It's a cruiser. It can't mount dual cannons but it can equip everything else. I haven't looked too closely at the stats because I'm still annoyed at it outperforming the GCS, so I can't tell you offhand what it can competently use.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
The Risian Cruiser is actually quite useful. It can mount four forward, four backward weapons. It has five engineer, three tactical and two science console slots. It is very maneuverable. So much so that a single, common RCS console makes it nearly as nimble as an escort.
I equipped my Assimilated Borg set and my Romulan Weapon set on it. Does pretty darn good. It has become my favorite ship with that setup. If only there was a way to turn off the sails in Sector Space, I would be a happy camper.
Risian Engineers should be recruited to Starfleet corps of engineering, lol.
Because the current staff is utterly incompetent.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
It's actually not a bad ship for a "free" Cruiser ... I decided to got with a Tetryon + 2 Quantums Beam Boat with my Tac Orion, and it actually does quite well. I specifically specc'd the toon to put her into a Cruiser or Sci ship, so this ship works amazingly well ...
It's fast enough to use a DBB up front and then broadside as you pass.
The ship moves very well and can easily use all the weapon types that it can equip. Torpedoes, Single & Dual Beams, Single Cannons, it easily makes use of them all.
The Risian Cruiser is actually quite useful. It can mount four forward, four backward weapons. It has five engineer, three tactical and two science console slots. It is very maneuverable. So much so that a single, common RCS console makes it nearly as nimble as an escort.
I equipped my Assimilated Borg set and my Romulan Weapon set on it. Does pretty darn good. It has become my favorite ship with that setup. If only there was a way to turn off the sails in Sector Space, I would be a happy camper.
I took it for a test drive. performance is somewhere between a Regent and an Excelsior
Sigh. My only complaint is that so many ACTUAL ships are set up to be good for only one thing in particular, while novelty ships like this seem to have all the flexibility. Should be the other way around.
Also, I hate this conversation about older ships. IMO, the Miranda, Excelsior, and Constitutions have no logical business even being in this game. They are 100 frigging years old! Do we still have the same naval vessels we did in WW I? NO.
The galaxy, Ambassador, and even all the First Contact ships should be backup fleet right now, even after refits.
I know all the reasoning for them being in-game, because most have no imagination and have to play as a Kirk or Picard clone instead of making their own character with their own story in a CURRENT ship. End of rant.
Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
Sigh. My only complaint is that so many ACTUAL ships are set up to be good for only one thing in particular, while novelty ships like this seem to have all the flexibility. Should be the other way around.
Also, I hate this conversation about older ships. IMO, the Miranda, Excelsior, and Constitutions have no logical business even being in this game. They are 100 frigging years old! Do we still have the same naval vessels we did in WW I? NO.
The galaxy, Ambassador, and even all the First Contact ships should be backup fleet right now, even after refits.
I know all the reasoning for them being in-game, because most have no imagination and have to play as a Kirk or Picard clone instead of making their own character with their own story in a CURRENT ship. End of rant.
there are actually a few examples of 100 year old ships still in service...most of the time though they underwent massive refits and don't even look like it anymore, but to some extend they are 100 years old.
since in space there won't be any deterioration of any kind to the material, it is very much possible to have century old ships.
As long as it is subject to regular refits and maintenance there is virtualy nothing holding a spaceship back from staying in service for centurys.
ship performance and boff layout is a gameplay issue and has nothing to do with the question if a ship could be still in service after more than 100 years within the boundrys of the franchise.
also the descriptions often state that some of the old ships are replicas with cutting edge technology inside.
I run the Risian Cruiser on my Romulan/Klingon Engineer. Neither the Romulans nor the Klingons have a cruiser with all 4 cruiser powers. This lets me run it as a dedicated Tank ship. After driving the Oddy as my main Fed tank, the Risian Cruiser is so nimble in comparison.
there are actually a few examples of 100 year old ships still in service...most of the time though they underwent massive refits and don't even look like it anymore, but to some extend they are 100 years old.
since in space there won't be any deterioration of any kind to the material, it is very much possible to have century old ships.
As long as it is subject to regular refits and maintenance there is virtualy nothing holding a spaceship back from staying in service for centurys.
ship performance and boff layout is a gameplay issue and has nothing to do with the question if a ship could be still in service after more than 100 years within the boundrys of the franchise.
also the descriptions often state that some of the old ships are replicas with cutting edge technology inside.
Klingon B'Rels existed since Kirk's time, and they were among the most common and effective weapons the Empire had for the Dominion War. K'T'Ingas were still serving. Of all the ship types General Martok could have chosen to plant his Flag on, he chose a simple B'Rel to lead the Klingon forces with. Not a Vor'Cha, not a Negh'Var, not a K'Vort, or whatever. A B'Rel.
Mirandas still served during the same war and were about as old as the B'Rels and K'Tingas. Small frigate styled ships are still required in any navy, because no navy is fully composed of the biggest most expensive ships in large numbers.
The Excelsior capably served into the same war. The USS Lakota even tangled with the USS Defiant in a botched coup attempt. Both had the means to blow the other out of space but were hesitant to do so. Not bad for an old ship "dancing" with one of Starfleet's newest ships specifically built to battle the Borg.
Before the Dominion war, we only see those vessels serving as couriers and minor functionaries. And once the war started, they were no more than cannon fodder.
The Lakota WAS upgraded, but go back and check the dialogue. Defiant could hit wayyy harder and absorb more, they were just surprised an Excelsior had been retrofitted. Their surprise proves my point to a degree.
Just because there is no atmosphere or drag in space does not mean parts cannot fail over time. Regardless, anyone with a brain can tell you that one can only upgrade a platform so many times. Why do you think the Enterprise gets bigger with each new ship?
Go back to Star Trek III. Starfleet obviously thought a 20+ year platform was old enough to retire, even if it was the most successful ship they had ever fielded. Why? Because they were building on the Excelsior model.
And that "replica stuffed with tech" is absolute garbage made up by Cryptic so you don't feel awkward flying a tired old ship because you just don't have the imagination to adapt to new things.
Plus, since most of us hated the STO designs right out of the gate, they saw quick money in providing you with your same tired material and made it compatible with more modern stuff so you wouldn't WHINE about your Excelsior getting its tail handed to it by an Odyssey.
As for the BOP, it is a beginner's ship in the game. So is the Ktinga to a degree. The later BOPs are newer models.
Plus Klingons hang on to old ships. In a society where almost everyone dreams of glory in battle, I'm sure there aren't enough ships to keep up with recruiting.
I don't blame Cryptic for playimg to the users for some cash, I blame the user base for wanting nothing more than the same tired junk so they can play Captain Kirk instead of doing something original.
Anyway, apologies to the OP for knocking the thread off track. The yacht is cool, but not for a Fed officer, and it should not be able to hold its own with a ship of the line.
Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
You're ignoring the canon fact that both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire held on and used older designs. You're ignoring the canon fact that older classes served alongside their replacements. You're also ignoring the canon fact that they did upgrade their equipment as they could.
If Starfleet could not be bothered to upgrade their equipment on older ships, please explain why the Mirandas fighting in the Dominion War did not shoot the same pulsing, cannon-like fire as in The Wrath of Khan.
And if the B'Rels were so obsolete, Martok planted his Command Flag on a simple B'Rel. Not a Vor'Cha, not a Negh'Var, not some other newer, bigger, fancier ship. A B'Rel. As the commanding general of all Klingon forces for the front against the Dominion, he could place his Command Flag anywhere. But he chose a B'Rel.
And don't talk about what's fodder. Anything is considered fodder when the plot calls for it.
Even a ship called Enterprise.
Even a mighty Galaxy-class.
Even the USS Defiant.
If the storyboard calls for explosions and your number is up, guess what's going to happen?
Sigh. My only complaint is that so many ACTUAL ships are set up to be good for only one thing in particular, while novelty ships like this seem to have all the flexibility. Should be the other way around.
Also, I hate this conversation about older ships. IMO, the Miranda, Excelsior, and Constitutions have no logical business even being in this game. They are 100 frigging years old! Do we still have the same naval vessels we did in WW I? NO.
The galaxy, Ambassador, and even all the First Contact ships should be backup fleet right now, even after refits.
