Ever since the Dyson ship came out with that stupid tact lt com reversal seat. They have apparently made it so all sci ships now have lt com tact instead of lt com sci. This is unacceptable!!! I have a fleet long range sci vessel. If I were to get one of the tier 6 "sci" ships I would lose a lt com sci skill, which happens to be either hazard emitters 3 or sci team 3. I am not about to lose my healing skills for a tact skill. If I wanted a lt com tact seat I wouldn't be flying a sci vessel. I know I can upgrade my ship to t5u but this trend seems to be the new way they are doing things with sci ships, which is really uncool. How about bringing out a TRUE sci ship that is just stronger then the current t5 ones, that means something like what the Fleet long range sci vessel seating is:
Maybe even upgrade the ensign seat to lt then us sci chars can have an extra sci skill NOT tact skills.
Helping people is my passion in life. If I see someone without a smile I try to give them mine.
Ever since the Dyson ship came out with that stupid tact lt com reversal seat. They have apparently made it so all sci ships now have lt com tact instead of lt com sci. This is unacceptable!!! I have a fleet long range sci vessel. If I were to get one of the tier 6 "sci" ships I would lose a lt com sci skill, which happens to be either hazard emitters 3 or sci team 3. I am not about to lose my healing skills for a tact skill. If I wanted a lt com tact seat I wouldn't be flying a sci vessel. I know I can upgrade my ship to t5u but this trend seems to be the new way they are doing things with sci ships, which is really uncool. How about bringing out a TRUE sci ship that is just stronger then the current t5 ones, that means something like what the Fleet long range sci vessel seating is:
Maybe even upgrade the ensign seat to lt then us sci chars can have an extra sci skill NOT tact skills.
The best Science ship in this game is the Voth Pallisade Science Vessel. Best setup, best boff layout, and it's getting an extra tactical console with the new season. (3 Engi, 5 Sci, 3 Tact)
Commander Science, Lt Commander Engineering, Lt Commander Universal (I run tactical), and Lt Universal (I run Science).
I steer cleer of ships with an Ensign only station; it's a waste. And I do agree that the layout for the Dauntless is profoudnly horrible, a tactical nightmare. Regardless, anything new just isn't worth it because I personally don't believe intelligence bridge officers are of any use. I'll take an engineer who can heal me any day over an intelligence officer.
My point here is to tell the OP to just buy a Voth Pallisade Science Vessel, it rocks and you will not be disappointed; and you can run the Lt Commander Universal as a Science since it's the layout you obviously want.
PS. The Fleet version of Voyager is horrible, too many science officers that's why I never bought it. I was honestly hoping it would get revamped for this season but that's never going to happen.
I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a T6 Intrepid in the works.
The last live-stream, captain eyes were brighten-up of the fact that Tier 6 Intrepid Class Science Vessel. With them anything is possible. To me the way the current standard for a SCI Vessel is very limited to weapons layout and tac slots really need to be 3 instead of 2.
The best Science ship in this game is the Voth Pallisade Science Vessel. Best setup, best boff layout, and it's getting an extra tactical console with the new season. (3 Engi, 5 Sci, 3 Tact)
Commander Science, Lt Commander Engineering, Lt Commander Universal (I run tactical), and Lt Universal (I run Science).
I steer cleer of ships with an Ensign only station; it's a waste. And I do agree that the layout for the Dauntless is profoudnly horrible, a tactical nightmare. Regardless, anything new just isn't worth it because I personally don't believe intelligence bridge officers are of any use. I'll take an engineer who can heal me any day over an intelligence officer.
My point here is to tell the OP to just buy a Voth Pallisade Science Vessel, it rocks and you will not be disappointed; and you can run the Lt Commander Universal as a Science since it's the layout you obviously want.
PS. The Fleet version of Voyager is horrible, too many science officers that's why I never bought it. I was honestly hoping it would get revamped for this season but that's never going to happen.
Yeah, Science ships need Engi LtC to really shine while the game in general demands a Tac LtC for most serious content, and similar to you having both is about the only Boff seating I like. At T6 I'd be ok with a uni Ens. Also remember those intel seats are hybrid seats and can be filled with all vanilla abilities.
The best Science ship in this game is the Voth Pallisade Science Vessel. Best setup, best boff layout, and it's getting an extra tactical console with the new season. (3 Engi, 5 Sci, 3 Tact)
Commander Science, Lt Commander Engineering, Lt Commander Universal (I run tactical), and Lt Universal (I run Science).
