I only just recently got promoted to one of the second in commands in our fleet. I would love to make our fleet a lot of fun and hold event and sweepstakes and things to encourage participation.
Since I am new, please excuse me if these questions have all been covered already.
I was trying to set up a PvE queie for our fleet, so the first 5 or 10 or 20 fleet members who joined the queue would be able to play. It only seems to want me to specifically invite people, though. How can I get it simple accept people only from our fleet?
I need to know who has donated to our fleet projects in the past week or day or whatever. How do I get a list of donations pver a specified time frame?
Is there an accepted period of time a fleet should be inactive (read: offline) before it's okay to kick them out? We have almost 500 members and there are a lot that never seem to play anymore.
Anyway, I have a lot of other questions for the more experience fleet owners, but I don't want to overdo it!
I only just recently got promoted to one of the second in commands in our fleet. I would love to make our fleet a lot of fun and hold event and sweepstakes and things to encourage participation.
Since I am new, please excuse me if these questions have all been covered already.
I was trying to set up a PvE queie for our fleet, so the first 5 or 10 or 20 fleet members who joined the queue would be able to play. It only seems to want me to specifically invite people, though. How can I get it simple accept people only from our fleet?
I need to know who has donated to our fleet projects in the past week or day or whatever. How do I get a list of donations pver a specified time frame?
Is there an accepted period of time a fleet should be inactive (read: offline) before it's okay to kick them out? We have almost 500 members and there are a lot that never seem to play anymore.
Anyway, I have a lot of other questions for the more experience fleet owners, but I don't want to overdo it!
Thank you in advance!
you cant.
you cant
there isnt really one. i know of a fleet that considers two weeks 'inactive'. my own fleet sets the bar at 4 months 'inactive'. in any case, start with the least invested and work from there. in our case that was people that were both 4 months inactive and had less than the 75k fleet credit required to open the store; in short, people who never even tried to be a member of the fleet. i do think its a good idea to send out a fleetmail before you start booting though. then at least people that log in and find themselves fleetless know what happened.
I couldn't make my own thread so, I thought I'd ask my question about fleets here and I'm also a newbie. How do I join a fleet? I am getting missions from commanders and such but I was never entered into any fleet. I submitted a ticket about this but they directed me to the forums. So any help would be accepted.
I couldn't make my own thread so, I thought I'd ask my question about fleets here and I'm also a newbie. How do I join a fleet? I am getting missions from commanders and such but I was never entered into any fleet. I submitted a ticket about this but they directed me to the forums. So any help would be accepted.
You would need to be invited into a fleet by a player who is already in a fleet.
You should go to the fleet recruitment section of the forum and take a look at some of the threads there. You will probably find a fleet you like quickly enough.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
I need to know who has donated to our fleet projects in the past week or day or whatever. How do I get a list of donations pver a specified time frame?
You can't. The closest you can come is by keeping track of the donations leaderboards on a regular basis. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can keep a spreadsheet. It goes by fleet credits earned, not by specific donations. Suffice to say, someone who drops 200k refined dilithium in a project will have an extremely noticable increase in the leaderboard.
Is there an accepted period of time a fleet should be inactive (read: offline) before it's okay to kick them out? We have almost 500 members and there are a lot that never seem to play anymore.
There is no universally agreed-upon grace period. Some fleets will kick you out if you're absent for 3 months. Some will kick you out if you miss two fleet meetings.
Use your personal discretion and judgment over who should go and who shouldn't. I personally don't remove anyone from our fleet, since we have a few people who are currently enlisted and deployed elsewhere, or have other obligations that have kept them away for years at a time.
If we ever get towards the member cap (unlikely), I will cross that bridge. If you want to be nice about it, it could be considered good etiquette to send them an in-game mail right before you kick them explaining why, and telling them that they can PM you or e-mail you if you want to be invited again.
In-game mails don't expire, so if they come back 500 days later, they'll get your e-mail dated from 500 days ago.
Anyway, I have a lot of other questions for the more experience fleet owners, but I don't want to overdo it!
That's what this forum is for. There are many people in fleet leadership positions who offer their insight. I think you'll find many of us go about running fleets in different ways.
