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Feedback Delta Rising

castiuscastius Member Posts: 39 Arc User
This update turned the game into a grind. I am a casual player and i was happy with alot of things how they were before. Now its just a pain and no fun anymore.

I will explain my biggest issues.

Dilithium reward for normal STF is too low.

Advanced STF is too difficult. (for my current equipment and level)

Cant upgrade and skill my ship traits either. Because No Time = No dilithium = No Zen (Werent we supposed to get 1 free ship upgrade token?)

The problem is this is a devils circle. I cant get enough dilithium (in the time i have to play per day) to get better gear or to exchange it into zen to buy a ship upgrade token. I cant buy it from exchange either since it costs 30million EC and as a f2p i am capped to 10million EC.

So i am pretty much reduced into endless grinding for dilithium which is absolutely no fun. With those 2-4 hrs i have per day, i am reduced to do maybe 1 or 2 new story missions and the rest is reduced to grinding. So please cryptic fix this because i have the feeling that alot of casuals will stop playing.

I also cant realy see the reason why STFs had to be changed this drastically? Stf normal can stay as it is now, change the advanced back to how elite was before and the new elite should be the advanced mode. Before DR i could make enough Dilithium to reach the daily cap and do some others things aswell so i had fun playing. Now i even dread to startup the game.
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  • odoetalodoetal Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i too am a casual player i only have 2-3 hours a night lol the more worrying factor i see in this is the issue of the items needed to make the so called higher tier gear afterall if it takes borg proccessors to make the mk12 omega rep gear how in the hell are you gonna get them from a basic stf when it ISNT one of the rewards!!!!leaving you trapped in a spiral of never getting the parts to actually make the gear, *facepalm*

    i appreciate the harder stf's it will be a steep learning curve for new players but cryptic must understand if they keep banding this idea of elite gear about how the hell are you supposed to grind for it when you need elite gear to play the mission to get the elite gear and that's if....IF and i mean IF you manage to get a group that knows what its doing to do the actual stf (i wont even mention the other reps and their borg processor counterparts its got to the point where ive almost given up making the new gear as its so far beyond my reach of current its pointless and ive been playing this for nearly 2 years! and have 12 toons try sorting them out with gear KNIGHTMARE!!!)
  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Its really not that hard, but it can take time. It sounds like you'll need to go the "EC" route for
    most of your gear. About (4) days worth of Dill will get you a Lock Box Key, which can be sold for
    1-2 Mill EC. You can play "normal" level queues/STF's for marks. These gain you the equipment
    crates which deliver goods for great EC sales, and even occasionally those modules your looking for.
    The R&D Mat Box drops can also get good EC sales.

    I say this because that is what I've done. And I've never felt the pressure to "grind" for anything.
    Like yourselves, I play maybe 10-15 hrs. per week. I spend my time in game moving around from
    sector to sector, doing "Patrols", "Episodes", "Bt-Zones", ect., ect. For myself, I'm not after the
    latest/greatest gear. I'm here to cruise the galaxy in a starship, and have fun. Theres nothing
    that has happened in this game (my first MMO, been playing since April this year), that has altered
    how I play the game.

    I am, however, one who is patient and... well... easily amused. :)

  • odoetalodoetal Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Its really not that hard, but it can take time. It sounds like you'll need to go the "EC" route for
    most of your gear.

    i have yet to see a borg neural processor or rep equivalanet drop from a lockbox nice sarcasm tho
    the point i am makeing is you cannot even make the mk12 gear you know the borg set... the maco set the adapted maco.. leaveing you just the undine set and dyson set and romulan sets and i havent even tested if you get the ''parts'' from the mission to actually make the gear in your rep and this is WITHOUT the issue of dilithium (being 35k PER ITEM) or weaponry (being 22K PER ITEM) and you effectively doubled the ammount of time to get said dilithium i have no issue with that i can grind harder for the dil but the lack of ability to grind the 1 thing you need to make the rep gear is an epic facepalm THIS BEING THE DAMMN POROCESSOR/AND ITS OTHER REP COUNTERPART

    #cryptic please make te basic rep stf reward drop ALL the parts so we can make the epic gear your harping on about
  • archerfanaticarcherfanatic Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thread title made me think this was going to be about how DR is the same mission over and over and over and oh no ANOTHER AMBUSH NO WAI!!!! that i would have enjoyed and agreed with.