I steer cleer of ships with an Ensign only station; it's a waste. And I do agree that the layout for the Dauntless is profoudnly horrible, a tactical nightmare. Regardless, anything new just isn't worth it because I personally don't believe intelligence bridge officers are of any use. I'll take an engineer who can heal me any day over an intelligence officer.
My point here is to tell the OP to just buy a Voth Pallisade Science Vessel, it rocks and you will not be disappointed; and you can run the Lt Commander Universal as a Science since it's the layout you obviously want.
PS. The Fleet version of Voyager is horrible, too many science officers that's why I never bought it. I was honestly hoping it would get revamped for this season but that's never going to happen.
I will pit my Wells against a Palisade any day. At U it will have the same console layout and a similar BOFF layout but it is much faster and handles like a pure sci escort.
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The best Science ship in this game is the Voth Pallisade Science Vessel. Best setup, best boff layout, and it's getting an extra tactical console with the new season. (3 Engi, 5 Sci, 3 Tact)
Completely subjective. Always depends on what you want your Science ship to do. There are quite a few Science ships out there that do outperform the Palisade in quite a few, important areas.
No doubt it's a nice ship, and it's great if you get some use out of it, but in no way would I call it - or any other decent Sci ship out there, like the Vesta, Weaver, Dyson, the aforementioned Wells or both new ones (Scryer and Dauntless) - the overall "best".
The best Science ship in this game is the Voth Pallisade Science Vessel. Best setup, best boff layout, and it's getting an extra tactical console with the new season. (3 Engi, 5 Sci, 3 Tact)
Commander Science, Lt Commander Engineering, Lt Commander Universal (I run tactical), and Lt Universal (I run Science).
I steer cleer of ships with an Ensign only station; it's a waste. And I do agree that the layout for the Dauntless is profoudnly horrible, a tactical nightmare. Regardless, anything new just isn't worth it because I personally don't believe intelligence bridge officers are of any use. I'll take an engineer who can heal me any day over an intelligence officer.
My point here is to tell the OP to just buy a Voth Pallisade Science Vessel, it rocks and you will not be disappointed; and you can run the Lt Commander Universal as a Science since it's the layout you obviously want.
PS. The Fleet version of Voyager is horrible, too many science officers that's why I never bought it. I was honestly hoping it would get revamped for this season but that's never going to happen.
I disagree that the voth ship is better then the fleet long range sci vessel. For one you lose your ensign seat, which means you lose one sci ability. And the fleet version of the ship has 3 tact consoles. I would assume when upgraded it will give a sci console slot, although I don't know that for sure. So you would lose more then you would gain. Not to mention the ship is just plain ugly. I want more sci skills NOT less.
With the scryer you would lose a tact console slot as well. So it would actually weaken you if you have the long range vessel, cause that is one less modifier you would have for weapons, which I have fleet consoles one for tet dmg which are the weapons I use, torp dmg, and tricolbalt dmg. Ya I know tet is weird but I like being weird. All my equip is fleet btw.
Helping people is my passion in life. If I see someone without a smile I try to give them mine.
I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a T6 Intrepid in the works.
This game is how old now, how long is too long. Every single patch or update or expansion that comes out we've been told over and over to have patience. Well how long is too long a time to wait for them to actually treat this career equally and update it?
Basically I've given up as a lifer they are insulting to us about things that we should be receiving by default like a T6 ship and as a science captain they've been very instulting for years now about adding science skills to universal consoles instead of updating the severely restrictive science skill list we've had to be "patient" and wait for for years.
This game is how old now, how long is too long. Every single patch or update or expansion that comes out we've been told over and over to have patience. Well how long is too long a time to wait for them to actually treat this career equally and update it?
Basically I've given up as a lifer they are insulting to us about things that we should be receiving by default like a T6 ship and as a science captain they've been very instulting for years now about adding science skills to universal consoles instead of updating the severely restrictive science skill list we've had to be "patient" and wait for for years.
In their minds, they have addressed our concerns.
We can now do top-end DPS, thus "science has been fixed."
I'm not seeing a problem here... The Scryer looks like a 'true' science vessel by your definition...
The 2x Lt Cmdr Engineering is a misprint I believe...