I myself use 6 months as the "Inactive" limit. I don't kick, but I do demote them down to the minimum rank. If and when they decide to return, they can get their rank back if they contact me, and let me know they plan to stay around again.
Quite frankly, the only reason to kick Inactives would be if your fleet has reached the maximum member limit, which the majority of fleets has not. At current, Ferasan Shadow Force only has somewhere around 250 members, so not even close to the limit.
Seeing as how your fleet is already close to the 500 member limit, then I do suggest you first go through, and kick anyone who has not logged in for a year. And anyone who is around 6 months Inactive, demote to the lowest rank. If and when they reach the one year Inactive mark, then go ahead kick them too.
But do make sure to send out a fleet-wide email, and send it before you do anything else. At least that way, if and when one of those Inactives decides to log in, they know exactly why they have been demoted or kicked, and what to do about it.
I only just recently got promoted to one of the second in commands in our fleet. I would love to make our fleet a lot of fun and hold event and sweepstakes and things to encourage participation.
Since I am new, please excuse me if these questions have all been covered already.
I was trying to set up a PvE queie for our fleet, so the first 5 or 10 or 20 fleet members who joined the queue would be able to play. It only seems to want me to specifically invite people, though. How can I get it simple accept people only from our fleet?
From what I understand, you can't create specific PvE queues, but if you set an event (to announce the time) then use the standard "team up" feature to make fleet-oriented teams, then go into the queues, that'll work...
I need to know who has donated to our fleet projects in the past week or day or whatever. How do I get a list of donations pver a specified time frame?
No "sort", just the overall tracker. As others have said, manual charting is necessary...
Is there an accepted period of time a fleet should be inactive (read: offline) before it's okay to kick them out? We have almost 500 members and there are a lot that never seem to play anymore.
I'd discuss with the rest of your senior staff (especially the head leader) the desired kick out policy, then generate a fleet-wide mail stating the inception of said policy and a grace period before enforcement actually begins.
While my fleet doesn't have to worry about that yet, one of my alts are in a fleet that goes with a scaling time period based on fleet rank, which is based off overall donation level (a newer guy only has 30 days of inactivity till the boot, a mid-level donator gets 60 days, and a high end guy can get 3 months), while another fleet seems to boot a batch of the longest inactives whenever the list gets too big... (say they want 30 slots, they boot the 30 people who have been away from the fleet the longest...). I've read fleets that track the periodic donations and if you don't meet the donation level for the period you're booted, others go with missed meetings, etc. etc. Don't feel constrained by our recommendations though, and feel free to mix and match...
Anyway, I have a lot of other questions for the more experience fleet owners, but I don't want to overdo it!
Thank you in advance!
Ask away...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I understand that the tools I wanted for managing my fleet don't exist. How would I tell Cryptic (or whoever) that I would be more than willing to pay Zen for a decent suite of tools and a fleet PvE ability.
I'm told that the Devs will check out the forums, so help please!
As I said, we need to be able to effectively manage our fleets, build fleet moral and identity, and be able to track who is donating what and when. Since I know that Cryptic is a for-profit company, as I said, I'd even pay for the suite and the fleet PvE ability.
I couldn't make my own thread so, I thought I'd ask my question about fleets here and I'm also a newbie. How do I join a fleet? I am getting missions from commanders and such but I was never entered into any fleet. I submitted a ticket about this but they directed me to the forums. So any help would be accepted.
You have to get invited. Best thing is to look up on the Wiki's for certain fleets, or the recruiting forum page here for people who set up recruiting messages there. Those tend to have more active members anyhow. Or you can resort to asking around in zone chat for a fleet, which may or may not end well.
I understand that the tools I wanted for managing my fleet don't exist. How would I tell Cryptic (or whoever) that I would be more than willing to pay Zen for a decent suite of tools and a fleet PvE ability.
I'm told that the Devs will check out the forums, so help please!
As I said, we need to be able to effectively manage our fleets, build fleet moral and identity, and be able to track who is donating what and when. Since I know that Cryptic is a for-profit company, as I said, I'd even pay for the suite and the fleet PvE ability.
