Deciding which DOFF to get from Ferra isn't always the easiest choice, not because there aren't actively good or bad choices, but because we have to compare the jobs available with our existing crew, and then with their traits, and determine if the DOFF is worth using or not. For many of us, it isn't readily apparent which DOFF traits are good or bad for a given job type. Hence, a guide.
I consider there to be 3 fundamental uses for a DOFF
(1) Its listed profession and jobs that call for that profession
(2) Supports
(3) Other jobs which are (relatively) easy to hit 0% total fail chance, and thus for which you will actively want DOFFs who do *not* match the chosen profession to maximize crit chance. (Support is actually a specific example of this, but its a general enough want it deserved its own number).
With regards to 1, each job has desirable and undesirable traits, especially if you focus on 'worthwhile' assignments. I do not endeavour to give such a general guide here, but paying attention to my recommendations below will certainly lead to insight on the matter.
With regards to 2, the necessary traits are Efficient Peaceful Tactful Teamwork and NOT Aggressive Unruly. Profession of the DOFF is irrelevant.
With regards to 3, the notable assignments one might concern oneself with are as follows:
-Military Offensive (Aggressive Resilient Teamwork; -Peaceful)
-Additional Military Base (Efficient) (Wants TAC, ENG, quartermaster, any, any)
-Listening Post (Efficient Teamwork) (Wants Technician, Astrometrics, any)
-Infiltrate Orion Syndicate (Telepathic Unruly) (Must be Cunning non-Civilian)
There will invariably be other assignments which meet this criteria, but these are the more notable. Since Additional Military Base only wants one trait that is in abundance among Support DOFFs, we're going to ignore it.
Without further ado:
==T4 Diplomacy== Raastz: Aggressive Cold-Blooded Resilient Stubborn Security Officer
-Evaluation: Good Mil Offensive, Bad Sec Off, no other use Jivv: Eidetic Telepathic Unruly Unscrupulous Advisor
-Evaluation: Passable Advisor. (Utility of Unscrupulous ruined by Unruly) Zichutok: AggressiveCunning Resilient Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader. Its easy to find 2-trait Traders, and even one negative trait is really awful. Atziana: Peaceful Seductive Tactful Unscrupulous Diplomat
-Evaluation: Good Diplomat, Good Support Althoran: Cunning Efficient Resilient Unscrupulous Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Ok Assault Squad Officer
Clear Choice: Atziana
Might also pick up: Raastz
==T4 Colonial== Bim Zolat: Congenial Emotional Resilient Teamwork Advisor
-Evaluation: Ok Advisor (specifically Refugee Condition assignments - hardly worth specializing in) Treserra: AggressiveCunning Emotional Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader, easy enough to find 2-trait traders without a negative trait Ghoaech: Congenial Seductive Telepathic Unscrupulous Botanist
-Evaluation: Bad Botanist (no key traits) Kiggung: Congenial Cunning Tactful Unscrupulous Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat, Ok Support Kreggti: Aggressive Cold-Blooded ResilientTeamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Amazing Mil Offensive, Bad Sec Off
Clear Choice: Kreggti
Might also pick: Kiggung
==T4 Development== Cripbar: EfficientLogicalStubbornTeamwork Biochemist
-Evaluation: Bad Biochemist (Logical ruined by Stubborn), Good Support (2 traits) Kerm Botar: Congenial Honorable Peaceful Stubborn Entertainer
-Evaluation: Good Entertainer Kooweiach: Congenial Seductive Teamwork Telepathic Security Officer
-Evaluation: Good Security Officer Hechiae: Congenial Efficient Spiritual Teamwork Doctor
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Doctor, Good Addtl Mil Base Ennari: Emotional Peaceful Tactful Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Great Diplomat, Good Support
Clear Choices: Either Kooweiach or Ennari
Might also pick: Kerm Botar if you need an entertainer. Hechiae if you are actively running Addtl Mil Bases still.
==T4 Engineering== Tuziar: Efficient Resilient Stubborn Unruly Technician
-Evaluation: Bad Technician Vizith Klorn: Congenial Emotional Resilient Teamwork Maintenance Engineer
-Evaluation Indifferent Maint Eng, Good Mil Offensive Sanrap: Aggressive Cunning Stubborn Unscrupulous Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sensors Officer Zocheav: Efficient Peaceful Spiritual Tactful Fabrication Engineer
-Evaluation: Good Fab Eng, Great Support Gerrato: Cold-Blooded Efficient Eidetic Resilient Warp Core Engineer
-Evaluation: Good Warp Core Engineer
Clear Choice: Zocheav
Might also take: Vizith Klorn, Gerrato
==T4 Espionage== Daprirn: EfficientStubbornTeamwork Unscrupulous Systems Engineer
-Evaluation: Potentially Great Syst Engineer (i don't recall any syst eng jobs punishing stubborn, but that trait is a risk), Good Listening Post, Good Support Gailon Mazzeka: Congenial Tactful Teamwork Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat, Good Support Lr'rasra: Aggressive Emotional Unruly Unscrupulous Advisor
-Evaluation: Useless Ekrum: Cunning Eidetic Teamwork Unscrupulous Conn Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent to bad Conn Officer, bad slotted ability Teegen: Cold-Blooded Congenial Efficient Resilient Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Good Sensors Officer
Clear Choice: Daprirn
Might also take: Teegen, Gailon Mazzeka
==T4 Exploration== Kellarno: Efficient Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Conn Officer
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Mil Offensive, Indifferent to Bad Conn Officer S'rria: Aggressive Emotional Stubborn Unruly Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Useless Raweizi: Logical Seductive Tactful Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat Neurk: Cunning Eidetic Logical Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Great Trader Noziech: Cold-Blooded Resilient Stubborn Unruly Research Lab Scientist
-Evaluation: Useless
Clear Choice: Neurk
Might also choose: Kellarno
==T4 Medical== Rrisrak: Aggressive Eidetic Honorable Teamwork Botanist
-Evaluation: Good Botanist Nequi: Congenial Emotional Seductive Telepathic Counselor
-Evaluation: Great Counselor, but still just a counselor =P Zeestou: Honorable Logical Spiritual Teamwork Nurse
-Evaluation: Indifferent Nurse Kordek: Cold-Blooded Efficient Resilient Stubborn Doctor
-Evaluation: Ok Doctor Gekringa: Cunning Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Biologist
-Evaluation: Indifferent Biologist, Good Mil Offense
Clear Choice: Rrisrak
Might also take: Gekringa, Nequi (if you really need a counselor)
==T4 Military== Zucanz: Congenial Efficient Honorable Stubborn Energy Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent EWO Tion Sorahn: Congenial Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sec Off, Good Mil Offense Zasrassi: Aggressive Efficient Resilient Unruly Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Good Assault Squad Officer C'Tarrsa: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Honorable Projectile Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Good PWO Sugrinn: Congenial Cunning Teamwork Unscrupulous Quartermaster
-Evaluation: Great Quartermaster, Good Listening Post
Clear Choice: Sugrinn
Might also choose: Tion Sorahn
A little explanation here - Tion Sorahn is actually worth more for Mil Offense than Zasrassi, because assault squad officers will *reduce crit chance* after fail goes to zero. Also, getting good assault squad officers is easy off Betreka Support, so you won't actually be needing good assault squad officers.
Similiarly, C'Tarrsa is a great PWO, but Hunter Ikrin (from Khazan Support) is Agg Eff and you'll have piles of him.
==T4 Recruitment== Nwanaxa Morowni: Congenial Emotional Telepathic Unscrupulous Systems Engineer
-Evaluation: Indifferent Systems Engineer Ahnzar Koel: Aggressive Congenial Stubborn Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sec Off, Good Mil Offense Szyeichwa: Seductive Tactful Teamwork Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok diplomat, Good Support Andatti: Cunning Logical Stubborn Unscrupulous Quartermaster
-Evaluation: Good Quartermaster Furetta: Congenial Emotional Tactful Teamwork
-Evaluation: Good Advisor, Good Support
Decent Choices: Szyeichwa, Andatti, Furetta, Ahnzar Koel are all plausible. Likely prefer Andatti.
==T4 Science== Gwystoei: Congenial Emotional Seductive Telepathic Astrometics Sci
-Evaluation: Indifferent Astro Sci Tognirra: Congenial Cunning Emotional Peaceful Developmental Lab Sci
-Evaluation: Indifferent Dev Lab Sci Gashida: Congenial Efficient Spiritual Stubborn Counselor
-Evaluation: Ok Counselor (still a counselor) Kamugtai: Cold-Blooded Efficient Resilient Tactful Gravimetric Sci
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Grav Sci Rontedda: Eidetic Emotional Teamwork Telepathic Research Lab Sci
-Evaluation: Great Res Lab Sci
Clear Choice: Rontedda
Might also take: Kamugtai, except Demera (EB Support DOFF) is strictly better
==T4 Trade== Sucnir: Congenial Efficient Honorable Resilient Quartermaster
-Evaluation: indifferent QM, Good Addtl Mil Base Achik Trovil: Congenial Emotional Peaceful Teamwork Advisor
-Evaluation: Good Advisor, Good Support Foeixache: Cunning Seductive Tactful Telepathic Trader
-Evaluation: Great Trader M'relna: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Stubborn Security Officer
-Evaluation: Useless Kerig: Cunning Unscrupulous Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Useless
Clear choice: Foeixache
Might also take: Achik Trovil. Sucnir is unlikely with other good QMs available in other categories.
