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Ideas for a good Eng end game ship?

diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Federation Discussion
I'm working on my first Engineering character, and I've not been able to make up my mind on which ship I should get for them when they hit level 50. I'm wanting a cruiser, but for reasons of my own, I don't like giving the same ship to multiple characters (gives more variety between my alts). With that in mind, I already have a character in the Odyssey and the Regent, so are there any other good VA cruisers that complement an Eng character?
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
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  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Fleet Excelsior
    Fleet Avenger
    Adapted BC

    take your pick.

    In fact you aren't even confined to Cruisers. An Eng can still do great in an Escort. Try engy heavy ones like the Fleet Patrol, S'golth or Steamrunner.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'd second the idea of going against type. My tac flies a Fleet Defiant and my eng flies a Fleet Sovereign, but if I could do it all over again I'd do it the other way around. An eng in a Fleet Defiant will still do awesome damage but be way more survivable (one of the Defiant's weaknesses especially with that 3rd tac ensign) while a tac in a cruiser like the Fleet Sovereign will do a lot of damage but also be able to tank the big hits.

    I do something similar with my KDF characters, the tac flies a Fleet Tork'aht while the eng flies a a Fleet Norgh. It works well.

    If you must have a cruiser though, then consider the Excelsior or the Ambassador. The former is a punchy cruiser similar in a lot of ways to the Fleet Sovereign, while the latter is neat if you want to go for more of a team support role.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The fleet dreadnought is also quite good if you are looking for a tanky ship. It has most of the tankiness of the other galaxy class ships with more DPS due to extra tac consoles and hangars.
  • seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In addition to what was mentioned, I would like to add the Fleet Support Cruiser (Ambassador/Yamaguchi class).

    Very versatile ship, decent turn and balanced layout.
    "Let them eat static!"
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well if the MU Negh'var is anything to go by, the MU Heavy Cruiser Retrofit would be fun to use.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Fleet Excelsior


    But I may be biased. Seriously though, heavy Eng seating, best cruiser turn rate, transwarp to everywhere (not literally but basically), Fleet version at T3, not from a lockbox and ... looks beautiful - again, I may be biased there.
  • edited June 2014
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  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    But I may be biased. Seriously though, heavy Eng seating, best cruiser turn rate, transwarp to everywhere (not literally but basically), Fleet version at T3, not from a lockbox and ... looks beautiful - again, I may be biased there.

    It's also locked into a2b. Not that it's a bad thing... But god forbid the nerfhammer comes down.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Honestly, if you don't mind losing a small amount of firepower, I would recommend a galaxy retrofit, or a fleet galaxy. The saucer sep and antimatter dispersal bonus plus its base hull stat makes for a bell of a tank, and if you build it up right, you'll even gain a bit of turn rate and firepower. Me, I use the solonae dyeon set with the metaphasic shields, and its a beast. But it takes time and patience.
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Honestly, if you don't mind losing a small amount of firepower, I would recommend a galaxy retrofit, or a fleet galaxy. The saucer sep and antimatter dispersal bonus plus its base hull stat makes for a bell of a tank, and if you build it up right, you'll even gain a bit of turn rate and firepower. Me, I use the solonae dyeon set with the metaphasic shields, and its a beast. But it takes time and patience.

    It's a farce. Two tac slots. Short one even with a2b. Cryptic hates Galaxy.:P
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If you don't mind somewhat off-looking ships you could give the risian cruiser a chance. It's a decent ship despite it's looks and thanks to it's universal Boff slot it allows a bit more freedom in terms of boff layouts.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I was actually going to ask what people thought about the Galaxy. I've never really bothered to check it out because I usually create a new character with a specific end game ship in mind, but this time I fancied trying something new. I know the Fleet Excelsior is very good, I actually flew it for a while on my main before I gave him the Odyssey.

    The Eng character in question is a Vulcan, so I was also vaguely checking out the D'Kyr. Interesting that someone earlier said Eng in a Science Vessel was a good fit. How effective is the D'Kyr in that role? The only other Science Vessel I have is a Sci character in a Wells class.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    diotw wrote: »
    I was actually going to ask what people thought about the Galaxy.

    Ssshh, don't mention the G-word. :eek:

    After the closure of the old enormous thread things got a little bit out of control in the forums. Almost every thread about this ship-line turned into a massive ****storm and was closed on the same day.
    Lets cut it short and say: there are better cruisers out there.

    As for the D'Kyr, it falls behind all the "newer" sience vessles like fleet-ships and the Vesta.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Best endgame engineering vessel?

    That's easy.

    The Fleet Excelsior.

    I run one on one of my engineers. It was the best five bucks I ever spent (fleet module).
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    noblet wrote: »
    It's a farce. Two tac slots. Short one even with a2b. Cryptic hates Galaxy.:P

    I disagree. I do quite well in it. Then again, I'm not out to do the most ridiculous amount of damage possible. I prefer to outlast everyone else by tanking through and doing some moderate damage.

    To the OP; its true that the Galaxy is shunned by basically everyone, but that's because they don't give anything a chance unless it has a minimum of 1 ltcomm tactical station and 3 tactical console slots. Its also true that Sci ships can tank rather well with an eng captain, mostly due to having more sci console slots and therefore the ability to raise shield capacity/regen far more than any other ship type, plus the engi abilities to boost power levels, self heal, and harden shields. But an eng ship can resist damage outright even with low shields because of its extra eng console slots. These let you resist specific damage types, rather than just boosting shields and trying to shield tank. A good ship to try in this case may be a sci or eng odyssey, since it will have at least 3 of each of these 2 console types, and a rather high base hull, though it still falls short of the 44k on the fleet galaxy.
  • yargomeshyargomesh Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    noblet wrote: »
    It's also locked into a2b. Not that it's a bad thing... But god forbid the nerfhammer comes down.

