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<*> Tal Shiar <*> Recruitment Rush

czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
edited January 2015 in New Romulus
<*> Tal Shiar <*>

We keep to the highest exemplary tradition of STAR TREK, as TAL SHIAR: the Elite Intelligence Agency of the Romulan Star Empire.

We bring two FLEETs:
Tal Shiar FED

Tal Shiar KDF

by demand of some of our players who have been asking questions about us.

We have been focussing on our sister FLEET like "Sto'vo'kor Elite (SVKE) Fleet" and now we bring this fleet to you for recruitment rush. Join our fraternity.

Whats in a NAME? Great name is what makes great organisation.
Come join OUR VISION of the Fleet, success is run by people with the vision.

Our FLeets:
Starfleet Operations (SFO)
Sto'vo'kor (SVK)
Sto'vo'kor Elite (SVKE)

YOU NOW HAVE CHOICES For these FLEETS as well!!!





JOIN THE ALLIANCE, add Turbulent Alliance to your chat and ask for invite!


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<*>Tal Shiar (TS)<*>

Mnean na Tal Shiar. 'Rau hrtae efvi temiorrha 'u dynt olhna. Tlaru na mnei ilmnae'edh. 'Rau Fvakh'laru nnea K'manatran ihir dien icupae'edh. -Adjutant Director

We are Tal Shiar, let people fear us and greatly respected. Intelligence is our convictions. Let misinformation of other race be their downfall.

Litteral Translation: Let other race fear the romulan race and greatly respected. Information is our contribution. Let bad information of other race be their failure.

Are you ready to join our ranks?

MISSION: Effective & Efficient Playability
Whether PvP/PVE, Hardcore/Casual, RP/Non-RP, English/Foreign, Military/Civilian, Humor/Non-Humor, Work/Retired, OCD/ADHD, Human/Alien, our Goal is to have FUN anytime of the day.
We are up 24/7, PST, CST, EST, GMT, OCEANIC.
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Ancient Origins: Commander Spock once theorized that Sargon's people may have colonized Vulcan some 600,000 years ago. Sargon believed that Humans and Vulcans (and therefore also Romulans) might even be descendants of their early travelers. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")

With the discovery of ancient humanoid progenitors in the 24th century, most humanoid lifeforms in the known galaxy were found to have a "seed" genetic code guiding their evolution to the humanoid form. (TNG: "The Chase")

Modern Origins: When Surak's reforms of embracing logical principles and rejecting emotions spread rapidly across Vulcan in the 4th century, a minority rejected Surak's ideals. Those who marched beneath the banner of the raptor, which became the symbol of the Romulan Star Empire, departed Vulcan in the 4th century. Later, some of their descendants established settlements on the planets Calder II, Dessica II, Draken IV, Yadalla Prime, and Barradas III. An ancient offshoot civilization, called the Debrune, at one time existed on Barradas III, but it had died out by the 24th century. (ENT: "Kir'Shara"; TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

At some point, another group settled on twin planets that became known as Romulus and Remus. While Romulus was a Class M planet, Remus was a harsh planet notable only for its dilithium deposits. Once settled, the two worlds became the foundation of an interstellar empire that expanded to many worlds, reaching across some of the Alpha Quadrant. Eventually that power came to be known as the Romulan Star Empire. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II"; Star Trek Nemesis)

In 2387, a star close to Romulus went supernova. Ambassador Spock attempted to prevent the supernova from striking the planet using red matter, but he was unsuccessful and Romulus was destroyed. A mining vessel, the Narada, survived and was captained by Nero, who exploited the black hole's creation of a time warp into the past to attack Spock's home planet of Vulcan in revenge and planned to destroy all planets of the Federation so that Romulus could be "free" and possibly conquer everywhere else. The first part of Nero's plan was mostly successful as Vulcan and most of the Vulcan species was destroyed. However, the Narada and its crew were destroyed in the Battle of Earth by the crew of the Enterprise led by the James T. Kirk of the new timeline. (Star Trek)

Mirror Universe: In the mirror universe, the Romulans appeared to be uninvolved in the conflict between the Terran Rebellion and the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

Benjamin Sisko, posing as his mirror universe counterpart, indicated to Jennifer Sisko that he was going to visit the Romulans to see if he could get their support. This was, in reality, a ruse to explain his return to Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass")

