What I'd like to introduce here for your thoughts and input is something I'll call Multi Object Tracking and Targeting...although an easier name could be used if you have one. Naming aside, the mechanic of it is what really matters.
Example one: Say your in a Borg PVE match. You have to take out four Generators that are feeding power to a Transformer, and the transformer is in turn sending its modified energy stream to a Conduit built as a passageway for enemy vessels to travel into tactical space combat zone.
What we would like to do in this example is to target the four Gennies, but not the Xformer or the Conduit.
We should be getting reticules for all of the enemy emplacements. This is already in play. Now, to introduce the new mechanic, we choose the four targets of our choice, making them Primary or Only. Now our weapons will only train onto the Generators and fire. All other objects will be ignored until a command to change tactics is given by the Player.
Now, as our ship makes its evolution into the combat zone, the Generators light up on the HUD and our guns start blazing. We're ignoring all other targets, fixed or mobile. And we can go through our attack run making a full arc around the combat zone, and never worry that our guns will stray onto any other target.
Be mindful at this point. We're not targeting one Generator at a time. We're targeting all four of them, but making a strafing run against each one in turn, without having to re acquire any of the other three generators. As we come into range of the first, we fire upon it. As it falls behind us as we make our turn, firing on that first gen comes to a stop as the second gen comes into range and our guns pick right up where they left off, but on the new target, and so on, until we've made a full circuit and either go around for another pass to finish off the remaining generators or to acquire a new target, such as the Transformer.
I trust this is plain enough a description for everyone to visualize.
If you support this idea, please speak up for it. If not, please come up with an alternate solution, or let us know how we can already do this in game. Or anything along these lines

thanks and now please let me know what you think.
If you dont know what i'm talking about hit escape > options > controls and in either space or ground make sure that the option for "only attack if target selected" is ON and turn off autotarget on attack. Now go attack something and just spam your spacebar. Once that target dies it will still target a nearby mob and attack. Or at least it will do it briefly with 1 or 2 shots and then clear your active targets.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, Nom.
In my OP, if these abilities were used, they would still only hit what you had targeted. Or they would be offline until open targeting was enabled.
What I'm saying is here are already abilities which enable you to hit multiple targets. There is no need for this