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Could i get some help with my Ha'feh ?

schposchpo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Romulan Discussion
So, a poor (in terms of getting a better ship) f2p player is trying to build a DPS oriented Ha'feh and would appreciate some help with it. I made a posible build, but i don't have any of this things for now, will get them soon i hope.


There are few things i would need help with:

1)The skill tree, i used some guides to get where i'm right now, but not sure where to go next, should i focus on ground skills to unlock tier V skills , or should i go for some other skills from the space set.

2)Do the Boff skills have any sense ? This is my current set of skills, as i don't have good gear, i need every heal skill i can get. I know the ship should be a bit better with the gear that i put on the ship in the link.

3) Consoles and aft weapons. Was wondering should i go for the dyson experimental proton + proton particle stabilizer combo for +3% crth. In that case what would be the best 3 aft weapon, should i get an 360 plasma beam or stick with romulan plasma. If the dyson combo is not recomended, what should be second and third aft weapon?

4)Doff layout, on my other character i play dual aux2bat so i don't have doff problems, but what kind should i use here?

I would like to apologize if something doesn't make sense, english isn't my first language. Thanks to all in advance.
Post edited by schpo on


  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First thing: throw your tac consoles out and replace them with the fleet spire ones they may not be cheap but worth it, for now at least.

    Maybe overthink your single beam layout, it's kind of a waste of the ship's escort-like maneuverability. 4 rom-plasma DBBs in the front and for the rear: keep the KCB, stuff the experimental plasma beam there to keep the set bonus and if you can afford it an 360 plasma-beam if not a rom-plasma turret will have to do for now.

    But the thing is: you should wait till X2 hits or at least until we get some info about the mk 13&14 stuff. No point in spending everything for mk12 gear now if mk14 will be available in a couple of weeks.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Below is how many bars you should spend in each ground tier. If you spend 66000 total in ground that means you can spend the max amount of points for space which is 300k. Just to make it easier i will say how many bars you need in each tier. I dont want to confuse you by saying 1000 points here 2500 points there whatever. For example tier 1 ground has Grenades and Weapons Proficiency. Grenades has 9 bars in it and Weapons Proficiency has 9 bars in it between the two of those tier 1 you have a total of 18 bars. If you dont care about ground you can distribute the points however you want. If i say tier 1 needs 12 bars you can put 6 into Grenades and 6 into Weapon Proficiency.

    Tier 1 = 12 bars total
    Tier 2 = 10 bars total
    Tier 3 = zero
    Tier 4 = 6 bars total
    Tier 5 = 8 bars total

    I'm assuming you are planning on doing at least 1 respec? If you are already level 50 then i recommend spending your points like this:

    12 bars into tier 1 ground
    21 bars into tier 1 space
    10 bars into tier 2 ground
    place your space points until you land exactly on 93000/93000
    zero bars into tier 3 ground
    place your space points until you land exactly on 173000/173000
    6 bars into tier 4 ground
    place your space points until you land exactly on 263000/263000
    8 bars into tier 5 ground
    place your space points whereever you want to reach the max

    Reason i say all that stuff and why i'm really specific with the numbers, is if you follow the step by step then that means you will be able to spend the max allowable space points in tier 5 which is 24 bars or 72000 points.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    schpo wrote: »
    So, a poor (in terms of getting a better ship) f2p player is trying to build a DPS oriented Ha'feh and would appreciate some help with it. I made a posible build, but i don't have any of this things for now, will get them soon i hope.


    There are few things i would need help with:

    1)The skill tree, i used some guides to get where i'm right now, but not sure where to go next, should i focus on ground skills to unlock tier V skills , or should i go for some other skills from the space set.

    2)Do the Boff skills have any sense ? This is my current set of skills, as i don't have good gear, i need every heal skill i can get. I know the ship should be a bit better with the gear that i put on the ship in the link.

    3) Consoles and aft weapons. Was wondering should i go for the dyson experimental proton + proton particle stabilizer combo for +3% crth. In that case what would be the best 3 aft weapon, should i get an 360 plasma beam or stick with romulan plasma. If the dyson combo is not recomended, what should be second and third aft weapon?

    4)Doff layout, on my other character i play dual aux2bat so i don't have doff problems, but what kind should i use here?

    I would like to apologize if something doesn't make sense, english isn't my first language. Thanks to all in advance.

    1. You're overloaded on low-level skills. Don't put 9 points into anything until you've got 6 points in everything important. Other people can help with this, but a good rule of thumb is to put 6 ranks into any skill that is important for your playstyle. Anything that buffs shield or hull health, shield or hull heals, and weapons is important. Other stuff depends on what class you are.

    2. Boff layout is OK for the weapons layout you're running, BUT...

    3. The weapons layout is a cruiser build, not an escort build. You want at least 2 DHCs front, probably the hyper-plasma torp as well because this is a PVE build. Get CSV and CRF in at least rank 2 if possible. Keep the BO and use the experimental rom-plasma fore if you like, or switch it to aft and put a DHC there. Aft, use KCB, and either 2 turrets or experimental rom-plasma beam and omega torp. You want at least the 2-piece from both Rommie weapons and Borg weapons, and I personally swear by putting the hyper-plasma torp fore and slapping on a THY boff skill.

    Shields, I'd suggest switching to either Borg rep covariant or Borg rep resilient to cut down on bleedthrough; Dyson resilient is a cheap placeholder. Assimilated regenerative are decent on a cruiser or sci ship but pants on an escort; they're just not tough enough.

    Rom plasma is a good damage type, stick with it. Get [CritH] and [CritD] VR MK12s from the Rommie rep store.

