So, I was doing undine infliration and was depressed with how nasty the bajorans were to me. I'm Bajoran... so I made them dance, where they were all met up.
not a good idea. Why? if he changes form while the disco ball is in effect, you beat him up, then he gets stuck on the bench in bajoran form. and stands there.
however, tossing another ball just makes him angry and he returns to undine form.
I guess they dont like the disco balls?
wished i had recorded it
never seen him get stuck
how did you unstuck him?
He will typically unstuck himself after a minute or two, usually by transforming again.
I've never seen the disco ball there, but have usually seen him stuck when someone uses a plasma grenade on him, and usually only right after the first transformation, so maybe certain AoEs have that effect?
When I used these powers, the undine will tend to travel a much longer route but end up transforming at the same points (he would usually take 2 different routes, and 3 points of transformation for either route). Well at least it didn't bug the game out, just need to familiarize his alternative routes..
I experience this from the voth battle zone too, where the medics will stop collecting omega particles and hide under the ramp instead..
I've noticed that too, them hiding not at the collectors.
a conflict error bug