I know all the reasoning for them being in-game, because most have no imagination and have to play as a Kirk or Picard clone instead of making their own character with their own story in a CURRENT ship. End of rant.
I... don't really agree. First off, there aren't that many clones around. There's no T5 Constitution for people to "be Kirk" in, and the Galaxy is universally derided and easily the least popular Starfleet cruiser. Yes, they could use all-new designs, but why bother with the Star Trek license then? I'm not being unoriginal just because I like the Nova-class and want to fly it. Besides, most people show plenty of creativity making kitbashed ships.
Your point about the old ships is valid, but I'm fine with just having them as T1s. I really hate that Geko used up his brownie points to get his fan favorite Excelsior in as a max-level ship, but I'm biased because I think that's an ugly design in general. I would have preferred them allowing a T5 Vesper/Excalibur with the Constitution skin locked out.
Your first point about the Luxury Cruiser being better than a bunch of other "real" cruisers I couldn't agree with more. I'm heavily in favor of just splitting BOff set-up and skins completely, and letting people pick what they want for any ship - within reason, at least; cruisers would still pick from Eng-heavy sets, etc, and special ships might have fixed ones. I think that'd spice things up, variety-wise, though.
Not sure I agree poo with the sovvy and galaxy being on par. Remember, when the Galaxy was built and they were bragging it would last 100 years, that was before the Yamato blew up, the Enterprise was destroyed by a century old BOP, and the Odyssey was ripped apart by the Dominion. The Galaxies also seemed to take a beating in the Dominion War, too.
And when the galaxy was launched, the Romulans had not been heard from in decades, klingons were allies, and they had just beaten the Cardassians in a war. It was underpowered and over bulky because just like in the real world, wishful thinking overcame their judgement.
The D got outclassed by most ships it encountered on TNG.
The Sovereign is sleeker, faster, and can take and deal damage better than the Galaxy. There are not all the civilians on board, instead, it's just hard-core Starfleet.
Truthfully, I'd very much doubt even the Galaxy would be very useful in the 25th Century.
Nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog - except maybe a good brawl...
Not sure I agree poo with the sovvy and galaxy being on par. Remember, when the Galaxy was built and they were bragging it would last 100 years, that was before the Yamato blew up, the Enterprise was destroyed by a century old BOP, and the Odyssey was ripped apart by the Dominion. The Galaxies also seemed to take a beating in the Dominion War, too.
And when the galaxy was launched, the Romulans had not been heard from in decades, klingons were allies, and they had just beaten the Cardassians in a war. It was underpowered and over bulky because just like in the real world, wishful thinking overcame their judgement.
The D got outclassed by most ships it encountered on TNG.
The Sovereign is sleeker, faster, and can take and deal damage better than the Galaxy. There are not all the civilians on board, instead, it's just hard-core Starfleet.
Truthfully, I'd very much doubt even the Galaxy would be very useful in the 25th Century.
With the argument about the galaxy you seem to have forgotten that in both cases there was plot hand waving. First off with the Yamato getting destroyed was because of a Iconian Virus not a Flawed or inferior ship design and it infected the Enterprise and Subcommander Taris' D'deridex Warbird, and almost destroyed both.
Second the Enterprise getting Destroyed was lazy script writing, and was mainly to make way for a new enterprise. it happened because the Duras Sisters TRIBBLE in to Geordi's visor and watched the shield frequency and modulated their weapons to match. Terrible writing aside even if you're in a odyssey a scimitar or a bortasqu, if someone matches their weapons frequency to your shield frequency, ye be in for a world of pain.
I love how the conversation devolved from being about the Luxury Cruiser, and became another argument about the Enterprise D.
Whether you agree with what an "Exploration Cruiser" should or shouldn't be, It was designed by Starfleet engineers to go where no one had gone before, tough and able to explore, which in and of itself doesn't make any money. A Luxury Cruise ship should outgun it since rich people ride them and would be targets for pirates. It makes total sense for the Luxury Cruiser to be more combat ready than an Exploration Cruiser. The Exploration Cruiser finds the new civilizations, the Luxury Cruiser brings in the Diplomats who are far more important than some lousy scientists and engineers charting star systems!
The Galaxy is fantastic at doing it's job. The problem is it's job does not exist in this game.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Sigh. My only complaint is that so many ACTUAL ships are set up to be good for only one thing in particular, while novelty ships like this seem to have all the flexibility. Should be the other way around.
Also, I hate this conversation about older ships. IMO, the Miranda, Excelsior, and Constitutions have no logical business even being in this game. They are 100 frigging years old! Do we still have the same naval vessels we did in WW I? NO.
The galaxy, Ambassador, and even all the First Contact ships should be backup fleet right now, even after refits.
I know all the reasoning for them being in-game, because most have no imagination and have to play as a Kirk or Picard clone instead of making their own character with their own story in a CURRENT ship. End of rant.
Don't forget the old D-7, and BOP being some pretty old ships themselves.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
I equipped my Assimilated Borg set and my Romulan Weapon set on it. Does pretty darn good. It has become my favorite ship with that setup. If only there was a way to turn off the sails in Sector Space, I would be a happy camper.
Because the current staff is utterly incompetent.
It's fast enough to use a DBB up front and then broadside as you pass.
Why that? Because they're unable to keep a 50 year old ship class on par with the latest and technologically much more advanced ships?
I took it for a test drive. performance is somewhere between a Regent and an Excelsior
*looks at close to 150+ year old excelsior and dons Vulcan ears* Your argument is illogical and therefore invalid. :P
Fleet Ambassador class would like a word with you :P
Also, I hate this conversation about older ships. IMO, the Miranda, Excelsior, and Constitutions have no logical business even being in this game. They are 100 frigging years old! Do we still have the same naval vessels we did in WW I? NO.
The galaxy, Ambassador, and even all the First Contact ships should be backup fleet right now, even after refits.
I know all the reasoning for them being in-game, because most have no imagination and have to play as a Kirk or Picard clone instead of making their own character with their own story in a CURRENT ship. End of rant.
there are actually a few examples of 100 year old ships still in service...most of the time though they underwent massive refits and don't even look like it anymore, but to some extend they are 100 years old.
since in space there won't be any deterioration of any kind to the material, it is very much possible to have century old ships.
As long as it is subject to regular refits and maintenance there is virtualy nothing holding a spaceship back from staying in service for centurys.
ship performance and boff layout is a gameplay issue and has nothing to do with the question if a ship could be still in service after more than 100 years within the boundrys of the franchise.
also the descriptions often state that some of the old ships are replicas with cutting edge technology inside.
Klingon B'Rels existed since Kirk's time, and they were among the most common and effective weapons the Empire had for the Dominion War. K'T'Ingas were still serving. Of all the ship types General Martok could have chosen to plant his Flag on, he chose a simple B'Rel to lead the Klingon forces with. Not a Vor'Cha, not a Negh'Var, not a K'Vort, or whatever. A B'Rel.
Mirandas still served during the same war and were about as old as the B'Rels and K'Tingas. Small frigate styled ships are still required in any navy, because no navy is fully composed of the biggest most expensive ships in large numbers.
The Excelsior capably served into the same war. The USS Lakota even tangled with the USS Defiant in a botched coup attempt. Both had the means to blow the other out of space but were hesitant to do so. Not bad for an old ship "dancing" with one of Starfleet's newest ships specifically built to battle the Borg.
The Lakota WAS upgraded, but go back and check the dialogue. Defiant could hit wayyy harder and absorb more, they were just surprised an Excelsior had been retrofitted. Their surprise proves my point to a degree.
Just because there is no atmosphere or drag in space does not mean parts cannot fail over time. Regardless, anyone with a brain can tell you that one can only upgrade a platform so many times. Why do you think the Enterprise gets bigger with each new ship?
Go back to Star Trek III. Starfleet obviously thought a 20+ year platform was old enough to retire, even if it was the most successful ship they had ever fielded. Why? Because they were building on the Excelsior model.
And that "replica stuffed with tech" is absolute garbage made up by Cryptic so you don't feel awkward flying a tired old ship because you just don't have the imagination to adapt to new things.
Plus, since most of us hated the STO designs right out of the gate, they saw quick money in providing you with your same tired material and made it compatible with more modern stuff so you wouldn't WHINE about your Excelsior getting its tail handed to it by an Odyssey.
