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Need help refining the mirror advanced escort Tac

dragonogredragonogre Member Posts: 70 Arc User
edited October 2014 in The Academy
This is my current setup http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=crewman6escort2_0
in space I have a 26.3 bonus accuracy and a 56% crit severity. I didn't add my traits and skill in since I am not at the pc that has it. What fine tuning could I do to the Boffs and if there is a strong skill set I should use that be used for pie and possible pvp.
Elemental Evil is the best module ever it fixed all the bugs!
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  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    To preface, I do not PvP.

    - If your turn rate is at least 25, then i would consider dropping the antiproton DBB for another DHC.

    - I generally do not use turrets. I would replace the turret with another rapid fire transphasic torpedo launcher. I assume more than one can be installed on a ship since it is not considered a unique weapon.

    - If you replace the DBB with DHC, then you can drop BO an get TT1.

    - I am not a fan of TSS. I would drop that for HE1 which can be used to clean off any DoT damage effects like plasma, and it also repairs hull damage so you do not have to solely rely on TT1 which has a 30 second cooldown.

    - Drop TB2 in favor of ST2 to heal shields and provides a short damage buff. Since you are not a science officer and you do not have a plasmonic leech I am assuming you do not have many skill points devoted to starship flow capacitors which increases the effectiveness of draining abilities. Additionally, TB depends on your aux power level for increased draining as well; which I assume is not particularly high.

    Sure the Obelisk warp core does provide +7.5 to aux, but unless you have also devoted skill points to Aux Performance, I don't think your aux power is particularly high enough to justify using TB.

    - Polarized Hull (PH) is a possible alternative to ST1 or ST2 because it can break tractor beam holds on you. Plus it also gives you a brief resistance to energy weapon damage.

    Naturally, the info you can fill in the better it is for other people to access viable areas of improvement.
  • dragonogredragonogre Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I will update my skills once I can get home to do so. With what I got now I fought a fleet member one a one on one a single attack run dropped his sci ship from 100% hull to 65% I am hoping to do better. I do need more turn though I could out run most of his mines and torps it still hurt a lot. The guy has a lot of fleet consoles and fleet weapons minus the stuff like nukara mines and breen transphasic torp. My biggest issue was that my turn couldn't keep me in arc for the cannons hence the DBB and the turret with the omni directional beam and cutter. Thinking if getting the breen torp to use on the front with the cannons since people say they have a lot of damage. My other problem was I can't heal so any thing to help the turn and heals?
    Elemental Evil is the best module ever it fixed all the bugs!
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I recommend keeping the dual beam, I find they really help remove shields. The rapidreload transphasic is OK, but the Borg story arc gives one that hits a bit harder.

    Do you have any fleet credits? You could pickup the neutronium +turn or +hull armor from a dil mine, and the embassy science consoles to add plasma burn to you attacks plus get more shield. There are spire consoles and reputation consoles that are good for tactical spots.

    Attack pattern delta is for tanking, try omega instead. You can find a cheap boff on the ah to train yours in omega 3. It does a little of everything, but specifically makes you immune to slow/hold, and gives bonus turn/speed, bonus damage, and defense.

    Also, replace your science lieut power that does a weak shield drain with the tractor beam. Swap it for tractor 1 and science team 2 for a bigger shield heal.

    Drop torp high yield and cannon rapid fire for tactical team 1 and attack pattern beta.

    You have heals: engineering team is a hull heal, science team emergency power to shields and transfer shield strength are all shield heals. But you need hazard emitters, they are a hull heal and they remove many rebuffs, especially plasma burn and shield drains. I recommend trading either TSS or sci team for it since you have 3 shield heals currently.

    By the way, add a tractor beam duty officer to your active roster if you do run the tractor beam. This gives you the chance to drain more shield than tachyon bean ever will. Plus the tractor itself drops enemy defence to zero giving you auto hits and a massive crit boost. If he can't move, you don't need to turn. =)

    If you're not in a fleet, then there are some reputation console that might be another option.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Also, they are only small bonuses but look into Borg, saurian and human boffs. They give small passive bonuses to power and healing. If you can max out your diplomacy duty officer skill, then you can get a nausican with the pirate trait for bonus damage.

    These aren't so impressive that they will make or break a build, but it's nice to keep in mind.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well for ship heals I already mentioned that you should drop both TSS and TB and replace them with HE and ST.

    Since you are fighting against a fleetmate with a science ship I can more or less guarantee that s/he has power skills and gear devoted to power insulation which generally makes your tackyon beam useless. TSS instantly regens a little bit of shields, but increases the rate of shield regen. Nice I suppose, but I prefer the instant shield regen of ST. So tryout ST and if you don't like it, then switch back to TSS.

    You should devote at least 6 skill points to Starship Impulse Thrusters which improves speed and turn rate. Devoting more will have diminishing returns, yes your turn rate will get better but not by very much. Still if you absolutely want to improve your turn rate then bumping it up to 9 is an option.

    Another way is to drop one neutronium armor for an RCS accelerator that will definitely help improve your turn rate. Fleet or from the Exchange.

    You can also get a warp core that give you bonus engine power. More power to engines means higher speed and turn rate. I assume you are currently planning to get a fleet warp core, but you do not have enough resources yet. You can look for a Hyper Injection Warp Core on the Exchange which I believe provides +5 to engine power, more importantly you want a the [W->E] modifier which means your engines get a bonus power of 7.5% of whatever your max weapon power is. However, the RCS accelerator should provide you with the biggest increase to turn rate.

