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Recent Dev Blog (29?) says crafting ingreds mostly from PVE queues?

realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
I sure hope this includes ground battlezones.

So many times I've wanted to run a PVE queue on holodeck only to find there weren't enough players around to PUG it, and I don't have the luxury of a solid static group to run with.

I think requiring such would be a serious design flaw. I'm here in large part because the last MMO required running the highest level multiplayer content to progress any further and there are no public groups (and very few solid static groups) running them.

I'm concerned that the rarer crafting items would only be in the hands of a very few and it would seriously turn away newer, casual, less affiliated or members of smaller or new fleets.

Am I incorrect in my assumption or my conclusion?
Post edited by realisticalty on


  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    "This also comes with an update to how crafting materials are earned (most notably by adding them to PvE queue rewards)."

    It's not a case of them being mostly from PvE queues - but that their being added to PvE queues is most notably a change.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The change I think will mainly act as a roadblock to anybody who has a need to craft MK VIII items. Lvl 30 toons have no access to PvE queues and the reducing number of anomalies make the required blue elements almost unattainable except off the exchange which at typical Captain levels of bank balance are just crazy amounts of ec.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • realisticaltyrealisticalty Member Posts: 851 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My main concern is that in order to get material X you need to run STF Y on elite and noone ever runs that one. If they're spread evenly and not queue-specific that would help. If they were in ground battlezones where a single player could always find activity any day and any time of day I think that would help a lot too...
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Maybe they're trying to make those queues that don't fill quickly now fill a bit more often? All the queues fill from my experience, some are much rarer than others, particularly the larger ones, but they all fill. You just might have to wait a bit. If you join a channel and socialize a bit, I bet you'll find fans of -insert unpopular queue here- and get to run it with some decent players, too.

    Making different queues give different materials just seems like it'll be a win to me, personally. Get more people playing different things. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it works out.
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    The change I think will mainly act as a roadblock to anybody who has a need to craft MK VIII items. Lvl 30 toons have no access to PvE queues and the reducing number of anomalies make the required blue elements almost unattainable except off the exchange which at typical Captain levels of bank balance are just crazy amounts of ec.

    This. There should be some other way of getting these other than just PVE queues. If it is desired that they be part of PVE rewards to boost participation in queues, so be it - but restricting it to just PVE queues limits players who either do not yet participate (fresh 50s), or CANNOT yet participate as they are levelling.

    Unless there's a pile of new PVE content coming in S9.5 for lower levels? Haven't heard a peep on that one yet though. Given the speed at which people level up, I doubt low-level missions are on offer anytime soon.

    If it is difficult or impossible to craft level appropriate items as new players level, those players will possibly abandon the crafting system.

    If Cryptic wants to make it difficult to obtain, perhaps now is the time to actually add a REASON to play with mission difficulty settings? Something like "Play on harder settings, better materials become available." Just my 2 zen...
  • nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This. There should be some other way of getting these other than just PVE queues. If it is desired that they be part of PVE rewards to boost participation in queues, so be it - but restricting it to just PVE queues limits players who either do not yet participate (fresh 50s), or CANNOT yet participate as they are levelling.

    Unless there's a pile of new PVE content coming in S9.5 for lower levels? Haven't heard a peep on that one yet though. Given the speed at which people level up, I doubt low-level missions are on offer anytime soon.

    If it is difficult or impossible to craft level appropriate items as new players level, those players will possibly abandon the crafting system.

    If Cryptic wants to make it difficult to obtain, perhaps now is the time to actually add a REASON to play with mission difficulty settings? Something like "Play on harder settings, better materials become available." Just my 2 zen...

    Is crafting really intended for low level players though?

    Personally, I'd have to say no to that. You shouldn't start crafting until you're end game, since it simply takes too much time to get to the rewards you need for your level, especially after tier VI. You can, however, use crafting to gear up alts, but for a main character as you just start out in the game it's probably a bad idea due to the EC sink. It'd be much cheaper to just buy your items of the exchange. Since people only need to get crafting maxed on a single level (and not even with 2 factions anymore to craft everything like how it used to be), they'll likely get it up on their main character and then craft items to help their alts along.

    For new main characters the system just isn't worth the investment compared to the rewards.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I would ask who it is meant for if not new main characters?

    older accounts just pass on the good stuff to there alts after it is finished with or just pop to the exchange and buy the stuff needed to rush through the new content. Level 50 toons will generally aim for fleet or rep stuff which is predictable so have no need or desire for the crafting system items so they will just do it for the new traits.

    The very fact that the crafting system starts off with mk II items suggests it is meant as a way of newer players being able to get hold of specific kit so they are the primary target. In its first incarnation crafting was useful in this role as people would use the crafting system to get the Aegis set which was then used to be able to get you equipped enough to do the STF's to get the Borg kit. Dilithium additions stopped this so now new folks just get the new Jem'hadar set, Solonae set or Breen sets and skip the need for dilithium and crafting entirely.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Actually, you're wrong about your hypothesis that the crafting items aren't interesting for 'old' main characters. My main is completely decked out with the best of the best you can get from fleet and reputation gear, but I already spotted several very nice upgrades that I'd love to get from the new R&D system (most notably the science console, but general weapons can also turn out to be a slight upgrade).
    It's going to require an insane amount of materials to get there though. If I had a new character then I likely wouldn't even bother with going for those items since there are plenty of other good (although somewhat lesser) items available, that don't even come close to the efforts required for obtaining the R&D items.
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    nishkacm wrote: »
    Is crafting really intended for low level players though?

    Personally, I'd have to say no to that. You shouldn't start crafting until you're end game, since it simply takes too much time to get to the rewards you need for your level, especially after tier VI. You can, however, use crafting to gear up alts, but for a main character as you just start out in the game it's probably a bad idea due to the EC sink. It'd be much cheaper to just buy your items of the exchange. Since people only need to get crafting maxed on a single level (and not even with 2 factions anymore to craft everything like how it used to be), they'll likely get it up on their main character and then craft items to help their alts along.

    For new main characters the system just isn't worth the investment compared to the rewards.

    I'd say it certainly IS for low level players. In the old crafting system, I crafted plenty of Mk V VR gear to equip my Commander level ship. This gear lasted me until I made level 40. It was FREE, other than time invested. I did it, because I wanted to craft what my ship was using.

    The way crafting was working needed lots of work. But it was a free way to get very high end gear at low levels, instead of paying hundreds of thousands (or millions) on the exchange. An argument could be made that players don't need good equipment to level, but I found my ship performed better, and the game more satisfying with better equipment.

    The new crafting system still has low level gear. Why would anyone craft this at end game? Just to arbitrarily level the crafting system and dump it as vendor trash or on the exchange? In my opinion, that makes no sense. If nuCrafting is an end-game only solution, it shouldn't allow us to craft ANYTHING below Mk XI.

    Often, players who craft, WANT to craft items. The new system seems to have some good and bad. Hopefully in practice it is going to work out better than the old system. Players who WANT to craft aren't going to want to wait to pew pew their way to level 50 to make it worthwhile to craft items. If a crafting economy doesn't come into being, nuCrafting will become just like the old - an oddity that allows you to shoot for an Aegis Set, some new kits (kits were good in old crafting before kit revamp), the Tr-116b, and a few consoles. Otherwise, rep and Fleet gear will probably still trump most of it.
  • nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You have a good point Ralph. :)

    And yes, the new system can work for new players too, but now there isn't a guaranteed blue or purple outcome anymore like you used to have with the old system. In addition, they also start with lower quality doffs (most likely whites, greens, and the occasional blue one), which will make it harder for them to get the good items.

    I'm not saying that this will or should stop them from crafting, but I think it'll be more interesting to buy items of the exchange. At least, that's what I'd do if I decided to gear up a new character. With all the new crafters 'level up' gear will be so cheap that items are probably for sale below vendor value on the exchange. This'll change in time of course, but for the first couple of months you can get high quality gear for a low price, which likely takes away the incentive for crafting.
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    nishkacm wrote: »
    You have a good point Ralph. :)

    And yes, the new system can work for new players too, but now there isn't a guaranteed blue or purple outcome anymore like you used to have with the old system. In addition, they also start with lower quality doffs (most likely whites, greens, and the occasional blue one), which will make it harder for them to get the good items.

    I'm not saying that this will or should stop them from crafting, but I think it'll be more interesting to buy items of the exchange. At least, that's what I'd do if I decided to gear up a new character. With all the new crafters 'level up' gear will be so cheap that items are probably for sale below vendor value on the exchange. This'll change in time of course, but for the first couple of months you can get high quality gear for a low price, which likely takes away the incentive for crafting.

    I hope you're right with that. Currently, low-level blue or purple gear is highway robbery on the exchange.

    I'm not even talking about new characters for the most part. If you have a maxed out character, throwing around a few million to get the gear you want for your low-level alt may be disagreeable, but it's doable.

    When I started crafting, I was a new player. I simply didn't have the EC to buy the stuff on the exchange, nor did I have a reliable way to get it at Level 10.

    Perhaps the new system will encourage channels/Fleets to promote "community". Lower level characters provide materials, and "master" crafters craft the items. Time will tell - I'm trying to remain optimistic for the overhaul.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Perhaps the new system will encourage channels/Fleets to promote "community". Lower level characters provide materials, and "master" crafters craft the items. Time will tell - I'm trying to remain optimistic for the overhaul.

    Actually it was because of fleet communities that the cost of crafting is paid in Unreplicatable materials as that was the only way the master crafters could continue to build stuff for others. The time gates applied to the new system will put a small dampener on that happening in future though as many fleets cannot guarantee when both parties will next be in game.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If my Tribble experiences are anything to go by, this system will work out great for new characters. All of the items you need to craft low mark gear are easily available through story missions. Now I don't invest too much time in Tribble, so I don't know if that continues to be the case, but at the very start it shouldn't be too hard to get yourself some nice blue/purple mark appropriate gear. That I'm not gated by having to go to Memory Alpha anymore also means I'm much more willing to craft myself gear when I have the materials for it, rather than banking them for days (possibly leveling up past the point of that gear even being useful anymore), which was a real issue on my Federation characters (but not KDF, who always had easy access to crafting).

    That said I'm sure that, when you're actually playing, your level will shoot past the mark you can reliably craft pretty quickly. That was an issue with the old system too. The only way I can see to prevent it is to slow down how fast we level...and I'm sure the altaholics a looking to crucify me now, so I'll step out of the thread. :P
  • nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If my Tribble experiences are anything to go by, this system will work out great for new characters. All of the items you need to craft low mark gear are easily available through story missions. Now I don't invest too much time in Tribble, so I don't know if that continues to be the case, but at the very start it shouldn't be too hard to get yourself some nice blue/purple mark appropriate gear. That I'm not gated by having to go to Memory Alpha anymore also means I'm much more willing to craft myself gear when I have the materials for it, rather than banking them for days (possibly leveling up past the point of that gear even being useful anymore), which was a real issue on my Federation characters (but not KDF, who always had easy access to crafting).

    That said I'm sure that, when you're actually playing, your level will shoot past the mark you can reliably craft pretty quickly. That was an issue with the old system too. The only way I can see to prevent it is to slow down how fast we level...and I'm sure the altaholics a looking to crucify me now, so I'll step out of the thread. :P

    A better solution would be if we can level up faster with crafting.

    I did a small calculation earlier today, to go from level 14 crafting in shields to level 15 I need 140 hours if I don't want to pay the dil bribe to get the item instantly.

    Although I was excited about the new system initially, it also introduces several big disadvantages. With the previous system I stopped crafting altogether when dilithium was introduced and now it seems like you're forced to pay dilithium if you want to get anywhere at a reasonable pace.

    I hope they adjust those time charges or increase the exp that crafted items reward, because in its current state the system only works for the very rich or the very hardcore players.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    nishkacm wrote: »
    You have a good point Ralph. :)

    With all the new crafters 'level up' gear will be so cheap that items are probably for sale below vendor value

    Maybe for a few minutes before the robber-barons buy it all up and relist it at exorbitant mark-ups.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • kuwayuokuwayuo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This. There should be some other way of getting these other than just PVE queues. If it is desired that they be part of PVE rewards to boost participation in queues, so be it - but restricting it to just PVE queues limits players who either do not yet participate (fresh 50s), or CANNOT yet participate as they are levelling.

    Unless there's a pile of new PVE content coming in S9.5 for lower levels? Haven't heard a peep on that one yet though. Given the speed at which people level up, I doubt low-level missions are on offer anytime soon.

    If it is difficult or impossible to craft level appropriate items as new players level, those players will possibly abandon the crafting system.

    If Cryptic wants to make it difficult to obtain, perhaps now is the time to actually add a REASON to play with mission difficulty settings? Something like "Play on harder settings, better materials become available." Just my 2 zen...
    Crafting system miss marks on key projects. Delta flyer was ten days getting samples now incomplte since it was explore area to get. Second was horta now incomplete since you need samples and rare scheenamic which is a repete of mission. Fleet base science will not go since it set to old and doff catian also needs old these need to corrected. These were season 3 when I did first time out, I can see early on mission ideas for doffs to complete the lack of there of or in axon could be studies of other areas. Limitation of vrare which yo placed at level 5 sould be rechecked to old book and where also if if doff are full need to be question to set better level .
  • elishathorneelishathorne Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hmm somehow with specific stfs dropping very specific crafting mats we are returning to the old omega drop system from back in the day when if you wanted ground armor better go cure and hope that it drops and so on and so on, and I distincly remember that they changed that system because it proved problematic.

    SO somehow why repeat that same thing of course this time people can always go to the mighty zen shop and hope for mats so there is that :)
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