All you can do is make forum threads. Best way to let them know.
I've run my own fleet, though I wasn't the best at it. Talk to some fleets about what they do to keep a fleet active as well as other systems throughout. One thing you can do is work with other fleets, open up a multi-faction chat channel, network with others and so on.
And on doing queues and the like, you can just post up in fleet chat and ask for people to run the queues, and set up a private fleet action and invite those who post up to run the queue with you.
TheGrateLordeCheesus Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM Doesn't Owe AnyoneEC Kirks Prot
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You would need to be invited into a fleet by a player who is already in a fleet.
You should go to the fleet recruitment section of the forum and take a look at some of the threads there. You will probably find a fleet you like quickly enough.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
You can't. The closest you can come is by keeping track of the donations leaderboards on a regular basis. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can keep a spreadsheet. It goes by fleet credits earned, not by specific donations. Suffice to say, someone who drops 200k refined dilithium in a project will have an extremely noticable increase in the leaderboard.
There is no universally agreed-upon grace period. Some fleets will kick you out if you're absent for 3 months. Some will kick you out if you miss two fleet meetings.
Use your personal discretion and judgment over who should go and who shouldn't. I personally don't remove anyone from our fleet, since we have a few people who are currently enlisted and deployed elsewhere, or have other obligations that have kept them away for years at a time.
If we ever get towards the member cap (unlikely), I will cross that bridge. If you want to be nice about it, it could be considered good etiquette to send them an in-game mail right before you kick them explaining why, and telling them that they can PM you or e-mail you if you want to be invited again.
In-game mails don't expire, so if they come back 500 days later, they'll get your e-mail dated from 500 days ago.
That's what this forum is for. There are many people in fleet leadership positions who offer their insight. I think you'll find many of us go about running fleets in different ways.
Quite frankly, the only reason to kick Inactives would be if your fleet has reached the maximum member limit, which the majority of fleets has not. At current, Ferasan Shadow Force only has somewhere around 250 members, so not even close to the limit.
Seeing as how your fleet is already close to the 500 member limit, then I do suggest you first go through, and kick anyone who has not logged in for a year. And anyone who is around 6 months Inactive, demote to the lowest rank. If and when they reach the one year Inactive mark, then go ahead kick them too.
But do make sure to send out a fleet-wide email, and send it before you do anything else. At least that way, if and when one of those Inactives decides to log in, they know exactly why they have been demoted or kicked, and what to do about it.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
From what I understand, you can't create specific PvE queues, but if you set an event (to announce the time) then use the standard "team up" feature to make fleet-oriented teams, then go into the queues, that'll work...
No "sort", just the overall tracker. As others have said, manual charting is necessary...
I'd discuss with the rest of your senior staff (especially the head leader) the desired kick out policy, then generate a fleet-wide mail stating the inception of said policy and a grace period before enforcement actually begins.
While my fleet doesn't have to worry about that yet, one of my alts are in a fleet that goes with a scaling time period based on fleet rank, which is based off overall donation level (a newer guy only has 30 days of inactivity till the boot, a mid-level donator gets 60 days, and a high end guy can get 3 months), while another fleet seems to boot a batch of the longest inactives whenever the list gets too big... (say they want 30 slots, they boot the 30 people who have been away from the fleet the longest...). I've read fleets that track the periodic donations and if you don't meet the donation level for the period you're booted, others go with missed meetings, etc. etc. Don't feel constrained by our recommendations though, and feel free to mix and match...
Ask away...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I'm told that the Devs will check out the forums, so help please!
As I said, we need to be able to effectively manage our fleets, build fleet moral and identity, and be able to track who is donating what and when. Since I know that Cryptic is a for-profit company, as I said, I'd even pay for the suite and the fleet PvE ability.
All you can do is make forum threads. Best way to let them know.
I've run my own fleet, though I wasn't the best at it. Talk to some fleets about what they do to keep a fleet active as well as other systems throughout. One thing you can do is work with other fleets, open up a multi-faction chat channel, network with others and so on.
And on doing queues and the like, you can just post up in fleet chat and ask for people to run the queues, and set up a private fleet action and invite those who post up to run the queue with you.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot