Players who had some Pearls leftover from last year might already have one, so let's start showing your most colorful, tasteless or well done creations. The customization options are again wonderfully abundant.
Hint: The color of your engine trail also affects the pattern of your big window! I like the "pink" glass pattern the most, I also like "teal" engines but those create a not so pretty pattern on the glass.
Taskforce 47 Falkenwacht (Federation) / Greifenreiter (KDF)
(at) deianirrah
Free Gear and where to get it
It would be, I would also loooove this, but it's not going to happen. :mad:
I'm not an RP nut, but I really don't like all of the non-faction ships flying around.
Are you trying to say that that huge open glass area is NOT part of the ships interior?? LAME!:(
Will save my pearls for next year.
Mine Trap Supporter
No unique bridge, which is a huge missed opportunity.
The ship itself flies like a light cruiser.
Not too squishy and reasonable damage output.
Having said all that, it took a while for me to appreciate the corvette as the uniquely fun escort it is.
I look forward to exploring the cruise liners abilities.
I've been very impressed with the performance of this ship, even for a 5 ENG Console cruiser, it's a ship that wants to be a KDF Battlecruiser (moves like one) but the BOFF layout is classic Fed TAC Cruiser. No dual / dual heavy cannons, but it performs well.
If you have the 2 pieces for the Risian set, using it in conjunction with DOFF'ed TBR1, EWP, and a high Particle Generators Skill build is quite nice for CC & Damage at the same time.
Awesome first pic! Maybe you should submit it to the screenshot contest, it's very nice. Might require a higher res image with /renderscale 2 though.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
Can't get any other reason to have russian text on risan system panels =P
Time will only tell!
In other words. it's worth the grind.
here is a screenshot with the undine space gear
and how it looks with breen shields
Look reeeeel close...
Thats Katla@hawkhawkins in a pink bikini and a surfer BOTH enjoying the joys of a beach on a ship at the same time.
Wave your hands!
I dont see anything at all. Dude, we all know that allowing your crew to dance in a virtually new fancy ship interior will be awesome, but that will be too good to be true and you know, things so "good" are not a cryptic priority xD. And honestly having a fake ship interior like "that" is almost embarrasing. One of the reasons i will never get that stupid cruiser lol. It is not only ugly as hell, but a waste of imagination. A lot of things could be done with that cruiser, but again cryptic just got the easy and fast way to do everything.
But ugly? In MY opinion, the Chimera is sinfully ugly. The T'Liss is ugly. The Fed Dyson, Kar'fi, Ha'apax, the Rom Dreads, the Chel Grett and the Plesh Brek, the Dromias and the Nicor (blech), the Apex and the Hunter... Heck, the Borg CUBE! ...
These are not pretty ships, and I would call them 'ugly' (for ME). And I can come up with reasons why I think they are ugly, what I think are objective, (somewhat) legit reasons in terms of aesthetics and 'objective' standards of attractiveness (as far as they can be 'objective').
But this actually looks somewhat (exactly) like an ocean-going ship adapted to space. It has lines that are traditional. It has superb color options, and detail options, making it supremely customizable. And it really is FREE.
Yes, of course it's kind of silly. And yes, it's probably overpowered for a 'luxury cruise liner'... And yes, I do (dead horse here) wish the Galaxy-D was equipped with exactly this boff layout and turn rate and consoles and EVERY SINGLE THING... :mad:
But I digress...
So while YOU may not like it, and it may be very different than what you're used to, calling it 'ugly' is pretty much unfair, imo. "I'm gonna fly her brains out."
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
I really love the look of the engines, reminds of the old Freelancer video game.