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Fleet Dilithium Event

rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
So, dilithium is clearly on peoples minds a lot at the moment, what with upgrading costs and the sudden influx of threads on the subject.

While I have yet to see a compelling argument for raising the dilithium refining cap, I can see how in one regard its becoming a bigger issue.

Small fleets that have been diligent and patient are hitting that T3 mark more and more often.

T4 for small groups is possible, if a serious slog, but T5 looks near impossible.

Its not so much the fleet marks or other inputs, its the dilithium.

Big fleets have pretty much been maxed out for two seasons now. Thats one reason for the current state of the dilithium market, the lack of dilithium sinks.

Many of them have been extremely generous with invitations to their facilities, in order for others to gain access to these higher tier goodies.

I would like to suggest a way of throwing small fleets an occasional bone, purely in dilithium terms.

What I would like to see is, every two or three months, we get a weekend event.

During this event, all donations to fleet projects using dilithium get doubled.

Thus, if I donate 5k dilithium to something during the event, I fill 10k of the input bar. I still get 5k FC.

This would be a very targetted boost to the fortumes of small fleets.

The only advantage gained is towards filling up fleet dilithium bars.

It also only rewards generosity with a bit more generosity.

Pretty hard to freeload off it.

So, what do you think.....

....sound like a viable way to give small fleets amodest boost, while also giving those who feel the dilithium pinch a way to leverage their fleet donations a bit.
Post edited by rinkster on


  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And, at the risk of bumping my own thread, I would add in a second idea for small fleets.

    The generosity of bigger fleets has one limitation, ships.

    I would suggest that a T3 shipyard, even with five or six active contributors, is achievable inside six months or so.

    However, T4 and T5 are progressively more daunting.

    Thus, I would like to suggest that a T3 shipyard be the gateway to all fleet ships, with a caveat.

    There would still be a point to upgrading ones own shipyard past T3.

    Because, ships currently available only at T4 would be buildable at T3 but at a higher cost.

    I would suggest 20k FC and another FSM for each tier off.

    Thus a currently designated T4 ship would be buildable at T3, but it would cost 40k FC and require 5 FSM.

    A T5 ship, built at T3, would cost 60k FC and 6 FSM.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Frankly I am annoyed that nothing has been done for small fleets since a Q&A a while back with Dan Stahl announced Cryptic would work on dilithium problems for small fleets. Everything in my fleet has been a crawl since we saw the next stages of upgrades and as of right now are skirting through with pure provisions missions and avoiding upgrades like the plague. I am the leader of my fleet and I darn well am not going to just recruit players and use them like toilet paper like I am certain other fleets do just to build infrastructure. I feel like the 2 choices are loading up on strangers like a starving person with an eating disorder at a all you can eat buffet, or trying to keep moral going while them and I drop in hundreds of millions of EC, thousands of Zen worth of dilithium all for a slightly better upgrade. I admire my fleet, but I am annoyed they are given no rewards back for giving several times what average Joe's give. I feel its disrespectful in a sense that's a lot of effort for barely any payoff.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Frankly I am annoyed that nothing has been done for small fleets since a Q&A a while back with Dan Stahl announced Cryptic would work on dilithium problems for small fleets. Everything in my fleet has been a crawl since we saw the next stages of upgrades and as of right now are skirting through with pure provisions missions and avoiding upgrades like the plague. I am the leader of my fleet and I darn well am not going to just recruit players and use them like toilet paper like I am certain other fleets do just to build infrastructure. I feel like the 2 choices are loading up on strangers like a starving person with an eating disorder at a all you can eat buffet, or trying to keep moral going while them and I drop in hundreds of millions of EC, thousands of Zen worth of dilithium all for a slightly better upgrade. I admire my fleet, but I am annoyed they are given no rewards back for giving several times what average Joe's give. I feel its disrespectful in a sense that's a lot of effort for barely any payoff.

    In as similar position here.

    My approach, given the nature of my fleet is a scant handful of regulars and a few more handfuls of very casuals, is to try to get people to use things like the dilithium or marks events to capture a single milestone.

    Perhaps Spire Tier 2, that sort of thing.

    Its very slow going, but progress is made.

    However, just a little break on dilithium on an event basis could be a serious boost to fleets like mine.

    And without distorting the entire dilithium economy.
  • lordtrekkielordtrekkie Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That sounds like a really neat idea, I hope it at least crosses a dev's screen.

    Not sure I agree with the shipyard thing, though I don't think I'd say no to something like that either.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That sounds like a really neat idea, I hope it at least crosses a dev's screen.

    Not sure I agree with the shipyard thing, though I don't think I'd say no to something like that either.

    Fair enough on the shipyard, though all it would do is sell a few more FSM and let people stay in their own fleets to get access to higher ranked ships.

    Given we are talking FT5 ships, and T6 is mere weeks away, FT6 sometime after that, FT5 wont be the top of the line for long.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Frankly I think the costs of starbases should start out the value of 5 people and should offer gear at a slightly more expensive price then a larger fleet of say 10 people, but in order to get the discounts of 10 people the project costs would be determined by a ration value if you payed 100k for an upgrade to your station and you have 5 people who are in the fleet and you want 5 more well you need the fleet to pay 100k more to get the 10 person discount or else everyone will be at the 5 person discount.

    If big fleets want cheaper gear, let them pay in personnel costs. Simple.

    Example 5 person fleet - full price gear 10 - 2% reduction 20 5% reduction 50 10% reduction
    5 pays 10000 per project 10 pays 20000 per project 20 pays 50000 per project
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Frankly I think the costs of starbases should start out the value of 5 people and should offer gear at a slightly more expensive price then a larger fleet of say 10 people, but in order to get the discounts of 10 people the project costs would be determined by a ration value if you payed 100k for an upgrade to your station and you have 5 people who are in the fleet and you want 5 more well you need the fleet to pay 100k more to get the 10 person discount or else everyone will be at the 5 person discount.

    If big fleets want cheaper gear, let them pay in personnel costs. Simple.

    Problem with that approach is that you would have to back track just too much.

    As a previous poster noted, the current system is weighted around 25 or so active players.

    That is the reality we have to operate within.

    Additionally, it is the reality a large number of people have operated under on their way to maxed out fleets.

    Any solution to the woes of small fleets like your and mine, must also honour the very real work put in by people in bigger fleets.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Problem with that approach is that you would have to back track just too much.

    As a previous poster noted, the current system is weighted around 25 or so active players.

    That is the reality we have to operate within.

    Additionally, it is the reality a large number of people have operated under on their way to maxed out fleets.

    Any solution to the woes of small fleets like your and mine, must also honour the very real work put in by people in bigger fleets.

    My system doesn't negate their work, just makes them responsible in real time for not just recruiting because they need a body, but because they are willing to make a genuine investment into their fleet mates.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Also you can credit the fleet with a 100 person discount off the bat and once the discount is active and payed off. You never have to pay on it again. Even if they drop to 5 people, they will drop down to the 5 person cost ratio, but will no longer have to pay for increased capacity of personnel if the cap increases and they will retain a larger fleet personnel gear discount. but if the total paid off was 100 person cap, they would have to further pay that off as well.

    Tldr : Smaller the fleet the cheaper the upgrades the more expensive the fleet gear, the larger the fleet the more expensive the upgrades and the cheaper the gear while the total in the fleet pay overall less individually, and each capacity discount must be purchased.
  • bubblebaflebubblebafle Member Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    While I have yet to see a compelling argument for raising the dilithium refining cap,

    I stop reading after this.. :P
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I stop reading after this.. :P

    Aww, then you missed some good stuff.

    Gave away a Recluse.

    Sadly the code will have expired by now.
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