That is not a science vessel but a poorly armed cruiser. The science vessel trades it fore and aft weapon slot to get sensor analysis which this ship does not have. It was pointed out by me on the day the blog came out and on the livestream but since it still doesn't have it then it is obviously WAI.
The Scryer is most certainly NOT a science vessel.
That is not a science vessel but a poorly armed cruiser. The science vessel trades it fore and aft weapon slot to get sensor analysis which this ship does not have. It was pointed out by me on the day the blog came out and on the livestream but since it still doesn't have it then it is obviously WAI.
The Scryer is most certainly NOT a science vessel.
I had honestly missed that it was not listed - possibly a misprint like the second Lt Cmdr Engineering...
Besides, Sensor Analysis does not determine that a vessel is a Science Vessel on it's own... Both the Adapted Battle Cruiser, and Bortasque Command Cruiser, have Sensor Analysis, I doubt you'd consider either a Science Vessel...
I've also commonly heard the Vo'Quv and Atrox being referred to as 'Science Vessels', despite the lack of Sensor Scan, because their Boff layout is just as Science focused as many 'proper' Science Vessels...
For all other intents and purposes, the Scryer (even if it does turn out not to have Sensor Analysis) is indeed a Science Vessel...
I will pit my Wells against a Palisade any day. At U it will have the same console layout and a similar BOFF layout but it is much faster and handles like a pure sci escort.
And that matters how? Doesn't matter if it has a turn rate of 20...it can't use dual cannons so the extra turn doesn't matter much...do you use Single Cannons on it?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The last live-stream, captain eyes were brighten-up of the fact that Tier 6 Intrepid Class Science Vessel. With them anything is possible. To me the way the current standard for a SCI Vessel is very limited to weapons layout and tac slots really need to be 3 instead of 2.
Weapons 4/4 should be standard and make the other ships 5/5.
My Frankenstein Intrepid Class Science Vessel is a a tough ship using the latest alien technology.
all ships should be a max of 8 weapons slots with cruisers getting four tac consoles if DR there is no reason a sci ship could not be 4x4, with three tac consoles and max lcdr tac slot
The Scyr is an amazing science ship, so what if it may or may have not traded one sensor ablity for another one.
It has a Commander Sci, Lt. Com sci, Lt. Com Enigeering, it can cloak, it has spy drones thingies, it has access to both science, enigeering, and Intelligence debuffs/healing/buffs. It has subsystem targeting.
The Scyr is an amazing science ship, so what if it may or may have not traded one sensor ablity for another one.
It has a Commander Sci, Lt. Com sci, Lt. Com Enigeering, it can cloak, it has spy drones thingies, it has access to both science, enigeering, and Intelligence debuffs/healing/buffs. It has subsystem targeting.
Palisade has access to all of that, minus intelligence stuff. Commander sci, lt com engineering, lt com universal... battle cloak... subsystem targeting. It's lots of fun
Currently both the Wells and Palisade look like better science ships than any of the tier 6s.
I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a T6 Intrepid in the works.
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I'm not seeing a problem here... The Scryer looks like a 'true' science vessel by your definition...
The 2x Lt Cmdr Engineering is a misprint I believe...
Commander Science, Lt Commander Engineering, Lt Commander Universal (I run tactical), and Lt Universal (I run Science).
I steer cleer of ships with an Ensign only station; it's a waste. And I do agree that the layout for the Dauntless is profoudnly horrible, a tactical nightmare. Regardless, anything new just isn't worth it because I personally don't believe intelligence bridge officers are of any use. I'll take an engineer who can heal me any day over an intelligence officer.
My point here is to tell the OP to just buy a Voth Pallisade Science Vessel, it rocks and you will not be disappointed; and you can run the Lt Commander Universal as a Science since it's the layout you obviously want.
PS. The Fleet version of Voyager is horrible, too many science officers that's why I never bought it. I was honestly hoping it would get revamped for this season but that's never going to happen.
The last live-stream, captain eyes were brighten-up of the fact that Tier 6 Intrepid Class Science Vessel. With them anything is possible. To me the way the current standard for a SCI Vessel is very limited to weapons layout and tac slots really need to be 3 instead of 2.
Tac BOF 1, 2, 3
Eng BOF 1, 2, 3
Sci BOF 1, 2, 3 + Sci BOF 1, 2,3
Weapons 4/4 should be standard and make the other ships 5/5.