Kooweiach (dev) and Szyeichwa (rec) make an excellent instigate defection team, they're both specializations that boost success and both have 2 traits that boost crit.
Without further ado:
==T4 Military== Zucanz: Congenial Efficient Honorable Stubborn Energy Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent EWO Tion Sorahn: Congenial Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sec Off, Good Mil Offense Zasrassi: Aggressive Efficient Resilient Unruly Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Good Assault Squad Officer C'Tarrsa: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Honorable Projectile Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Good PWO Sugrinn: Congenial Cunning Teamwork Unscrupulous Quartermaster
-Evaluation: Great Quartermaster, Good Listening Post
Clear Choice: Sugrinn
Might also choose: Tion Sorahn
A little explanation here - Tion Sorahn is actually worth more for Mil Offense than Zasrassi, because assault squad officers will *reduce crit chance* after fail goes to zero. Also, getting good assault squad officers is easy off Betreka Support, so you won't actually be needing good assault squad officers.
Similiarly, C'Tarrsa is a great PWO, but Hunter Ikrin (from Khazan Support) is Agg Eff and you'll have piles of him.
Actually, anyone flying a kittycarrier should hold off on choosing a purple doff from Military. Fed Flight Deck Officers are in the pipleine, according to the devs. If Military is itemized Fed side the way it is for the KDF, one of the choices here will become a very rare Flight Deck Officer.
This will probably remain the best option for getting a very rare FDO for a good many people without deep pockets of EC's.
There will, in addition, be a couple of faction-specific chains that award a purple Flight Deck Officer at the end of each; the Flight Deck Officer has one of the new Flight Deck Officer active roster powers.
Without further ado:
Zichutok: AggressiveCunning Resilient Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader. Its easy to find 2-trait Traders, and even one negative trait is really awful. Ghoaech: Congenial Seductive Telepathic Unscrupulous Botanist
-Evaluation: Bad Botanist (no key traits) Cripbar: EfficientLogicalStubbornTeamwork Biochemist
-Evaluation: Bad Biochemist (Logical ruined by Stubborn), Good Support (2 traits) Tuziar: Efficient Resilient Stubborn Unruly Technician
-Evaluation: Bad Technician Sanrap: Aggressive Cunning Stubborn Unscrupulous Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sensors Officer Lr'rasra: Aggressive Emotional Unruly Unscrupulous Advisor
-Evaluation: Useless Ekrum: Cunning Eidetic Teamwork Unscrupulous Conn Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent to bad Conn Officer, bad slotted ability S'rria: Aggressive Emotional Stubborn Unruly Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Useless Noziech: Cold-Blooded Resilient Stubborn Unruly Research Lab Scientist
-Evaluation: Useless Treserra: AggressiveCunning Emotional Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader, easy enough to find 2-trait traders without a negative trait M'relna: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Stubborn Security Officer
-Evaluation: Useless Kerig: Cunning Unscrupulous Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Useless
Excellent post!! I had recently picked up a few of these guys while rounding out my DOFF roster and was planning on posting about the two traders (how poor they are for trader missions) and how Kerig only has two traits and M'relna is pretty useless...
Heretic, is it possible that these above could go for some retraining ? None of them fill their intended use well, especially for the amount of effort invested into getting them.
There will, in addition, be a couple of faction-specific chains that award a purple Flight Deck Officer at the end of each; the Flight Deck Officer has one of the new Flight Deck Officer active roster powers.
==T4 Diplomacy==
Raastz: Aggressive Cold-Blooded Resilient Stubborn Security Officer
-Evaluation: Good Mil Offensive, Bad Sec Off, no other use
Jivv: Eidetic Telepathic Unruly Unscrupulous Advisor
-Evaluation: Passable Advisor. (Utility of Unscrupulous ruined by Unruly)
Zichutok: Aggressive Cunning Resilient Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader. Its easy to find 2-trait Traders, and even one negative trait is really awful.
Atziana: Peaceful Seductive Tactful Unscrupulous Diplomat
-Evaluation: Good Diplomat, Good Support
Althoran: Cunning Efficient Resilient Unscrupulous Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Ok Assault Squad Officer
Clear Choice: Atziana
Might also pick up: Raastz
==T4 Colonial==
Bim Zolat: Congenial Emotional Resilient Teamwork Advisor
-Evaluation: Ok Advisor (specifically Refugee Condition assignments - hardly worth specializing in)
Treserra: Aggressive Cunning Emotional Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Bad Trader, easy enough to find 2-trait traders without a negative trait
Ghoaech: Congenial Seductive Telepathic Unscrupulous Botanist
-Evaluation: Bad Botanist (no key traits)
Kiggung: Congenial Cunning Tactful Unscrupulous Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat, Ok Support
Kreggti: Aggressive Cold-Blooded Resilient Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Amazing Mil Offensive, Bad Sec Off
Clear Choice: Kreggti
Might also pick: Kiggung
==T4 Development==
Cripbar: Efficient Logical Stubborn Teamwork Biochemist
-Evaluation: Bad Biochemist (Logical ruined by Stubborn), Good Support (2 traits)
Kerm Botar: Congenial Honorable Peaceful Stubborn Entertainer
-Evaluation: Good Entertainer
Kooweiach: Congenial Seductive Teamwork Telepathic Security Officer
-Evaluation: Good Security Officer
Hechiae: Congenial Efficient Spiritual Teamwork Doctor
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Doctor, Good Addtl Mil Base
Ennari: Emotional Peaceful Tactful Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Great Diplomat, Good Support
Clear Choices: Either Kooweiach or Ennari
Might also pick: Kerm Botar if you need an entertainer. Hechiae if you are actively running Addtl Mil Bases still.
==T4 Engineering==
Tuziar: Efficient Resilient Stubborn Unruly Technician
-Evaluation: Bad Technician
Vizith Klorn: Congenial Emotional Resilient Teamwork Maintenance Engineer
-Evaluation Indifferent Maint Eng, Good Mil Offensive
Sanrap: Aggressive Cunning Stubborn Unscrupulous Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sensors Officer
Zocheav: Efficient Peaceful Spiritual Tactful Fabrication Engineer
-Evaluation: Good Fab Eng, Great Support
Gerrato: Cold-Blooded Efficient Eidetic Resilient Warp Core Engineer
-Evaluation: Good Warp Core Engineer
Clear Choice: Zocheav
Might also take: Vizith Klorn, Gerrato
==T4 Espionage==
Daprirn: Efficient Stubborn Teamwork Unscrupulous Systems Engineer
-Evaluation: Potentially Great Syst Engineer (i don't recall any syst eng jobs punishing stubborn, but that trait is a risk), Good Listening Post, Good Support
Gailon Mazzeka: Congenial Tactful Teamwork Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat, Good Support
Lr'rasra: Aggressive Emotional Unruly Unscrupulous Advisor
-Evaluation: Useless
Ekrum: Cunning Eidetic Teamwork Unscrupulous Conn Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent to bad Conn Officer, bad slotted ability
Teegen: Cold-Blooded Congenial Efficient Resilient Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Good Sensors Officer
Clear Choice: Daprirn
Might also take: Teegen, Gailon Mazzeka
==T4 Exploration==
Kellarno: Efficient Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Conn Officer
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Mil Offensive, Indifferent to Bad Conn Officer
S'rria: Aggressive Emotional Stubborn Unruly Sensors Officer
-Evaluation: Useless
Raweizi: Logical Seductive Tactful Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok Diplomat
Neurk: Cunning Eidetic Logical Unscrupulous Trader
-Evaluation: Great Trader
Noziech: Cold-Blooded Resilient Stubborn Unruly Research Lab Scientist
-Evaluation: Useless
Clear Choice: Neurk
Might also choose: Kellarno
==T4 Medical==
Rrisrak: Aggressive Eidetic Honorable Teamwork Botanist
-Evaluation: Good Botanist
Nequi: Congenial Emotional Seductive Telepathic Counselor
-Evaluation: Great Counselor, but still just a counselor =P
Zeestou: Honorable Logical Spiritual Teamwork Nurse
-Evaluation: Indifferent Nurse
Kordek: Cold-Blooded Efficient Resilient Stubborn Doctor
-Evaluation: Ok Doctor
Gekringa: Cunning Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Biologist
-Evaluation: Indifferent Biologist, Good Mil Offense
Clear Choice: Rrisrak
Might also take: Gekringa, Nequi (if you really need a counselor)
==T4 Military==
Zucanz: Congenial Efficient Honorable Stubborn Energy Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Indifferent EWO
Tion Sorahn: Congenial Resilient Stubborn Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sec Off, Good Mil Offense
Zasrassi: Aggressive Efficient Resilient Unruly Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Good Assault Squad Officer
C'Tarrsa: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Honorable Projectile Weapons Officer
-Evaluation: Good PWO
Sugrinn: Congenial Cunning Teamwork Unscrupulous Quartermaster
-Evaluation: Great Quartermaster, Good Listening Post
Clear Choice: Sugrinn
Might also choose: Tion Sorahn
A little explanation here - Tion Sorahn is actually worth more for Mil Offense than Zasrassi, because assault squad officers will *reduce crit chance* after fail goes to zero. Also, getting good assault squad officers is easy off Betreka Support, so you won't actually be needing good assault squad officers.
