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Cryptic/PWE explain this

deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
i will try and keep this brief and to the point.

why do you ignore potential profit?

leveling to 50 is rapid and SOLO. yet, grouping is forced at 50 (rep/alerts/etc) further, solo or a small group of friends must either join an existing fleet, or take ages to build their own up.

you catch the irony yet?

the television shows and movies one ship, one crew, one captain...and all that is lost endgame, so claiming you're following the theme of star trek is bogus.

now for what is most likely to garner cryptics attention:

you alienate an entire segment of the gaming community, the soloer. as well as those that want to have their own private fleet, just them and their friends.

is the revenue lost unimportant? because it is indeed lost. you wil not get it, you will never get it as long as you continue to follow the trends of everything requires lots of people. reputation, fleets, fleet projects, there's no scaling whatsoever.

newsflash in case PWE suggested to you that fleets with high costs are the way to go...go take a look at their game called forsaken world, where they required all playes to join guilds if they wanted to get good endgame perks.

it's not doing so hot. why? because spending a lot for a fleet/guild STILL gives almost no one an incentive to stay. and, if you can briefly join (either through subterfuge/paying/or the rare nice fleet owner), get what you want, leave again... in FW's case, once players realize they are required to join if they want the perks, same as in the case of sto's fleet system...why bother with the game at all? you're locked out of content unless you join a bunch of strangers. and you're only joining to gain the perks in some cases. there's no extra loyalty, and again, no reason to even stay with the game.

forced socialization always fails. you see why that system just doesn't work as pwe hoped it would in FW to keep players.


reputation needs more solo content, waiting for queus to pop considering many different timezones and play times can mean waiting for long periods to get what you need. there are a few solo already, need more. and don't reduce rewards for solo, team content you have others you an rely on making the mission easier, solo it's just you.

fleets, and i've said this before, need a cost system that scales by number of accounts in the fleet, few accounts, cheaper. lots of accounts = normal costs as they are now.

adding more solo end game content would also fix that jarring realization that hey, you can solo all the way to 50, but at 50, we're going to make you group for almost everything else.

so in summation, adding content to attract the segment you ignored potentially increases your profits. wouldn't change the team aspects of the game since the content would be new or modified versions of existing missions. annnnd, people who play at off peak times would still be able to get things done within a reasonable time frame. do realize not everyone is williing to sit for several hours playing this.

ok, i failed at brief :|
Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
Post edited by deadspacex64 on


  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lol, you want more solo missions in a mmo
    You made me smile, thanks.
  • mordikanemordikane Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Actually deadspacex54 makes a good point, most all of the content is already an instance zone. Some zones scale you to the zone level, ie... Borg random zone events, or the entire ground zone Nimbus III. which means all the code to do what he asks is already in the game.
    For the record I am in a top end fleet and enjoy grouping with them, but some times I want to solo, or more importantly bring just me and my wife to an elite mission, so that she can improve her poor playing skills, without ridicule.
    Finding something for just my wife and I to do is becoming excedingly difficult, if we could fill out an elite reputation ground event, with bridge officers, or area's with hard difficulty where it requires 3 players and we have only 2. The enjoyment of the game for my wife, and therefore myself, would increase. The same could be done for just soloing.
  • trilljinxtrilljinx Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    And as someone who is a member of tiny fleet consisting of a couple of RL friends, I'd support making fleet projects cheaper for smaller fleets.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bones1970 wrote: »
    lol, you want more solo missions in a mmo
    You made me smile, thanks.

    you don't get out much, most modern mmo's have solo content built in for the very reasons i stated. it's called timezones, when a gamer can play and the duration a player an be on for. and oh wise one, there are already solo missions in this game, all the way to 50. it's endgame where that all falls apart.

    another tidbit you may have missed, it's also about money for the devs/publisher. which is why modern and some older mmo's are all adding solo content if they didn't have some already. thankfully you aren't in charge of development or game design as your laughter shows an utter lack of the realities in this day and age.

    it's a game, massively multiplayer or not it's meant to be enjoyed, and the more people cryptic can draw in, the more cash they can make, and the better the game and the studio does as a whole.

    really not sure if you were attempting to troll or are really that dense that you can't get the benefits for both the game and the company behind it. o.O
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • zunaguliizunagulii Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bones1970 wrote: »
    lol, you want more solo missions in a mmo
    You made me smile, thanks.

    counter: i want more teamstuff in this mmo!!
    all these new mission i can only play alone are bull****, its a mmo and i want to play with ppl. if i want to play alone i will eather play a solo game or play sto alone, dont see the problem, u can get everything on ur own if you use google/forums etc.. oh wait, u have to talk to ppl too, sounds bad for u :(

    see my point? its an MMO = MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ( M A S S I V E M U L T I P L A Y E R )
    an you can play solo for the most part. as if u would need fleet equip. and if u want it u can get it, just join the public service channel and ask, done.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bones1970 wrote: »
    lol, you want more solo missions in a mmo
    You made me smile, thanks.
    zunagulii wrote: »

    counter: i want more teamstuff in this mmo!!
    all these new mission i can only play alone are bull****, its a mmo and i want to play with ppl. if i want to play alone i will eather play a solo game or play sto alone, dont see the problem, u can get everything on ur own if you use google/forums etc.. oh wait, u have to talk to ppl too, sounds bad for u :(

    see my point? its an MMO = MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ( M A S S I V E M U L T I P L A Y E R )
    an you can play solo for the most part. as if u would need fleet equip. and if u want it u can get it, just join the public service channel and ask, done.

