I noticed my hazard emitter III heals at 999 now, when it use to heal 1149. Also noticed transfer shield strength isn't healing as it use to. Anyone else noticed this?
I've notice that my shields are not performing as it did while I was Level 50 now Level 55 they're not as effective. This goes for all heals. So this lead me to believe they didn't take these changes into account. That's why I am not in no rush to head to level 60 just to learn things will not be like I have expected under Level 50 now Level 55. They do need to correct this ASAP!
Too much issues with both trays and now to have to worry about shielding and healing. No excuse for this!
Too much issues with both trays and now to have to worry about shielding and healing. No excuse for this!
Time will only tell!