    Fleet science ships get a 1.43 shield modifier which means they have pretty damn good shields. I would definitely use an aft transphasic torpedo launcher. You might also want to consider the Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo.

  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    Fleet science ships get a 1.43 shield modifier which means they have pretty damn good shields. I would definitely use an aft transphasic torpedo launcher. You might also want to consider the Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo.


    That is a really nice torp.
  • dragonogredragonogre Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I was able to get home and add in my skills and traits not all the space traits seem to show in the builder. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=crewman6escort4_0

    Used all my fleet creds on the DHC's and the engine Gavin.
    Elemental Evil is the best module ever it fixed all the bugs!
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I do not see any any captain skills for your toon. Did you save your changes?

    If you are going to keep your dual beam bank, then I recommend that you drop beam fire at will and get beam overload instead. Beam overload can help strip shields on the next attack because of the increased power. BFAW is great for attacking multiple enemies, I find it very useful in Storming the Spire Elite (soon to be known as "Advanced" after Delta Rising is released) because you are being attacked from all around you. However, against a few ships (or just one) BO comes in very handy.

    Additionally, you should drop Dispersal Pattern Beta, the ability is for mines only. Since you are not using any mines you have no need for that ability. I would replace that with Target Shield Subsystem; it reduces the amount of damage for you next beam attack, however, it drains your target's shields and has a chance to disable the shields for a brief period of time. I have never used this ability before so I cannot say how good it actually is. Beside I think this ability is not so effective in PvE, but should be pretty decent in PvP. Give it a try in the end you don't loose anything because DPB is not doing you any good since you don't have mines.

    Since you have an open device slot you might want to fill it with Deuterium Surplus canisters which can be obtained from the Defense Contract daily mission; you get 4 of them and 480 dilithium. The mission is offered to you by a Ferengi when you approach Alhena System in the Eta Eridani Sector Block. It improves you flight speed and turn rate by over 400% for 8 seconds which also increases your defense too. It is great for evasive maneuvers either in PvE or PvP; run away, regen shields, repair hull, then get back into the fight.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    There are a couple of basic setup rules you're breaking for an escort. Mind you, they are subjective rules, but grounded in real results and practical dps logs.


    NEVER run tactical team above rank 1. It's an ENS only slot. You severely diminish your own capabilities by running it in a LtCMDR slot. In short: Ditch TT3.

    Second: DHCs are king. The best damage output comes from all DHCs or DHC+DBB for BO spike. Running a torpedo on your escort WILL lower your DPS. It's a simple fact. No combination makes it produce more DPS. I am not unsympathetic, however, as sometimes torps can be fun. There are a couple where I would say the DPS loss is minimal. Regardless of your choice, choose 3DHCs and 1torp, OR 3DHCs and 1DBB. Don't mix DBB, Torp, and DHC. Pick one and stick to it. I've got variations of this idea running on several toons and they work well enough.


    If you run a DBB, it is exclusively for Beam Overload spike. If you run a torp, it is exclusively for torp spread. No FAW. No THY*. Just don't do it. If a torp: Transphasics suck. You will chew through shields fast enough (or the enemy will be cheating so bad shields will never go down, ever, like voth citadels) so the majority of your damage is going to be against unshielded hulls. Especially when running STFs. Transphasics are terrible for direct hull damage. Photons will outparse them. Still... there are a couple of options that look good. Get a super high damage advanced bio photorp that does 4k per hit. Or: get a gravitorp. Not quite as damaging but the grav wells more than make up for it. If a DBB: BO is a 100% chance to crit now. Get a CRTDx3 if you can. Or at least CRTDx2 and ACC or DMG or something. Don't get CrtH on the DBB, it's wasted now.

    *This may be broken in only 1 or 2 rare circumstances that I know of

    Fourth: Your boff setup: A couple of things are wrong with this. TT3? Heck no. APD3? No way. I would remind you that one of the best skills you can run to enhance damage is APO3, and APB is probably better for DPS-boost-per-second as it has a much shorter cooldown. Such skills will greatly enhance your ability to kill stuff. APD only affects targets which are shooting you (or the receiver of APD). You're often shooting something that's shooting somebody else.

    Here's what I strongly suggest: Get 3x Energy Weapons Officer doffs, at least a couple blues and a green if not 3 purples (depends on your budget). EDIT: Make them EWOs that reduce cooldown on cannon skills /EDIT

    CMDR: TT1 / APB1 / CSV2 / APO3
    LtCDR: TT1 / APB1 / TS3 (or BO3 if running DBBs)

    You're an escort. You're going to take a beating. Run TT back to back (if you have a spam bar, put them both there) and then run APO/APB/APB in that order. You'll have an attack pattern running nearly all the time. Also put these on your spam bar if you have one. Otherwise keep triggering them manually.

    Fifth: Your eng and sci boff skills are passable, but I don't think you have the luxury of running Tachyon Beam when you have no hold-breaking skill and can't clear off any DoTs/debuffs. You really need 1 shield heal and EITHER Hazard Emitters or Polarize Hull. You've got neither of those last 2. I would strongly suggest HE1 / TSS2 and then PH1 on the ENS. Or ST2 if you prefer it over TSS. Escorts like this simply don't have the luxury of running fancy sci skills. The ones you must run are for self preservation. This is especially worse since without PH your only other bet was APO, but you weren't carrying it.

    There are also some other weapons loadouts I might suggest, some 2pc set bonuses, etc... But this will get you started.

    I hope that gives you some food for thought. There are no wrong builds. Some are just.... far more effective than others. Some just synergize their skills more.
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