    instead it's waah i play 14 hours a week and still cant seem to make the 200zen it costs to raise my ec cap or craft even one set of gear...maybe the devs should just give you everything all at once for free?

    oh wait, they did that already when you downloaded the game...
  • odoetalodoetal Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thread title made me think this was going to be about how DR is the same mission over and over and over and oh no ANOTHER AMBUSH NO WAI!!!! that i would have enjoyed and agreed with.

    instead it's waah i play 14 hours a week and still cant seem to make the 200zen it costs to raise my ec cap or craft even one set of gear...maybe the devs should just give you everything all at once for free?

    oh wait, they did that already when you downloaded the game...
    yay a troll... should i feed it or wait untill it evolves into herpderpman....
    if you would have cared to READ my post (thats probably a lil too higher in the brain function than your used to) i was merely pointing out you are unable to make the mk12 rep gears as the basic stf's are not dropping them and as of late the advance stf's are somewhat beyond the beneath par player whereas i am quite lucky to have made a few parts before the delta riseing update for 1 toon it now puts the rest of my toons at a major disadvantage somewhat limiting my gameplay and my want of putting money into cryptic
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    odoetal wrote: »
    i have yet to see a borg neural processor or rep equivalanet drop from a lockbox nice sarcasm tho
    the point i am makeing is you cannot even make the mk12 gear you know the borg set... the maco set the adapted maco.. leaveing you just the undine set and dyson set and romulan sets and i havent even tested if you get the ''parts'' from the mission to actually make the gear in your rep and this is WITHOUT the issue of dilithium (being 35k PER ITEM) or weaponry (being 22K PER ITEM) and you effectively doubled the ammount of time to get said dilithium i have no issue with that i can grind harder for the dil but the lack of ability to grind the 1 thing you need to make the rep gear is an epic facepalm THIS BEING THE DAMMN POROCESSOR/AND ITS OTHER REP COUNTERPART

    #cryptic please make te basic rep stf reward drop ALL the parts so we can make the epic gear your harping on about

    As a counter point to you. I have done the Omega rep and the start a timer thing leaves you a box. Usually it is a weapon or console or some nonsense you sell. But once in a while you get a neural processor. Odds seem to go up as you approach tier five in the rep.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • archerfanaticarcherfanatic Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    odoetal wrote: »
    (thats probably a lil too highER in the brain function than YOUR used to)

    The irony is real.
  • soundwisdomsoundwisdom Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The irony is real.

    You forgot to point out the laziness in using 'lil' instead of 'little' as well.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This post by Bort has a bunch of info that helps us about "difficulties"...

    Specifically that the current Advanced queues will go down in HP by 70% of current values (1 mil HP spheres will suddenly be 300,000 HP ones), go live for testing, then be reassessed again...

    Just for the record... :)
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    odoetal wrote: »
    i have yet to see a borg neural processor or rep equivalanet drop from a lockbox nice sarcasm tho
    the point i am makeing is you cannot even make the mk12 gear you know the borg set... the maco set the adapted maco.. leaveing you just the undine set and dyson set and romulan sets and i havent even tested if you get the ''parts'' from the mission to actually make the gear in your rep and this is WITHOUT the issue of dilithium (being 35k PER ITEM) or weaponry (being 22K PER ITEM) and you effectively doubled the ammount of time to get said dilithium i have no issue with that i can grind harder for the dil but the lack of ability to grind the 1 thing you need to make the rep gear is an epic facepalm THIS BEING THE DAMMN POROCESSOR/AND ITS OTHER REP COUNTERPART

    #cryptic please make te basic rep stf reward drop ALL the parts so we can make the epic gear your harping on about

    Sarcasm??? :confused: I was trying to help. What your aiming for IS attainable. If your
    willing to be patient. If you want it all right now, your correct. Not going to
    happen without opening the wallet. They do give you that option if you do'nt wish to wait.

    BCW. :)
  • strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    This post by Bort has a bunch of info that helps us about "difficulties"...

    Specifically that the current Advanced queues will go down in HP by 70% of current values (1 mil HP spheres will suddenly be 300,000 HP ones), go live for testing, then be reassessed again...

    Just for the record... :)

    Just for the record, the problem was brought up on Tribble, you know...the test site that only paying players can access. It was ignored then, not going to believe it now until it happens.

    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
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