    like the last guy i replied to, you just don't get it. or can't read, not sure which.

    a game is a game, enjoying the game is the goal. the more people who want to play sto makes the game survive better than if they only cater to one type of gamer, pretty OBVIOUS.

    more players = more potential cash flow, once again PRETTY OBVIOUS.
    and the fact that every other modern mmo and some older ones are converting/adding/ or already come with solo options. just to grab those extra players.

    and finally, quit being selfish, learn to world view. not everyone plays at the same time, off peak hours incredibly difficult to find teams for what you want to run. solo solves that.

    solo missions are a win for everyone, it doesn't DETRACT from group missions, only an idiot would believe that. as there are always people who prefer a gang around them then risking something alone.

    further, forced social interaction just because it's a mmo is a farce, and no one believes that anymore, get with the times. if that was the case no games would be coming out with solo modes. your viewpoint is out dated and was never valid in the first place.

    all you have to do is look at FB games, fake friends galore to get past those. they aren't friends, they're just ways to advance in the game.

    think rather than use memes like 'it's an mmo that means it must be social and lots of people' that was never the case...ever. f2p mmo is about making money, the more players you can appeal to, the more potential money you can make. any other option is gimping yourself and your earnings. and there's a site for that...facebook games.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited August 2014
    i will try and keep this brief and to the point.

    why do you ignore potential profit?

    leveling to 50 is rapid and SOLO. yet, grouping is forced at 50 (rep/alerts/etc) further, solo or a small group of friends must either join an existing fleet, or take ages to build their own up.

    you catch the irony yet?

    the television shows and movies one ship, one crew, one captain...and all that is lost endgame, so claiming you're following the theme of star trek is bogus.

    now for what is most likely to garner cryptics attention:

    you alienate an entire segment of the gaming community, the soloer. as well as those that want to have their own private fleet, just them and their friends.

    is the revenue lost unimportant? because it is indeed lost. you wil not get it, you will never get it as long as you continue to follow the trends of everything requires lots of people. reputation, fleets, fleet projects, there's no scaling whatsoever.

    newsflash in case PWE suggested to you that fleets with high costs are the way to go...go take a look at their game called forsaken world, where they required all playes to join guilds if they wanted to get good endgame perks.

    it's not doing so hot. why? because spending a lot for a fleet/guild STILL gives almost no one an incentive to stay. and, if you can briefly join (either through subterfuge/paying/or the rare nice fleet owner), get what you want, leave again... in FW's case, once players realize they are required to join if they want the perks, same as in the case of sto's fleet system...why bother with the game at all? you're locked out of content unless you join a bunch of strangers. and you're only joining to gain the perks in some cases. there's no extra loyalty, and again, no reason to even stay with the game.

    forced socialization always fails. you see why that system just doesn't work as pwe hoped it would in FW to keep players.


    reputation needs more solo content, waiting for queus to pop considering many different timezones and play times can mean waiting for long periods to get what you need. there are a few solo already, need more. and don't reduce rewards for solo, team content you have others you an rely on making the mission easier, solo it's just you.

    fleets, and i've said this before, need a cost system that scales by number of accounts in the fleet, few accounts, cheaper. lots of accounts = normal costs as they are now.

    adding more solo end game content would also fix that jarring realization that hey, you can solo all the way to 50, but at 50, we're going to make you group for almost everything else.

    so in summation, adding content to attract the segment you ignored potentially increases your profits. wouldn't change the team aspects of the game since the content would be new or modified versions of existing missions. annnnd, people who play at off peak times would still be able to get things done within a reasonable time frame. do realize not everyone is williing to sit for several hours playing this.

    ok, i failed at brief :|

    And you failed at 'MMO'.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Personally, I believe that the Dev's have done a pretty good job so far, at balancing out the Solo/Group playability of the game.

    I'm pretty sure that it's not something that's easy to do, cause solo missions most likely cost more to produce than team ones.

    We don't have any idea yet, what the type of missions between level 50 & 60 are going to be like.

    Based on what we have seen so far, my guess is that it will probably a mixture of both.

    Again, I think it's just a bit too early to assume anything about what the producers of this game actually have planned.

    Why not wait at least till it hits Tribble, before we begin gathering in the 'Town Square'.

    (just in case, I've still got my pitchfork and torch hidden under my bed from last time)

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This discussion is going to become a flame war so I am shutting this down.

This discussion has been closed.