respawn so ignore them unless you need to kill them to progress the storyline.
I did die on that encounter once but then I was constantly in Infiltration (old Elite) and Counter-Command geared, so again a help in mitigating the shock.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I thought this would be an easy mission to pick up that purple phaser array, and oh boy was I wrong. For some reason, every time I did it the first time with one of my characters, it was generally pretty easy. The second time through was really tough. My tactical officer had the worst time ever repeating this mission. And it's right at that spot mentioned in the original post where I had the most serious problem.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
I fly a Scim as well... look down to my previous post on this very issue. Some decent feedback there.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
It must have been some glitch the first time in...
My character Tsin'xing
Seems to be 'hit-and-miss' with the difficulty of that mission. We've had a handful of folks in our fleet get stuck there with respawns coming too fast (two occasions double spawning), multiple fluidic floaties, etc...and, most of us who have gone through it, so far...have seen none of that. Quick short fight; pop abilities, open it up, drop an alpha strike on the bioship inside; beam aboard....and done; most of the time.
Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
In all seriousness, if you had a failed run, I recommend warming up for your next attempt in Viscous Cycle Normal to get a good feel for the mechanics. Having a good amount of experience pugging in there was a definite help to me in the fluidic space environment.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
i think you need to destory them once?
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire