... Got absolutely NOTHING for it. No XP, no Choice of rewards.... Not even an acknowledgment that I'd completed the mission. "Hail Starfleet" still greyed out in the mission journal. When I jump back into the mission it's right back at the start.
Reminds me of "Everything Old Is New", all over again! lol.
So, after about 2 hours or so work, I'm still only level 50 with only about 1.5k XP until level 51. Replaying "Reunion" like I did and got nothing for, should have got me over level 51 and almost around 25% of the way toward level 52. But alas... N'out, Zero, Zip and Ziltch! GRRRRRRRR!
When you had completed the mission, did you hail starfleet while you still were on the space battle field before you depart it? If you didn't next time get into that habit!
To advance to level 51 you have to do PVE. I am at level 51.5 so I can start the next mission which are patrols.
Doesn't seem that the first 3 missions can get you to level 51 though. Again do some PVE to push you over the top in Skill Points! The higher in Skill Points the better. I had thought Skill +36 Point was good, until I had ran PVE and seen that number quad or go off the scale before I completed the PVE yet.
Time will only tell!
Would going back and doing skipped missions be any quicker leveling wise?
This is good advice. There are at least two missions, second star from the right and the one right after that if you leave the map to hail you have to start over. Sounds like reunion is #3.
Thanks. This is great advice!
I did "Reunion" for a third time and got my rewards. Seems like I'm still level 50 though! I underestimated what it would take to get to 51 or 52. My bad!
Oh, and this time around, I made sure to turn the mission in before leaving the map!
So anyway, yeah, I think I'm going to go try some PVE now!
If you hit Level 51 and your Doff Roster is already full, are the Level 51 Doffs awarded to you in a box?, much like the R&D Doffs were rewarded if the roster was full?
Honestly, I couldn't care less about level cap right now. I just want to hit 53 so I can progress with the story. Luckily, It seems the new STF will get me there quicker than I thought.
To be fair, that other guy spent three hours grinding in a single mission with infinite cardassian spawns set to elite difficulty.
Nope he is complaining because hitting the Level Cap, with boring Patrols & Stuff we already did 10.000th times is boring as hell ... srsly what's the point of Level Cap Increase, if there's not even remotely enough content for it ... oh wait it might have something to do to with T6 & 3000 Zen :P
I did the complete Klingon/Romulan/Wasteland fronts except for the hand-ins last weekend, plus around 20 doff criticals. Then I waited to hand any in until DR was live. Activated about 7 XP boosters I had saved up. That got me to around 53 as soon as DR launched. But I've been dry docked upgrading gear since then.