STO wiki: Romulans are an offspring species of the Vulcans that emigrated to the planet Romulus ca. 2000 years ago. Romulans are extremely talented at Subterfuge, making their use of Cloaking Devices unparalleled and their damage bonus from de-cloaking higher than that of other species. Additionally, Romulans' Vulcan heritage is reflected in their immense physical strength, making them powerful melee combatants. After a failed coup d'
Post edited by czardracule on


  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Ty for notifying me through @Lord_Rommel. Few frequent questions that was asked about our Base status and Fleet ships. It is our best interest for our players who have been dedicated to allow access to hop to our other fleet just to get access to KDF/FED fleet ships and Elite Fleet Equipments while working ours to top tier status. We are working hard to get Fleet Rom ships to be available within Tal Shiar.

    We are an established PvP/PvE Fleet. We are looking for players who feel true Factional representation as established by Star Trek: To keep with the tradition. We would enjoy RP as well as being just normal without the acting, but it is fun to continue building stories within our Factions and in our Fleets, whether FED, KDF, or Romulans.

    Tal Shiar in STO doesn't seem to be represented well. Tal Shiar is feared by other factions and was and is well respected within the Romulan Empire in established televised episodes. We may manipulate other aliens to benefit our cause but remain fiercely loyal to our own. Come Join our Fight.

    We are working on a phone app friendly website but at this time it's only 40% complete and will not be available for a while. Thank you for being patient with us.
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We are now on Facebook, come join us. www.facebook.com/talshiar.fleet
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There are members who enjoy RP and others can go without, what are your preference?
    What career path vs ships do you enjoy building?
    EG: Tac/sci ships and so on.

    Depending on our team, do you enjoy team PvP where we focus tanking using ES to an Escort? Or focus all GW/Tyken using Syphon and FBP in sci heavy team? Having Recluse to heal, bugship to DP? What are your preference?

    Whether to build PVE situational builds for Space and Ground? What are your Preference? Building your rep so that you can get specific consoles, eg Gravitional Torp adding with GW can be really fun. What are your Preferences?

    Lets share the FUN.
  • cplcashcamercplcashcamer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    How would I join this great named fleet.
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    whenever you are on either private message or email @lord_rommel, what is your @name and he can private message you. Which side would you like FED or KDF?
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    WE now have more FLEETS to CHOOSE from...come join the ALLIANCE!
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Momentum is building up with everyone teaming alot. Yoda has his giveaways, and morale is high. Everyone is excited. Come join the fun even if your are in another fleet or not in a fleet, add turbulent alliance to your chat (/channel_join turbulent alliance) and join the fun.
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We just had "HUNT for YODA" contest for nominees and congratulation to Krys, he was won a Lobi Ship of his choice. He chose Voth Palisade. Well done!!!
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This will be another "Hunt for Yoda" Contest, nomination ends 9-19 friday and nominee Hunt begins 9-20 saturday. Winner will receive Undine Nicor. New members to top leaders qualify. Come join the Fun. Ask for Criteria on Turbulent Alliance chat...type /channel_join turbulent alliance.

    Good Luck

  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    With the Celebration of the Upcoming Delta Rising, Tal Shiar and it's alliance are having an awesome "HUNT for Yoda" Contest with the Prize being the JHAS. Come Join our Fleet and participate, you will be nominated to join the Hunt. Lets have FUN. Contest nomination ends 10th and the Hunt begins on the 11th of October.

    Good Luck


    Type /channel_join Turbulent Alliance and ask to join Stovokor or SFO
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    CONGRATULATION ZET for winning the NICOR on the last "HUNT"
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Dont associate yourselfs with the weak federation or the impulsive and primitive klingons!!!

    Join the true home of the TAL SHIAR
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Congratulation to OMEGA from the IQ Fleet to winning JHAS on the "HUNT for YODA" contest today.

    Come join our FLEET!!!

  • cplcashcamercplcashcamer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    whenever you are on either private message or email @lord_rommel, what is your @name and he can private message you. Which side would you like FED or KDF?

    @cplcashcamer im fed
  • czardraculeczardracule Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It's great to hear from you, Plz type /channel_join turbulent alliance and ask to join whether KDF or FED just let us know ...Tal shiar Fed / KDF

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