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Korath or Dyson Science Destroyers?

staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Klingon Discussion
I'm just levelling up a Klingon-Borg Scientist alt for general use, including potentially PVP - my old Gorn Sci is a bit too limited in his Varanus but I haven't the heart to pull him out of it.

For a more "pure" Klingon Science Warrior, the obvious ship choices are the Dyson Science Destroyers or the Korath TSV. I am lucky enough to have got the 3-ship pack and a boxed Korath in the bank, but it's tempting to sell and re-sink the EC. Unfortunately as this is a new alt, I don't have the anniversary Dyson destroyer with the deflector and warp core. I've got the lobi / zen to buy either the anniversary destroyer *or* the Temporal Warfare sets but not, realistically, both.

(BTW - all of this is from grinding dil and EC on my alts, I haven't spent a penny on the game since Aug 2012... so just spending more money is not an option :) ).

So a few questions:

- Which is better overall? The Korath is more flexible and faster, but the DSDs are better armed.

- Would the anniversary DSD be worth getting from the Lobi store - does the deflector and warp core make a lot of real difference?

- If I go with the Korath, is it worth spending 600 lobi on the Temporal Warfare set?

Any advice would be much appreciated. I've had a look at the very similar Wells vs Fed Sci Destroyer thread, but the KDF one is significantly different thanks to the cloak...
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  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    IMO the dyson ships are annoying, ugly, and not very useful. The entire gimmick of "switch modes" simply hobbles you compared to a normal ship. That said, the Korath doesn't look terrible to me. I've eyed it myself a few times.

    Depending on how much you have to spend, though, I might suggest the mirror Negh. Not too many sci banks, but a solid battlecruiser and you can run GW1 and TR1 or whatever other combo you like.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    I'm just levelling up a Klingon-Borg Scientist alt for general use, including potentially PVP - my old Gorn Sci is a bit too limited in his Varanus but I haven't the heart to pull him out of it.

    For a more "pure" Klingon Science Warrior, the obvious ship choices are the Dyson Science Destroyers or the Korath TSV. I am lucky enough to have got the 3-ship pack and a boxed Korath in the bank, but it's tempting to sell and re-sink the EC. Unfortunately as this is a new alt, I don't have the anniversary Dyson destroyer with the deflector and warp core. I've got the lobi / zen to buy either the anniversary destroyer *or* the Temporal Warfare sets but not, realistically, both.

    (BTW - all of this is from grinding dil and EC on my alts, I haven't spent a penny on the game since Aug 2012... so just spending more money is not an option :) ).

    So a few questions:

    - Which is better overall? The Korath is more flexible and faster, but the DSDs are better armed.

    - Would the anniversary DSD be worth getting from the Lobi store - does the deflector and warp core make a lot of real difference?

    - If I go with the Korath, is it worth spending 600 lobi on the Temporal Warfare set?

    Any advice would be much appreciated. I've had a look at the very similar Wells vs Fed Sci Destroyer thread, but the KDF one is significantly different thanks to the cloak...

    From what I have read, the lobi store DSD gives you this Secondary Deflector, not the shield transfer deflector.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    From what I have read, the lobi store DSD gives you this Secondary Deflector, not the shield transfer deflector.

    wrong, that is the secondary deflector that was on the C-Store Dyson ships, the Lobi Stores DSD has something called the Solanae Secondary Deflector

    the lobi DSD is also the only way to get this Warp core

    I have a science rommy who runs the C-store set with the Anniversary ship.... It runs both of the 4 peice sets, and i have fun with it. GW3's are nasty with it, I also specifically picked up a couple of the BO powers that the Solanae deflector boosts.

    so yes, if you plan on needing a descent aux for science abilities, it might be worth to pick it up for the warp core and deflector, as extra shield heals are nice, even if they arent that big, its adding onto whatever the skills normal powers are.

