Hey guys. Not really enjoying my current fleet(s). I have a Sci Reman KDF aligned and, if you also have a FED fleet, a tac officer, looking for a new home.
I mostly play PVE but have been getting into PVP a bit. I'm tier 5 on all reputations with both characters and I'll be level 15 in 3 R&D skills in the next few days.
I would like the fleet to have a relatively older player group, 18+ or something like that, be US based and not huge with 50 people talking over each other in chat. Want it to be laid back and I'm not into RP. My in game handle is the same as this one. So act now to take advantage of this amazing offer!! Thanks for any offers
Tides of War II would be happy to have you. We have a Tier 3 Starbase and active Teamspeak. Most of our people are 30 yrs old or older. Tides of war is a well established gaming community that has been around for decades. Hope to see you in game soon.