    Does perfectly fine without aux2batt.

    It is however light on the science so it's somewhat selfish since it's hard to fit more other-heals than hazard emitters and eng team on it.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Engineer has no inherent damage buff (tac), or enemy debuff (sci), and has to rely on boosting weapon power to boost damage. The primary mechanism for this is the EPS Manifold Efficiency profession trait, which requires you to cycle an engineering BOFF EPtX ability every ~16 seconds for constant uptime. In order to do that, you need to have a ship that can run them full time, which means either 2 free engi stations with 3 VR DCE DOFFs, or 4 engi stations that let you cycle 2 separate EPtX abilities manually. That is in addition to whatever other engi BOFF abilities you feel are needed.

    The other thing engi captains bring is Miracle Worker and Rotate Shield Frequeuncy, which frees you from having to use as many engi stations for hull and shield abilities.

    Some BOFF abiliites will boost damage directly, esp Emergency Power to Weapons and Attack Pattern Omega, so you are best off with a ship that can run EPtW3 and APO. Any other attributes you can think of that will boost damage directly, are going to be more helpful to you than low-level repairs, so things like ~more tactical consoles will be more helpful than ~more low-level engineering stations (although you still need them for cycling EPtX).

    For a Fed faction ship, the best engi cruiser (which you specifically asked for) is probably the Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit, since it can cycle EPtW3 and something else like EPtS2, can hit APO1 often, and has decent tactical console layout.

    Personally my engi uses escorts that have the option of 2+2 engi or better (usually an engi lt and a uni lt or ltc). Things like the Breen Plesh Brek from winter giveaway can be really awesome with engi, since it has enough flexibility to run 2x Aux-to-Damp, EPtW3, EPtS1, and ET1, APO3, and has 5 tac consoles. The Risian Corvette can also be run in a similar setup. They are both kind of fragile but can be very hard to kill with MW/RSF. Also the new Fleet Patrol Escort Refit can be even more OP when setup correctly.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I have just got the fleet excel n im loving it good dps nice base tturn rate n ulike a tac having 3 ensign slots is not a waste of space. I dont even atb dont see the point the nerf hammer will happen sooner or later.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Looking at some other non obvious choices, what's the Vesta like? Anyone who has one feel like giving some feedback?
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • mikeownz1337mikeownz1337 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Why not give the Recluse a shot. I put a Recluse on my engy and it's so versatile I easily switch between roles with the uni cmd slot. I can either be one of the best healers or put out a lot of damage while boosting the damage of my entire team while tanking anything in PVE content.
  • arkatdtarkatdt Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Fleet Avenger

    I am an Engineer also and really like the Fleet Avenger.
  • whatinblueblazeswhatinblueblazes Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    diotw wrote: »
    Looking at some other non obvious choices, what's the Vesta like? Anyone who has one feel like giving some feedback?

    I tried the Vesta on my Engineer, and I wasn't thrilled with it. Don't get me wrong, the Vesta is a fine ship! I personally prefer it on a Tactical or Science character, though.

    As ursusmorologus rightly points out, an Engineer's space specialty relies on power management and power drain mitigation to improve performance. In my opinion, the Vesta doesn't benefit as much from that as it does from increased damage output (attack pattern alpha, go down fighting, etc for the aux cannons) or from buff stripping and debuffing (subnucleonic beam, sensor scan, etc).

    I suppose you could make that argument for virtually any ship, but my use of the Vesta as a drainer/debuffer meant that it always had an abundance of power. Furthermore, the use of the aux cannons made weapon power considerably less important than it is on other ships. I rarely had occasion to use the engineer's power manipulation abilities, so I felt like it was kind of a waste to use it on the engineer.

    Just my two cents.
  • ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    diotw wrote: »
    I was actually going to ask what people thought about the Galaxy.

    If you want to tank, the Galaxy variants are exceptionally suited for it. Unfortunately, you are sacrificing damage for that tanking. For most players, it's far too much of a sacrifice. However, if you want to support your teammates by drawing aggro and taking the damage that could be going their way in PvE missions, if you can get your DPS and threat up enough, the galaxy ships are great for that role. Because the Fleet Galaxy only has 2 tac console slots, I recommend romulan plasma beam arrays and as many threat increase science consoles that also boost plasma damage as you can obtain. If your teammates have threat decrease consoles, it should tip things in your favor to be able to get aggro and hold it. If, however, someone is doing twice your DPS, even with threat decrease consoles in use, it often becomes impossible to get and hold aggro and you are reduced to healer instead of tank.
    If you get the the fleet dreadnought, because of the extra tac consoles, it can do enough DPS to get and hold aggo if you aren't running with the folks who's build destroy stuff in the blink of an eye. I average around 17k DPS running a fleet galaxy dread in ISE, and it's able to hold aggro when my teammates are doing as much as 25k DPS. I've kitted out for threat increase, as well as 3 points in threat skill, though.
    It fits a very particular play style well under the right situations. When pugging an STF, you'll probably be the unsung hero most of the time in a well kitted out Galaxy variant ship since so many folks still do middling DPS with poorly setup ships. When running with a group that knows how to build their ships, you might be healing them more than yourself.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    What about the Fleet Assault Cruiser? For me it its the best cruiser in the whole game.
    You say you have already a Character thats flying the Regent but this is your first engineer?
    I would say give the engineer the Fleet Assault together with the Regent skin and buy a different ship for the charaacter thats flying the Regent now. Vesta or maybe a cruiser with more science Abilities like the Fleet Support Cruiser for Science and Escorts for Tac Officers (New Fleet Patrol Escort or Fleet heavy Escort Carrier).
  • edited June 2014
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