    As for the Temporal Warefare set, it's decent, i run a mobius temporal destroyer on my fed tac and it has the temporal warefare set, so long as you are specced for ap weapons, it's pretty good, and if i recall, only temporal ships can get the most out of its 3 piece set bonus
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Korath FTW. All the way! :D

    Seriously - it looks better (well hard to find anything that doesn't look better than the DSD with their plastic looks and white hull on Klingon ship? Yuk!), it preforms better (at least in my experience, I found the DSD to be a complete suckfest for my playstyle) and it's soo very Klingon (well except a cloaking device ofcourse).

    And if you're thinking wasting 600 Lobi just to get the Anniversary DSD - don't, just don't. You'll waste lobi for nothing. Nothing special there. If the devs were not flat out lying, and I don't think they were on this one, then all science ships will be getting various secondary deflectors soon, maybe even tied in new sets. So flushing 600 lobi for that just seems redunadnt to me.

    I can't tell you much about the Temporal Set since I don't own it, but hopefully other players will jump in and explain more.

    Anyway, and this is ofcourse my personal opinion, if I had to choose between these 2 - it would be a no-brainer for me. I'd pick the Korath for sure. Heck, I'd pick 90% of the science ships in game before the DSD.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tenkari wrote: »
    wrong, that is the secondary deflector that was on the C-Store Dyson ships, the Lobi Stores DSD has something called the Solanae Secondary Deflector

    the lobi DSD is also the only way to get this Warp core

    I have a science rommy who runs the C-store set with the Anniversary ship.... It runs both of the 4 peice sets, and i have fun with it. GW3's are nasty with it, I also specifically picked up a couple of the BO powers that the Solanae deflector boosts.

    so yes, if you plan on needing a descent aux for science abilities, it might be worth to pick it up for the warp core and deflector, as extra shield heals are nice, even if they arent that big, its adding onto whatever the skills normal powers are.

    As for the Temporal Warefare set, it's decent, i run a mobius temporal destroyer on my fed tac and it has the temporal warefare set, so long as you are specced for ap weapons, it's pretty good, and if i recall, only temporal ships can get the most out of its 3 piece set bonus

    I stand corrected!
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I bought the DSD's and I also have the Korath. I tried the Sci DSD with the 5 Sci Consoles and it was great... except for the fact that my eyes were bleeding from the sheer ugliness and the fact that I felt really slow compared to the Korath

    Korath for me is the one to go to, simply because it looks better for a start, it has better turn rate (and is therefore more maneuverable) so I can point most of my Science powers a lot easier and its a lot more versitile and durable. Instead of being locked to a Cmdr Sci/Lt. Cmdr Tac all the time on my DSD (never used Tac mode), I can switch it out for a much more interesting and more well-equipped layout
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  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's not very Klingon looking, but check out the Palisade (though everything is kinda Klingon looking with the KHG shield).
  • torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    DSDs are not at all *true* science ships; they are destroyers, designed to both damage and support. That being said, I've found that they work far better in a Tactical role then anything else, and thats exclusively for PvE. Don't get me wrong, they are nice ships, but not really anything I'd call a traditional science ship.

    The Korath is a much better option. Its sleeker, faster, far more versatile, and has a load of potent builds available for it.

    However, I would heavily recommend selling the Korath and picking up the Voth Palisade. Like the guy above me said, the Palisade might not be very Klingon looking, but its the most potent science ship you can get your hands on.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ive said it before but a BOP (I like the fleet norgh) is a better ship than a sci destroyer for a hybrid sci/dps setup. The karfi carrier is probably the best ltcmdr sci blaster if you never want to use a cmdr sci.

    The DSD has merits, but it is very hard to find anything it can do better than a BOP. 4 real weapons (vs the dsd 4th cannon) give the BOP more dps, and you can have all 4 active even with a cmdr sci officer, and even with a cmdr AND ltcmdr sci officer installed. The only thing you can't do is once every *very long cooldown* swap your officers to get a GW3 or whatever in gimmick mode. About the only thing the dsd can do is the ship sci attacks (target system) -- which requires a beam on a cannon boat -- or scan, which is of course very nice.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    The karfi carrier is probably the best ltcmdr sci blaster if you never want to use a cmdr sci.

    The Kar'fi has a full Commander Science, quite fun using GW3 on mine.
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