    Consoles: Get 4x fleet spire consoles MK 12 (plasma damage bonus) ASAP. And swap out that Nukara console for a fleet neutronium MK 12 (+turn).

    Doffs: Anything that helps cannons, maybe torps if you use a torp or 2.

    That ought to boost your DPS.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Let me start by saying that I'm a F2P PvE player that has mostly run tanky cruiser type builds that use beam arrays, so I hope that this translates to beam array escort type ships well.

    BFAW3, until the developers fix it, is more DPS than APB2. So, double up on BFAW3. I went from BFAW2 and APB2 to BFAW3 and APB1 on a mogh and DPS went up about 2-4k for me because of that change. So, it's worth the effort to get BFAW3.
    TT2 isn't much different than TT1, so use those LT slots for something else.

    Here is what I'd suggest for you to start with for your "beamscort" Ha'Feh:

    TT1, APB1, BFAW3, APO3
    TT1, APB1, BFAW3
    EPTS1, EPTS2
    HE1, HE2

    You are going to draw aggro with BFAW3, so get picky where you de-cloak and have evasive ready to escape if you get too many things mad at you. Use can attack pattern Omega to close in or escape like evasive maneuvers, and then go back to using attack pattern Beta.

    An engineer buddy should be able to train BFAW3 if you don't already have it, and it's currently worth it to have it.

    Your active duty space roster is where things are made and improved in this build.

    Since you said you need heals, I started with a focus on heals, but can be tweaked.

    Double EPTS means you can constantly get shield heals and increase shield resistances to damage. Eventually, you want to get at least 2 purple damage control engineers and 1 blue one, and you can switch to EPTS1 and EPTW2, cycling them almost as often and get 2 different buffs going constantly or very close to it. For now, start with shields and add weapons when suitable.

    Until you have the DCE's, you should focus on getting the science team and engineering team cooldowns reduced with DOFFs. Fill in the extra slots with others that you find useful like a conn officer to reduce evasive cooldown, energy weapon officer to add shield heals with weapons, etc.
  • schposchpo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First i would like to thank you for the guidelines.
    But the thing is: you should wait till X2 hits or at least until we get some info about the mk 13&14 stuff. No point in spending everything for mk12 gear now if mk14 will be available in a couple of weeks.

    I must say that i let this one slip my mind, good thing is that i spend only 15M EC for now and don't have any stuff from the build but the tactical consoles. They'll have to stay for now becouse i'm not in a fleet( and don't have FC to ask for an invite) and can't get the spire ones, but i do know that they are a must have. The DBB got me interested, i'll think about them.

    stonewbie, i like the way you explain the stuff, and that's the thing i was hoping fore. Whit some guides aside i now wich way to go with skills, but i got stuck, didn't know were to go to unlock the tier V.
    worffan101 wrote: »
    1. You're overloaded on low-level skills. Don't put 9 points into anything until you've got 6 points in everything important. Other people can help with this, but a good rule of thumb is to put 6 ranks into any skill that is important for your playstyle. Anything that buffs shield or hull health, shield or hull heals, and weapons is important. Other stuff depends on what class you are.

    The 9 pointers are skills i'll surely need in future (attack patterns, weapon training)...The grenades are a mistake, didn't put any skills in it, sorry for that.
    Those 9 pointers are there becouce i couldn't unlock the higher tiers of skills. I was planing to go with 9 to energy weapon specialization, 7 to starship weapon performance, 6-7 to aux performance and maybe some in armor reinforcements.

    As i'm used to play with beams i didn't think of playing with torps and cannons, and that's why i don't have any skills points in those skills. Thanks for the advice with the shields. I'll take a look at what is best for me. What about singularity cores? A fleet one?
    ryakidrys wrote: »
    Let me start by saying that I'm a F2P PvE player that has mostly run tanky cruiser type builds that use beam arrays

    That's me :) I play that style since i got in to STO so that's why i have a build like this. Ok, i'll swap apb 2 with bfaw 3 for 2 cycles. I'll try dropping eptw 2 for the epts2 and i'll add the doffs.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ryakidrys wrote: »
    An engineer buddy should be able to train BFAW3 if you don't already have it, and it's currently worth it to have it.

    BFAW3 is trainable by Tac captains, not Eng captains. And only after the Tac captain spends at least 6 bars into Starship Energy Weapons (tier 2 at the very top). If the skill trait in the stoacademy link is how the OP has his actual in game skills setup then he can train himself.

    Only other thing i can think of is having doubled up APB1 and an APO. Activating one copy of APB will put the other APB on a 15sec shared CD, but it also puts APO on the same 15sec shared CD. And vice versa if he activates APO then that puts the APB on a 15sec cd.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    schpo wrote: »
    The 9 pointers are skills i'll surely need in future (attack patterns, weapon training)...The grenades are a mistake, didn't put any skills in it, sorry for that.
    Those 9 pointers are there becouce i couldn't unlock the higher tiers of skills. I was planing to go with 9 to energy weapon specialization, 7 to starship weapon performance, 6-7 to aux performance and maybe some in armor reinforcements.

    If you absolutely positively do not care about ground, then the 9 points into grenades really dont matter. The only space boff ability that is trainable from ground skills is in tier 4 Squad Command and that is Tac Team 3, which you really dont want to have. The important thing is not to more then 66000 points into ground skills. The guide i put up would have helped out for leveling. It might also help out if you ever change your mind and decide you want to do a little ground boff training. But it really doesnt matter where you allocate the points into ground so long as you do not spend more then 66000. If you spend 67000 into ground then thats 1000 fewer points you could have put into one of your space abilities. If you spend 76000 on ground then thats 10000 less points you could have spent on space abilities. You get the idea...
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