So, I got my start in gaming from Star Trek Armada and Armada 2. Went on to play a myriad of other Star Trek games mostly on a solo path vs AI. As far as online is concerned, I've been playing Space Trek: The New Empire ( aka STNE. Many of the players from there have played here and some even started fleets. I was previously with Brotherhood of NoD and most recently Omega, Inc. Both of these fleets were small (Omega touted 41 characters from about 11-15 people). Unfortunately, both of these fleets are either dead or dying. At present, I am a Fleet Admiral (one of 3).
I'm not afraid of a little work as can be seen below. I would like to join up with a larger fleet, but not necessarily a huge fleet. It's okay if your fleet is not complete with the various holdings. In Omega, we've managed to do alright but not superb:
Base: T3, Eng T3 (my contributions 1,617,607)
Embassy: T1 (617,175
Mine: T2 (2,339,583)
Spire: T1 (815,264)
I currently hold 1,485,979 fleet credits but no real way to use them effectively. I'm a casual player only able to play for several hours per week. I have never believed in staying on my computer for enormous amounts of time at any one sitting (like many, I do have a life and work full time).
If you have a fleet that could use a good hard worker and have achieved much more than what I've listed above, let me know if you're accepting new members. Once I've made a selection, I'll depart Omega and join up. I'm usually on during the weekends when I'm not rushing off on family matters. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Feel free to leave a note on this thread or send me a message. My handle is
P.S. I have only 2 toons I play with. One is a Federation Science and a Tactical. On Tribble, I do have a Romulan but have not developed him.
Our contribution through the ranks system is a step by step process...progress made through 25k fleet credit milestones
Bunch of great guys and gals. Adult oriented fleet. Really laid back but still determined to advance fleet goals.
If we sound like the kind of good time your looking for, send a pm to @acceleron, @samplenow, @tamujiin, or @starburnz, and tell them Dahm sent ya.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
There are quite a number of really active fleets around at the moment and I imagine you wouldn't have issues getting in to any of them.
Could you tell us all a little more about what it is you want out of a fleet? So for example:
What sort of content do you favour?
Do you want a group that supports other Star Trek games.
Are there any specific times of day you tend to be active?
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way but the more information you can provide the better chance I think you will have of finding the right match for you and a bad match never helps anyone.
Thanks, while I don't have an issue with working hard, I've been down that road twice now. I wish you and your new fleet the very best though.
Thanks. I'll certainly keep The Infinite Nexus in mind.
No, you don't come across in the "wrong way". As I said, I'm a very casual gamer but with limited time. To date, most of my queued games are pugs with very few private events. Being part of 2 different yet small fleets, I've had to fend for myself way too often. I enjoy working with others and doing all I can to help newer players. I believe in commitment, dedication, and a firm believer in team work. I really enjoy working the missions and queued events. I've had minimal PvP involvement and had my share of victories and defeats in 1v1 play. I would like to improve on that when the opportunity arises as the gameplay can never be anticipated. The queued games are also a lot of fun because it gives me the chance to improve against a known match.
I hope this answers your questions.
there are no hoops to jump through, no forms to fill out, no websites to sort through to join.
we are as casual as casual can get, no drama, no politics, just about having fun
we are always looking for good folks to help out with the holdings
just like yourself, most of us are on at various times during the week, in between work and other things, so thats not a deal breaker for us
currently, we are filling out the big t3 mine upgrade
just send me an in game mail and I send you the fleet invite.
its that simple
fleet admiral Siodgirngei@papertoasty
Thanks for the response, yes that is most helpful.
Given what you have said I think you'll probably fit right in to quite a number of fleets.
Naturally I would suggest ours which you can take a look at by clicking HERE but like I said I don't think there are any shortage of fleets out there that would meet your requirements, I would strongly recommend taking some time to 'shop around' to find the best match for yourself.
Good luck in your search and I hope wherever you end up things work out for you :-)
We have TS3 and Forums,
Small starbase that we are currently working on.
Fleet ranking is depending on fleet contributions, the more you contribute to projects the more you are notice and will progress through the ranks of the fleet and tank on a larger role within the core of the fleet!
If you are interested ingame mail @shrinpo or alternatively email
Check out our Site
If interested, PM @pbau3993. Also, you can check out our website:
Thank you Sarek93. After careful review of the many fleets and other opportunities, I feel that Starfleet Reserve might just be the best fit for me. I attempted to contact you ingame but the game system is requiring a handle@. I have 2 characters at present: T'Praun and Adama...both @captainarmada. Feel free to add me and/or contact me. Today is Sunday 27th July 2014 and presently 11:38am EST. I should be online with one of the characters for a good portion of the afternoon. I look forward to joining you.
I have two characters, both Vice Admiral (Fed and Rom) and joined both to the same fleet, I've invested heavily (Top of leaderboard in virtually all aspects by some margin) and ranking over 3 million fleet credits but feel I'm the only one doing it which is a shame.
Both my characters were VA of the fleet too, however I've just left the fleet on my fed character to explore what's out there.
I have no problem investing and doing some hard work, would I be able to join someone's fleet?
My fed character is oracie@rearll - am I OK to message people in this thread if I find a fleet that I'd like to join?
Anyway, I'm in charge of a fleet of 3, and we're not feeling that the fleet is dead. Quite the opposite, we feel that we have plenty of space for everyone who is willing to use fleet services (having an alliance with top-tier fleet had freed us from grinding for the starbase). Hence, if you just need nice and quiet place, we've got what you need.
Check out here:
I find your posting to be offensive and will be reporting it as such. The primary reason for this is for your editing of someone else's post and also for your implication of their sexual preferences (Rainbow). While I understand that you may think you have a valid argument on your personal experience with this fleet, this was not the place to do it. In the future, you may want to consider taking sensitivity lessons or at the least put your apparent homo-phobia in check.
hello ZCKman i was wondering, im a casual player who just recently came back to the game after taking a very long break from the game and wanted to know well i also agree what you said about smaller fleets with better chance to ranking up and makes you feel like your contributing as a new player but nothing wrong with already established fleets as well, they have their perks also which is also great too. But my question is: is your fleet still recruiting. if so i am also looking to join a fleet. I will send you a PM in game.
If you have already selected a new fleet, then Congratulations, and I wish you good luck. If however, you are still considering.. Then allow me to present what 12th Fleet has to offer.
The following is also available for Rearll, and Admiralbrad77
12th Fleet has been around since Beta, and currently boasts over 400 members from all time zones. That being said we are not a 'zerg guild' nor 'elitists' and our recruitment thread has over 1,100 pages of replies as a small testament to our activity.
We support all manner of playstyle in STO from PvP focus, to Accolade hunting, Role-Play to Starbase logistics. We accomplish this by grouping members into divisions that link them with other like-minded players. So if you want to concentrate on STF's then the MACO division would suit you best.
However, division choice is simply administrative, and a starting point. For example I am in our Klingon division as I am focused on Klingon content, but in April I participated in a Fleet-wide event of all 8 STF's ( Cure, infected, Kittomer, and Hive ) that ran both Space, and Ground runs ranked as a tournament. Our team contained only one MACO member, yet we took 3rd place.
12th Fleet is a family friendly community, and very active. Our only requirements are that: You are playing STO and checking our forums (to be aware of new information) once per 30 day cycle.
You can view our forums, and look over our division choices, as well as view our policies Here!
You may also PM me with questions, or if you just wish to talk with no commitments.
If you have already selected a fleet, then I wish you Good Luck. for I have said many times, and firmly believe, that a Good Fleet makes a big difference in your game enjoyment.
If you still have yet to commit, then I encourage you to take a look at 12th fleet.
/salute o7
"Do not expect there to be justice in the universe, but that does not mean you can not take great pride in seeking it out."
We're a full Tier V Fed fleet with very active website/TeamSpeak/community. If you have any more questions after visiting our site just email me at thanks and take care.
Feel free to friend me in-game at Grayfox@GrayfoxJames as well.
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet):
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox