Hey all
I have been gone for like a year now ~ and there are so many changes im soo lost

So i wonder anything new ? regarding sci-captains and ships ?
Now with a 20% off on ships any ships/bundles i should get?
The current ship im using is a wells, But im not feeling that im doing any good damage.
I always wanted to get a Intrepid,nebula or a Vesta but not sure if they are good.
So any help is appreciated ~ links to build etc

much thanks !!
live long and prosper !
I like to check out this site from time to time for builds.
The prices for the basic upgrade tech items can be quite hefty, 10k each and the Exchange......16k+ so i don't see myself going anywhere near the Exchange for this stuff, the players rob you blind and the sad thing is, its all legal, i mean its like every single player is a Ferangi.
Its safe to say that the devs never thought this through that much, if at all.
It's a supply vs. demand thing. Currently, since fewer folks are crafting certain things, they can command a higher price. Once more people hit lvl 15 crafting in this and that, and they find the best ways to obtain raw materials cheaply, the supply will increase and prices will go down. So, currently, you are paying a hefty price to be an early adopter. In a few months, it will change. Prices will fluctuate for a while, but patience can be rewarding.
AP beam arrays used to command a hefty price. A few folks started running fluid dynamics and selling the MK XI beam arrays from it. They could fetch over a million EC for each one. Then, others started doing the same. The supply went up and demand didn't really change. The price dropped dramatically. It became less attractive to run the mission to sell the items on the exchange. It's still a great way to outfit a ship with beam arrays on the cheap, and you can pick up 3 of them in the time it takes to run boldly they rode one time for a single dominion polaron beam array.
Question: You say you're not doing much damage. Are you using energy weapons? Because if you are...
Seriously, assuming I'm right (that you're trying to play Sci like a Tac), do yourself a favor and:
1. Remove all of your Tac Boffs and replace with 2x Sci and 3x Eng stations. Focus on creating a solid EPtX1 cycle and use 2x Aux2Damp1 (w/doff) to keep your resists high. ET1 and EWP1 round out the engineering skills.
2. Spec into particle and graviton gen skills. Put 9 points into both.
3. Stock all 4 Sci console slots (soon to be 5 slots) with Particle Generator consoles (at least until you unlock Particle Manipulation at Sci R&D XP level 15).
4. Use your Tac console slots for Universals like Fluidic Jump, Enhanced Plasma Manifold and the Tipler (for PvP) - or Borg, Nukara, ZP, etc. (for PvE).
5. Slot 2x copies of TBR - or 1x and FBP for defense (PvP) - or 1x + GW for super crowd control (PvE).
6. Drop all of your energy weapons and equip a variety of torpedoes (Bio-molecular and the new Particle Emission Plasma are excellent choices).
7. Max out your Aux (grab the Obelisk core for an extra 10 points) and spread the rest between shields/engines (keep Weapons power at the lowest setting - you're not using it).
8. Have fun!
Seriously, you need to commit fully to the Sci power spectrum. There's no going halfway with it.
And FWIW, based on the above parameters, I do very respectable damage in ESTFs, and place 1st in almost every Crystalline event I enter. Plus, I can debuff for my team and do CC with TBR (get the "pull" doff) and some warp plasma.
So...don't discount that wells! It's still the "baddest of the bada$$e$ in terms of Sci ships. Just fly it the way it was meant to be flown: As a pure Science vessel that uses particle and graviton skills to dominate the map.
There you have it. A step by step recipe for making a DPS & CC science ship. It also works for any tact captains out there. With a few minor tweeks. The versatility of the wells Boff layout allows you to be a boss at healing, dps & cc, or debuff/dariner. Just don't try to be more then one of the choices at the same time. :P
Even if you run as a torp boat to divert all energy weapons, you still need torp spread, or even tactical team.
On top of that, running 1 BA or at least one weapon will grant you the awesomeness that is plasmonic leech. If you're running a sci drain build you'll want polarons, even if the power is low the proc will still kick in.
Regardless of your power levels, saying "If you use energy, you're doing it WRONG" is... well.. wrong.
Sci skills by themselves have been nerfed into near oblivion for many years. The reason a sci ship goes into an STF and does 500dps through the entire run is because he follows your kind of instructions. He foolishly believes maximizing sci skills at the cost of all else will make up for his lack of tactical slots.
Bzzzt. Sorry. It just doesn't play out that way in this game.
For KDF, I'd say the Mirror Somraw is very interesting for my KDF sci. It's an escort with a 4/3 setup, and yes I run DHCs and a gravitorp on it, but it has a LtCDR and LT sci boff seat. I've beat NWS in this mirror ship. I've parsed over 10k DPS on ISE runs. I get my grav well, my TBR, my tachyon beam, and also some low-end heals. I also get a CMDR tac seat and can pound a target that's caught IN my grav well quite well. Having the CMDR slot allows me to run Torp Spread 3 with my gravitorp on a cluster of targets inside my grav well, and all the subsequent grav wells make them swirl around (I always hear a mental flushing sound when I see it).
I couldn't do that on a pure sci ship with only an LT tac seat. At least, not nearly as well.
EDIT: Oh, and for fed I'd suggest trying out the Mirror Escort Retrofit -- one less sci boff seat (LT level) but still overall a good mix.
Disclaimer: In his opinion
The Palisade is the best drainer in the game and the Vesta surveillance at T5U makes for a nasty part gens build.
Oh my rodent friend you of all people should know there is always more then one way to skin a cat. The type of science build and style you are referring to was true prior to season eight. In the current game meta you can absolutely fly a wells torp boat with 4-5 torps, minimum weapons power and no tact boffs and do very high dps. You are literally melting your npc pve enemies. It is a very precise build. It is very expensive in terms of gear and doffs. However once completed people will take great interest in how fast you defeat both you PVE and PVP enemies. Rck01 post is absolutely correct.
The Palisade is the best drainer in the game, however its an Anemic killer. It usually takes two drain build ships to stop me in a match because one drain ship is so easily countered. Plus they offend suffer from ED because they need a dps tactical captain to finish off what they started. I don't need someone else to finish my fights for me in my wells. Don't misunderstand me the palisade is a great sci ship, but until DR drops its in 2nd place.
If you look at my context, I was advocating that there is more than one way to skin a cat. The post I was contradicting said "No, you can ONLY skin a cat MY way" -- which you have confirmed that it is super prohibitively expensive (as I suspected) and out of the reach of most cat-skinners in the game.
I will always advocate that there are tons of ways a ship can be built. I won't say "any build can work" as some are just plain wrong or totally inefficient.
I would be curious to see a youtube clip of his suggested build in action, just to satisfy my own curiousity about his playstyle (piloting alone can double or triple your effective DPS). You may note: I never said his build was WRONG. I said his assertation was wrong.
Please see the following thread:
Neepa and I share many build ideas (I modeled my Temp Sci after his, then tweaked it to suit my own play style).
Neither of us run any Tac Boffs on our R'mor's, nor do we equip any energy weapons. Yet the above linked videos show just how effective such a build can be - *if* you commit fully to a Sci-based approach to damage dealing.
The difference in drain from 1 console to 6 (counting the Conductive RCS) is extremely large. With 1 console, the only thing that might get drained is a Romulan with no power insulators or plasmonic leech.
Thanks, though I was hoping to see something against a capable opponent. That guy really had no clue what he was doing. Something also maybe longer than a minute, to get a sense of the flow of combat and how he uses the ship. Do you have any like that? Perhaps showing it in an STF or a TBE or something?
Sure, this used to work, I have no doubt. There are currently, however, only 2 ships in the game that can get the dps required for STF's without weapons: A sci recluse, and a narcine.
Please, for the love of Gaben, don't advice people against weapons.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
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