As for the BOP, it is a beginner's ship in the game. So is the Ktinga to a degree. The later BOPs are newer models.
Plus Klingons hang on to old ships. In a society where almost everyone dreams of glory in battle, I'm sure there aren't enough ships to keep up with recruiting.
I don't blame Cryptic for playimg to the users for some cash, I blame the user base for wanting nothing more than the same tired junk so they can play Captain Kirk instead of doing something original.
Anyway, apologies to the OP for knocking the thread off track. The yacht is cool, but not for a Fed officer, and it should not be able to hold its own with a ship of the line.
If Starfleet could not be bothered to upgrade their equipment on older ships, please explain why the Mirandas fighting in the Dominion War did not shoot the same pulsing, cannon-like fire as in The Wrath of Khan.
And if the B'Rels were so obsolete, Martok planted his Command Flag on a simple B'Rel. Not a Vor'Cha, not a Negh'Var, not some other newer, bigger, fancier ship. A B'Rel. As the commanding general of all Klingon forces for the front against the Dominion, he could place his Command Flag anywhere. But he chose a B'Rel.
And don't talk about what's fodder. Anything is considered fodder when the plot calls for it.
Even a ship called Enterprise.
Even a mighty Galaxy-class.
Even the USS Defiant.
If the storyboard calls for explosions and your number is up, guess what's going to happen?
I... don't really agree. First off, there aren't that many clones around. There's no T5 Constitution for people to "be Kirk" in, and the Galaxy is universally derided and easily the least popular Starfleet cruiser. Yes, they could use all-new designs, but why bother with the Star Trek license then? I'm not being unoriginal just because I like the Nova-class and want to fly it. Besides, most people show plenty of creativity making kitbashed ships.
Your point about the old ships is valid, but I'm fine with just having them as T1s. I really hate that Geko used up his brownie points to get his fan favorite Excelsior in as a max-level ship, but I'm biased because I think that's an ugly design in general. I would have preferred them allowing a T5 Vesper/Excalibur with the Constitution skin locked out.
Your first point about the Luxury Cruiser being better than a bunch of other "real" cruisers I couldn't agree with more. I'm heavily in favor of just splitting BOff set-up and skins completely, and letting people pick what they want for any ship - within reason, at least; cruisers would still pick from Eng-heavy sets, etc, and special ships might have fixed ones. I think that'd spice things up, variety-wise, though.
And when the galaxy was launched, the Romulans had not been heard from in decades, klingons were allies, and they had just beaten the Cardassians in a war. It was underpowered and over bulky because just like in the real world, wishful thinking overcame their judgement.
The D got outclassed by most ships it encountered on TNG.
The Sovereign is sleeker, faster, and can take and deal damage better than the Galaxy. There are not all the civilians on board, instead, it's just hard-core Starfleet.
Truthfully, I'd very much doubt even the Galaxy would be very useful in the 25th Century.
With the argument about the galaxy you seem to have forgotten that in both cases there was plot hand waving. First off with the Yamato getting destroyed was because of a Iconian Virus not a Flawed or inferior ship design and it infected the Enterprise and Subcommander Taris' D'deridex Warbird, and almost destroyed both.
Second the Enterprise getting Destroyed was lazy script writing, and was mainly to make way for a new enterprise. it happened because the Duras Sisters TRIBBLE in to Geordi's visor and watched the shield frequency and modulated their weapons to match. Terrible writing aside even if you're in a odyssey a scimitar or a bortasqu, if someone matches their weapons frequency to your shield frequency, ye be in for a world of pain.
Lastly the galaxy beat the TRIBBLE out of a bunch of Dominion ships and took quite a beating while still staying in one piece.
Whether you agree with what an "Exploration Cruiser" should or shouldn't be, It was designed by Starfleet engineers to go where no one had gone before, tough and able to explore, which in and of itself doesn't make any money. A Luxury Cruise ship should outgun it since rich people ride them and would be targets for pirates. It makes total sense for the Luxury Cruiser to be more combat ready than an Exploration Cruiser. The Exploration Cruiser finds the new civilizations, the Luxury Cruiser brings in the Diplomats who are far more important than some lousy scientists and engineers charting star systems!
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Don't forget the old D-7, and BOP being some pretty old ships themselves.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!