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Delta Rising - Balancing Faction BOFFs?

staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
Nyah, time for mindless speculation.

With all the hullabaloo about ships, I'm still more interested in whether DR will do anything about the disparity between faction BOffs in terms of space traits. For anyone who's been hiding under a rock since LoR, I'm specifically thinking about the wide availability of powerful space traits to the Romulans, while those available to Fed / KDF players are much weaker.

So what? Well, all the talk about specialist BOffs has focused on their new powers in T6 ships. But they also have a "basic" (Tac / Eng / Sci) skillset as well.

So... I'm hoping that Specialists will be usable in non-T6 ships in those roles, and could also be a mechanism to add a big boost to Fed / KDF space traits. Pure power creep, perhaps, but I'd throw a few zen at that.
Post edited by staq16 on


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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    what i would like to see is a trait pool on your boffs that are one time selectable and after that, they cant be changed (exception to the racial specific trait that remains), the only ones that cant be changed are the breen, borg, reman.. it seems like a logic step in terms of fully customizing your setup best.


    human , 3 open traits 1 fixed traits; leadership. and then a list of traits.
    bajoran, 3 open traits 1 fixed trait; spirtual.
    klingon, 3 open traits 1 fixed trait; honorable.
    and so on.

    a pool of traits ex. based on rarity of officer.


    basic aggressive
    basic covert
    basic creative
    so on...

    very rare

    superior subterfuge
    superior teamwork
    superior covert
    so on...

    franklin drake is known for his superior covert and superior subterfuge skills for example, shon is known for his superior teamwork and superior aggression... its what fits best to your boffs.

    while your at it, fix the boff biographical.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    Nyah, time for mindless speculation.

    With all the hullabaloo about ships, I'm still more interested in whether DR will do anything about the disparity between faction BOffs in terms of space traits. For anyone who's been hiding under a rock since LoR, I'm specifically thinking about the wide availability of powerful space traits to the Romulans, while those available to Fed / KDF players are much weaker.

    So what? Well, all the talk about specialist BOffs has focused on their new powers in T6 ships. But they also have a "basic" (Tac / Eng / Sci) skillset as well.

    So... I'm hoping that Specialists will be usable in non-T6 ships in those roles, and could also be a mechanism to add a big boost to Fed / KDF space traits. Pure power creep, perhaps, but I'd throw a few zen at that.

    I would be surprised if they ever did anything about this because they keep kicking the can down the road. People want ALL boffs to have some kind of space trait in order to be able to vary the ones used on their ships, but Cryptic keeps ignoring the issue and assuming everything is ok.

    I would love to have a crew with Vulcans, Andorians, etc in my ship, but you shoot yourself in the foot if you don't pick the boffs with space traits.
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    havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's not even that I'd care to pick the traits. That gives too much control for what's always been a moderately random process.

    Just allow ALL bridge officers of ALL races the ability to draw from the same trait pool. If I run a DoFF mission to generate a Rare or VR officer, there's no reason an Andorian can't be a Superior Operative or a Gorn can't have Leadership.

    They need parity.
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    lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    They all need a space trait. Right now we're limited to a fraction of species. As a Fed, I am limited to Saurians, Lib Borg, Humans, and a Xindi, which doesn't work all to wel, and Romulans from the Embassy. Oh and a Naussican from Ambassador.

    The VR quest rewards should all have a space trait.

    The Jem'Hadar are Engineered Soldiers - A crit (Chance or Severity) or Damage Bonus would be good here.

    Androids - Full Robots should have Superior efficient

    Voth - Dinosaurs with Fricken Lasers - Maybe something sciency

    Breen - Again Soldier types, a damage boost or maybe a cold dot in space.

    Reman should be the same as Romulan just with a bigger forehead.

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    captsabercaptsaber Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Delta Rising sound good...... BUT there are many bugs still! One of the big ones is the invisible weapons problem. Heck I run a AMD R9 290x card with 4 gig of DDR 3 onboard, and have 32gig of ram in my system. And I have this problem. Now I know that your going to release Delta Rising.. The Problem is more than likley it will cause more problems than slove any. I think who ever is in charge there is not getting the big picture! We are tired of the bugs! FIX them! Do you really think we are going to keep spending more money on a game that is becoming less and less satisfying and palyable? You can dress things up all you want, add more ships more content all of it, but I for one am not willing to spend anymore money one a broke game! In fact it is becoming frustrating at times. If you don't get the bugs fixed soon you will lose players simple as that. There are many games out there to play and spend money on and none of them as buggy as STO. For some reasion some boss someware don't think this is a problem! IT IS!
    I for one am not playing STO much anymore. And When I do I will not be buying anything untill I see some of theses major bugs fixed. It seems to me putting out Delta Rising should not have been done until the current game is fixed and working right! Do you think we will keep spending money on something that is broke? And chances are good that Delta Rising will break it more or add more problems because the current game is not working right!

    So you want a better bottom line? Fix the game!:mad:
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    lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    captsaber wrote: »
    Delta Rising sound good...... BUT there are many bugs still! One of the big ones is the invisible weapons problem. Heck I run a AMD R9 290x card with 4 gig of DDR 3 onboard, and have 32gig of ram in my system. And I have this problem. Now I know that your going to release Delta Rising.. The Problem is more than likley it will cause more problems than slove any. I think who ever is in charge there is not getting the big picture! We are tired of the bugs! FIX them! Do you really think we are going to keep spending more money on a game that is becoming less and less satisfying and palyable? You can dress things up all you want, add more ships more content all of it, but I for one am not willing to spend anymore money one a broke game! In fact it is becoming frustrating at times. If you don't get the bugs fixed soon you will lose players simple as that. There are many games out there to play and spend money on and none of them as buggy as STO. For some reasion some boss someware don't think this is a problem! IT IS!
    I for one am not playing STO much anymore. And When I do I will not be buying anything untill I see some of theses major bugs fixed. It seems to me putting out Delta Rising should not have been done until the current game is fixed and working right! Do you think we will keep spending money on something that is broke? And chances are good that Delta Rising will break it more or add more problems because the current game is not working right!

    So you want a better bottom line? Fix the game!:mad:

    Every MMO in history has bugs that never get fixed...While it is a problem it is not on the top of the list if it is not game breaking IE Bug that can exploit Dil, EC etc. I played SWG from Mar 04 to Sunset and that game still had bugs from Pre-CU. Were they an annoyance...sometimes...were they game breaking? Not at all.

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