Similiarly, C'Tarrsa is a great PWO, but Hunter Ikrin (from Khazan Support) is Agg Eff and you'll have piles of him.
==T4 Recruitment==
Nwanaxa Morowni: Congenial Emotional Telepathic Unscrupulous Systems Engineer
-Evaluation: Indifferent Systems Engineer
Ahnzar Koel: Aggressive Congenial Stubborn Teamwork Security Officer
-Evaluation: Bad Sec Off, Good Mil Offense
Szyeichwa: Seductive Tactful Teamwork Telepathic Diplomat
-Evaluation: Ok diplomat, Good Support
Andatti: Cunning Logical Stubborn Unscrupulous Quartermaster
-Evaluation: Good Quartermaster
Furetta: Congenial Emotional Tactful Teamwork
-Evaluation: Good Advisor, Good Support
Decent Choices: Szyeichwa, Andatti, Furetta, Ahnzar Koel are all plausible. Likely prefer Andatti.
==T4 Science==
Gwystoei: Congenial Emotional Seductive Telepathic Astrometics Sci
-Evaluation: Indifferent Astro Sci
Tognirra: Congenial Cunning Emotional Peaceful Developmental Lab Sci
-Evaluation: Indifferent Dev Lab Sci
Gashida: Congenial Efficient Spiritual Stubborn Counselor
-Evaluation: Ok Counselor (still a counselor)
Kamugtai: Cold-Blooded Efficient Resilient Tactful Gravimetric Sci
-Evaluation: Good Support, Good Grav Sci
Rontedda: Eidetic Emotional Teamwork Telepathic Research Lab Sci
-Evaluation: Great Res Lab Sci
Clear Choice: Rontedda
Might also take: Kamugtai, except Demera (EB Support DOFF) is strictly better
==T4 Trade==
Sucnir: Congenial Efficient Honorable Resilient Quartermaster
-Evaluation: indifferent QM, Good Addtl Mil Base
Achik Trovil: Congenial Emotional Peaceful Teamwork Advisor
-Evaluation: Good Advisor, Good Support
Foeixache: Cunning Seductive Tactful Telepathic Trader
-Evaluation: Great Trader
M'relna: Aggressive Efficient Emotional Stubborn Security Officer
-Evaluation: Useless
Kerig: Cunning Unscrupulous Assault Squad Officer
-Evaluation: Useless
Clear choice: Foeixache
Might also take: Achik Trovil. Sucnir is unlikely with other good QMs available in other categories.
Just realized that there's not a single bartender on this list.
+1 to that!
Actually, anyone flying a kittycarrier should hold off on choosing a purple doff from Military. Fed Flight Deck Officers are in the pipleine, according to the devs. If Military is itemized Fed side the way it is for the KDF, one of the choices here will become a very rare Flight Deck Officer.
This will probably remain the best option for getting a very rare FDO for a good many people without deep pockets of EC's.
Excellent post!! I had recently picked up a few of these guys while rounding out my DOFF roster and was planning on posting about the two traders (how poor they are for trader missions) and how Kerig only has two traits and M'relna is pretty useless...
Heretic, is it possible that these above could go for some retraining ? None of them fill their intended use well, especially for the amount of effort invested into getting them.
Thanks for the info!
This entry is really bad and should be changed since this doff gives 3 crit traits for a defection and is the best one for the job.
Mr. J
I agree, he is really great for Defection.
Note that the Research Lab Scientists might have more value to you for leveling R&D.
Note that R&D was completely different the time this guide was written *smile*
its dead , Jim..really .