My Frankenstein Intrepid Class Science Vessel is a a tough ship using the latest alien technology.
Time will only tell!
Yeah, imo, T5.5 (and I guess now T6) should not have a plain old Ensign station. Every one should be Lt. or better.
The only ships we've seen so far are the intelligence ships. They are release a 'tonne' of new ships between now and Christmas.
Yeah, Science ships need Engi LtC to really shine while the game in general demands a Tac LtC for most serious content, and similar to you having both is about the only Boff seating I like. At T6 I'd be ok with a uni Ens. Also remember those intel seats are hybrid seats and can be filled with all vanilla abilities.
I kinda like the trade-off.
Dual LtC, but an Ens
One LtC, but 3 Lts.
I'd probably go with the dual LtC still since I know those builds so well.
I will pit my Wells against a Palisade any day. At U it will have the same console layout and a similar BOFF layout but it is much faster and handles like a pure sci escort.
Completely subjective. Always depends on what you want your Science ship to do. There are quite a few Science ships out there that do outperform the Palisade in quite a few, important areas.
No doubt it's a nice ship, and it's great if you get some use out of it, but in no way would I call it - or any other decent Sci ship out there, like the Vesta, Weaver, Dyson, the aforementioned Wells or both new ones (Scryer and Dauntless) - the overall "best".
I disagree that the voth ship is better then the fleet long range sci vessel. For one you lose your ensign seat, which means you lose one sci ability. And the fleet version of the ship has 3 tact consoles. I would assume when upgraded it will give a sci console slot, although I don't know that for sure. So you would lose more then you would gain. Not to mention the ship is just plain ugly. I want more sci skills NOT less.
With the scryer you would lose a tact console slot as well. So it would actually weaken you if you have the long range vessel, cause that is one less modifier you would have for weapons, which I have fleet consoles one for tet dmg which are the weapons I use, torp dmg, and tricolbalt dmg. Ya I know tet is weird but I like being weird. All my equip is fleet btw.
This game is how old now, how long is too long. Every single patch or update or expansion that comes out we've been told over and over to have patience. Well how long is too long a time to wait for them to actually treat this career equally and update it?
Basically I've given up as a lifer they are insulting to us about things that we should be receiving by default like a T6 ship and as a science captain they've been very instulting for years now about adding science skills to universal consoles instead of updating the severely restrictive science skill list we've had to be "patient" and wait for for years.
In their minds, they have addressed our concerns.
We can now do top-end DPS, thus "science has been fixed."
That is not a science vessel but a poorly armed cruiser. The science vessel trades it fore and aft weapon slot to get sensor analysis which this ship does not have. It was pointed out by me on the day the blog came out and on the livestream but since it still doesn't have it then it is obviously WAI.
The Scryer is most certainly NOT a science vessel.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
So has our dog....
I had honestly missed that it was not listed - possibly a misprint like the second Lt Cmdr Engineering...
Besides, Sensor Analysis does not determine that a vessel is a Science Vessel on it's own... Both the Adapted Battle Cruiser, and Bortasque Command Cruiser, have Sensor Analysis, I doubt you'd consider either a Science Vessel...
I've also commonly heard the Vo'Quv and Atrox being referred to as 'Science Vessels', despite the lack of Sensor Scan, because their Boff layout is just as Science focused as many 'proper' Science Vessels...
For all other intents and purposes, the Scryer (even if it does turn out not to have Sensor Analysis) is indeed a Science Vessel...
Patience, young grasshopper.
And that matters how? Doesn't matter if it has a turn rate of 20...it can't use dual cannons so the extra turn doesn't matter much...do you use Single Cannons on it?
all ships should be a max of 8 weapons slots with cruisers getting four tac consoles if DR there is no reason a sci ship could not be 4x4, with three tac consoles and max lcdr tac slot
It has a Commander Sci, Lt. Com sci, Lt. Com Enigeering, it can cloak, it has spy drones thingies, it has access to both science, enigeering, and Intelligence debuffs/healing/buffs. It has subsystem targeting.
Palisade has access to all of that, minus intelligence stuff. Commander sci, lt com engineering, lt com universal... battle cloak... subsystem targeting. It's lots of fun
Currently both the Wells and Palisade look like better science ships than any of the tier 6s.