Hey people,
Was able to pick up the Narcine carrier for my Fed Science officer and can't decide what reputation gear to get. I only really do PvE and STF content, and have my ship set up as science heavy.
I'm leaning towards the MACO or Omega sets atm, maybe the Undine.
Any pics of your ships with your rep gear also appreciated - I know I probably should care more about the stats but I want my whale tank to look pretty
How does she look with the nukara shield?
Pretty much what I've decided on, will probably get Undine warp core too (not using AP weapons so don't have to worry about the AP damage bonus from the sphere of influence warp core).
I think it is the perfect ship for my kdf eng captain, who uses a fleet might and fleet tor'kaht.
Be using Elachi Silent Enemy Cannon, Nadine DHC, Gravimetric, and undine rep Bio Torpedo front.
counter command deflector, with 2 piece KHG shields and impulse engines.
Elite plasma infused warp core with W->A,
Three disruption turrets rear.
ENG 2x RCS+resist all, tachyokinetic, hydronamic consoles
SCI proton particle stabilizer, bio-neural infusion circuits
TACT Three Spire Disruptor Consoles, and the counter-command console
With a base turn of 9 like my Mother that should keep her turn rate above 30.
Ill be treating her as a mother that lost a cloak and front weapon for 2 hangars