I've played the game all the way to 50 for fed and rommie, still working on getting a Klingon up to 50. But I've gotten this feel from all three. The fed is your classic Star Trek, while the Romulan feels like Star Trek with a dash of Star Wars through in. And the Klingon, it has a nice heavy dose of your classic fantasy tossed in there. Anyone else noticed this?
The new Klingon missions feel the most Trek to me. They are doing the types of things I would expect a Klingon to be doing.
Without a capture/surrender option, or exploration that does not involve pew-pew, the Federation just feels too bloodthirsty to really be Trek, to me, anyway. The Federation feels like what would happen if S31 took over the Federation, IMO.
The Romulans feel the most alien to me. Whether it is Star Wars or BSG or some other SciFi property, it does have an alien, outer-worldly feel to it.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
The new Klingon missions feel the most Trek to me. They are doing the types of things I would expect a Klingon to be doing.
Without a capture/surrender option, or exploration that does not involve pew-pew, the Federation just feels too bloodthirsty to really be Trek, to me, anyway. The Federation feels like what would happen if S31 took over the Federation, IMO.
The Romulans feel the most alien to me. Whether it is Star Wars or BSG or some other SciFi property, it does have an alien, outer-worldly feel to it.
I agree 100%. I sincerely wish most/all fed battles were like the end of the drozana featured episode where you disable a fleet of Klingons but don't kill any. I also wish there were only squadrons of enemies in climactic fights and otherwise it was one on one. But, meh, I can live without that.
I'm thinking that with the fed missions, it's kind of a hybrid between classic trek and abramsverse. And the rebels vs the evil empire vibe of the Rom missions isn't bad, it adds a different feel that I don't mind and did enjoy. But with the Klingon mission to the underworld, that screams fantasy and trek slamming into each other at warp 10 and loving it. And both looking for a second round.
Too much combat in general. So much of the best Trek never had a weapon drawn, or perhaps included as a threat but never used. Instead it was about character interaction, moral quandry, figuring out the right thing to do. It wasn't usually the tougher guy winning, but the smarter, craftier one, with never a shot fired. So much more elegant and character driven. Thats whats most missing here.
Too much combat in general. So much of the best Trek never had a weapon drawn, or perhaps included as a threat but never used. Instead it was about character interaction, moral quandry, figuring out the right thing to do. It wasn't usually the tougher guy winning, but the smarter, craftier one, with never a shot fired. So much more elegant and character driven. Thats whats most missing here.
In which it works out perfectly for a TV show, not an overall premise for a video game. People really need to ask themselves, would this type of game work outside a small niche, no it wouldn't.
Back to the question, the initial Starfleet storyline is not very compelling and you are literally fighting a Klingon bent on extending the 3rd Federation-Klingon War. You go from pretty much cleaning out the Sirirus Block from raiders and secret bases to stopping B'vat, who seems like the KDF should be involved due to the Klingons pursuing a peace conference at Regulus. Then, I have no idea why Cryptic put the Devidian FE Series in the middle of the B'vat Storyline. One, it makes no sense especially when the NPCs talk about the recent defeat of Gul Madred. Secondly, it stops the player in place about the Fed-KDF War.
I would love to see a prequel series set in 2408 to show how the KDF managed to push so far in to Federation territory to the point that they were blockading a planet so close to Vulcan, Andoria, and Earth.
For the initial KDF storyline, the war with the Federation is barely mentioned and the player is actually trying to stop Inter-house war. Elements of the Fed War pops up later.
In my opinion, the Romulan story in STO is the most complicated, but best told one in the game. It should be a story of the Romulan people rather than just the Imperial Romulans or the Republican Romulans. We see a Civil War between Taris and Sela, Imperial Romulans trying to re-conquer colonies that broke away, Starfleet trying to stop the wars, a Reman resistance movement, and a new faction trying to stabilize the area.
Without a capture/surrender option, or exploration that does not involve pew-pew, the Federation just feels too bloodthirsty to really be Trek, to me, anyway. The Federation feels like what would happen if S31 took over the Federation, IMO.
The Romulans feel the most alien to me. Whether it is Star Wars or BSG or some other SciFi property, it does have an alien, outer-worldly feel to it.
I agree 100%. I sincerely wish most/all fed battles were like the end of the drozana featured episode where you disable a fleet of Klingons but don't kill any. I also wish there were only squadrons of enemies in climactic fights and otherwise it was one on one. But, meh, I can live without that.
In which it works out perfectly for a TV show, not an overall premise for a video game. People really need to ask themselves, would this type of game work outside a small niche, no it wouldn't.
Back to the question, the initial Starfleet storyline is not very compelling and you are literally fighting a Klingon bent on extending the 3rd Federation-Klingon War. You go from pretty much cleaning out the Sirirus Block from raiders and secret bases to stopping B'vat, who seems like the KDF should be involved due to the Klingons pursuing a peace conference at Regulus. Then, I have no idea why Cryptic put the Devidian FE Series in the middle of the B'vat Storyline. One, it makes no sense especially when the NPCs talk about the recent defeat of Gul Madred. Secondly, it stops the player in place about the Fed-KDF War.
I would love to see a prequel series set in 2408 to show how the KDF managed to push so far in to Federation territory to the point that they were blockading a planet so close to Vulcan, Andoria, and Earth.
For the initial KDF storyline, the war with the Federation is barely mentioned and the player is actually trying to stop Inter-house war. Elements of the Fed War pops up later.
In my opinion, the Romulan story in STO is the most complicated, but best told one in the game. It should be a story of the Romulan people rather than just the Imperial Romulans or the Republican Romulans. We see a Civil War between Taris and Sela, Imperial Romulans trying to re-conquer colonies that broke away, Starfleet trying to stop the wars, a Reman resistance movement, and a new faction trying to stabilize the area.