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Can the Bortasqu' be saved?



  • arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I've never felt the Bortasqu' to be that slow.

    Admittedly probably because I went from a Vo'Quv, and my Feddie's flying a Recluse :p
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I've never felt the Bortasqu' to be that slow.

    Admittedly probably because I went from a Vo'Quv, and my Feddie's flying a Recluse :p

    Well that's kinda it though as well. You are flying carriers, which have pets and can supplement what you do. The Bort doesn't have that. Doesn't need it IMO either.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    just make it the first pure dreadnaught. give it a COM tac, so it has the same station setup as the scimitar/vet ships, the hanger dreadnaughts get, and bump its shield mod to 1.1. at least it would be lord of the beam boats.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can people please stop crying for a hangar and either learn to play/enjoy the ship or just forget about it and use something else more to their liking without constantly bashing something they clearly don't understand on the forum? That would be nice for a change, wouldn't it?

    I don't want my ship that I paid good money for to be violated with a friggin' hangar or suffer the removal of a comm array just because some of you can't handle your purchases.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Can people please stop crying for a hangar and either learn to play/enjoy the ship or just forget about it and use something else more to their liking without constantly bashing something they clearly don't understand on the forum? That would be nice for a change, wouldn't it?

    I don't want my ship that I paid good money for to be violated with a friggin' hangar or suffer the removal of a comm array just because some of you can't handle your purchases.

    I want a Hangar on my B'Rel so it can launch Elite Qaw'Dun BOPs. They too will have a hangar to spawn more BOPs. I want to be able to spam spam that can spawn more spam.

    Like the Xindi Carrier :cool:
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    have you not seen the size of half the romulan fleet compared to the bortasque?
    its outright DWARFED by the scimitar, yet suffers from 25% worse turn rate and a 10% worse inertia rating.
    that is completly backwards.

    at minimum, the bort needs a turn rate of 9 and an inertia rating of 30 if not better. because thats what the hell it should have been launched with in the first place.

    an impulse modifier of 17 would be nice too.
    and yet, you can't judge a book by it's cover - besides, for anyone who's used to cruisers, the Bortasqu' is hardly that slow. I could even make do with a ship with even less turn rate and inertia (yes seriously)

    And much like the scimitar, the Romulan ships' size mostly comes from the wingspan, which gives the appearance of more bulk/size than they actually are.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    most of the cruisers in this game are utterly gimped be the stupid kroozor stats cryptic gave them.
    but the thing is, the bort really is "hardly that slow" its turn rate is a full third lower than the assault cruiser. that is simple maths.
    you take an already disgustingly slow ship then take a further third off its agility, and you really do have a ship that is utterly gimped.

    heck, even the AC is a pale comparison if the ship seen on scree in the films.

    trying to say the scim looks big because of its wings is nothing but obfuscation on your part, park a bort beside a scim and even with the wings removed, teh scim's primary hull is still bigger than the bort.
    You think the ships are gimped, while I think the point of turn rate being too little to be viable is FAR lower than the Bortasqu's - so no, it's not really a fact.

    Plus, it's a game, so of course things won't completely translate from on-film/show; that's a given.

    And actually, the scimitar's primary hull-minus-wings is only a little bigger than the back section of the Bortasqu' - big yes, but not bigger than the entire Bortasqu'. But even if it is bigger, I wouldn't find that backwards anyway
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • tankfox23tankfox23 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The Bort is a slower turning Ody. They should have called it a cruiser. Turn rate should be 6.5 or 7, inertia 22 or 25, though the negh'var is 25 so 22 would be appropriate.

    Please no hangars. It's not a carrier. It can be used, that's true but all other "battle cruisers" are going to be easier to set up because you don't have to compensate for the inertia and movement of a small moon. Without something to boost it's turn rate by 100% it feels like I am piloting the Death Star. It hits hard but if you miscalculate your positioning you can't compensate fast enough.

    Does it need saving? Well it's definitely more useful than a gal r so in that comparison no. But when you compare it to the other Klingon battle cruisers it's the one I have to work the hardest to make it work. So in my opinion yes it does need a bit of help.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I basically don't much see anyone using the Bortasqu' in pvp shortly after the mogh came out, but the fact is the Bortasqu' lack the most important stats in pvp

    - It's Shield Mod is inferior to that of other Fleet Level Ships
    - It's Turn Rate is far inferior to that of other Battle Cruisers therefor Cannon Builds are useless for the Bortasqu's in PvP unless they stack mutiple traits and Consoles to make it slightly more agile.
    - it's Inertia and Speed Mod is also weak, Speed is a important factor in PvP if u wanna escape from mobs of enemy players gang'd up on u or to intercept enemy players that try to flee, of course in my view the Bortasqu don't need a buff to the Speed Mod (being a large Battle Cruiser but i do see a possible TR buff instead)

    Well the Bortasqu compare to their Fed Oddy counterpart do have a better Hull HP and a larger Crew but the Oddy in almost every other way is superior to the Bortasqu except the Oddy can't use DHC (which would not matter due to weak TR, but have full Cruiser Commands in turn) and Console layout which makes the Oddy more defensive. overall the Oddy is more suitable in PvP than the Bortasqu, abit more effectively used as a defensive/heal ships than a offensive one.

    I do believe like many ppl here that the Bortasqu do need a buff... possible buffs i would like to see

    - Turn Rate on the Bortasqu needs to be increased from 5.5 to around 7-8 (min) or 9 (max) to make Cannon builds on Bortasqu more viable.
    - Shield Mod Increase from 1.0 to standard 1.1 which is found on all other Fleet level KDF Battle Cruisers.
    - Inertia needs to be increased from 18 to around 20 (min) or 25 (max)
    - 5/3 Weapons layout, not just for the Bortasqu but for all Battle Cruisers (i know that a buff to this area is unlikely)
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Here's my take on the whole "hangar" issue...

    IF they're not going to fix the turn rate... IF it's going to remain this slow and lumbering.... convert it into a flight deck cruiser. Keep the existing current stats, AS-IS, remove the pet deployment, and give it a frigate-level hangar bay that can carry birds-of-prey (like the VoQuv, but just a single hangar).

    That's IF they're never going to fix this thing. Just take off the DHC capability and make it a flight deck cruiser. Give it full cruiser commands (which would make it the ONLY KDF ship to have all 4) or subsystem targetting (which is rare for a 4/4 weapons setup) and make it the equivelant of the voth flight deck cruiser and so on and so forth.

    This is not what I want, but it would make the Bort set unique and interesting again.

    What I want is to just keep it as it is but give it the turn rate of any other battlecruiser in the game. Currently it just IS NOT a battlecruiser. Not in the slightest. It has all the compromises and none of the benefits. The consoles are all gimmicks and IMO can be thrown away as soon as you get it. Make the autocannon integrated, like the spinal lance on the Gal-X. If you want a console, give it one that adds +10 turn rate and is ONLY slottable on any of the 4 Borts (yes, let's include the Fleet Cred anniversary edition, why not?).

    Call it the synergy console.

    Autocannon is integrated into all c-store bortys.
    Console 1: Pet deployment
    Console 2: snare teleport
    Console 3: +10 turn rate (fixed, not % based), console 1, console 2, and autocannon cooldowns reduced 40%.
    Set bonus 2: Pet can use a scatter volley mini version of auto cannon (like Gal-X saucer using shotgun version of spinal lance)
    Set bonus 3: Pet can use teleport jump to get behind a target (logical variaion of snare on the pet)

    I'm daydreaming here, in the worst way. But still! THAT, without changing anything else, would make the bort good, and useful, and make me want to get all versions instead of just the one I have.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Intresting to say the least, rodent. Though maybe you meant +2 turn, or +10 inertia rather than +10 turn?

    Integrated autocannon sounds like fun though.
    I need a beer.

  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    at least the auto cannon is going to be a 2 min cd with DR, even less with the set bonus. Might be able to fit it into each alpha cycle

    As or it being integrated? I'm a little torn. It would be nice but I would also like it to be a console because I would like the auto cannon to be equipped to the HoH'SuS. I think that would drive up some bortasqu sales. The animation is already on the HoH'SuS. All they need to do is allow it to be equipped :)
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Nah, I meant +10 turn. The base is like 5 turn rate, and even with 15 turn the inertia is still jacked up and it really won't be all that great.

    Ok, fine, take that down to +6 turn rate. Your +2 just isn't enough. Remember, that's the suggestion list if it's supposed to remain a battlecruiser. battlecruisers need at least 9/10 turn rate. (and that's with a decent inertia rating)
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Emergency Power to Engines

    Evasive Manouvers

    Aux to Inertial Dampeners

    Conn Officer - Reduce the recharge time for evasive manouvers x2

    Conn OFFICER - Drastically reduce the recharge time for evasive manouvers when you activate Emergency Power to Engines

    Subspace Jump Console

    Alpha Deception Console

    Subspace Snare Console

    Enhanced RCS Console x2

    My Bort will Dance on your Face.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Nah, I meant +10 turn. The base is like 5 turn rate, and even with 15 turn the inertia is still jacked up and it really won't be all that great.

    Ok, fine, take that down to +6 turn rate. Your +2 just isn't enough. Remember, that's the suggestion list if it's supposed to remain a battlecruiser. battlecruisers need at least 9/10 turn rate. (and that's with a decent inertia rating)
    If you say so; my Eng KDF does perfectly fine with his Bortasqu' with full console set, and only one RCS Accelerator - and it's fun to fly lol :D

    ^Not kidding
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yes, and that doesn't matter. Some folks can take a TOS Connie into STFs and still finish the job. In the end, just about EVERY other ship in the game does the job better.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yes, and that doesn't matter. Some folks can take a TOS Connie into STFs and still finish the job. In the end, just about EVERY other ship in the game does the job better.
    For some though, the fact that others might do the job better is irrelevant (even in end-game content)
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    which means you are just being indefensibly selfish.

    if your are happy with a poorly/poorER performing ship, you will be just as happy in a bort respecced to be a comopetitive ship.

    however, for people who want the ship, but want it to be competitive, have to choose between "have the bort" or "by competitive".

    you are happy either way/see it as irrelivent, yet you argue against people who want it improved.
    an act that would even improve your own experience.
    thats not even rational.
    Actually, I'm arguing that it isn't awful as is, not that it wouldn't be even better as improved

    And maybe it doesn't seem rational, but I have a (sorta) established irrational 'defend what I like' button - an issue overall, including to me, because it's difficult to let things go :/

    What I still fail to see though, as how this is selfish at all, liking the Bortasqu' as it is
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    By your own commentary you admit you are biased to it. You cannot see how poorly it performs.

    As outlined in a billion other threads, you CAN 100% devote yourself to improving its turn rate at every corner, using every doff, every boff seat skill and every console....

    But doing so you severely hobble your overall capability and you are worse and worse than any other ship at the same level. You nerf your firepower, your tankiness, in order just to do what all other battlecruisers can do WITHOUT making such sacrifices.

    There is no logic in the current Borty setup. There never was. It was a bad port of the Oddy, and it failed. This is universally accepted, even if you "like" it in its failed state.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    By your own commentary you admit you are biased to it. You cannot see how poorly it performs.

    As outlined in a billion other threads, you CAN 100% devote yourself to improving its turn rate at every corner, using every doff, every boff seat skill and every console....

    But doing so you severely hobble your overall capability and you are worse and worse than any other ship at the same level. You nerf your firepower, your tankiness, in order just to do what all other battlecruisers can do WITHOUT making such sacrifices.

    There is no logic in the current Borty setup. There never was. It was a bad port of the Oddy, and it failed. This is universally accepted, even if you "like" it in its failed state.
    Maybe - but also part of my argument was that how performance perceptions are different between people as well. Maybe for a good portion, the Bortasqu' is terrible, but not everyone. So actually, it isn't universal that the ship is a failure.

    Perhaps I am biased, but perhaps I also legitly see it as a good battlecruiser at the same time as other KDF toons fly the other ones. Having been flying the Bortasqu' since it came out, I'd like to believe it's the latter
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Personally, it doesn't make sense to me for the class of ship that's used for the FLAGSHIP to have quite so many issues.

    The changes I'd like to see are:

    it brought up with other 10 console ships to having a 1.1 shield mod
    Have crew fixed/removed
    Borts have a 5.5 turn rate, the lowest of any cruiser, battle cruiser, or flight deck cruiser. Battle Cruisers AVG turn is 8.5~. I'd like at least that, though more would be great.
    The inertia is 18 as opposed to the cruiser average of 29.5, or battle cruiser average of 30+. Let's aim for at least 25-30 for the Bort.

    Next, lets look at the consoles/set bonus.
    Subspace Snare; pretty meh console.
    Disruptor Autocannon; potentially potent, if you can get on target.
    HoH'SuS Bird-of-Prey; pretty terrible due to pet AI.

    Set 2: Enhanced Tactical Systems

    +0.5 Flight Turn Rate - ought to be much higher to be useful
    25% Recharge time reduction to the Bortasqu' Console Set - occasionally nice, though with the upcoming cooldown reduction, potentially fun.
    +12 Starship Projectile Weapon Damage
    +12 Starship Targeting Systems
    +12 Starship Energy Weapon Specialization
    - bonuses are always nice.

    Set 3: Enhanced Hoh'Sus Bird-of-Prey

    Affects Friends (5 max)
    0 kilometer Team
    This bonus gives your Hoh'Sus Bird-of-Prey access to a weaker version of your Disruptor: Autocannon. In addition, it gains the Attack Pattern: Beta I ability.
    -wahoo... :/ give a bonus to the flying fireball...
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    There seem to be 2 gorups of people that don't understand or like the Bortasqu'. One is PvPers, whose complaints are valid, but irrelevant. The other is people that don't know how to play the ship whose complaints are also irrelevant.

    Which brings me to the conclusion that the constant complaining about this ship is irrelevant and furthermore completely unnecessary.
    Like it? Get it, play it, enjoy it.
    Don't like it? Don't buy it, don't play it, but by Kahless' beard stop complaining on the forum about it. 2+ years later and it's getting really boring and repetitive to hear about this.

    The only thing it needs is a 1.1 shield mod to get it on the same level with the rest of the cruisers of same tier. All the rest is just people wanting to turn it into a Mogh, Negh'var, Raptor or whatever. Here's an idea - want 10 turn rate? Go get a Vor'cha.
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not sure why the obsession with the shield modifier. It's NOT a fleet level ship. 1.0 is fine. Especially if you get a battlecruiser turn rate and you can actually devote your boff seats to skills that heal your shield -- which you cannot if you devote them all to turn boosting abilities.

    So boost the turn rate and just like every other battlecruiser out there, it'll fare better because it can actually heal.

    Because... you know... you last longer when you actually can heal shields.

    IMO 1.0 shield modifier is perfectly fine. Not the issue, at all.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ofcoruse it IS a fleet level ship, it's a 10 console 3-pack. Fleet level cruisers get 1.1 shield mod. The Oddysey gets 1.15, so this should get 1.1 at least.
    I don't have an obsession with the shield mod, the ship works perfectly for me. I'm just saying with all the complaints flying around that if anything should be done, that the shield mod. is the only thing that has some basis to be boosted.
  • neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not sure why the obsession with the shield modifier. It's NOT a fleet level ship. 1.0 is fine. Especially if you get a battlecruiser turn rate and you can actually devote your boff seats to skills that heal your shield -- which you cannot if you devote them all to turn boosting abilities.

    So boost the turn rate and just like every other battlecruiser out there, it'll fare better because it can actually heal.

    Because... you know... you last longer when you actually can heal shields.

    IMO 1.0 shield modifier is perfectly fine. Not the issue, at all.

    I agree it's not THE issue, but it is interesting. The Borts are the only 10 console Cruiser/Battle Cruiser/Flight Deck Cruiser that doesn't have at least 1.1 Shield Mod.
  • chainfallchainfall Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    There seem to be 2 gorups of people that don't understand or like the Bortasqu'. One is PvPers, whose complaints are valid, but irrelevant. The other is people that don't know how to play the ship whose complaints are also irrelevant.

    Which brings me to the conclusion that the constant complaining about this ship is irrelevant and furthermore completely unnecessary.
    Like it? Get it, play it, enjoy it.
    Don't like it? Don't buy it, don't play it, but by Kahless' beard stop complaining on the forum about it. 2+ years later and it's getting really boring and repetitive to hear about this.

    The only thing it needs is a 1.1 shield mod to get it on the same level with the rest of the cruisers of same tier. All the rest is just people wanting to turn it into a Mogh, Negh'var, Raptor or whatever. Here's an idea - want 10 turn rate? Go get a Vor'cha.

    The Odd should be reduced to a base turn of 2.
  • alsayyidalsayyid Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If my past posts give any indication, I love the Bortasqu. I think ships should all have a strength and a weakness. It is uninteresting to have a ship that excels at everything.

    Personally I have used my own bortasqu successfully. That said, a mobility boost would be fantastic. The firepower the ship has is not so inspiring as to justify such a cumbersome boat. If they keep the lack of mobility I think a buff else where is in order. Perhaps a sizeable buff to shield and hull could be an option. The other idea, one that I would love, is more firepower. A 5/4 weapon configuration would be awesome.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hornet6 wrote: »
    It seems that the Bortasqu' gets bashed on a regular basis. I use mine (predominately the Command cruiser) on a regular basis and have tried all the more popular builds and all three captain types with top end rep gear and a couple of fleet items too. I hold my own in elite STF's but am constantly clobbered in pvp. I would like to increase effectiveness in the former and become at least mildly competitive in the latter. I like cruiser type ships and play the various models almost exclusively.

    The only console on my Bortasqu' 3-pack that seems to be even remotely useful is the auto-cannon but the cooldown is so outrageous that it's almost a one-shot per scenario proposition. The other Bort consoles are almost annoying.

    I don't have access to a tier 4 negh'var so my question is, can the Bortasqu' be made useful? If so, what general type of build suggestions might people offer, there may be one I haven't yet discovered (A2b not being one of them) or is my Bortasqu' simply a hopeless garbage scow? If the latter, what would be the best alternative Klingon faction cruiser, T5 or even c-store but not lockbox?

    Any thoughts?

    I know what you mean in the PVP department. Sadly its a escorts world in PVP. I can get up to 62k hull in my nicor. Thats basically a cruiser with escort stats. Not to mention the 5 Tac consoles. Plus it has the A2B bridge setup if I want it. Ya know its nice to dominate PVP but TBH Cruisers should be alot tougher than they are. This shouldn't be fixed by increaseing resistance it needs to be fixed through abilitys. A cruiser is my favorite ship in the game but if you play one in pvp its just no fun. Without going into detail I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. Maybe cryptic will look into it on STOs 5th aniversary. (That was a JK)
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    While I wish the special abilities of all ships were built in. And I can't justify running all 3 Consoles on all these 3 Console set ships I own. I do make myself use 1 just to give the ship something special. Like the Bort, it drives me crazy to see the BOP sitting there with no launch button.

    Much worse then seeing the Aquarius on the Oddy. The BOP is so, like, Right in your face in the rear. So I gotta run that. lol. I try to shoot it heals and keep it alive by "Setting Focus" soon as I launch it. Like it's own mini game that is...."Don't die, I got ya!".

    But, I don't see a problem at all with the Tac Bortasqu ship/Stat wise. Sure more turn would be nice. But I like the Lumbering tank that it feels like. And with all the T5U stuff. made me jump back in it. Went ahead and parsed my Engie first run just to see. And 15k without even really trying, And running LTC sci for Grav wells and such for fun. So only TT, Faw,Faw. The ship is a beast.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Don't like it? Don't buy it, don't play it, but by Kahless' beard stop complaining on the forum about it. 2+ years later and it's getting really boring and repetitive to hear about this.

    If you don't want to hear about it, just don't click any thread with Bortasqu' in the title. You know with a fair bit of certainty that it's going to be a thread advocating for changes to the ship. The chance of Cryptic actually buffing it in a meaningful way is small enough that you'll likely be one of the very few running the ship and feeling like a unique snowflake long into the future.
    pulserazor wrote: »

    Emergency Power to Engines

    Evasive Manouvers

    Aux to Inertial Dampeners

    Conn Officer - Reduce the recharge time for evasive manouvers x2

    Conn OFFICER - Drastically reduce the recharge time for evasive manouvers when you activate Emergency Power to Engines

    Subspace Jump Console

    Alpha Deception Console

    Subspace Snare Console

    Enhanced RCS Console x2

    1. Why the two types of Conn Officers and not DCEs with EPtE rotation with the CCE Conn Officer?
    2. Someone could run that on any of the other Battlecruisers in the fleet and they'd run rings around you.
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