If you are going to take away the essential function that made it an experimental weapon in the first place, don't name it TR-116B. It becomes like any other gun launching a piece of metal from its barrel, a technology that exist in real life long before Sci-Fi energy weapons. To name this new creatable weapon after a specialized anti-borg weapon, upgrade its damage and then take the transporting the bullet through walls function away is like taking away a Major league base ball bat and giving him a nerf bat and expecting him to hid a home run to center field.
Sure it is Kinetic Damage and can still go through shields and has a higher damage output that is appropriate to a level 50 player, but don't call it something it is not! Any gun from real life would have the same effect! What do you thing the "TR" stands for in TR-116 for the original weapon?
TR = Transporter Round!
Never mind the fact that the bullet is made out of titanium.
Rename the gun or restore the transporter function, but don't be lore unfriendly.
Otherwise you may as well be giving us G-Locks and AK-47s!
TR cannot stand for Transporter Round, as it was not originally designed with a transporter attached. That modification was added by Lieutenant Chu'lak.
What we are getting seems to be the actual, original TR-116 before Chu'lak modded it with a micro-transporter.
Well they already opened that can of worms on the original retail subscription launch of the game when they added it to the Target solved retail box more then 4 years ago. The only reason that wasn't as big a problem was it was a Mk 2 weapon whose damage output would quickly be out stripped by higher level guns and its DPS usefulness would eventually die off.
Take an old Target Retail TR-116 to a lvl 50 ground PvP fight, even 1v1 and who ever you where nicking at will survive through hyposprays or class heals plus kinetic damage resist long enough to find and slaughter you.
Renaming it would be the best choice since the whole point of the TR-116 series of weapons is an anti-borg weapon. Titanium round bypasses shields, while you sit on Deck 1 waiting room drinking Margaritas shoot Bob of Jane on Deck 24. When Steve of Jane and Jack of Jane come to see why Bob of Jane is dead, you pick of Steve and Jack, and then Bob of Jennifer comes by to see why a bunch of Janes are dead, and down goes Bob of Jennifer.
Oh right, I forgot... Borg use numbers "of" in relation to unimatrixes...
I'll have to go back and see that DS9 episode... If I remember right O'Brian said Star Fleet was experimenting with the development of the TR-116. With all the projectile weapons that would have to exist long before SF tried to make a new one, it would seem remarkably stupid for SF to dedicate a bunch of research to something already known hundreds of years in advance, just to drop the research with no new special abilities.
After all, today we can make DU 9mm bullets that can blow a hole the size of your car inside a brick wall, while poisoning the user of that weapon with radiation poisoning.
--edit add in--
I was just thinking, it shouldn't even take Star Fleet a month to develop a working projectile weapon nor 3 months to develop a hand held rail gun. It all comes down to this. Your very own high school science classes. Have you ever paid attention to how most early level science classes teach you the basic stuff in a time linear fashion? They start by telling you stuff early scientist like newtons gravity, and keep progressing the principles they tell you about in a similar fashion as to when the next grandpa scientist in line found out about it!
Star Fleet R&D would know about gun powder projectiles and rail gun tech before they graduated from high school, before they could even apply for Star Fleet Academy. Depending on the launch method they wanted to use, they could have a working prototype and a working practical distributed model inside 2 to 4 months. All they would have to do is refer back to history, switch out old parts with 24th 25th century parts, make a couple of mathematical calculations to correct for the difference in tech advancements between the ages, and presto! Everyone now has a mobile hand held rapid fire rail gun! And all because of their level of Scientific history combined with the fact that they can have a power cell the size of a penny pushing out gigawatts of power, in which we know they are using a power cell the size of half your wallet, since a solder was passing those out as spare power cell clips when Sisco was helping a crew to defend a comm array they took from the dominion.
As mentioned above, the "TR" does not stand for "Transporter Round". The Micro transporter addition was a perversion of the weapon by a deranged murderer. Nor was the weapon designed to fight Borg since the Borg's existence was not known to Starfleet at the time the TR-116 was in development. Instead Starfleet abandoned the TR-116 in favor for the regenerative phasers they use now, which ended up biting them in the rear when they eventually fought the Borg. To quote the wiki, "The rifle was developed by Starfleet Security for use in dampening fields or radiogenic environments where conventional energy weapons would be useless."
But otherwise the TR-116 is just a conventional ballistic gun designed for Starfeet use which upheld whatever stickler regulations it had to meet.
I have tried the new TR-116b and I am a little concerned with it's 100% shield penetration. I love that it's the ultimate anti-borg weapon, it ignores shields and the borg can't adapt to it. However I can see the weapon being an issue in PvP...if it's allowed to ignore player shields as well. A crit specced Tac officer can one shot a player from 45 meters away. Might be a little overpowered...maybe dial the shield penetration down a bit...at least against other players.
What do you thing the "TR" stands for in TR-116 for the original weapon?
TR = Transporter Round!
Incorrect. The TR stands for Titanium Round.
In addition, Chulak modified the rifle to fire a transporter shot. In fact that was a plot point in the episode. Starfleet never intended it to do so. Chief O'Brien reverse engineered the idea when they found no gunpowder residue in the victims' quarters.
I have tried the new TR-116b and I am a little concerned with it's 100% shield penetration. I love that it's the ultimate anti-borg weapon, it ignores shields and the borg can't adapt to it. However I can see the weapon being an issue in PvP...if it's allowed to ignore player shields as well. A crit specced Tac officer can one shot a player from 45 meters away. Might be a little overpowered...maybe dial the shield penetration down a bit...at least against other players.
That is no issue - all player armors have 1.5Xs the resistance they have against Energy Weapons for Kinetic-based damage. A phaser goes farther.
In addition, Chulak modified the rifle to fire a transporter shot. In fact that was a plot point in the episode. Starfleet never intended it to do so. Chief O'Brien reverse engineered the idea when they found no gunpowder residue in the victims' quarters.
That is no issue - all player armors have 1.5Xs the resistance they have against Energy Weapons for Kinetic-based damage. A phaser goes farther.
1.5x? Yea....no. A phaser gets mitigated by the shield before it touches armor. The damage from a tr-116 goes straight to armor. If you stack up your resistance you can deal with it but it's still all too easy to one shot players not built to resist against it. Strange, when we have devs saying they don't want the easy one shot game.
He said "armor has more kinetic resistance than energy weapon resistance", which you seem to have ignored. Looking at a pair of Mk IX blue armor one of my characters has, it's a 55% kinetic resistance. You're going to need to get over a 1000 damage hit to one hit kill someone. That might be possible for a Romtac with a [CritX]x2 or x3 rifle, or, looking at the stats.. it's potentially possible (but seems unlikely, given all the [Dmg] mods on the exchange) to get a [CrtD]x2 TR-116B, but if you can one hit kill someone with [CrtD]x2 and shield bypass, you're probably going to be able to do the same thing with a Fleet or Romplas pulsewave from behind.
Altfires, a [Dmg]x2 Elite Fleet pulsewave does 253 damage, whereas a [Dmg]x2 TR-116 does 196 damage. A fleet Elite sniper rifle does 190 damage. Granted, that 196 damage bypasses shields completely, whereas the pulsewave/sniper have to blast through the shields first. Regardless..
How is this any different from decloaking Romtac vapers in the Ar'kif or T'varo, or the "phaser boosted **** bomb" console from the Tempest? Both of those are pretty much one hit kills, the only difference being "40k health points" or "500 health points".
So.. let's bring some stats in here. Assume a player has 500 health with 50% kinetic resistance, and the killer's rifle does 200 damage for the altfire. That's... if my math is correct, means you need to deal 1000 damage points in one hit to one hit kill a player. Can someone who knows STO's algorithms better, Virusdancer perhaps, go in depth on how easy (if even possible) it would be for a player to deal 1000 damage in one hit? So you'd need to be able to do, 5x CritD? Right?
The TR-116 was designed to work in environments where regular phasers wouldn't work, but the advent of the regenerative phaser that could circumvent most of those situations lead to the TR-116 not becoming standard issue.
The TR-116A was the standard TR-116 rifle with a microtransporter and xray scope added. It was not a purpose-built rifle, but a pair of similar prototypes built by a crazed Vulcan and Chief O'Brien to hunt down said crazed Vulcan.
Call the TR-116B an upgraded version of the original TR-116 from before the events of "Field of Fire" from DS9 with various improvements to bring it upto spec with the 2409 arsenal. The TR-116"A" was made in 2375, over 30 years before STO, and the TR-116 dates back to before then. Tons of improvements are likely to have happened between "the original design process, pre-DS9" and "STO's 2409 era", especially with the Dominion war and the events of STO - wars always lead to innovation, and with dozens of races in the Federation...
Whatever you want to call it, I have been playing with this rifle for a few days and it has made me very depressed. It is totally OP. Against anything with a shield it outstrips them PvE by a league.
What is saddening, is given a month or two when the market has become suitably flooded, I can see no other rifles having any real use in-game.
Yes, against the Undine it under-performs, but against everyone else it is awesome.
So, for my gameplay, what that means is every toon is going to fight in almost exactly the same way.
Finally, as this becomes more widespread it will probably lead to a decline in the use of other ground powers. All those that cause damage, but do not go through the shield are largely wasteful against a team armed in such a way.
Whatever you want to call it, I have been playing with this rifle for a few days and it has made me very depressed. It is totally OP. Against anything with a shield it outstrips them PvE by a league.
What is saddening, is given a month or two when the market has become suitably flooded, I can see no other rifles having any real use in-game.
Do you have any real stats to back up your claims, or are you just spouting out vaguely plausible claims? And does this deal with just PvP, or both PvE and PvP?
How is this any different from a Romtac vaping a NPC cruiser in a decloaking alphastrike in space? My Romtac's Fleet Ar'kif is equipped like it comes by default with XI/XII Romplas (IE, with only a set of dual cannons and a turret for cannons) and it melts Voth Bastions and Undine Dromias' in a few seconds, when the Dromias/Bastion don't use one of their "avoid all damage" abilities. The amount of murderizataion a Romtac with a proper DHCx5 build is far more impressive.
Or, for that matter, a Romtac with a Romplas pulsewave one shotting NPCs from behind?
Do you have any real stats to back up your claims, or are you just spouting out vaguely plausible claims? And does this deal with just PvP, or both PvE and PvP?
How is this any different from a Romtac vaping a NPC cruiser in a decloaking alphastrike in space? My Romtac's Fleet Ar'kif is equipped like it comes by default with XI/XII Romplas (IE, with only a set of dual cannons and a turret for cannons) and it melts Voth Bastions and Undine Dromias' in a few seconds, when the Dromias/Bastion don't use one of their "avoid all damage" abilities. The amount of murderizataion a Romtac with a proper DHCx5 build is far more impressive.
Or, for that matter, a Romtac with a Romplas pulsewave one shotting NPCs from behind?
Lol, first, you don't have to be rom to do that. Secondly, 5 dhcs doesnt work, it ends up misfiring and skipping one of the DHC's. Lol.
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
Lol, first, you don't have to be rom to do that. Secondly, 5 dhcs doesnt work, it ends up misfiring and skipping one of the DHC's. Lol.
A, yes, I know, but Roms are the most OH-PEE race, so it was an example. I've also been playing my Rom more recently, so romtac is the first thing that comes to mind.
B, Iiinteresting, so what are you supposed to do with a Kumari/Scimitar's 5 weapon slots? Never done an "all cannons" build, so not very experienced.
C, That's a nice job of ignoring the actual points of my argument.
the teleporter "addon" was issued standard with no addon teleporter/eyepiece, this adaptation was created by a ********* serial killer in DS9, and Dax also used the same setup only after discovery of the method used to commit the murders while somewhere else on the station in attempt to locate the suspect, this gun works as intended in STO, was made strictly for environments where energy patterns where heavily disrupted and other force was required.
((and the teleporter addon would turn STO into old school 007 Golden Eye through the wall sniping game killer ... anyone ever play with a friend who used that gun in like the darned pyramid/ruins map? lol))
Okay so now the truth comes out... They NERFED my TR-116A Sniper Rifle because everybody who didn't have one was getting murdered in PvP. So they took it from 122 DPS with 100% shield penetration down to 75 DPS with 20% shield penetration. Also they crippled the rate of fire for the gun slowing it down tremendously.
So now with the TR116-B release why not restore the original TR116-A rifle back to it's numbers?
FYI- {TR stands for Tactical Rifle not titanium round.} it was never meant for general Starfleet use only Special Ops like Section 31.
Oh and for those who never got to see the TR-116A in action it was "Beautiful". I could aggro Borg through the walls allowing them to gang up in the corner trying to shoot through soft walls while my team took out the re-spawn nodes. Or for those who remember the old Undine fake DS9 we could use 2 engineer captains to lay a pair of cover shields side by side trapping the Undine in the compartment so that they couldn't get to the NPCs trying to break out. Meanwhile I am up on the balcony picking them off because my weapon does not need a line of sight to kill them. **Sigh** fun times......
Yep Ol'Betsy killed over 10K Borg and won me accolades and never once did she have to remodulate.
Do you have any real stats to back up your claims, or are you just spouting out vaguely plausible claims? And does this deal with just PvP, or both PvE and PvP?
How is this any different from a Romtac vaping a NPC cruiser in a decloaking alphastrike in space? My Romtac's Fleet Ar'kif is equipped like it comes by default with XI/XII Romplas (IE, with only a set of dual cannons and a turret for cannons) and it melts Voth Bastions and Undine Dromias' in a few seconds, when the Dromias/Bastion don't use one of their "avoid all damage" abilities. The amount of murderizataion a Romtac with a proper DHCx5 build is far more impressive.
Or, for that matter, a Romtac with a Romplas pulsewave one shotting NPCs from behind?
I was talking about PvE. I thought I made that clear in the statement, but obviously not.
Numbers? No I don't need numbers to play the same ground elite STF I have over 100 times to know that the whole game just got a whole bunch easier. Nor do I need numbers to fight the same elite STF mob just pressing the 1 key and noticing it dies quicker than if I use other buttons like I used to.
This rifle really is just sooo much better than other weapons against anything PvE with a shield.
As to the RomTac space comment, I have no idea. Seems a bit off-topic on a thread about a rifle.
Back to point...it's a fair point but I don't believe cryptic really cares about lore.
A renaming would be the best route but they can't make it a true remake of the TR-116 without opening a big can of worms
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
What we are getting seems to be the actual, original TR-116 before Chu'lak modded it with a micro-transporter.
Take an old Target Retail TR-116 to a lvl 50 ground PvP fight, even 1v1 and who ever you where nicking at will survive through hyposprays or class heals plus kinetic damage resist long enough to find and slaughter you.
Renaming it would be the best choice since the whole point of the TR-116 series of weapons is an anti-borg weapon. Titanium round bypasses shields, while you sit on Deck 1 waiting room drinking Margaritas shoot Bob of Jane on Deck 24. When Steve of Jane and Jack of Jane come to see why Bob of Jane is dead, you pick of Steve and Jack, and then Bob of Jennifer comes by to see why a bunch of Janes are dead, and down goes Bob of Jennifer.
Oh right, I forgot... Borg use numbers "of" in relation to unimatrixes...
I'll have to go back and see that DS9 episode... If I remember right O'Brian said Star Fleet was experimenting with the development of the TR-116. With all the projectile weapons that would have to exist long before SF tried to make a new one, it would seem remarkably stupid for SF to dedicate a bunch of research to something already known hundreds of years in advance, just to drop the research with no new special abilities.
After all, today we can make DU 9mm bullets that can blow a hole the size of your car inside a brick wall, while poisoning the user of that weapon with radiation poisoning.
--edit add in--
I was just thinking, it shouldn't even take Star Fleet a month to develop a working projectile weapon nor 3 months to develop a hand held rail gun. It all comes down to this. Your very own high school science classes. Have you ever paid attention to how most early level science classes teach you the basic stuff in a time linear fashion? They start by telling you stuff early scientist like newtons gravity, and keep progressing the principles they tell you about in a similar fashion as to when the next grandpa scientist in line found out about it!
Star Fleet R&D would know about gun powder projectiles and rail gun tech before they graduated from high school, before they could even apply for Star Fleet Academy. Depending on the launch method they wanted to use, they could have a working prototype and a working practical distributed model inside 2 to 4 months. All they would have to do is refer back to history, switch out old parts with 24th 25th century parts, make a couple of mathematical calculations to correct for the difference in tech advancements between the ages, and presto! Everyone now has a mobile hand held rapid fire rail gun! And all because of their level of Scientific history combined with the fact that they can have a power cell the size of a penny pushing out gigawatts of power, in which we know they are using a power cell the size of half your wallet, since a solder was passing those out as spare power cell clips when Sisco was helping a crew to defend a comm array they took from the dominion.
But otherwise the TR-116 is just a conventional ballistic gun designed for Starfeet use which upheld whatever stickler regulations it had to meet.
I have tried the new TR-116b and I am a little concerned with it's 100% shield penetration. I love that it's the ultimate anti-borg weapon, it ignores shields and the borg can't adapt to it. However I can see the weapon being an issue in PvP...if it's allowed to ignore player shields as well. A crit specced Tac officer can one shot a player from 45 meters away. Might be a little overpowered...maybe dial the shield penetration down a bit...at least against other players.
Incorrect. The TR stands for Titanium Round.
In addition, Chulak modified the rifle to fire a transporter shot. In fact that was a plot point in the episode. Starfleet never intended it to do so. Chief O'Brien reverse engineered the idea when they found no gunpowder residue in the victims' quarters.
That is no issue - all player armors have 1.5Xs the resistance they have against Energy Weapons for Kinetic-based damage. A phaser goes farther.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
1.5x? Yea....no. A phaser gets mitigated by the shield before it touches armor. The damage from a tr-116 goes straight to armor. If you stack up your resistance you can deal with it but it's still all too easy to one shot players not built to resist against it. Strange, when we have devs saying they don't want the easy one shot game.
Vanilla Ground PvP information
Altfires, a [Dmg]x2 Elite Fleet pulsewave does 253 damage, whereas a [Dmg]x2 TR-116 does 196 damage. A fleet Elite sniper rifle does 190 damage. Granted, that 196 damage bypasses shields completely, whereas the pulsewave/sniper have to blast through the shields first. Regardless..
How is this any different from decloaking Romtac vapers in the Ar'kif or T'varo, or the "phaser boosted **** bomb" console from the Tempest? Both of those are pretty much one hit kills, the only difference being "40k health points" or "500 health points".
So.. let's bring some stats in here. Assume a player has 500 health with 50% kinetic resistance, and the killer's rifle does 200 damage for the altfire. That's... if my math is correct, means you need to deal 1000 damage points in one hit to one hit kill a player. Can someone who knows STO's algorithms better, Virusdancer perhaps, go in depth on how easy (if even possible) it would be for a player to deal 1000 damage in one hit? So you'd need to be able to do, 5x CritD? Right?
The TR-116 was designed to work in environments where regular phasers wouldn't work, but the advent of the regenerative phaser that could circumvent most of those situations lead to the TR-116 not becoming standard issue.
The TR-116A was the standard TR-116 rifle with a microtransporter and xray scope added. It was not a purpose-built rifle, but a pair of similar prototypes built by a crazed Vulcan and Chief O'Brien to hunt down said crazed Vulcan.
Call the TR-116B an upgraded version of the original TR-116 from before the events of "Field of Fire" from DS9 with various improvements to bring it upto spec with the 2409 arsenal. The TR-116"A" was made in 2375, over 30 years before STO, and the TR-116 dates back to before then. Tons of improvements are likely to have happened between "the original design process, pre-DS9" and "STO's 2409 era", especially with the Dominion war and the events of STO - wars always lead to innovation, and with dozens of races in the Federation...
What is saddening, is given a month or two when the market has become suitably flooded, I can see no other rifles having any real use in-game.
Yes, against the Undine it under-performs, but against everyone else it is awesome.
So, for my gameplay, what that means is every toon is going to fight in almost exactly the same way.
Finally, as this becomes more widespread it will probably lead to a decline in the use of other ground powers. All those that cause damage, but do not go through the shield are largely wasteful against a team armed in such a way.
Do you have any real stats to back up your claims, or are you just spouting out vaguely plausible claims? And does this deal with just PvP, or both PvE and PvP?
How is this any different from a Romtac vaping a NPC cruiser in a decloaking alphastrike in space? My Romtac's Fleet Ar'kif is equipped like it comes by default with XI/XII Romplas (IE, with only a set of dual cannons and a turret for cannons) and it melts Voth Bastions and Undine Dromias' in a few seconds, when the Dromias/Bastion don't use one of their "avoid all damage" abilities. The amount of murderizataion a Romtac with a proper DHCx5 build is far more impressive.
Or, for that matter, a Romtac with a Romplas pulsewave one shotting NPCs from behind?
Lol, first, you don't have to be rom to do that. Secondly, 5 dhcs doesnt work, it ends up misfiring and skipping one of the DHC's. Lol.
A, yes, I know, but Roms are the most OH-PEE race, so it was an example. I've also been playing my Rom more recently, so romtac is the first thing that comes to mind.
B, Iiinteresting, so what are you supposed to do with a Kumari/Scimitar's 5 weapon slots? Never done an "all cannons" build, so not very experienced.
C, That's a nice job of ignoring the actual points of my argument.
((and the teleporter addon would turn STO into old school 007 Golden Eye through the wall sniping game killer ... anyone ever play with a friend who used that gun in like the darned pyramid/ruins map? lol))
So now with the TR116-B release why not restore the original TR116-A rifle back to it's numbers?
FYI- {TR stands for Tactical Rifle not titanium round.} it was never meant for general Starfleet use only Special Ops like Section 31.
Oh and for those who never got to see the TR-116A in action it was "Beautiful". I could aggro Borg through the walls allowing them to gang up in the corner trying to shoot through soft walls while my team took out the re-spawn nodes. Or for those who remember the old Undine fake DS9 we could use 2 engineer captains to lay a pair of cover shields side by side trapping the Undine in the compartment so that they couldn't get to the NPCs trying to break out. Meanwhile I am up on the balcony picking them off because my weapon does not need a line of sight to kill them. **Sigh** fun times......
Yep Ol'Betsy killed over 10K Borg and won me accolades and never once did she have to remodulate.
I was talking about PvE. I thought I made that clear in the statement, but obviously not.
Numbers? No I don't need numbers to play the same ground elite STF I have over 100 times to know that the whole game just got a whole bunch easier. Nor do I need numbers to fight the same elite STF mob just pressing the 1 key and noticing it dies quicker than if I use other buttons like I used to.
This rifle really is just sooo much better than other weapons against anything PvE with a shield.
As to the RomTac space comment, I have no idea. Seems a bit off-topic on a thread about a rifle.